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text of that volume is indicated in the additions and corrections for the volume index by an asterisk (*) following the additional or corrected entry. The asterisk also shows that the alteration indicated by it will be found, in full, in the additions and corrections for the text. Following are illustrations of the foregoing explanations:

[Extracts from Additions and Corrections for Volume I of Series I.]

Barclay, Richard A. [Barkley, Captain].

(This shows that the person whose name is indexed as Captain Barkley in the volume index has been identified as Richard A. Barclay, that the words in italics should be substituted, in the volume index, for the words in brackets, and that in the text of the volume the name Barkley should be changed to Barclay. The rank of the officer is correctly stated in the text, and should not be changed there, but the word "captain" should be stricken out in the volume index, upon the insertion of the full name therein, in conformity with the general plan of the index, in which, as a rule, the rank of officers is omitted where the full names are shown.)

Baltic, Steamer, 24.

(This entry adds page 24 to the other page references printed in the volume index.)

Bradfute, W. R., 632 [Captain, 932].

(This entry, in addition to supplying the missing initials of the Christian name, shows that the page number-932-as it stands in the volume index is wrong and should be 632, also that the word and figures in brackets should be erased in the volume index.)

Mervine, William.

Declaration of blockade at Key West, Fla., 429.

(This shows that the words and figures in italics should be inserted in the volume index under the name of William Mervine.)

Lincoln, Abraham.

Correspondence with

Congress [Senate of the], United States.

(This indicates that "Congress" should be substituted for "Senate of the" in the volume index.)

Wilson, Joseph K., 567.*

(This shows, by the use of the asterisk (*), that an alteration in the text on page 567 of the volume referred to is necessary and that the character of the alteration is described in the additions and corrections for the text of the volume. It also shows, by the use of italic letters and figures, that the name and page reference should be inserted in the volume index.)


Fach book in the entire work is marked on the back as follows: 1st, with the number designating the series (first, second, third or fourth) to which the volume belongs; 2d, with the volume number of that series: 3d, with the part number of the volume (where the volume consists of more than one book or part). Roman numerals are used to designate the several series, volumes and parts. In addition, each book after Volume XXIII bears a serial, running or book number, in arabic figures, which simply designates the position of that particular book in the entire work and has no connection with the roman numerals used to designate the four series and the various volumes and parts into which the work is divided. The first thirty-five books (Volumes I to XXIII) are not marked with the serial or running numbers here assigned to them, but those numbers, as stated above, appear on all later books, beginning with Volume XXIV, Part I, to which book the serial or running number 36 has been assigned. The serial or running numbers of all the books from 1 to 130 are given in the following statement, although corresponding numbers will not be found printed on the first thirty-five books.


Formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders and returns relating specially thereto.


[Serial No. 1.]

Operations in Charleston Harbor, Dec. 20, 1860-Apr. 14, 1861; the secession of (morgia, Jan. 3-26, 1861; the secession of Alabama and Mississippi, Jan. 4-20, 1561; operations in Florida, Jan. 6-Aug. 31, 1861; the secession of North Carolina, Jan. 9-May 20, 1861; the secession of Louisiana, Jan. 10-Feb. 19, 1861; operations in Texas and New Mexico, Feb. 1-June 11, 1861; operations in Arkansas, the Indian Territory and Missouri, Feb. 7-May 9, 1861. See also Supplemental Volumes LI, LII, LIII.

Principal Events. - Seizure of United States forts, arsenals, etc.; vessels fired upon by State troops; expeditions for the relief of Forts Pickens and Sumter; bombardment and evacuation of Fort Sumter.


[Serial No. 2.]

Operations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, Apr. 16-July 31, 1861. See also Supplemental Volume LI.

Principal Events. - Sewell's Point, Aquia Creek, Philippi, Big Bethel, Falling Waters, Rich Mountain, Blackburn's Ford, Bull Run (first), the Miles Court of Inquiry.


[Serial No. 3.]

Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and the Indian Territory, May 10-Nov. 19, 1861. See also Supplemental Volume LIII.

Principal Events. -Camp Jackson, Booneville, Carthage, Blue Mills, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, Fredericktown, Springfield, Belmont.


[Serial No. 4.]

Operations in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, June 11, 1861-Feb. 1, 1862; operations in Kentucky and Tennessee, July 1-Nov. 19, 1861; operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia, Aug. 1, 1861-Jan. 11, 1862. See also Supplemental Volumes LI, LII, LIII.

Principal Events. -San Augustine Springs; advance of Confederates into Kentucky; Columbus, Paducah, Barboursville, Camp Wildcat, Ivy Mountain; revolt of Unionists in East Tennessee; burning of Hampton; Hatteras Inlet.


[Serial No. 5.]

Operations in Maryland, Northern Virginia and West Virginia, Aug. 1, 1861-Mar. 17, 1862. See also Supplemental Volume LI.

Principal Events. -Cross-Lanes, Carnifix Ferry, Cheat Mountain; arrest of members of Maryland Legislature; Romney, Greenbrier River, Kanawha and New Rivers, Ball's Bluff, Camp Alleghany, Dranesville, Hancock.


[Serial No. 6.]

Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and Middle and East Florida, Aug. 21, 1861-Apr. 11, 1862; operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi and Louisiana, Sept. 1, 1861-May 12, 1862. See also Supplemental Volumes LII, LIII.

Principal Events.-Port Royal, Jacksonville, Fort Pulaski, Pensacola, Forts Jackson and Saint Philip, New Orleans, the Lovell Court of Inquiry.


[Serial No. 7.]

Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Alabama and Southwest Virginia, Nov. 19, 1861-Mar. 4, 1862. See also Supplemental Volume LII.

Principal Events.-Rowlett's Station, Prestonburg, Logan's Cross-Roads or Mill Springs, Forts Henry and Donelson.


[Serial No. 8.]

Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and the Indian Territory, Nov. 19, 1861



Principal Events.-Round Mountain, Chusto-Talasah, Chustenahlah, Mount Zion Church, Roan's Tan-Yard, New Madrid, Island No. 10, Pea Ridge.


[Serial No. 9.]

Operations in Southeastern Virginia, Jan. 11-Mar. 17, 1862; operations in North Carolina, Jan. 11-Aug. 20, 1862; (perations in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, Feb. 1-Sept. 20, 1862. See also Supplemental Volumes LI, LIII.

Principal Events. - Monitor and Merrimac, Roanoke Island, New Berne, Fort Macon, South Mills, Tranter's Creek, Valverde, Glorieta, "The California Column."


[Serial Nos. 10, 11.]

Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama and Southwest Virginia, Mar. 4-June 10, 1862. See also Supplemental Volume LII.

Principal Events. - Cumberland Gap, Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh, "Railroad Raid," Corinth, Fort Pillow, Memphis, Chattanooga.


[Serial Nos. 12, 13, 14.]

The Peninsular Campaign, Virginia, Mar. 17-Sept. 2, 1862. See also Supplemental Volume LI.

Principal Events.-Yorktown, Williamsburg, West Point, Fort Darling, Hanover Court-House, Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Stuart's Raid, Seven Days' Battles (including Oak Grove, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Garnett's and Golding's Farms, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp Bridge, Glendale, Turkey Bridge, Malvern Hill).


[Serial Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18.]

Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland, Mar. 17-Sept. 2, 1862. See also Supplemental Volume LI.

Principal Events.--Kernstown, McDowell, Princeton, Front Royal, Middletown, Winchester, Cross Keys, Port Republic, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, Kettle Run, Thoroughfare Gap, Gainesville, Groveton, Bull Run (second), Chantilly, the McDowell Court of Inquiry, the Porter Commission and Court-Martial and the Julins White Commission.


[Serial No. 19.]

Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, the Indian Territory and the Department of the Northwest, Apr. 10-Nov. 20, 1862. See also Supplemental Volume


Principal Events. Saint Charles, Hill's Plantation, Kirksville, Independence, Lone Jack, Fort Ridgely, Newtonia, Old Fort Wayne, Clark's Mill.


[Serial No. 20.]

Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and Middle and East Florida, Apr. 12, 1862-June 11, 1863. See also Supplemental Volume LIII.

Principal Events. - Secessionville, Simmons' Bluff, Tampa, Saint John's Bluff, Fort McAllister, Jacksonville, Charleston Harbor.


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