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Skirmishes near Independence, Mo.

Scout to Baxter Springs, Kans., with skirmish.

1-3, 1864.-Scout on the Independence road to Gunter's Mills, Mo.
1-5, 1864.-Scout on the Smoky Hill Fork, Kans.

Operations in Eastern Arkansas, with skirmish (1st) at Lamb's
Plantation, near Helena.

1-28, 1864.-Operations in Southwest Missouri, with skirmishes at Diamond Grove Prairie (1st), at Rutledge (4th), near Enterprise and on Buffalo Creek (7th).

2, 1864.-Reconnaissance from Berwick to Pattersonville, La. 2-8, 1864.-Operations near Holden, Mo., with skirmish (8th) on Norris ('reek. 3, 1864.-Skirmish near Fayette, Mo.

3-Nov. 4, 1864. Scouts from Fort Sumner, N. Mex., with skirmish (August

26) at Sacramento Mountains.

4-6, 1864.-Expedition from Natchez, Miss., to Gillespie's Plantation, La., and


4-15, 1864.-Operations in the vicinity of Brazos Santiago, Tex., withskirmish

(9th) at Point Isabel.

4-Sept. 15, 1864.-Scout from Fort Union, N. Mex.

5, 1864.-Skirmish near Remount Camp, Ark.

Skirmish at Olive Branch, La.
Affair at Doyal's Plantation, La.

Skirmish at Concordia Bayou, La.

6, 1864.-Skirmish at Plaquemine, La.

Skirmish at Indian Village, La.

6-9, 1864. Scout in Saline County, Mo., with skirmishes (7th) at Arrow


6-16, 1864.-Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River, Ark., with skirmishes at Hickory Plains and Bull Bayou (7th), at Hatch's Ferry (9th), near Augusta (10th), and near Searcy (13th).

7, 1864.-Skirmish at Enterprise, Mo.

Skirmish near Huntsville, Mo.

Affair near Fort Lyon, Colo. Ter.

7-8, 1864.-Scout from Independence into La Fayette County, Mo.

8-11, 1864.-Scout from Salina to Mulberry Creek, Kans.

9-15, 1864.-Operations in Central Arkansas, with skirmishes.

10-12, 1864.-Scouts from Morganza, La., with skirmishes.

11, 1864.-Skirmish on White Oak Creek, Ark.

Skirmish in Crawford County, Ark.

Skirmish near Sand Creek, Colo. Ter.

Skirmish at Hartville, Mo.

11-13, 1864.-Expedition from Helena to Kent's Landing, Ark.

11-19,1864.-Operations in Johnson County, Mo., with skirmish (12th) near


11-Oct. 28, 1864.-Operations against Indians in Nebraska Territory, with

skirmish (September 20) near Fort Cottonwood.

12, 1864.-Skirmish at Van Buren, Ark.

Affair in the San Andres Mountains, N. Mex.

12-16, 1864.-Scout on the Fort Union road, near Fort Garland, Colo. Ter.

Operations in Ray and Carroll Counties, Mo., with skirmish (12th) at Fredericksburg.

*For report, see Vol. XXXIX, Part I, p. 459.

Aug. 13-22, 1864.-Operations in La Fayette, Saline, and Howard Counties, Mo., wit


15, 1864.-Skirmish at Dripping Spring, Mo.

15-21, 1864.-Expedition from Paincourtville to Lake Natchez, La., with ski

mish on Grand River.

15-24, 1864.-Operations in Southwest Missouri and Northwestern Arkansas with skirmishes at Carrollton, Ark. (15th), on Richland Creel Ark. (16th), and at Mud Town, Ark. (24th).

16, 1864.-Skirmish at Columbia, Mo.

Skirmish with Indians near Smoky Hill Crossing, Kans.

17, 1864.-Capture of the steamer Miller, on the Arkansas River, near Pin

Bluff, Ark.

18, 1864.-Skirmish at Benton, Ark.

Skirmishes near Pine Bluff, Ark.

19-24, 1864.-Scout on the Republican River, Kans.

20, 1864.-Skirmish near Rocheport, Mo.

21, 1864.-Skirmish at Diamond Grove, Mo.

21-27, 1864.-Expedition in Washington and Benton Counties, Ark., with skin


22, 1864.-Skirmish in Yell County, Ark.

22-25, 1864.-Scout from Helena to Mount Vernon, Ark.

22-30, 1864.-Operations in La Fayette County, Mo.

23, 1864.-Affair at Webster, Mo.

23-26, 1864.-Scout from Ozark, Mo., to Dubuque Crossing and Sugar Loa


23-28, 1864.-Expedition from Cassville, Mo., to Fayetteville, Ark., with skirmis

(24th) at Gerald Mountain, Ark.

23-29, 1864.-Expedition to Clinton, La., with skirmishes (25th) at Oliv

Branch and the Comite River.

24, 1864.-Skirmish on Gunter's Prairie, Ind. Ter.

Action at Ashley's and Jones' Stations, near Devall's Bluff, Ark. 25, 1864. Skirmishes at Morgan's Ferry and on the Atchafalaya River, La 25-29, 1864.-Scouts in Jackson and Cass Counties, Mo., with skirmish (26th

near Pleasant Hill.

25-30, 1864.-Scout in Platte County, Mo.

Scout to Crisp's Mill, on Big Creek, Mo., with skirmish near Ros

Operations on the Texas Prairie, in Jackson County, Mo.

26-31, 1864.-Skirmish near Bayou Tensas (26th), and expedition from Good rich's Landing to Bayou Macon, La. (28th-31st).

27, 1864.-Skirmish at Fayetteville, Ark.

27-28, 1864.-Scout on the Arkansas River, near Pine Bluff, Ark., with skir


27-Sept. 6, 1864.-Expeditions from Little Rock and Devall's Bluff to Searcy

Fairview, and Augusta, Ark.

28, 1864.-Skirmish at Fayetteville, Ark.

Skirmish near Rocheport, Mo.

Skirmish in Polk County, Mo.

29, 1864.-Attack on steamer White Cloud, on the Mississippi River, nea

Port Hudson, La.

29-Sept. 3, 1864.-Expedition up White River from Helena, Ark., with affai

(September 3) at Kendal's Grist-Mill, Ark.

[blocks in formation]

30-Sept. 2, 1864,-Expedition to Natchez Bayou, La., with skirmish (Sep

tember 1) near Gentilly's Plantation.

[blocks in formation]

1-9, 1864.-Operations in Johnson County, Mo., and skirmish (1st) near

Lone Jack.

2, 1864.-Skirmish at the Tannery, near Little Rock, Ark.

Skirmish near Mount Vernon, Mo.

Skirmish near Quitman, Ark.

2-4, 1864.-Expedition from Sedalia, Mo., to Scott's Ford, on the Blackwater.

2-10, 1864.-Scouts on the Little Blue River, in Jackson County, Mo.

3, 1864.-Skirmishes near Rocheport, Mo.

4, 1864.-Affair near Donaldsonville, La.

Attack on steamers Celeste and Commercial, at Gregory's Landing, on the White River, Ark.

Skirmish at Brownsville, Ark.

6, 1864.-Skirmish at Richland, Ark.
Skirmish at Searcy, Ark.

Affair near Brunswick, Mo.

Skirmish at the Palmetto Ranch, near Brazos Santiago, Tex.

6-7, 1864.-Scout from Little Rock to Benton, Ark.

Expedition from Morganza to Bayou Sara, La.

6-8, 1864.-Operations in the vicinity of Lewisburg, Ark., with skirmishes

at Norristown (6th) and near Glass Village (8th).

6-12, 1864.-Scouts in Poone and Howard Counties, Mo., with skirmishes

(7th and 8th) in Boone County.

7, 1864.-Affair at Centralia, Mo.

7-11, 1864.-Expeditions to Grand Lake, Grand River, Lake Fausse Pointe, Bayou Pigeon, and Lake Natchez, La., with affair (8th) at Labadieville.

8, 1864.-Skirmishes near Hornersville and Gayosa, Mo.

9, 1864.-Attack on steamer J. D. Perry, at Clarendon, Ark.

Affair on the Warrensburg road, near Warrensburg, Mo. 9-11, 1864.-Expedition from Pine Bluff toward Monticello, Ark., with skirmishes near Monticello (10th) and at Brewer's Lane (11th).

9-12, 1864.-Expedition from Fort Pike, La., to the Pearl River.

Scout from Lewisburg to Norristown and Russellville, Ark., with skirmishes.

9-14, 1864.-Scout from Helena to Alligator Bayou, Ark.

10, 1864.-Skirmish near Roanoke, Mo.

Skirmish near Pisgah, Mo.

Skirmish near Dover, Mo.

11, 1864. Skirmish at Hodge's Plantation, La.
Skirmish near Fort Smith, Ark.

11-16, 1864.-Operations in Monroe and Ralls Counties, Mo.
11-18, 1864.-Scouts in Moniteau and Morgan Counties, Mo.

11-25, 1864.-Operations in the Cherokee Nation, Ind. Ter., with actions at

Hay Station, near Fort Gibson (16th), and at Cabin Creek and
Pryor's Creek, Ind. Ter. (19th).


Sept. 11-30, 1864.--Expedition from Fort Rice, Dak. Ter., to relieve Captain Fisk'

emigrant train.

12, 1864.-Skirmish at Caledonia, Mo.

12-15, 1864.-Scout from Fayetteville'to Huntsville, Ark., with skirmish (14th

at Rodgers' Crossing of the White River.

13, 1864.-Skirmish near Searcy, Ark.

Skirmish at Longwood, Mo.

13-17, 1864.-Expedition from Morganza to Fausse River, La., with skirmishe near Bayou Maringouin (13th), near Rosedale (15th), and nea Bayou Maringouin (16th).

14, 1864.-Skirmish at Bullitt's Bayou, La.

14-21, 1864.-Scout in Texas County, Mo., with skirmish (18th) at Thomasville


15-19, 1864.-Operations in Randolph, Howard, and Boone Counties, Mo., wit Oct. 3-6, 1864.-Expedition from Morganza to Bayon Sara, La., and skirmishes.

skirmish (16th) at Columbia.

16-25, 1864.-Operations in the vicinity of Morganza, La., with skirmishes a Williamsport (16th), at the Atchafalaya River (17th), and a Bayou Alabama and Morgan's Ferry (20th).

18, 1864.-Skirmish near Lexington, Mo.

18-Oct. 5, 1864.-Scout on the Cimarron River, in Northeastern New Mexico 20-25, 1864.-Scout in La Fayette County, Mo., with skirmish (23d) on th

Arrow Rock Road.

21, 1864.-Affair near Council Grove, Kans.

22, 1864. Skirmish at Carthage, Mo.

Skirmish near Longwood, Mo.

22-28, 1864.-Scout from Helena to Alligator Bayon, Ark.

23, 1864.-Affair near Fort Smith, Ark.

Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, U. S. Army, assumes command c the Department of the Gulf.

25, 1864.-Skirmish at Walnut Creek, Kans.

25-Oct. 13, 1864.-Expedition from Little Rock to Fort Smith, Ark., wit
skirmishes at Clarksville (September 28), at Whit
Oak Creek (September 29), and at Clarksville (Octo
ber 9).

26, 1864.-Skirmish at Vache Grass, Ark.
Skirmish at Osage Mission, Kans.

26-30, 1864.-Expedition from Napoleonville to Grand River and Bayou Pigeon


26-Oct. 30, 1864.-Expedition from Natchez, Miss., to Waterproof and Sicil

Island, La.*

28, 1864.-Skirmish in Polk County, Mo.

29-Nov. 30, 1864.-Operations against Indians in Nebraska and Colorado

30, 1864.-Skirmish at Waynesville, Mo.

-, 1864.-Capture of the steamer Ike Davis.

Oct. 1-4, 1864.-Scout from Helena to Alligator Bayon, Ark.

1-31, 1864.-Operations in Arkansas.

1-Nov. 27, 1864.-Expedition from Fort Craig, N. Mex., to Fort Goodwin

Ariz. Ter.

2-8, 1864.-Expeditions to the Amite River, New River, and Bayon Mancha


* For report, see Vol. XXXIX, Part I, p. 572.

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5, 1864.-Skirmish at Atchafalaya, La.

Skirmish at Saint Charles, La.

5-9, 1864.-Expedition from Baton Rouge, La., to Clinton, Greensburg,

Osyka, and Camp Moore, La.

6, 1864.-Skirmish in Cole County, Mo.

8, 1864.-Skirmish in Barry County, Mo.

9, 1864.-Scout in Saint Francois County, Mo., with skirmishes.

10, 1864.-Skirmish near Valley Station, Colo. Ter.

10-12, 1864.-Scout in Pemiscot County, Mo.

11, 1864.-Attack on the steamer Resolute, on the White River, near Claren

don, Ark.

13-20, 1864.-Operations against Indians near Fort Belknap, Tex., with skir

mish (13th) on Elm Creek, Tex.

13-21, 1864.-Scout in the Sacramento Mountains, N. Mex.

14, 1864.-Skirmish near Fort Smith, Ark.

Attack on Danville, Mo.

Skirmish at the Boca Chica Pass, Tex.

15, 1864.-Skirmish at Bayou Liddell, La.

16, 1864.-Skirmish near Morganza, La.

16-17, 1864.-Expedition from Devall's Bluff toward Clarendon, Ark.

18, 1864.-Skirmish in Barry County, Mo.

19, 1864. Skirmish in Crawford County, Ark.

Skirmish near Montevallo, Mo.

20, 1864.-Skirmish near Waterloo, La.

22, 1864.-Attack on Union transport, on the White River, near Saint Charles,


22-24, 1864.-Expedition from Brashear City to Belle River, La.

25, 1864.-Attack on Clinton, Mo.

26-27, 1864.-Scout from Vidalia to the York Plantation, La.

29, 1864. Skirmish near Warrenton, Mo.

29-Νον. 8, 1864.-Expedition to Quiney, Mo., with skirmishes (November 1

and 2) near Quincy.

1, 1864.-Skirmish at Rolla, Mo.

Skirmish on the Big Piney, near Waynesville, Mo.

Skirmish near Lebanon, Mo.

Affair at Greenton, Mo.

1-30, 1864.-Opérations in Central Arkansas.

Transfer of the First and Third Divisions, Sixteenth Army

Corps, from Missouri to Tennessee.

2, 1864.-Affair at Hazen's Farm, near Devall's Bluff, Ark.

3, 1864. Skirmish at Vera Cruz, Mo.

5-6, 1864.-Operations in Mississippi County, Mo., with skirmishes at Charles

ton (5th) and near Sikeston (6th).

5-9, 1864.-Expedition from Rolla to Licking, Texas County, Mo., with skir

mish (9th) near Licking.

5-14, 1864.-Operations in Colorado Territory.

5-16, 1864.-Expedition from Springfield, Mo., to Fort Smith, Ark., with skir

mishes (6th) near Cincinnati, Ark.

5-23, 1864.-Expedition from Lewisburg to Fort Smith, Ark., with skirmishes. 6-7, 1864.-Seout in Callaway County, Mo.

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