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December 15, 1864. SIR: I have the honor to report, in addition to my last report, that I rejoined Colonel Chivington's command sixty-five miles below this post on the morning of the 1st instant, having left this post at 11 p. m. the day previous; found him encamped on the bank of the river, where we remained until next day at 2 o'clock, when we learned through passengers on the Larned coach that a band of Indians was only fifteen miles below us. The command immediately broke camp, moved down seventeen miles and encamped at a point where the Indians had been encamped the previous night. Remained in camp until 11 p. m., when scouts brought in reports of Indians fifteen miles below. Broke camp at 2 a. m. of the 3d instant and at daybreak came upon their old camp, which they had evidently left but a few hours previous, as was evidenced by their scattered lodge poles and cooking utensils, which were strewn along their trail for several miles. The Indians could not have been more than five miles in advance of us and were striking toward the head of Pawnee Fork, when we were ordered to return to the Arkansas River, where we lay encamped two days until our transportation came down, and were then ordered to return to Fort Lyon, where my command arrived on the 11th instant. Colonel Chivington passed the 10th instant en route for Denver, Colo. Ter., leaving Colonel Shoup in command. Colonel Shoup with his command passed on the 12th instant en route to Denver, leaving his sick and wounded in the hospital at this post. I am now of the same opinion that I was when reporting on the 25th November. I then thought that it would not be policy to fight these Indians who were suing for peace until there was a force sufficient to penetrate into their stronghold on the Smoky Hill and follow them up until they were completely humbled. I was attempting to keep those in this vicinity quiet until more troops could arrive, although I would not permit them to come within the post. Had fired upon several who had attempted it and had given strict instructions to the guard to permit no Indians to enter the post.

I am of the opinion now that the road and the settlements above us are in worse condition than before the arrival of Colonel Chivington's command. There was a force sufficient at the post to have totally annihilated the band that we attacked on the 29th at Sand Creek, but as I did not consider it policy for the present had delayed. I now regret exceedingly that Colonel Chivington's command could not have pursued the Indians farther. We were not to exceed from two to three days' march from the main hostile Indian camp, and, I think, with a force sufficient to have whipped them. The command must have had seventy wagons for 700 men. The weather fine for this season of the year; the proper time of year for an Indian campaign, and the moon in the right stage for forced night marches across the plains, and the Indians entirely without the knowledge of the increased force. I sincerely regret that so good an opportunity was lost to follow the Indians up. The Indians after they once commenced resisting us at Sand Creek fought with desperation. They evidently expected to be killed, and were resolved to do us all the injury possible before losing their lives. Some of them dug holes or rifle-pits in the sand where they would secrete themselves and fire upon us until they were killed. I saw at one time three Indians charge not less than 150 men. They came within forty yards, firing their revolvers and arrows until they were shot down. One squaw was attempting to escape with her two children when she was shot down, but before she died drew her knife and cut the throats of her children. The Indians did not scalp our killed, but our men must have scalped 100 of theirs. One prisoner (half breed), son of John S. Smith, Indian interpreter, was taken and afterward killed in camp. One other prisoner, Charles Bent (son of Col. William Bent), was taken, and sent to this post, where he is now confined. The massacre was a terrible one and such a one as each of the hostile tribes on the plains richly deserve. I think one such visitation to each hostile tribe would forever put an end to Indian war on the plains, and I regret exceedingly that this punishment could not have fallen upon some other band.

The estimate is variously made at from 200 to 500 Indians killed, 130 lodges destroyed, with all their cooking utensils, and about 650 ponies captured, and about 200 buffalo robes. Of the ponies 407 were turned in to the acting assistant quartermaster at this post and afterward taken by Colonel Shoup to Denver. About 225 were run off from the herd toward New Mexico by some parties with the command, sixty were found seventy miles up the river and returned to Colonel Shoup's command. The buffalo robes were mostly used for our wounded on the field. None of them are, however, in the hospital now. I suppose they were all taken to Denver. I shall look with some anxiety for more troops to arrive, prepared to visit the main camp of the Sioux and Cheyennes. Until that time shall continue to furnish escorts and to protect the trains traveling over the roads until further orders. 1 now have five parties out on scouts or escorts. Indian signs have been seen within twenty-five miles of the post for the last two days. Indians evidently traveling north toward the Smoky Hill or trying to ascertain whether or not it will be prudent for them to molest the road for the present. They are evidently trying to ascertain the strength of this garrison.

I have the honor to be, sir, with much respect, your obedient servant,

SCOTT J. ANTHONY, Major First Cavalry of Colorado, Commanding Post.

Lieut. J. E. TAPPAN,

Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., Dist. Upper Ark., Fort Riley, Kans.

No. 3.

Report of Lieut. Judson J. Kennedy, First Colorado Cavalry.


Camp South Bend of Big Sandy, November 30, 1864. COLONEL: I have the honor to make the following report of Company C, First Cavalry of Colorado, on an expedition against the Cheyenne Indians:

In pursuance of Special Orders from headquarters District of Colorado, No. 132, of November 13, 1864, I left Camp Wheeler, Colo. Ter., on the 20th of November, 1864, with forty-two men of Company C, First Cavalry of Colorado, en route for Fort Lyon, Colo. Ter., a distance of 240 miles, at which place I arrived on the 28th of November, 1864. I left Fort Lyon at 8 p. m. the same day with thirty-five men of Company C, under command of First Lieut. Luther Wilson, commanding battalion First Cavalry of Colorado. Made a march of forty miles to south bend of Big Sandy, Colo. Ter., at which place I arrived a little after daybreak on the morning of the 29th, where we

came upon a large village of hostile Cheyenne Indians, numbering from 900 to 1,000, which we immediately attacked, after which a general engagement ensued, which lasted until 3 p. m., and in which the Indians were defeated and nearly annihilated, after which we returned to the Indian village, which we helped to destroy, and then went into camp. I had 1 private (Oliver Pierson) mortally wounded (who has since died), 2 privates (August Mettge and John B. Calhoun) severely wounded; Sergt. M. H. Linnell, Saddler Elias South, and Privates C. J. Ballou, and William Boyles, slightly wounded. And I would most respectfully acknowledge to the colonel commanding the services rendered by my platoon commanders, Sergts. John C. Turner and М. Н. Liunell; also recommend them for their bravery through the entire engagement.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Second Lieut., First Cavalry of Colorado, Comdg. Company C.


No. 4.

Report of Lieut. Clark Dunn, First Colorado Cavalry.

HDQRS. COMPANY E, FIRST CAVALRY OF COLORADO, Camp South Bend of Big Sandy, Colo. Ter., November 30, 1864. COLONEL: I have the honor to make the following report of Company E, First Cavalry of Colorado, on an expedition against Indians: On the 25th instant I left Camp Fillmore, with my company, pursuant to Special Orders No. 3, headquarters District of Colorado, dated in the field, November 23, 1864. I joined the column, then in the field, the same evening at Spring Bottom, thirty miles distant. I continued the march next day under command of Lieutenant Wilson, commanding battalion of First Cavalry of Colorado. We reached Fort Lyon, seventy miles farther down the Arkansas, on the 28th instant, about noon. About 7 o'clock the same evening I started from that place with eighteen men of my company, taking three days' cooked rations on our horses, and traveled in a northeasterly course till daylight next morning, traveling forty miles. At daylight we came in sight of a large village of hostile Indians (Cheyennes and Arapahoes), numbering 900 or 1,000, nearly two miles north of us. We immediately proceeded to the attack by moving down a small ravine and making a charge on the village from the north side, taking the Indians completely by surprise. They rallied immediately, and the engagement became general and lasted till afternoon, when they were utterly routed and half their number left dead on the field. We continued the pursuit till 3 p. m., when, our horses being much fatigued and our ammunition nearly exhausted, we returned to the village, which we helped to destroy, and then went into camp for the night. I lost no men killed, and but 2 wounded. Sergeant Jackson had his hip broken, and Private Mull was shot through the leg.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


First Lieut., First Cav. of Colo., Commanding Company E.

[blocks in formation]

No. 5.

Report of Col. George L. Shoup, Third Colorado Caralry.


In the Field, December 7, 1864,

DEAR SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by my regiment, Third Colorado Cavalry, in the engagement with the Indians on Sand Creek, forty miles north of Fort Lyon, Colo. Ter., November 29, 1864:

I brought my regiment into action at sunrise. The first order given was to Capt. John McCannon, Company I, to cut off the Indians from their ponies on the south side of the village. This order was obeyed with great celerity and success. Captain McCannon captured about 200 ponies at the first dash, but being closely pressed by hundreds of Indians sent the ponies to the rear and opened a terrible and withering fire on the Indians, completely checking them, killing many and causing them to retreat up Sand Creek. Capt. O. H. P. Baxter, with his company (G), was sent to re-enforce Captain McCannon. The two companies then fought the Indians up the south side of the creek for about two miles. At this point many of the Indians took refuge in the banks of the creek, where they had prepared rifle-pits. Captain MeCannon, with his company, remained at this place until late in the afternoon and was the last to leave the field of battle. His brave company killed 26 Indians in one pit and must have killed 50 or more during the engagement. Company G, led by Captain Baxter and Lieutenant Templeton, pursued the demoralized and flying savages to the south and west, killing upward of 20 Indians. Lieut. W. E. Grinnell, with a detachment of twenty-one men of Company K, fought during part of the engagement on the southwest side of the battle-field. This brave little detachment deserve honorable mention for their gallant conduct on the field. They lost one-fifth of their men in killed and wounded. At the opening of the engagement I led about 400 of my men up the north side of the creek and engaged the main body of the Indians, who were retreating to the west. I dismounted my men and fought them for some time on foot. At this point Captain Talbot, of Company M, fell severely wounded while bravely leading his men in a charge on a body of Indians who had taken refuge under the banks on the north side of the creek. Here a terrible hand-to-hand encounter ensued between the Indians and Captain Talbot's men and others who had rushed forward to their aid, the Indians trying to secure the scalp of Captain Talbot. I think the hardest fighting of the day осcurred at this point, some of our men fighting with clubbed muskets, the First and Third Colorado Regiments fighting side by side, each trying to excel in bravery and each ambitious to kill at least one Indian. Many valuable lives of officers and men were saved by the bravery of others just as the fatal knife was raised to perform its work of death.

Early in the engagement Captain Nichols, with his company (D), pursued a band of Indians that were trying to escape to the northeast. He overtook and punished them severely, killing 25 or 30 and capturing some ponies. Other companies of my regiment fought with zeal and bravery, but after 10 a. m. the battle became so general and covered so wide a field that it became necessary to divide my command into small detachments, sending them in all directions to pursue the flying Indians. I am told by my officers and men that some of their comrades engaged the Indians in close combat. I am satisfied from my own obser

vation that the historian will search in vain for braver deeds than were committed on that field of battle. My loss is 9 men killed, 1 missing, supposed to be killed, and 44 wounded. Capt. Presley Talbot and Lieut. C. H. Hawley are the only officers wounded of my regiment, Captain Talbot in left side and Lieutenant Hawley in shoulder.

Inclosed herewith you will find copy of the reports of my battalion commanders to me.

All of which is most respectfully submitted.

I am, sir, with great respect, your obedient servant,



Colonel Third Colorado Cavalry.

Commanding District of Colorado.

No. 6.

Report of Lieut. Col. Leavitt L. Bowen, Third Colorado Cavalry.

SAND CREEK, November 30, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to inclose to you the reports of the company commanders of the First Battalion, commanded by myself, in the action of yesterday. I fully indorse all contained in those reports. All behaved well, each vying with the other as to who could do the enemy the most injury. This, I think, can truly be said of the whole regiment. I was in position during the action to see most of the regiment, and did not see one coward. Permit me to congratulate you upon the signal punishment meted out to the savages on yesterday, "who so ruthlessly have murdered our women and children," in the language of the colonel commanding, although I regret the loss of so many brave men. The Third Regiment cannot any longer be called in Denver the bloodless Third. From the most reliable information from actual count and positions occupied I have no doubt that at least 150 Indians were killed by my battalion. I cannot speak in terms of too high praise of the conduct of all the officers and men under my command. The war flag of this band of Cheyennes is in my possession, presented by Stephen D. Decatur, commissary sergeant, Company C, who acted as my battalion adjutant.

Very respectfully,


Lieut. Col. Third Colorado Cavalry, Comdg. First Battalion.

Commanding Third Regiment Colorado Cavalry.

No. 7.

Report of Maj. Hal Sayr, Third Colorado Cavalry.

CAMP, December 6, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my battalion in the action of November 29, on Sand Creek: Battalion consisted of Company B, Capt. H. M. Orahood, First Lieut. Charles H. Hawley, Second Lieut. Harry Richmond, and 64 men; Com

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