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ZION. 8th P. М. (185)


Lo! He comes, with clouds descending, Once for favour'd sinners slain; ( Thousand thousand saints, attending, Swell the triumph of his train: Hal-le



lujah! God appears on earth to reign, Halle-lu-jah! God appears on earth to reign.

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2 Every eye shall now behold him
Robed in dreadful majesty;
Those who set at naught and sold him,
Pierced and nail'd him to the tree,
Deeply wailing,

Shall the true Messiah see.

3 All the tokens of his passion
Still his dazzling body bears;
Cause of endless exultation
To his ransom'd worshippers;
With what rapture
Gaze we on those glorious scars.

4 Yea, Amen! let all adore thee,
High on thine eternal throne;
Saviour, take the power and glory;

Make thy righteous sentence known:

Jah! Jehovah!

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All on earth, and all in heaven,

Join to praise Immanuel's name;
It is finish'd:-

Glory to the bleeding Lamb.

1103 We also shall appear with Him in glory.


IFT your heads, ye friends of Jesus, Partners in his patience here: Christ, to all believers precious, Lord of lords, shall soon appear: Mark the tokens

Of his heavenly kingdom near.
2 Sun and moon are both confounded,
Darken'd into endless night,
When, with angel-hosts surrounded,
In his Father's glory bright,
Beams the Saviour,
Shines the everlasting light.

3 See the stars from heaven falling;.
Hark, on earth the doleful cry;
Men on rocks and mountains calling,
While the frowning Judge draws nigh:
Hide us, hide us,

Rocks and mountains, from his eye!

4 With what diff'rent exclamation
Shall the saints his banner see!
By the tokens of his passion,
By the marks received for me:-
All discern him:

All with shouts cry out,-'Tis He!

5 Lo! 'tis He! our hearts' Desire,
Come for his espoused below;
Come to join us with his choir,
Come to make our joys o'erflow:
Palms of vict'ry,
Crowns of glory, to bestow.

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COME, ye sinners, poor and needy,

and wounded, sick and sore;

Jesus ready stands to save you,

Full of pity, love, and power:
He is able,

He is willing: doubt no more.

2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome;
God's free bounty glorify;
True belief and true repentance, -
Every grace that brings you nigh, -
Without money,

Come to Jesus Christ and buy.

3 Let not conscience make you linger;
Nor of fitness fondly dream:
All the fitness he requireth
Is to feel your need of him:
This he gives you,-
'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam.
4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
Bruised and mangled by the fall;
If you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all;
Not the righteous, -
Sinners Jesus came to call.

5 Agonizing in the garden,
Your Redeemer prostrate lies;
On the bloody tree behold him!
Hear him cry, before he dies,

It is finish'd!-

Sinners, will not this suffice? 6 Lo! the incarnate God, ascending, Pleads the merit of his blood: Venture on him,--venture freely; Let no other trust intrude: None but Jesus

Can do helpless sinners good.

7 Saints and angels, join'd in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb; While the blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name: Hallelujah!

Sinners here may do the same. 914 Hallelujah.

O My Redeemer from al

THOU God of my salvation,

Moved by thy divine compassion,
Who hast died my heart to win,
I will praise thee:


Where shall I thy praise begin? 2 Though unseen, I love the Saviour; He hath brought salvation near; Manifests his pard'ning favor; And when Jesus doth appear, Soul and body

Shall his glorious image bear. 3 While the angel choirs are crying,Glory to the great I AM, I with them will still be vyingGlory! glory to the Lamb! O how precious

Is the sound of Jesus' name! 4 Angels now are hov'ring round us, Unperceived amid the throng; Wond'ring at the love that crown'd us, Glad to join the holy song:


Iove and praise to Christ belong!

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1. O that my load of sin were gone; O that I could at last sub-mit



At Je-sus' feet

to lay it down- To lay my soul at Jesus' feet.

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510 The light yoke and easy burden. 53-b.
THAT my load of sin were gone;
O that I could at last submit

At Jesus' feet to lay it down-
To lay my soul at Jesus' feet.
2 Rest for my soul I long to find:
Saviour of all, if mine thou art,
Give me thy meek and lowly mind,
And stamp thine image on my heart.

3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free;
I cannot rest till pure within, —
Till I am wholly lost in thee.

4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God;
Thy light and easy burden prove;
The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood,
The labour of thy dying love.

5 I would, but thou must give the power;
My heart from every sin release;
Bring near, bring near the joyful hour,
And fill me with thy perfect peace.

827 The well of living water. 65-a.

JESUS, the gift divine I know,

gift divine I ask of thee;

The living water now bestow,

Thy Spirit and thyself, on me.
2 For thou of life the fountain art,
None else can give or take away;
O may I find it in my heart,

And with me may it ever stay.
3 Thus may I drink, and thirst no more
For drops of finite happiness;
Spring up, O well, in heavenly power,
In streams of pure perennial peace.



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Y soul before thee prostrate lies;
To thee, her Source, my Spirit flies;

My wants I mourn, my chains I see;
O let thy presence set me free.
2 Jesus, vouchsafe my heart and will
With thy meek lowliness to fill;
No more her power let nature boast,
But in thy will may mine be lost.

3 Already springing hope I feel,-
God will destroy the power of hell,
And, from a land of wars and pain,
Lead me where peace and safety reign.
4 One only care my soul shall know, -
Father, all thy commands to do;
And feel, what endless years shall prove,
That thou, my Lord, my God, art love.


The inbred leprosy.

a word, a look from thee,


JESUS clean;

Purge out the inbred leprosy,
And save me from my bosom sin.
2 Lord, if thou wilt, I do believe
Thou canst the saving grace impart;
Thou canst this instant now forgive,
And stamp thine image on my heart.
3 My heart, which now to thee I raise,
I know thou canst this moment cleanse;
The deepest stains of sin efface,
And drive the evil spirit hence.
4 Be it according to thy word;.
Accomplish now thy work in me;
And let my soul, to health restored,
Devote its deathless powers to thee

OBERLIN. L. M. (28)



1. Praise waits in Zi on, Lord, for thee; Thy saints a-dore thy holy Name;

3 4


Thy creatures bend th'o-be- dient knee, And, humbly, now thy pres - ence claim.



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ORAISE waits in Zion, Lord, for thee; Thy saints adore thy holy Name; Thy creatures bend the' obedient knee, And, humbly, now thy presence claim.

2 Eternal Source of truth and light,
To thee we look, on thee we call;
Lord, we are nothing in thy sight,
But thou to us art all in all.

3 Still may thy children in thy word
Their common trust and refuge see;
O, bind us to each other, Lord,
By one great bond, -the love of thee.
4 So shall our sun of hope arise,
With brighter still and brighter ray,
Till thou shalt bless our longing eyes
With beams of everlasting day.



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O! round the throne, a glorious hand,
The saints in countless myriads stand;

Of every tongue redeem'd to God,
Array'd in garments wash'd in blood.
2 Through tribulation great they came;
They bore the cross, despised the shame;
But now from all their labours rest,
In God's eternal glory blest.

3 They see the Saviour face to face;
They sing the triumph of his grace;
And day and night, with ceaseless praise,
To him their loud hosannas raise.

4 O, may we tread the sacred road
That holy saints and martyrs trod;
Wage to the end the glorious strife,
And win, like them, a crown of life.

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3 There, what delightful truths I read!
There, I behold the Saviour bleed:
His name salutes my list'ning ear,
Revives my heart, and checks my fear.
4 There Jesus bids my sorrows cease,
And gives my lab'ring conscience
Raises my grateful thoughts on high,
And points to mansions in the sky.
5 For love like this, O let my song,
Through endless years, thy praise prolong
Let distant climes thy Name adore,
Till time and nature are no more.


62 2

BRIGHTON. 1st P. M. (152)


1. O Love divine, what hast thou done! Th' incarnate God hath died for me!

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The Father's co e ter nal Son Bore all my sins up on the tree!

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The Son of God for me hath died: My Lord, my Love, is cru ci fied.

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2 Behold hım, all ye that pass by,-
The bleeding Prince of life and peace!
Come see, ye worms, your Saviour die,
And say, was ever grief like his?
Come, feel with me his blood applied:
My Lord, my Love, is crucified.
3 Is crucified for me and you,

To bring rebels back to God:
Believe, believe the record true,-
Ye all are bought with Jesus' blood:
Pardon for all flows from his side:
My Lord, my Love, is crucified.

4 Then let us sit beneath his cross,

And gladly catch the healing stream; All things for him account but loss, And give up all our hearts to him: Of nothing think or speak beside,My Lord, my Love, is crucified.

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The blood of sprinkling speaks, and prays,
All-prevalent for helpless man;
Thy blood is still our ransom found,
And speaks salvation all around,
3 We need not now go up to heaven
To bring the long-sought Saviour down;
Thou art to all already given,

Thou dost e'en now thy banquet crown;--
To every faithful soul appear.
And show thy real presence here.


The Lamb of God who taketh away 150-а. the sins of the world.

SEE, sinners, in the gospel glass,

The Friend and Saviour of mankind; Not one of all the apostate race

But may in him salvation find: His thoughts, and words, and actions prove,His life and death, that God is love. 2 Behold the Lamb of God, who bears

The sins of all the world away; A servant's form he meekly wears, He sojourns in a house of clay: His glory is no longer seen, But God with God is man with men. 3 See where the God incarnate stands, And calls his wand'ring creatures home: He all day long spreads out his hands; Come, weary souls, to Jesus come! Ye all may hide you in his breast, Believe, and he will give you rest.

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