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God of unspotted purity.....
..C. Wesley 513
God's holy law transgress'd..... Beddome 177
Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lo. Watts 127
Go, ye messengers of God.

Marsden 590



Grace, 'tis a charming sound... Doddridge 173
Gracious God, my sins forgive..
Gracious Redeemer, shake..
Gracious Spirit, love divine.

C. Wesley 511
Stocker 118

Grant me within thy courts a. Montgomery 498
Great First of beings! mighty. Boston Col. 45
Great God, accept a heart. C.W
Great God, attend, while Zion sings. Watts 24
Wesley 64
Great God, beneath whose piercing. Roscoe 616
Great God, indulge my humble cla. Watts 285
Great God, let all our tuneful. Heginbotham 373
Great God, now condescend.
Fellows 158
Great God of nations, now to. The Psalmist 613
Great God, this hallowed day of. C. Wes'en 148
Great God, to me the sight afford. C. Wesley 63
Great God, to thee my evening song. Stee'e 365
Great God, what do I see and hear.. Luther 673
Great is the Lord our God.
Great Jehovah! we adore thee.. Unknown 683

Great King of glory, come.

Watts 579

Francis 578
Great Ruler of the earth and skies.. Steele 615
Great Shepherd of thy people, hear. Newton 26
Great Source of being and of lo. Doddridge 141
Great Spirit, by whose mighty pow. Haweis 117
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah....Oliver 493

Had I the gift of tongues.

..Stennett 501

Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Gh. C. Wes'en 67
Hail! Father, whose creating. S. Westen, jr. 69
Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord..... C. Wes'en 66
Hail! sacred truth, whose pie. Baptist Col. 410
Hail! the day that sees him rise. C. Wesley 100
Hail! thou once despised Jesus.. Bakewell 112
Hail! to the Lord's anointed.. Montgomery 81
Hail! to the Sabbath-day.... .. Bulfinch 153
Happy soul, thy days are ending. C. Wesley 655

Happy soul, who sees the day... C. Wesley 973
Happy the man who finds the gr. C. Wesley 118

Happy the meek, whose gentle breast. Scott 500

Happy the souls to Jesus join'd.. C. Wesley 553

Hark! a voice divides the sky...C. Wesley 647

Hark! from the tombs a do'eful son. Hatta 642

Hark! how the gospel trumpet sou. Medley 442
Hark! how the watchmen cry...C. Wealey 432
Hark! my soul, it is the Lord......Comper 114
Hark! the glad sound! the Sav. Doddridge 16
Hark! the herald angels sing....C. Wesley 80
Hark! the notes of angels singing....Kelly 11
Hark! the song of jubilee. .. Montgomery 601
Hark! the voice of love and merey. Francis 99
Hark! what mean those holy voie. Cawood 13
Hasten, Lord, the glorious time... Lote 596
Hasten, sinner, to be wise.
T. Scott 900
Head of the Church triumphant.. C. Wesley 56
Head of the Church, whose Spirit. C. Wesley 589
Hear, gracious God, my humble pra. Steele 239
Hearken to the solemn voice.....C. Wes'ey 630
Hearts of stone, relent, relent.... C. es'cy 204
Hear what God, the Lord, hath sp. Comper 141
Heavenly Father, sov'reign. Salisbury Col. 31
He comes! he comes! the Judge. C. Wesley 665
He dies! the Friend of sinners dies. Hatza 95
Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly. C. Wexley 345
Help us, O Lord, thy yoke to wear.. Anon. 619
He 's gone, the spotless soul is go. C. Wesley 651
He wills that I should holy be.. C. Wes/en 289
High on a throne of light, O Lo. Pratt's Col. 619
High on his everlasting throne... J. Wesley 134
Ho! every one that thirsts, draw. J. Wesley 213
Holy, and true, and righteous Lo.C. Wesley 303
Holy as thou, O Lord, is none. C.Wesley 65
K. ly Ghost, dispel our sadness. Anon. 193
Holy, holy, holy Lord..
C.Wesley 68
Holy Lamb, who thee receive.... J. Wesley 321
Holy Spirit, Fount of blessing...... Anos. 194
Hosanna be the children's son. Montgomery 605
C. .C. Wesley 654

Hosanna to Jesus on high.
How are thy servants blest, O Lo. Addison 621
How beauteous are their feet.
W'atts 128
How blest is our brother, bereft.. C. Wesley 653
How blest the children of the Lord... Lute 618
How blest the righteous, when.. Barbauld 650
How can a sinner know.
..C. Wesley 276
How do thy merçies close me ro. C. Wesley 528
How great the he wisdom, power,. Beddome 172
How happy are the little flock...C. Wesley 663
How happy every child of grace.C. Wesley 552
How happy, gracious Lord, are.. C. Wesley 542
How happy is the pilgrim's lot.. J. Wesley 562
How happy the sorrowful man... C. Wesley 381
How helpless nature lies..
Steele 188
How large the promise, how divine. Watts 155
How many pass the guilty night. C. Wesley 627
How oft have I the Spirit grieved. C. W'es'ey 254
How oft this wretched heart... Steele 522
How perfect is thy wo. Altered from Watts 406
How precious is the book divine.. Fawcett 407
How sad sad our state by nature is..... Watts 194
How shall a lost sinner in pain... C. Wes'ey 521
How sweetly flow'd the gospel's.. Bowring 172
How sweet the hour of closing da. Bathurst 646
How sweet the name of Jesus sou. Newton 177
How swift the torrent rolls..... Doddridge 638
How tedious and tasteless the hou. Newton 539
How tender is thy hand
.Hastings 531
How vain are all things here below. Watts 474
How vain is all beneath the sk. Pratt's Col. 636
Humble, and teachable, and mild. C. Wesley 495

I and my house will serve the L. C. Wesley 374
I ask the gift of righteousness... C. Wesley 323
I call the world's Redeemer min. C. Wesley 661
If death our friends and us divide. C. Wesley 382
If human kindness meets return. Noel's Col. 164
If, Lord, I have acceptance found. C. Wesley 481
If, on a quiet sea.

Unknown 467

If thou impart thyself to me.....C. Wesley 319
I know that my Redeemer lives... Medley 113
I know that my Redeemer lives, And ever

prays for me.
I listen for the voice

C. Wesley 290
..C. Wesen 227

Dwight 146

I'll praise my Maker while I've bre. Watts 549
I long to behold him array'd.....C. Wesien 568
I love the Lord: he heard my cries. Watts 525
I love thy kingdom, Lord.
I love to steal awhile away.
Mrs. Brown 386
Immortal honour, endless fame.... Dryden 681
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord... Watts 482
In age and feebleness extreme...C. Wesley 400
In answer to ten thousand praye. C. Wesley 270
In every time and place......
In every trying hour...

In expectation sweet..

Infinite excellence is thine.

.C. Weaver 499

Coombs 471
Anon, 670

Fawcett 37

Stennett 240

Infinite God, to thee we raise.... C. Wesley 33
In hope against all human hope.. C. Wesley 265
In mercy, Lord, remember me.. Moravian 368
In sorrow I lament..
Inspirer and Hearer of prayer.... Toplady 389
In that sad, memorable night....C. Wes'ey 160
In the sun, and moon, and stars..... Heber 664
In thy name, O Lord, assembling. helly 33
In thy presence we appear... Montgomery 34
Into thy gracious hands I fall... Wesley 269
Is there a thing too hard for thee. C. Wesley M
I thank thee, uncreated Sun.....J. Wesley 48
I the good fight have fought.....C. Wesley +10
I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of.. J. Wesley 818
It is the Lord, who doth not grie. C. Wes'ey 457
I want a heart to pray.

C. Wes'ey 347

I want a principle within.

C. Ifes'en 348

I would not live alway..

Mukienburg 568

I would be thine, O take my he. Reed's Col. 229

Jehovah, God the Father, bless.. C. Wes'ey 352
Jehovah, God, thy gracious.. Dr. Thomson 65



Jerusalem, my happy home..... Unknown 562

Jesus, accept the praise..

Jesus, all-redeeming Lord

Jesus, and shall it ever be..

C. Wesley 615

C. Wesley 165

Grigg 483

Jesus, at whose supreme comma. C. Wesley 161

Jesus, a word, a look from thee.. C. Wesley 191
Jesus Christ, who stands betwee.C. Wesley 262
Jesus comes with all his grace... C. Wesley 308
Jesus, faithful to his word. .C. Wesley 669
Jesus, Friend of sinners, hear.... C. Wesley 519
Jesus, from whom all blessings..C.
Jesus, fulfil our one desire.


[blocks in formation]

Wesley 425

Jesus, great Shepherd of the she. C. Wesley 417

Jesus hath died that I might live. C. Wesley 316
Jesus, I fain would find.

C. Wesley 345

Jesus, I fain would walk in thee. C. Wesley 353

[blocks in formation]

Jesus, immortal King, arise.

Burder 597

Jesus, in whom the Godhead's ra. C. Wesley 351

[blocks in formation]

Jésus, my all, to heaven is gone... Cennick 270

[blocks in formation]

Jesus, my Saviour, Brother, Frie. C. Wesley 344

Jesus, my strength and righteous.C. Wesley 390

Jesus, my strength, my hope....C. Wesley 346

Jesus, my truth, my way. ...C. Wesley 293

Jesus, our best beloved friend. Montgomery 343

Jesus, plant and root in me. C. Wesley 322

Jesus, Redeemer of mankind....C. Wesley 2906

Jesus, Redeemer, Saviour, Lord. C. Wesley 257

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