Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 75, Issue 7Geological Survey of India, 1940 - Earthquakes |
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Page 1
... vertebrate fossils discovered in various horizons of the Gond- wana rocks have been studied by paleontologists from time to time and their opinions regarding the age of the fossils MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA.
... vertebrate fossils discovered in various horizons of the Gond- wana rocks have been studied by paleontologists from time to time and their opinions regarding the age of the fossils MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA.
Page 2
... fossils occur have not been made use of in the classification of the Gondwana system . Vertebrate fossils found in the Gond- wanas , though often fragmentary and confined to a few horizons , are still of much importance as they give us ...
... fossils occur have not been made use of in the classification of the Gondwana system . Vertebrate fossils found in the Gond- wanas , though often fragmentary and confined to a few horizons , are still of much importance as they give us ...
Page 4
... vertebrate fossils from the Panchets , says : " I have already suggested ( Mem . Geol . Surv . Ind . , III , p . 134 ) the pro- bability of the Mangli beds being equivalent in age , or nearly so , to the Panchets of the Raniganj field ...
... vertebrate fossils from the Panchets , says : " I have already suggested ( Mem . Geol . Surv . Ind . , III , p . 134 ) the pro- bability of the Mangli beds being equivalent in age , or nearly so , to the Panchets of the Raniganj field ...
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Common terms and phrases
1.-(In the Press Actinodon risinensis Amphibia Ankistrodon Archegosaurus beds of Kashmir Belodon Bengal Bijori beds Bijori fossil Bijori group Bore-hole records Brachyops laticeps Central India Central Provinces Ceratodus classification Cotter Crocodilia Damudas Denwa beds Dicynodon discussing the age Epicampodon faunal evidence fishes floral evidence following fossils Gangamopteris beds genera Geol Geological Map Geological Survey geologists Geology of India Glossopteris Glossopteris flora Gondwana period Gondwana system homotaxis horizon Huene Huxley Hyperodapedon identified Jurassic Keuper labyrinthodont Lower Gondwanas Lower Permian Lower Trias Lydekker 13 Maitur stage Mangli beds Massospondylus Mastodonsaurus Mastodonsaurus indicus Mesozoic Metoposaur OLDHAM Pachygonia incurvata Panchet beds Panchet fossils Panchet group Panchet rocks Parasuchus Permo-Carboniferous Phytosaurs Plesiosaurus Prof range from Upper Raniganj Raniganj Coal Regarding the age Reptilia sheets Surv Survey of India Talchir Tiki beds Triassic affinities Triassic age Umia Upper Carboniferous Upper Permian Upper Trias vertebrate vertebrate fossils W. T. Blanford