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NOVEMBER 29, 1864. - Engagement with Indians on Sand Creek, Colo. Ter.


No. 1.-Col. John M. Chivington, First Colorado Cavalry, commancing expedition.

No. 2.-Maj. Scott J. Anthony, First Colorado Cavalry.

No. 3.-Lieut. Judson J. Kennedy, First Colorado Cavalry.

No. 4. Lieut. Clark Dunn, First Colorado Cavalry.

No. 5. Col. George L. Shoup, Third Colorado Cavalry.

No. 6.-Lieut. Col. Leavitt L. Bowen, Third Colorado Cavalry.

No. 7.-Maj. Hal Sayr, Third Colorado Cavalry.

No. 8.-Capt. Theodore G. Cree, Third Colorado Cavalry.

No. 9.-Maj. Edward W. Wynkoop, First Colorado Cavalry, of an investigation of

Indian affairs in the vicinity of Fort Lyon, Colo. Ter.

No. 1.

Reports of Col. John M. Chivington, First Colorado Cavalry, commanding



In the Field, Cheyenne County, South Bend of Big Sandy,

November 29, 1864.

In the last ten days my command has marched 300 miles, 100 of which the snow was two feet deep. After a march of forty miles last night I. at daylight this morning, attacked Cheyenne village of 130 lodges, from 900 to 1,000 warriors strong; killed Chiefs Black Kettle, White Antelope, Knock Knee, and Little Robe [Little Raven], and between 400 and 500 other Indians, and captured as many ponies and mules. Our loss [was 9 killed, 38 wounded. All did nobly. Think I will catch some more of them eighty miles, on Smoky Hill. Found white man's scalp, not more than three days' old, in one of lodges.


Col., Comdg. First Dist. of Colo. and First Indian Expedition.

Maj. Gen. S. R. CURTIS,

Fort Leavenworth, Department of Kansas.


Denver, Colo. Ter., December 16, 1864. GENERAL: I have the honor to transmit the following report of operations of the Indian expedition under my command, of which brief notice was given you by my telegram of November 29, 1864:

Having ascertained that the hostile Indians had proceeded south from the Platte and were almost within striking distance of Fort Lyon, I ordered Col. George L. Shoup, Third Regiment Colorado Volunteer Cavalry, 100-days' service, to proceed with the mounted men of his regiment in that direction. On November 20 I left Denver, and at Booneville, Colo. Ter., on the 24th of November, joined and took command in person of the expedition, which had been increased by battalion First Cavalry of Colorado, consisting of detachments of Companies C, E, and H. I proceeded with the utmost caution down the Arkansas River, and on the morning of the 28th ultimo arrived at Fort Lyon, to the surprise of the garrison of that post. On the same evening I resumed my march, being joined by Maj. Scott J. Anthony, First Cavalry of Colorado, with 125 men of said regiment, consisting of detachments of Companies D, G, and K, with two howitzers. The command then proceeded in a northeasterly direction, traveling all night, and at daylight of 29th November striking Sand Creek, about forty miles from Fort Lyon. Here was discovered an Indian village of 130 lodges, comprised of Black Kettle's band of Cheyennes and eight lodges of Arapahoes with Left Hand. My line of battle was formed with Lieutenant Wilson's battalion, First Regiment, numbering about men, on the right; Colonel Shoup's (Third) regiment, numbering about 450 men, in the center, and Major Anthony's battalion, numbering 125 men, First Regiment, on the left. The attack was immediately made upon the Indian camp by Lieutenant Wilson, who dashed forward, cutting the enemy off from their herd, and driving them out of their camp, which was subsequently destroyed. The Indians, numbering from 900 to 1,000, though taken by surprise, speedily rallied and formed a line of battle across the creek, about three-fourths of a mile above the village, stubbornly contesting every inch of ground. The commands of Colonel Shoup and Major Anthony pressed rapidly forward and attacked the enemy sharply, and the engagement became general, we constantly driving the Indians, who fell back from one position to another for five miles, and finally abandoned resistance and dispersed in all directions, and were pursued by my troops until night-fall. It may perhaps be unnecessary for me to state that I captured no prisoners. Between 500 and 600 Indians were left dead upon the ground; about 550 ponies, mules, and horses were captured, and all their lodges were destroyed, the contents of which have served to supply the command with an abundance of trophies, comprising the paraphernalia of Indian warfare and life. My loss was 8 killed on the field and 40 wounded, of which two have since died. Of the conduct of the Third Regiment, 100-days' service, I have to say that they well sustained the reputation of our Colorado troops for bravery and effectiveness, were well commanded by their gallant young colonel, George L. Shoup, ably assisted by Lieut. Col. L. L. Bowen, Maj. Hal Sayr, and Capt. Theodore G. Cree, commanding First, Second, and Third Battalions of that regiment. Of the conduct of the two battalions of the First Regiment I have but to remark that they sustained their reputation as second to none, and were ably handled by their commanders, Major Anthony, Lieutenant Wilson, and Lieut. Clark Dunn, upon whom the command devolved after the disabling of Lieutenant Wilson from wounds received. Night coming on the pursuit of the flying Indians was of necessity abandoned and my command encamped within sight of the field.

* See also Vol. 3 of the Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, at the Second Session, Thirty-eighth Congress, 1865.

On the 1st instant, having sent the wounded and dead to Fort Lyon, the first to be cared for, the last to be buried upon our own soil, I resumed the pursuit in direction of Camp Wynkoop, on the Arkansas River, marching all night of 3d and 4th instant, in hopes of overtaking a large encampment of Arapahoes aud Cheyennes under Little Robe [Little Raven], but the enemy had been apprised of my advance, and on the morning of the 5th instant, at 3 o'clock, precipitately broke camp and fled. My stock was exhausted. For 100 miles the snow had been two feet deep, and for the previous fifteen days (excepting on November 29 and 30) the marches had been forced and incessant. Under these circumstances, and the fact of the time of the Third Regiment being nearly out, I determined for the present to relinquish the pursuit. Of the effect of the punishment sustained by the Indians you will be the judge. Their chiefs, Black Kettle, White Antelope, One Eye, and Knock Knee were among the killed, and their bands almost annihilated. I was shown the scalp of a white man found in one of the lodges, which could not have been taken more than two or three days previous. For full particulars and reports of the several commanders, I respectfully refer you to the following copies herewith inclosed: Col. George L. Shoup, Third Regiment, December 6, 1864; Col. George L. Shoup, Third Regiment, December 7, 1864; Lieut. Col. L. L. Bowen, Third Regiment, November 30, 1864; Maj. Hal Sayr, Third Regiment, December 6, 1864; Capt. Theodore G. Cree, Third Regiment, December 6, 1864; Maj. Scott J. Anthony, First Regiment, December 1, 1864; Lieut. Clark Dunn, First Regiment, November 30, 1864; Lient. J. J. Kennedy, First Regiment, November 30, 1864.

If all companies of the First Cavalry of Colorado, and the Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, stationed at posts and camps near here, were ordered to report to me, I could organize a campaign which, in my judgment, would effectually rid the country between the Platte and Arkansas Rivers of these red rebels. I would respectfully request to be informed, if another campaign should be authorized from here, whether I could employ 100 or 200 friendly Utes (Indians), furnishing them subsistence, arms, and ammunition for the campaign.

I cannot conclude this report without saying that the conduct of Capt. Silas S. Soule, Company D, First Cavalry of Colorado, was at least ill-advised, he saying that he thanked God that he had killed no Indians, and like expressions, proving him more in sympathy with those Indians than with the whites. The evidence is most conclusive that these Indians are the worst that have infested the routes on the Platte and Arkansas Rivers during the last spring and summer. Amongst the stock captured were the horses and mules taken by them from Lieutenant Chase, First Cavalry of Colorado, last September; several scalps of white men and women were found in their lodges; also various articles of clothing belonging to white persons. On every hand the evidence was clear that no lick was struck amiss.

I am, with much respect, your obedient servant,


Colonel First Cav. of Colorado, Comdg. Dist. of Colorado.

Maj. Gen. S. R. CURTIS,

Commanding Department of Kansas, Fort Leavenworth.


In the Field, South Bend of Big Sandy, Colo. Ter.,

Messrs. BEYERS and DAILEY,

Editors News, Denver, Colo. Ter.:

November 29, 1864.

SIRS: I have not the time to give you a detailed history of our engagement of to-day, or to mention those officers and men who distinguished themselves in one of the most bloody battles ever fought on these plains. You will find inclosed the report of my surgeon-in-chief, which will bring to many anxious friends the sad fate of loved ones, who are and have been risking everything to avenge the horrid deeds of those savages we have so severely handled. We made a forced march of forty miles and surprised at break of day one of the most powerful villages of the Cheyenne Nation, captured over 500 animals, killing the celebrated chiefs, One Eye, White Antelope, Knock Knee, Black Kettle, and Little Robe | Little Raven], and about 500 of their people, destroying all their lodges and equipage, making almost an entire annihilation of the entire tribe. I shall leave here as soon as I can see our wounded safely on the way to the hospital at Fort Lyon for the villages of the Sioux, which are reported about eighty miles from here on the Smoky Hill, and reported 3,000 strong, so look out for more fighting. I will state, for the consideration of gentlemen who are opposed to fighting these red scoundrels, that I was shown by chief surgeon the scalp of a white man taken from the lodge of one of the chiefs, which could not have been more than two or three days taken, and I could mention many more things to show how these Indians that have been drawing Government rations at Fort Lyon are and have been acting.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Col., Comdg. Dist. of Colorado and First Indian Expedition.

No. 2.

Reports of Maj. Scott J. Anthony, First Colorado Cavalry.

In the Field, December 1, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to report that I left Fort Lyon, Colo. Ter., with detachment from Companies D, G, and K, First Cavalry of Colorado, numbering 125 men, and two howitzers, joined Colonel Chivington's brigade one mile below Fort Lyon at 8 p. m. November 28, proceeded with his command on Indian expedition, in a northeasterly direction, striking Sand Creek at daylight of the 29th November forty miles from Fort Lyon, when we came upon a herd of Indian horses; was sent forward with my battalion to capture the stock. After proceeding about one mile came in sight of an Indian camp some two miles farther; immediately sent word to colonel commanding that an Indian camp was in sight, and proceeded with my command in the direction of the camp, which I reached just before sunrise. Found Lieutenant Wilson with a detachment of the First Cavalry of Colorado upon the right and south of the camp, and Lieutenant Dunn with a detachment of First Cavalry of Colorado, posted upon the west bank of Sand Creek, and opposite the camp, both commanders keeping up a brisk fire upon the camp; upon my nearing the camp upon the west side was attacked by a small force of Indians posted behind the bank of the creek, who commenced firing upon me with arrows. My command immediately opened fire upon the Indians, who had collected upon the opposite side of camp. Colonel Chivington coming up at this time, with Colonel Shoup's regiment, Third Colorado Cavalry, and two howitzers, charged through the camp, driving the Indians completely out of their camp and into the creek to the northward, where they took up positions under the bank and in holes, or rifle-pits, dug in the sand. The fighting now became general. The Indians fought desperately, apparently resolved to die upon that ground, but to injure us as much as possible before being killed. We fought them for about six hours along the creek for five miles. The loss to my command was 1 killed and 3 wounded. The loss to the entire command, 10 killed and 40 wounded. Lieutenant Baldwin, commanding the section of howitzers attached to my battalion, had a fine private horse shot from under him. Seven horses were killed from my command. The loss to the Indians was about 500 killed, some 600 ponies, 130 lodges, with a large quantity of buffalo robes, and their entire camp equipage. The camp proved to be of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, and numbered about 1,100 persons, under the leadership of Black Kettle (head chief of the Cheyenne tribe). Black Kettle and three other chiefs were killed. All the com mand fought well, and observed all orders given them. Wecamped upon the ground occupied by the Indians the day before, destroyed the entire camp of the Indians, and then pushed rapidly in a southerly direction, in pursuit of Little Raven's camp of Arapahoes, reported to be on Arkansas River.

I am, sir, with much respect, your obedient servant,


Major First Cavalry of Colorado, Commanding Battalion.

FORT LYON, COLO. TER., December 2, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to report that I left this post (in company with Colonel Chivington's brigade) November 28 at 8 p. m., with 128 men of the First Cavalry of Colorado and two mountain howitzers. After a march of forty miles we found a camp of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians and attacked them at daylight on the 29th. We captured from 500 to 600 head of stock, all their lodges and camp, and killed between 400 and 500 Indians. Our loss is 10 killed and 3 commissioned officers and 37 men wounded. The fight was very severe and lasted six hours. The dead Indians are strewn over about six miles. This has certainly been the most bloody and hard-fought Indian battle that has ever occurred on these plains. I have this day returned to Fort Lyon with the dead and wounded, and shall immediately rejoin Colonel Chivington's brigade, which is now moving toward the Arapahoe camp, on the Arkansas. The direction proposed to be taken afterward is to find the remainder of the Cheyennes, on Smoky Hill, and a band of Sioux reported to be in that neighborhood. The command will probably, fifteen days from this, be near Fort Larned, Kans., when I may be able to make more detailed report.

In the meantime I have the honor to remain, most respectfully, your obedient servant,



Major First Cavalry of Colorado.

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

I came to this post in considerable of a hurry. Told the adjutant to make the above report. Would have written more in detail, but for want of time. Am ordered to rejoin Colonel Chivington's brigade at once. Shall fight the balance of the Arapahoes before morning, I think. Colonel C. has a portion of the Third Regiment Colorado Cavalry with him. This regiment is 100-days' men. Their time expires in twenty days. We shall be greatly in need of troops when his command leaves. Our acting assistant surgeon has a large number of sick and wounded on his hands; too much for one good surgeon to attend to. Our present surgeon is incompetent to take charge of this hospital when no wounded are here, and has been so reported by the district medical director. Do try and send us a surgeon as soon as circumstances will admit.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major First Car. of Colo., Comdg. Detach. First Cav. of Colo.

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