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bis Horn, his Strength of cold Binding, and four Aftringency over Matter. This great Power is figured in facred Writ by the North, that Region in outward Nature, where the ftrongeft Force of this hidden Principle appears in the hardest Condensation and Compaction of every thing it takes hold of: and fecondly, it is to fhew us a great Mystery in Nature, that Light fprings forth from the Dark Centre, or Point, by a Preffure and Strife, which is hard to explain. Yet all Motion is fo, and cannot be manifefted without a Preffure from the inmost Point, and a strong Strife and Wrestling to dilate and expand itself, and yet never to quit its own Centre, but move on its Axis, as Fire and Light do. For Light leaps forth from the Sun, out of the Stern Embrace and Strong Compreffion at its Centre, unto a vaft Circumference and globular Expanfion of Rays. This Power and Glory in living Spirits is as wonderful, as it is fweet and joyful; one central Root for-ever begetting, and the Second Principle always begotten, above all the Joys of


+ This Truth in external Nature, or in God manifefted by his Works in Creation, might be hewn by


the earthly Geniture; which is but a faint Shadow of the Marriage of the Lamb with his Bride. Now a Figure and Evidence of thefe two Principles, both in their Harmony and Union, and in their perpetual Action and Re-action, we fee in the Contraction and Dilatation of the Heart in the Microcosm of the human Body; where the Gold Air is the North, attracting and der vouring the bot Element, fhutting up and compreffing its Rays into a narrow Compafs while the South, the Region of Heat and Light, foon fprings from its strong Em brace and Contraction, to a Distance proportionate to the Wrestling and Strife between two Contraries. Thefe Principles form the Wheel of perpetual Motion in every Creature that has Breath and Life. And in this Senfe of perfect Agreement and Concord between things in Appearance repugnant to each other, it is faid in the


the Chariot and Wheels of the Cherubim; where the perpetual Motion, and the Fire or Light is fhewn from the Wheels of the Throne of the Lord God of Ifrael; and this deep Ground of Mofes and Ezekiel will hereafter be explained, if it be the Will of Heaven to preferve my Life a fmall Term longer,

Ground of true Philofophy, (t) all things are DOUBLE one against another; and he hath made nothing imperfect. One thing establish eth the good of another. In the fame view of two Principles in Unity, the (u) Evening and Morning constitute the first Day; and the process of every day's Creation is carried on by the Concurrence, and Co-operation of these two Principles; which as the true Man and Woman, ought never to be divided or feparated from that phyfical Marriage, where one is in another, flowing out and returning back, in a joyful Motion, and feeling of each other's Property, Day and Night, without any interruption or ceffation. On this Ground, (as our Redemption is worked by the Mediation of natural Powers and Means, though of the moft beavenly kind) the Lamb was offered between the Evenings, or the Mixtures of Light with Darkness, (as the word fignifies, and is of the dual Number, denoting only two) to hew his Power over the North

(†) Eccles. xlii. 24.

(u) Gen. i. 4, 5.

North, as well as the South, over (x)Darknefs and Light too; and in confequence of that, over the (y)northern Army, Satan and his Angels of Darkness, or the invifible cold



i To exprefs and confirm the fame phyfical Truth in the Images and Characters of the outer World, the Prophet Ezekiel fays, in his myftic Style, that the Worshippers, (meaning in the Days of the Mafiah) who go in by the North-Gate, fhall go out by the way of the South-Gate; and they that enter (the Temple) by the South-Gate, fhall go out by the North-Gate, that is, they fhall have the centres and genitures of Darkness and Light in their own Power, and fpiritual Forms. Ezek. xlvi. 11. And in another Place, we find the fame Truth teftified, as out of the North rifes the Whirlwind, or dark Cloud, next a Fire catching itself, that is, out of the dark Centre (where the vehement Will and ftinging Defire towards Motion begins) proceeds the whirling Agitation, or the perpetual Rotation on its Centre, as its immoveable Axis; from this Wheel is caft out the joyful Light, the fource of fweet Life, and the Feelings of all other Senfes in this Principle. For the Cherubim is faid to be the likeness of + Man, because it is man in the divine Image, or a Cherub, as Lucifer was once the covering Cherub, typed under the proud King of Tyre, and fo was Adam too before his deep fleep, and his Wound in his Side. In this form only, can any Man stand before God, or fit down on the Father's Throne. Rev. iii. 21.

(x) Pfal. lxxxix. 12. (y) Joel ii. 20.
* Ezek. i. 4. + Ezek. xxviii. 14, 16.

conftriction of all Matter, where thefe (%) Rulers of the Air, are bound in their own Chain, having broke their Centre of Light, and in that Divifion they have loft the Water and Blood of their heavenly Vehicles, or Bodies; and ftand Prifoners in the evil one, the folitary Principle of Darkness, which is their naked State, and in itfelf the Poifon of Death and Corruption. For this alfo, the Blood of the Lamb was to flow from the (a) Northfide of the Altar, where he was to be flain, because he does, as a Mediator, come into (b) our Darkness, fhedding his Water and Blood there, as the atoning, or clothing that broken Image with his Light of Life, fince no. Body can rife without this quickening Spirit, nor without Matter to form it from. In this Part, he bruizes the Serpent's Head, breaking his Horn, the Band and Chain of Darknefs which myftical Ground of our Lord's Power and Priesthood from the Time of his being anointed, (which was many Ages before his manifeftation in the Fashion of Man) he fhewed openly, when he came into

(z) Eph. ii. 2. (a) Lev. i. 11. (b) John i. v..

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