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attributed to a want of troops, which I am trying to correct by forwarding more force from those I have been using against Price's invasion.

S. R. CURTIS, Major-General, Commanding.

DECEMBER 7, 1864.-Affair at the Moselle Bridge, near Franklin, Mo.

Report of Maj. Charles H. Gregory, Seventh Kansas Cavalry.


Franklin, Mo., December 9, 1864. LIEUTENANT: I would respectfully report that an attempt was made on the night of the 7th instant to burn the Moselle Bridge on the Southwest Branch Pacific Railroad. When discovered by the guard from Company E, Seventh Kansas Cavalry, the incendiary was sitting on the bridge trying to kindle a fire with a brand which he had with him. He was fired on by the guard, six balls passing through him, causing instant death. The man was dressed in rebel uniform and could not be recognized by citizens in the vicinity.

Your obedient servant,


Major Seventh Kansas Veteran Cavalry, Commanding Post.

Lieut. J. C. BRADEN,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

DECEMBER 7-8, 1864. - Expedition from Devall's Bluff to Augusta, Ark. Report of Brig. Gen. Christopher C. Andrews, U. S. Army, commanding Second Division, Seventh Army Corps.


Devall's Bluff, Ark., December 8, 1864-9 р. т. CAPTAIN: Captain Swan, Third Minnesota, who left here yesterday morning for Augusta with 100 men on the Mattie, has returned, having met with no accident or loss. No organized force near Augusta, which place he left at 9 o'clock this morning, having surrounded it before daylight. The force under McDowell, of about 600 men, which was twelve miles above Augusta two weeks ago, has divided to go south. A part went northwest. The rest crossed Cache River. Dobbin with a very few men is east of Cache, and expects to organize on the 15th instant. He has promised the citizens that he will not molest a boat which may be sent up to Augusta to take their cotton. Such are the statements made to Captain Swan by all classes at Augusta. The people say they are in great need of salt and expect suffering, It was reported at Des Arc that Rayborne had a skirmish with Féderal troops day before yesterday on Brownsville and Des Arc road.



Capt. S. E. GRAVES,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Little Rock.

DECEMBER 8, 1864. - Affair at Tuscumbia, Mo. Report of Lieut. Col. Theodore A. Switzler, Sixth Missouri Cavalry, conmanding First Sub-District.

DECEMBER 16, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that on the 8th instant, 9 a. m a party of rebels, some fifty in number, captured Tuscumbia, and dis armed and paroled some twenty-five of Captain Brown's company Enrolled Missouri Militia, stationed there. The rebs were commanded b Capt. W. C. Clark, Missouri Cavalry, C. S. Army. The officers and me dressed in full Federal uniform, had papers and saddles marked Secon Colorado Cavalry, and passed themselves as belonging to that regimem went on south, and nothing further from them. Since I assumed con mand I learn that this party crossed the Missouri River near Roche port and the railroad between Tipton and Syracuse, &c.


Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding First Sub-Military District. Capt. J. H. STEGER.

Assistant Adjutant-General, Warrensburg, Mo.

DECEMBER 10-23, 1864. - Expedition against Indians in Central Arizona with skirmish (15th) on Hassayampa Creek.


No. 1. Capt. Allen L. Anderson, Fifth U. S. Infantry.

No. 2.-Capt. John Thompson, First New Mexico Cavalry.

No. 1.

Report of Capt. Allen L. Anderson, Fifth U. S. Infantry.


Fort Whipple, Ariz. Ter., December 28, 1864. CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that on the 10th instant started from this post on an Indian scout with Capt. J. Thompson and twenty-two enlisted men of Company K, First Cavalry, New Mexico Vol unteers. Messrs. Cooler, Weaver, James, Smith, and Rice, and a Utah Indian, named Dick, volunteered their services as guides and accom panied the command. The command was rationed for fifteen days. The middle trail to the Hassayampa was followed. This leads over the tops of the mountains in a southwest direction from Prescott. The ascent is quite steep. We crossed the summit about seven miles from Prescott and encamped at a spring about half a mile farther on. Found an abundance of wood, water, and grass. Weather clear and cold. December 11, descended the mountain in a southwest direction three miles, and entered a ravine leading to the south. Traveled down the ravine three miles, and then turned southeast over a rolling country for two miles, when we entered a cañada which drains into the Hassay ampa. Descending it four miles, we entered the valley of the Hassay ampa Creek, which we ascended half a mile and encamped near the Tanks. There is no running water in the bed of the creek at this point. Wood scarce. Water standing in the tanks. Grass on the mesas abundant and good. Half a mile above camp the stream issues from a deep cañon, inclosed by the highest peaks of the mountains. In a

direct line from the Tanks to Prescott the mountains are barely passable by a difficult mule trail. The range of hills west of the valley are low. On the east a high range (continuation of the Walker Mountains) stretches from the cañon at the Tanks, gradually receding from the stream as it runs south. December 12, descended the valley ten miles to Walnut Grove (Mr. Weaver's). The valley widens as it descends, and cottonwood and walnut trees abound in this part. The water rises a mile and a half above Mr. Weaver's. It has a volume of about thirty inches. The hills on the eastern side are low, those to the west rise into low mountains. Half a mile below Weaver's the stream enters a shallow cañon. Just below this point McLeod & Co. are working placer diggings, which yield about $1,200 a week. Indian tracks were observed on the way down, and on reaching Mr. Weaver's we were informed that the day before, the Indians having threatened to take Mr. Weaver's corn, the settlers in the neighborhood attacked them, killing 3 and wounding several. Wood, water, and grass abundant. Weather mild and clear.

December 13, the trail leaves the river, passing over the hills to the east and enters the valley again two miles below. We descended the river six miles and camped. The valley is of the same character as above at Weaver's. About a mile below camp the stream enters the Lower or Big Cañon. Rain began to fall in the evening and continued all night. December 14, rained steadily all day. Trail left the creek a mile below camp and crossed a hilly country for nine miles; course southeast. Here we found Indian trails. Here we turned up a ravine draining into the Hassayampa. The ravine is narrow, shallow, and rocky, inclosed by low hills of the same character. We ascended this ravine two miles, and half a mile to the left in a side ravine found water. The rain was very cold, and several of the party were suffering from rheumatism. Spies were sent out in several directions to look for smokes. Two of the parties were successful, and it was determined to attack the two rancherias simultaneously. One village lay about ten miles to the northeast and the other three and a half to the west. Our position was so well hidden by the surrounding hills and our fires were kindled so late that little fear was entertained of their discovering us. We were on the western side of a high ridge of granite hills, running parallel to the Walker Mountains, and about five miles from them. It rained incessantly, and as all the clothing and blankets were saturated, no one slept. December 15, Captain Thompson with twelve enlisted men and two citizens (Mr. Cooler and the Indian, Dick) left camp at 3.30 a. m. I left camp an hour later with eleven men and Messrs. Weaver, Rice, and Smith. A corporal and three men were left in camp. Both parties were on foot. Just at daylight we heard the firing of Captain Thompson's party. About twenty minutes later we attacked the rancheria we had been looking for. There were sèven Indians in the rancheria. Three were killed; a woman and 2 children were captured, and one Indian escaped on all fours into the labyrinth of rocks, leaving a bloody trail behind him. These Indians had no animals nor fire-arms. They are Tonto Apaches. Everything in the camp was burned. Shortly after we reached our camp (10 a. m.) Captain Thompson and party returned. There were fifteen Indians in the rancheria he attacked; eleven were killed, and the remaining four left such quantities of blood on their trails as to show conclusively that they were severely wounded. Captain Thompson's report is forwarded herewith. The command remained in camp during the day. Rain fell at intervals during the day and night.

December 16, returned to the main ravine. Course for six miles over a hilly country to the divide between the Hassayampa and Agua Fria. This is near the southwestern point of the Walker range. In front of us was a depression separating the Walker Mountains from a low range five miles to the south. Between the latter range and the Gila there is a low flat country. During a clear interval the Mazatzal and the Pinal Mountains were visible through the gaps as well as the range between the Agua Fria and the Rio Verde. A deep cañon lay to our left which bore a little to the south. We crossed it, traveling over a rough hilly country in an easterly direction. Camped at an old Indian camp. Numerous quartz ledges were seen near the trail. Many of them could be traced all the way up the side of the mountain. This region gives every indication of being rich in minerals. It has never been explored. Several showers fell during the day. Distance from last camp about fourteen miles. December 17, traveled in the same general course for eighteen miles. Two miles from camp entered a large cañon running south of east. The main range from which it issues where we entered it forms for three miles its northern wall, for which distance its course is east. We nooned in the cañon. After traveling down it three miles we then climbed the left-hand side of the cañon, following the easterly course. Our road lay over rough foot hills of the mountains till within four miles of our evening's camp, when the country opened out. We camped in a shallow cañon with running water, plenty of wood and grass. Saw some Indian tracks three or four days old. No fires were allowed to be lit until night, as our route during the day gave us every chance of reaching camp without being discovered by the Indians. Sent out spies to look for smokes and signs but they were not successful. It rained, sleeted, or snowed almost without intermission during the day, and sleeted or snowed all night. Distance traveled, eighteen miles. December 18, descended the cañon east for three miles, then turned north for three miles over a spur of the mountains and descended into the bed of the Agua Fria. There is no water at this point. A mile farther up the valley we nooned. The valley is from 100 to 200 yards wide, bounded by sandstone hills or mesas, some of the cliffs of which present strangely curved and contorted strata that forms one of the strangest landscape features 1 have seen. It rained all the afternoon. Marched six miles farther up the stream (north) and camped. Total distance twelve miles. Found standing water, plenty of wood and grass. Tried to sleep in wet blankets for the fifth night.

December 19, the sky was clear at sunrise, but rain began to fall at about 8 o'clock and did not cease till 1 p. m. Marched north for about six miles and nooned at an old camp apparently-made by soldiers. A mile above camp left the Agua Fria by a mistake of one of the guides and ascended Black Cañon. This is said to be the shortest route to Woolsey's, but I was anxious to ascend the Agua Fria all the way, in hopes of finding some Indian rancherias there was reason to believe were in that neighborhood. As our animals were too tired and rations too short to allow us to correct the error, it was determined to return to the fort as rapidly as possible. Ten miles from camp we left the cañon, ascending the north bank, and three miles farther on camped in the hills with a little standing water, a scarcity of wood, but an abundance of good grama. The night was clear and cold. December 20, three miles from camp descended into Black Cañon again at the Mexican town. We were in hopes of finding Indians there, but were disappointed. The Mexicans are accused of trading with them. Nooned

at Doctor Willing's camp, two miles above the village and near the east bank of the cañon. Camped without water in an open valley five miles northwest of the doctor's ranch. Fine grass and but little wood. December 21, our course was northwest to-day over a rolling country as far as Dripping Spring, five miles. Here is a steep ascent of some 300 feet. Beyond this to Big Bug the trail is over a hilly but not very rough country. Camped in a ravine about four miles east of the Big Bug. Water in holes; wood and grass plenty.. Ground covered with snow. December 22, route northwest. Crossed the Big Bug Cañada four miles from camp. The trail is a tolerably good one from here to Woolsey's. Traveled through three or four inches of snow. Weather severely cold. December 23, returned to the fort by way of the direct trail. The men of our little command bore the hardships to which they were subjected with commendable patience, and showed praiseworthy alacrity in the performance of their duty. Captain Thompson and his men deserve praise for the discipline thus evinced. I desire to call the attention of the department commander to the valuable services of the citizens who accompanied us. Expeditions at this season of the year are destructive to stock and trying to the men, but I am satisfied that a winter campaign is the surest means of reducing Indians to subjection.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


A. L. ANDERSON, Captain, Fifth U. S. Infantry.

Hdqrs. Department of New Mexico, Santa Fé, N. Mex.

No. 2.

Report of. Capt. John Thompson, First New Mexico Cavalry.

CAMP TONTO, ARIZ. TER., December 17, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report briefly as follows:

In obedience to your order of the 15th instant I left camp at 1 a. m. with ten enlisted men of my company (K), First Cavalry, New Mexico Volunteers, Mr. Cooler and the Ute Indian (Dick) as Indian guides, and marched over the mountains a distance of about ten miles. At daylight in the morning I came in sight of the Indian camp and marched cautiously with my men and the two guides until I came within 300 yards of their camp. I then ordered the men to take off their boots in order to create but as little noise as possible and make a rush for the camp. Every man responded cheerfully, each trying to excel the other to see which would kill the first Indian. The Indians were not alarmed until the very moment the attack commenced, when they showed fight, but it was of very short duration, whereas they were shot down as fast as powder and lead would admit, and every man went into the engagement with a determination. The camp was composed of fifteen Apache warriors, 11 of whom were killed. The other four got away, but were badly wounded. They were trailed by their blood for some distance, but succeeded in getting off. After the engagement was over I destroyed their camp. Mr. Cooler and the Ute boy Dick (Indian guides), deserve much credit for the faithful manner in which they performed their duty and participated in the fight at the time of the engagement, and I would respectfully recommend them both as being faithful Indian guides and brave men. During the fight Private Brandon, of my company, got

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