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This table shows the volumes containing documents relating to operations in each month from December, 1860, to the end of the war. By the aid of the table the reader can find the records of all contemporaneous operations throughout the country during any month of any year. The series are indicated by roman numerals I, II, III, IV, meaning, respectively, first, second, third and fourth series. Arabic figures, following the roman numerals, are used to indicate the volumes of the several series, and point to volumes alone and not to parts thereof.


November, III, 1.
December, I, 1, 50; III, 1; IV, 1.


March, I, 5-12, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1;
IV, 1.

April, I, 6, 8-14, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 2;
IV, 1.

May, I, 6, 9-15, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 2;
IV, 1.

January, 1, 1, 50-53; II, 2; III, 1; IV, I. June, 1, 9-17, 50-53; II, 1–4; III, 2; IV, 1.
February, 1, 1, 50-53; II, 1, 3; III, 1;
July, I, 9, 11-17, 50-53; II, 1, 2, 4; III, 2;
IV, 1.

March, 1, 1, 50-53; II, 1−3; III, 1; IV, 1.
April, 1, 1, 2, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1; IV, 1.
May, I, 1-3, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1; IV, 1.
June, I, 1-4, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1; IV, 1.
July, I, 1-4. 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1; IV, 1.
August, I, 1, 3-6, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1;
IV, 1.

September, I, 3-6, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1;
IV, 1.

October, I, 3-6, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1;
IV, 1.

November, I, 3-8, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1;
IV. 1.

IV, 2.

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December, I, 4-8, 50-53; II, 1-3; III, 1; January, I, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20-25, 50–53; II,

IV, 1.

2, 5; III, 3; IV, 2.


February, I, 14, 15, 18, 22-25, 50-53; II, 2, 5; III, 3; IV, 2.

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April, 1, 14, 15, 18, 22-25, 50-53; II, 2, 5;
III, 3; IV, 2.


May, I, 14, 15, 18, 22-26, 50-53; II, 2, 5; March, I, 32-35, 50-53; II, 6; III, 4;

IV, 3.

III, 3; IV, 2. June, 1, 14, 18, 22-28, 50-53; II, 5, 6; III, April, I, 32-35, 50-53; II, 7; III, 4; IV, 3. 3; IV, 2. | May, I, 34-39, 50-53; II, 7; III, 4; IV, 3. July, I, 22-24, 26-28, 50-53; II, 6; III, 3; June, I, 34-40, 50-53; II, 7; III, 4; IV, 3. IV, 2. July, I, 35, 37-41, 50-53; II, 7; III, 4; IV, 3.

August, I, 22-24, 26-30, 50-53; II, 6; III, 3; IV, 2.

September, I, 22, 26, 28-30, 50-53; II, 6;
III, 3; IV, 2.

August, I, 35, 37-39, 41-43, 50-53; II, 7;
III, 4; IV, 3.

October, I, 22, 26, 28-31, 50-53; II, 6; III, 3; IV, 2.

September, I, 35, 38, 39, 41-43, 50-53; II, 7; III, 4; IV, 3.

November, I, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31, 50-53; II, 6; III, 3; IV, 2.

October, 1, 35, 39, 41-43,50-53; II, 7; III, 4; IV, 3.

December, I, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31, 50-53; II, 6; III, 3; IV, 2.

November, I, 35, 39, 41-45, 50-53; II, 7;
III, 4; IV, 3.


December, I, 41-45, 50-53; II, 7; III, 4;
IV, 3.


January, I, 32-35,50-53; II, 6; III, 4;
IV, 3.
January, I, 45-53; II, 8; III, 4; IV, 3.
February, I, 32-35, 50-53; II, 6; III, 4; February to end, I, 46-53; II, 8; III, 4, 5;

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Roman numerals designate the series and arabic figures the volumes. The arabic figures point to volumes alone and not to parts thereof. Indexes to the several parts of volumes should therefore be examined for definite reference to matter pertaining to any particular event, subject or person. A plus sign (+) following a volume reference shows that the "Additions and Corrections" (pages 1091-1242, post) for the volume indicated should be consulted. For further explanations see

pages XXV-XXVIII, ante.

[blocks in formation]

A. L. Hyde (Adelso), Schooner, II, 2.

A. M. Sullivan, Steamboat, I, 10.

A. Majors, Steamer, I, 13.

A. P. Hurt, Steamer, I, 47.

A. Richards, Brig, IV, 3.

A. S. Pearcy, Schooner, I, 18.

A. S. Ruthven, Steamer, I, 26, 41.

A. T. C., L, 40.

A. W. Baker. Steamer.

Capture, Feb. 3, 1863, I, 15+, 24-
A Winants, Steamer, I, 36, 40, 42.
Aagesen, Nicholas S., I, 10+, 24+, 38.
Aaron L. Reid, Ship, II, 2.
Aaronson, Frederick G., II, 4.

Aaronson. Napoleon B., I, 12; II, 4.
Abadie, Eugene H., I, 3, 41, 48, 49; II, 1; III, 1, 2.
Abagast, Mr., I, 5.

Abandoned Lands, Refugees, etc., 1, 6-11+, 14,
15, 17, 18, 22, 26, 29-34, 37-42+, 46-49; II, I+;

Abbey, Frederick J., I, 22.
Abbey, Joseph H., I, 49.

Abbey, Joseph N., I, 37.

Abbey, Samuel A., I, 20, 52.

Abbitt, G. W., I, 18.

Abbitt, James P., I, 19.

Abbot, Mr., I, 34.

Abbot, Edward S., I, 25, 27.

Abbot, Henry L., I, 2, 5, 11, 15, 19, 25,27,29,33,

36, 37, 40, 42, 46, 47, 51; III, 1, 5; 'Atlas.

Abbot, J. P., I, 16.

Abbot, John, I, 30.

Abbot, John P., I, 21.

Abbot, Trevett, I, 14; II, 5.

Abbot & Co., II, 2.

Abbott, I, 51; II, 2.

Abbott, A., II, 4.

Abbott, A. P., I, 25.

Abbott, Abial R., I, 10, 17, 52.

Abbott, Albert G., I, 40.

Abbott, Andrew S., I, 47.

Abbott, Asa T., I, 29, 37, 49; III, 4.

Abbott, Augustus H., I, 10, 16.

Abbott, C. P., I, 21.

Abbott, Charles H., Surg., 1, 32.

Abbott, Charles H., 30th Iowa, 1, 17, 24.

Abbott, Chauncey, I, 27.

Abbott, D. Ε., Ι, 10.

Abbott, Edward A., I, 29, 37-
Abbott, Edward G., I, 12.

Abbott, Ephraim P., I, 16, 20, 23, 30, 31.
Abbott, Everett F., I, 30.

Abbott, F. M., I, 15.

Abbott, George, 22d Ill., I, 3, 34; III, 5.
Abbott, George, 67th N. Y. S. N. G., I, 27.
Abbott, George, 98th N. Y. S. N. G., I, 43.

III, 2-5; IV, 3.

Abat, Generes & Co., I, 15.

Abat & Cushman, I, 15; III, 2.

Abbott, George E., I, 43.

Abbe, John D., 1, 34.

Abbay, George F., I, 15, 39, 45, 49; IV, 2.

Abbott, George G., I, 12.

Abbott, George H., I, 50.

Abbett, William A., I, 49.

Abbett, Alfred V. D., I, 39.

Abbott, George I., I, 38.

Abbott, George R., I, 42, 46.

Abbeville, Miss.

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