Wright, John R. Mentioned. Page. 80,81 Wright, Thomas B. Reports of skirmish at Waynesville, Mo., Sept. 30, 1864. 850 Grand Lake, Grand River, Lake Fausse Pointe, Bayou Pigeon, and Grand River and Bayou Pigeon, La. Expedition from Napoleonville 749 824 Engagement with Indians on, Nov. 29, 1864, and investigation of 959 237 Scout in, with skirmishes, July 25-Aug. 11, 1864. Report of Abraham H. Ryan........ 131 Skirmish in, Aug. 22, 1864 4 Yellville, Ark. Scout from Springfield, Mo., to. See Huntsville and Yellville, Yoder, Charles W. Mentioned.. Yontz, Major. Mentioned.. Ark. Scout from Springfield, Mo., to, Nov. 11-21, 1864, etc. York Plantation, La. Scout from Vidalia to, Oct. 26-27, 1864. Report of 441 662, 676 |