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fingularity of constitution, are not uniform in all


The involuntary figns, fuch of them as are difplay'd upon the countenance, are of two kinds. Some make their appearance occafionally with the emotions that produce them, and vanifh with the emotions: others are formed gradually by fome violent paffion often recurring; and, becoming permanent figns of this prevailing paffion, ferve to denote the difpofition or temper. The face of an infant indicates no particular difpofition, because it cannot be marked with any character to which time is neceffary. And even the temporary figns are extremely aukward, being the first rude effays of nature to discover internal feelings. Thus the fhrieking of a new-born infant, without tears or fobbings, is plainly an attempt to weep. Some of the temporary figns, as fmiling and frowning, cannot be obferved for fome months after birth. The permanent: figns, formed in youth while the body is foft and flexible, are preserved entire by the firmnefs and fo-lidity which the body acquires; and are never obliterated even by a change of temper. Permanent figns are not produced after a certain age when the fibres become rigid; fome violent cafes excepted, fuch as reiterated fits of the gout or stone through a course of time. But these figns are not so obstinate as what are produced in youth; for when the cause is removed, they gradually wear away, and at laft vanish.

The natural figns of emotions, voluntary and involuntary, being nearly the fame in all men, form an universal language, which no distance of place, no difference of tribe, no diversity of tongue, can darken or render doubtful. Education, though of mighty influence, hath not power to vary or fo phifticate, far lefs to deftroy, their fignification.. This is a wife appointment of providence. For


thefe figns were, like words, arbitrary and variable, it would be an intricate fcience to decipher the actions and motives of our own species, which would prove a great or rather invincible obftruction to the formation of focieties. But as matters are ordered, the external appearances of joy, grief, anger, fear, shame, and of the other paffions, forming an univerfal language, open a direct avenue to the heart. As the arbitrary figns vary in every country, there could be no communication of thoughts among different nations, were it not for the natural figns in which all agree. Words are fufficient for the communication of fcience, and of all mental conceptions: but the difcovering paffions inftantly as they arife, being effential to our well-being and often neceffary for self-preservation, the author of our nature, attentive to our wants, hath provided a paffage to the heart, which never can be obstructed while our external fenfes remain entire..

In an inquiry concerning the external figns of paffion, actions ought not altogether to be over→ looked for though fingly they afford no clear light, they are upon the whole the best interpreters of the heart. By obferving a man's conduct for a course: of time, we discover unerringly the various paffions that:

* The actions here chiefly in view, are what a paffi on fuggefts in order to its gratification. Befide thefe, actions are occafionally exerted to give fome vent to a paffion, without propofing an ultimate gratification. Such occafional action is characteristical of the paffion in a high degree; and for that reafon, when happily invented, has a wonderful good effect in poetry.

Hamlet. Oh moft pernicious woman!

Oh villain, villain, fmiling damned villain!
My tables meet it is Ï fet it down,

That one may smile, and fmile, and be a villain ;
At least I'm fure it may be so in Denmark,
So, uncle, there you are..


Hamlet, act. fc. 8.

that move him to action, what he loves and what he hates. In our younger years, every fingle action is a mark not at all ambiguous of the temper for in childhood there is little or no difguife. The fubject becomes more intricate in advanced age; but even there, diffimulation is feldom carried on for any length of time. And thus the conduct of life is the most perfect expreffion of the internal difpofition. It merits not indeed the title of an univerfal language, because it is not thoroughly un-. derstood but by thofe who either have a penetrating. genius or extenfive obfervation. It is a language, however, which every one can decipher in fome measure; and which, joined with the other external figns, affords fufficient means for the direction of our conduct with regard to others. If we commit any mistake when fuch light is afforded, it never can be the effect of unavoidable ignorance, but of rafhnefs or inadvertence..

In reflecting upon the various expreflions of our emotions, voluntary and involuntary, we must recognise the anxious care of nature to difcover men to each other. Strong emotions, as above hinted, beget an impatience to exprefs them externally by speech and other voluntary figns, which cannot be fuppreffed without a painful effort. Thus a fudden fit of paffion is a common excufe for indecent behaviour or harth words. As to the involuntary figns, thefe are altogether unavoidable. No voliti on or effort can prevent the fhaking of the limbs or a pale vifage, when one is agitated with a violent fit of terror. The blood flies to the face upon a fud÷ den emotion of shame, in fpite of all oppofition:. Vergogna, che'n altrui ftampo natura,. Non fi puo' rinegar: che fe tu'tenti Di cacciarla dal cor, fugge nel volto.

Paftor Fido, ac 2. fe. 5.


Emotions indeed, properly fo called, which are quiefcent, produce no remarkable figns externally; nor is it neceffary that the more deliberate paffions fhould, because the operation of fuch paffions is neither fudden nor violent. Thefe however remain not altogether in the dark. Being more frequent than violent paffion, the bulk of our actions are directed by them. Actions therefore difplay, with fufficient evidence, the more deliberate paffions, and complete the admirable system of external figns, by which we become fkilful in human nature.

Next in order comes an article of great impor tance, which is, to examine the effects produced upon a spectator by external signs of paffion: None of thefe figns are beheld with indifference: they are productive of various emotions tending all of them to ends wife and good. This curious article makes. a capital branch of human nature. It is peculiarly ufeful to writers who deal in the pathetic; and with respect to history-painters, it is altogether indifpen-fable..

When we enter upon this article, we gather from: experience, that each paffion, or clafs of paffions, hath its peculiar figns; and that these invariably make certain impreffions on a fpectator. The external figns of joy, for example, produce a chearful emotion, the external figns of grief produce pity, and the external figns of rage produce a fort of terror even in those who are not aimed at..

Secondly, it is natural to think, that pleasant paffions should exprefs themselves externally by figns that appear agreeable, and painful paffions by figns. that appear difagreeable. This conjecture, which nature fuggefts, is confirmed by experience. Pride feems to be an exception; its external figns being disagreeable, though it be commonly reckoned a pleasant paffion. But pride is not an exception; for in reality it is a mixed paffion, partly pleasant, partly

partly painful. When a proud man confines his thoughts to himself, and to his own dignity or importance, the paffion is pleasant, and its external figns agreeable but as pride chiefly confifts in undervaluing or contemning others, it is fo far painful, and its external figns difagreeable.

Thirdly, it is laid down above, that an agreeable object produceth always a pleafant emotion, and a difagreeable object one that is painful *. According to this law, the external figns of a pleasant paffion, being agreeable, must produce in the spectator a pleasant emotion; and the external signs of a painful paffion, being difagreeable, muft produce in him a painful emotion.

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Fourthly, in the present chapter, it is observed, that pleafant paflions are, for the most part, expreffed externally in one uniform manner; and that only the painful paffions are diftinguishable from each other by their external expreffions. In the emotions accordingly raifed by external figns of pleasant paffions, there is little variety. They are pleasant or chearful, and we have not words to reach a more particular defcription. But the external figns of painful paffions produce in the fpectator emotions of different kinds: the emotions, for example, raised by external figns of grief, of remorfe, of anger, of envy, of malice, are clearly diftinguishable from each other.

Fifthly, emotions, raised by the external figns of painful paffions, are fome of them attractive, fome repulfive. Every painful paffion that is alfo difagreeablet, raifes by its external figns a repulfive emotion, repelling the fpectator from the object. Thus the emotions raifed by external figns of envy and rage are repulfive. But this is not the cafe of painful

*See chap. 2. part 7.

+ See paffions explained as agreeable or disagreeable, chap. 2. part 2.

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