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[Inclosure No. 2.]


Fort Kearny, Nebr. Ter., November 28, 1864.


Fort Kearny, Plum Creek, Mullahla's,

Dan Smith's Ranch, Gillman's, Fort Cottonwood :

SIR: The colonel commanding directs that you do not permit any small trains to pass your post unless there are enough men with it to defend it against Indian attacks. As soon as another train arrives and in your judgment the combined trains are strong enough to resist Indian at tacks, permit them to proceed.

By command of Col. R. R. Livingston:


First Lieut., First Nebr. Cav. Vet. Vols., Acty. Asst. Adjt. Gen.

No. 2.

Reports of Capt. Thomas J. Majors, First Nebraska Cavalry.


Plum Creek, October 13, 1864-9 р. т.

LIEUTENANT: I am just in receipt of news from Captain Ribblefifteen men sent by him, agreeable to my order (all he could mount), to make a junction with Captain Ivory on Plum Creek, south of Mullahla's Ranch. After having made a scout out as far as ordered and not meeting with Ivory, they started back and came up within sight of the ranch. On the bluff's opposite they were attacked by about sixty or more Indians, overpowered, and compelled to retreat. The Indians were between them and the ranch, consequently they had to fall back south. Two were killed (Jackson and Kelley) and 7 still missing, under Bangs. The only hope I have for their safety is that they may fall in with Captain Ivory, who is somewhere on Plum Creek, with about thirty men. I sent him out about 4 o'clock this morning. Two of his horses giving out ten or twelve miles up the creek, he sent them back. and they on their return came within sight of one Indian, who immedi ately fled southward. Their horses being in no condition to pursue, they came in and reported, whereupon I at once sent Captain Curran out to, if possible, find, attack, and kill all Indians found, supposing from this information that Captain Ivory had passed by them and they were lurking in his rear. I just hear that Captain Curran has arrived at Mullahla's Ranch without seeing anything of the enemy or Captam Ivory. I at once sent him orders to procure rations from Ribble and immediately follow; if possible make a junction with Captain Ivory. All the mounted force I have are now out under Captains Curran and Ivory. I hope for the best results, believing that if either Curran or Ivory sees them they will make sad havoc among them. I regret exceedingly that I am not personally in command, but have full confi dence in those that are. I hope the necessity of the case will not demand my calling for more force, but if trouble still continues it will be impossible for me with my limited force to guard as much road as I am called upon to do, and beside this build quarters for my men, which

e very much needed, as winter is fast approaching. As soon as I am possession of all the facts relative to the scouting parties I will at ce communicate it to you.

I am, lieutenant, very respectfully, &c.,

Lieutenant MCDONALD,

Captain, Commanding Post.

A. A. A. G., East. Sub. Dist. of Nebr., Fort Kearny, Nebr.

You can telegraph this to Livingston if you think necessary.



Plum Creek, Nebr. Ter., December 1, 1864, LIEUTENANT: In compliance with requirements of Circular No. 9, eadquarters Eastern Sub-District of Nebraska, November 24, 1864, Í ave the honor to report as follows:

From the 1st to 16th of November the work of building quarters as vigorously continued. Seven rooms have been erected for officers'. uarters, one for sutler and two for quartermaster's and commissary Cores. But a few more days' work is required for their completion. bout sixty feet of embankment has been constructed of sod-wall four nd a half feet in height and three feet in thickness. The amount of mel used up to the 20th of the month was cut on an island in the latte and hauled a distance of from one to three miles. On the 16th Indians were reported to have been seen on the road between this post nd Mullahla's Station. Captain Ivory was accordingly sent to scout he country with twenty-five men. Marched ten miles up Plum Creek, hen across the bluffs to French's ranch. There being no shelter there, went on to Freeman's ranch and camped. Shortly after arriving t the ranch Private Rosecrans, Company D, First Nebraska CavIry, was severely wounded by a shot from an enemy outside. The ight was too dark to find any trace of the enemy.

On the following morning, November 17, the party crossed to an sland in the Platte. Found no Indian trace, and then marched south nto the bluffs, where the trail of a small party of Indians was found eading southward. The horses were too much exhausted, and supply -f rations too limited, to profitably pursue, therefore the party returned o camp on the 17th, having marched about fifty miles. The land raveled over was very broken, except when in the Platte Valley. Cimber in small bodies and plenty of excellent grass was found on Plum Creek. Nothing more was seen of the Indians until the 19th, when 100 of them attacked a train four miles west at about 5 p. m. I vas soon apprised of the fact, and with twelve mounted patrol, accompanied by Captain Curran and Lieutenant Gillespie, galloped or the scene of attack. At sight of my approach the Indians desisted From their attack on the train and drew up in line of battle across the Toad and awaited my approach. When I had arrived within about 1,000 yards the Indians charged us with furious yells. I ordered my men to dismount, and by steady firing repulsed their attack, but not until they had extended their line so as nearly to surround us. CapTain Weatherwax, whom I had ordered to follow as soon as he could mount, was by this time rapidly approaching with twenty-five men. When he was within supporting distance I ordered my men to mount and charge, which was done with a will. The Indians retreated at full speed for seven miles into the bluffs, when it became so dark that was inadvisable to pursue them farther. Five of the Indians were Lea killed. Could not ascertain the number wounded, as they were in every instance assisted off the field by their comrades. Our loss 14 horse.

At daybreak next morning, November 20, I sent Captain Curra with forty mounted men to pursue the Indians. He moved to scene f action evening previous, and followed Indian trail up Plum Creed, finding many articles of value abandoned by the enemy, showing that their retreat had been precipitate. Twenty-five miles from Plau Creek Station found one of the enemy's horses with leg broken by musket-ball. Trail then became so much divided that it could not be followed. Captain Curran then marched northward to Mullahla's Station and camped.

On the following morning, November 21, he moved southward int the bluffs, searching carefully for indications of Indians. Failed to find any. Returned to camp evening of 21st. Weather was very cokl and several of his men returned with feet and ears frozen. Captar Curran found timber in small quantities on Plum Creek for a distancr of twenty miles from this post; after that there was neither timber Ih water to be found on the creek. Grass was abundant, but dead. Land very broken between Plum Creek and Platte River.

On the 25th instant, at 9 p. m., the coach from Kearny was attacked four miles east of this post, wounding 3 passengers. Captain Curra was at once sent out with thirty mounted men. The night was in tensely dark and no sign of the Indians could be found. A small tra was met in a dangerous situation and escorted to the post.

On the 26th, at 4 p. m., a train of five wagons with twenty men was attacked five miles east of this post by about seventy-five Indiatis, The men being but poorly armed were soon overpowered and left the wagons, retreating toward this post. Two of them were killed and 6 wounded. I was soon notified of the attack by a patrol that had ser the occurrence from an island in the river, where wood-choppers were at work, and mounting thirty men as hastily as possible, I pursued the Indians sixteen miles to Spring Creek, where they were re-enforced. and sheltering themselves. in the deep ravines or cañons could not te dislodged. A sharp fight here ensued, the Indians being dismounted as well as ourselves. Result not decisive. Enemy's loss, 3 killed: number wounded, unknown. Our loss, 1 private, McGinnis, Compan E, First Nebraska Cavalry, slightly wounded, horse killed, and wounded. In their retreat the Indians were so closely pressed that they abandoned one horse, a number of spears, and the two scalps they had taken from the murdered men. The latter were brought to the post for burial. The wounded were skillfully cared for by Assistant

Surgeon Larsh, and are now in a fair way for recovery.

int daylight on the following morning, November 27, I moved souti with fifty mounted men and one 12-pounder mountain howitzer. Pre ceeded to the scene of the engagement the evening previous, hoping to find the Indians still in that vicinity. Failing to do Previnoved south encamped to eighteen miles until to do so,


The next morning, 28th, I continued the march southward, erosis. several small streams which were so much swollen that I was somewha the Repubcrossing my where I encamped.

On the following morning, November 29, moved down the river a short distance and met Captain Gillette's party from Fort Kearny. Learning from him that fresh trails had been seen leading northward and none to the south, I deemed it advisable to follow the trails spoken of, which I did, moving down the river to the mouth of Spring Creek, then up that stream about twelve miles, where I found seven Indian lodges recently occupied and capable of containing about 150 Indians. Camped at this point for the night.

Next morning, 30th, I found upon close examination that the Indians had separated or spread out so as to leave no trail that could be followed, and think they must have gone eastward, for had they gone west I should have been almost certain to have seen their trail as I moved south. From this point I marched to the head of Spring Creek, where Captain Gillette, with his command, moved in the direction of Fort Kearny, and I with mine to this post, arriving here about 6 p. m.; distance traveled, about 100 miles. The country passed over was very broken in the vicinity of Spring Creek, and in many places near the Republican. Timber was found in small quantities on both of the above-mentioned streams.

On the 27th I encamped on the open prairie, near a small lake, without any timber at all. Grass was plenty, but dead, and of but little value as forage. Dismounted guards were furnished the overland stage until the 26th, since when a mounted escort of ten men has been provided between this post and Mullahla's Station. The accompanying diagrams* indicate the routes pursued by scouting parties herein mentioned.

I remain, lieutenant, very respectfully, &c.,

THOS. J. MAJORS, Captain, Commanding Post.

No. 3.

Report of Capt. William W. Ivory, First Nebraska Cavalry.


October 17, 1864. LIEUTENANT: I respectfully report that in obedience to orders received from Capt. Thomas J. Majors, I left here on the morning of the 13th instant to scout the country on Plum Creek, and opposite to Freeman's ranch, the scene of the attack on the stage on the evening of the 12th. I scoured the country around and on Plum Creek some fifteen miles. I then struck across the hills and examined the cañons for a breadth of seven miles down to Freeman's and French's ranches, and to within two miles of Captain Ribble's station (Mullahla's). I then crossed to one of the islands opposite Freeman's ranch, made a thorough examination of the ground for three miles, found traces of the Indian moccasin tracks, &c. It being dark and my horses nearly given out, I camped. In the morning, 14th, I sent a squad of nine men and corporal across the Platte to scout the country on the north side and join me in the evening at this place. I then started for camp, the twenty-four hours' rations ordered out with [me] being exhausted. At the road near Freeman's I got information that a party of Captain Ribble's men, who were out looking for the same Indians I was after, had been attacked by a band of Cheyennes, supposed to be forty warriors, under the com

* Omitted as unimportant.

mand of one of their big chiefs, White Antelope. They killed and scalped 2 of Ribble's men, wounded 2, and captured and killed 7 or 8 of his horses. After some fight the small party, only eight men, had to retreat to their station at Mullahla's, six miles from where the men were killed. This occurred the same day I went out, the 13th, but late in the evening and nearly on the same ground my men had gone over.

On hearing this report I started for Captain Ribble's station, and sent word to my men to all join me there. After being joined by Captain Curran's command, some fifteen men, by order received from Captain Majors, we marched for the scene of the attack the day previous. Found the dead bodies of Ribble's company some six miles south of his station. We scouted the country for two to three miles, it being nearly dark when we got out. We returned to Mullahla's ranch and camped. Captain Majors joined the command before we had got out that evening. The next morning, the 15th, we started in the direction of Plum Creek over the ground partly scouted the day before, traveled some fifteen miles south, then ten miles southeast to a lake, finding no trace of the Indians. We then marched for camp at this post, where we arrived about 9 o'clock at night. I would respectfully give it as my opinion, which I hope the captain commanding will forward to district headquarters, that if I had had | reasonably good horses on this scout, I would more than likely have come on the Indians in their rear about the time of their attack on Sergeant Bangs' party, as I would, if the horses had been able to stand it, have marched some miles farther out. As it was I was under the necessity of marching most of the time at a walk, to enable me to scout the country between this and the point opposite Freeman's ranch, on Plum Creek, and from there to the Platte, as I understand from verbal instructions by the captain commanding. I started out with twenty-seven horses, every one that was fit to travel, out of forty-five horses. Two of them gave out the first five miles and four were unfit to travel out of a walk, that I sent back; and out of the whole number of horses that I had the first evening. when I got to the Platte not five of them could have galloped five miles. I am almost certain with the men I had out if they were properly mounted I could have found the Indians and whipped them, as I would have crossed the Platte with my men the first evening out, and as it proved after, we would more than likely have come up to them on the north side, for the Indians crossed the road and river that night some five miles below this post.

Very respectfully,


Captain Squadron H, First Nebr. Cav. Vet. Vols.

Acting Post Adjutant.

No. 4.

Report of Capt. John R. Porter, First Nebraska Militia Infantry. MIDWAY, October 28, 1864.

DEAR SIR: We had a fight to-day with the Indians; killed 2 and took 3 prisoners. About noon there were twenty-five or thirty Indians came down on the opposite side of the river and run our hay-makers over. I ordered my men to saddle, and we crossed the river. We run them fifteen miles; when we got within shooting distance shot 1 there

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