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Skirmish, May 3, 1863, I, 24.

Forward, U. S. Rev. Cutler, 1, 5, 51; II, 1.

Forward, William E., 1, 39.

Forwood, W. B., II, 2.

Forwood, William H., I, 11, 12, 19, 27.

Foscue, B. D., I, 47.

Fosdick, Aaron, II, 2.

Fosdick, Charles B., III, 5.

Fosdick, H. M., 1, 34.

Fosdick, Stephen M., I, 18.

Fosgate, William A., I, 43.

Foshee, R. B., I, 28.

Fosher, John, I, 10.

Fos-hut-chi Ha-cho-chi, Indian, IV, 1.

Fos-hut-chi Tus-ti-nuk-ki, Indian, IV, 1.

Fosket, Alexander E., 11, 3.

Foss, I, 41.

Foss, Charles A., I, 27.

Foss, Charles H., I, 29.

Foss, Fernando C., I, 2, 11.

Foss, James A., I, 46.

Foss, Samuel T., III, 5.

Fosses, Julius, I, 32, 39; II, 4.

Fosset, Captain, I, 48.

Fossett, James L., II, 7.

Fost, I, 49.

Foster, Steamer, I, 33, 35, 42, 46, 51; III, 4.

Foster, I, 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 24, 27, 29-31, 34, 36, 48, 52,

53; II, 7.

Foster (Forrest?), Colonel, I, 16.

Foster, A. G., I, 27.

Foster, A. J., I, 28.

Foster, Abram, I, 8.

Foster, Albert, I, 43, 46.

Foster, C. H., Surg., I, 22.

Foster, C. H., 2d N. C., I, 33.

Foster, C. J., I, 24.

Foster, Charles, Draughtsman, Atlas.

Foster, Charles, 11th Iowa, I, 24, 38.

Foster, Charles H., 11th Mo., I, 17.

Foster, Charles H., 6th Ohio, I, 20.

Foster, Charles Henry, II, 2; III, 1.

Foster, Charles W., I, 14, 16, 20, 23, 28, 35-37, 39, 41

47, 49, 51, 52; II, 5, 8; III, 3-5.

Foster, Christian, I, 34, 48.

Foster, Clark C., 1, 51.

Foster, Daniel, I, 42.

Foster, Davis, I, 42.

Foster, Dwight, III, 1.

Foster, E. М., І, 19.

Foster, Edgar J., I, 30, 31.

Foster, Edward L., I, 36.

Foster, Edward S., I, 40.

Foster, Eli, I, 30.

Foster, Elkanah S., I, 13, 41.

Foster, Emory S., I, 8, 13, 22, 41+; II, 1.

Foster, Everett W., I, 22, 34, 41.

Foster, F., II, 7.

Foster, Francis, I, 13.

Foster, Frank, I, 10.

Foster, Frank, jr., I, 20.

Foster, Frank T., I, 16.

Foster, Frederick, I, 36.

Foster, G., 1, 19.

Foster, G. W., I, 41.

Foster, George, Agent, I, 15+.

Foster, George, Rep. Recruit, Mass.,

III, 5.

Foster, George, Rep. Recruit, N. Y., III, 5.

Foster, George I., I, 19.

Foster, George P., I, 21, 29, 33, 36, 40, 42, 43, 46, 51.

Foster, George W., 9th Mass. Batty., Ι, 46.

Foster, George W., 4th Mich. Cav., I, 49.

Foster, H., I, 52.

Foster, H. P., I, 36.

Foster, Henry, II, 7.

Foster, Henry C., I, 24, 32.

Foster, Henry E., I, 15.

Foster, Henry H., 4oth N. Y., I, 11.

Foster, Henry H., 201st Pa., I, 46.

Foster, Herman, III, 5.

Foster, Hiram B., I, 41.

Foster, Ira R., I, 32, 49; IV, 3.

Foster, J., I, 30.

Foster, J. C., I, 42.

Foster, J. E., I, 10.

Foster, J. Milton, I, 45.

Foster, J. P., I, 39.

Foster, J. R., I, 42.

Foster, J. T., I, 28.

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Foster, James T., I, 48.

Foster, James W., Ram Queen of the West, II, 5.

Foster, James W., Mosby's Cav., II, 6.

Foster, James W., 83d Pa., I, 21.

Foster, Jerome, III, 1.

Foster, Jim, I, 48.

Foster, Joel, I, 20.

Foster, Joel W., I, 20.

Foster, John, I, 34.

Foster, John A., 29th Ala., I, 38.

Foster, John A., 175th N. Y., I, 34, 41.

Foster, John B., I, 44, 47.

Foster, John D., I, 3, 8, 13, 17; II, 1; III, 1.

Foster, John G., I, 1, 6, 9, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23-25, 27

31+, 32-49, 51-53; II, 1, 4-8; III, 1-5; IV, 3;

Foster, John G., Mrs., I, 1+, 35, 44, 47.
Foster, John H., I, 10, 16.

Foster, John K., II, 4.

Foster, John L., I, 9.

Foster, John R., I, 41, 48.

Foster, John S., 1, 8, 17, 24, 31, 32, 38; III, 1.

Foster, John W., I, 7, 10, 20, 23, 30-32, 52; II, 4, 5.

Foster, Jonas, I, 23, 31.

Foster, Joseph T., I, 13, 41.

Foster, Justus P., I, 12.

Foster, L. P., I, 21.

Foster, Lafayette S., I, 46, 48.

Foster, Lyman B., I, 30, 31, 38.

Foster, M., I, 25.

Foster, Marcus P., I, 11.

Foster, Melville U., I, 8, 22, 34, 41, 48.

Foster, Morris, I, 48.

Foster, N. C., I, 34.

Foster, Nathaniel G., 1, 39.

Foster, Nathaniel H., I, 18, 39, 45, 49.

Foster, O. H., I, 21.

Foster, Osmond F., II, 8.

Foster, R. A., I, 38.

Foster, R. C., I, 30.

Foster, R. T., & Co., IV, 2.

Foster, Richard, I, 36.

Foster, Richard B., I, 48.

Foster, Robert A., I, 48.

Foster, Robert C., I, 4, 7, 52; IV, 1.

Foster, Robert J., I, 41.

Foster, Robert S., I, 2, 12, 18, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 40,

42, 46, 47, 51; II, 6; III, 5.

Foster, Robert V., I, 20.

Foster, Romeo W., I, 27.

Foster, S. A., I, 11.

Foster, S. T., I, 47.

Foster, Samuel, ist Cherokee Mtd. Rifles, I. 8.

Foster, Samuel, 2d Iowa Cav., I, 10, 30, 31, 45.

Foster, Samuel, 11th Iowa, 1, 49.

Foster, Samuel A., I, 22, 24, 50.

Foster, Samuel B., III, 5.

Foster, Stephen B., I, 42.

Foster, Stephen M., I, 20.

Foster, T. A., I, 48.

Foster, T. J., I, 34.

Foster, Thaddeus, I, 10, 30.

Foster, Theodore S., I, 9.

Foster, Thomas, Missouri, I, 13, 34.

Foster, Thomas, Ohio, III, 5.

Foster, Thomas, jr., II, 3-5.

Foster, Thomas J., I, 7, 16, 20, 32, 52; IV, 3. Foster, Thomas J., et al., I, 33.

Foster, Thomas R., I, 29+, 51; IV, 3.

Foster, Thomas S., I, 17; II, 1, 3, 4.

Foster, Thomas W., II, 6.

Foster, Turner S., II, 4.

Foster, W. E., 1, 51.

Foster, W. M., I, 11.

Foster, W. R., I, 15.

Foster, W. S., I, 13.

Foster, Washington, I, 34.
Foster, Watson, I, 24, 38.
Foster, William, I, 49.

Foster, William C., I, 12.
Foster, William F., I, 23, 36, 38, 45; Atlas.
Foster, William G., I, 32, 38, 39, 47.

Foster, William H., I, 5.

Foster, William K., I, 26.

Foster, William L., III, 3.

Foster, William N., I, 25, 27, 29.

Foster, William T., I, 16+.

Foster, Z. D., I, 20.

Foster & Thomson, II, 2.

Fosters, Bowling Green, Ky., I, 23.

Foster's Mills, N. C.

Expedition, July 26-29, 1863, I, 27.

Foster's Plantation, Va.

Skirmish, May 18, 1864, I, 36.

Fosterville, Tenn.


June 25, 27, 1863, I, 23.

Oct. 6, 1863, 1, 30.

Fosterville, Tenn., Tel. Operator, I, 23.

Fouch, S., I, 25.

Fouche, Otto, I, 26.

Fouché, R. T., I, 53.

Fouché-le-Faix Mountains, Ark.

Skirmish, Nov. 11, 1863, I, 22+.

Fouché Springs, Tenn.

Skirmish, Nov. 23, 1864, I, 45

Fouck, William, I, 19.

Fouin, V., II, 5.

Fouke, Charles, I, 38, 45.

Fouke, Philip B., 1, 3, 10; II, 1, 2,

Fould, Achille, IV, 2.

Fould, B., & Co., III, 2.

Foules, H. L., I, 23, 30-32, 38.

Foulk, J. H. L., I, 41.

Foulk, William L., I, 31, 43, 49.

Foulke, A., I, 33.

Foulke, Evan, I, 20.

Foulke, L. M., et al., I, 50.

Foulkes, Albert, I, 20, 52.

Foulkes, E. В., 1, 15.

Foulkes, Jocelyn S., I, 34

Foulkes, Thomas, Steamer, I, 14, 35+,53.

Foulks, John, I, 51.

Fount, S. J., I, 41.

Fountain, Steamer, 1, 47.

Fountain, Albert J., I, 26, 34, 48+.

Fountain, Elias, I, 43.

Fountain, Orlando, I, 23, 30.

Fountain, Pleasant, I, 22.

Fountain, Solomon H., I, 47.

Fountain Dale, Pa.

Skirmish, June 28, 1863, 1, 27.


Fourche Bayou, Ark.

Engagement, Sept. 10, 1863, I, 22; Atlas.

Fourinquet, E. P., I, 52.

Four Locks, Md.

Skirmish, Oct. 9, 1862, I, 19.

Four Mile, Mo.

Skirmish, Aug. 23, 1862, 1, 13.

Four-Mile Creek, Va.


June 30-July 1, 16, 28, 1864, 1, 40
Aug. 13, 1864, I, 42.

Combat, Oct. 7, 1864, I, 42.

Fournet, V. A., I, 15, 26.
Fourteen-Mile Creek, Ind. Ter.
Skirmish, Oct. 30, 1863, I, 22+.
Fourteen-Mile Creek, Miss.

Skirmishes, May 12, 13, 1863, I, 24. Fourth Auditor, U. S. Treasury, II, 2, 3. Fouse, Dewalt S., I, 36, 40.

Foust, Benezet F., I, 21, 25, 27, 43.

Foust, Joseph, I, 13, 22, 24, 26, 34, 41, 48, 49. Foust, Samuel E., I, 53.

Foust, Wiley, I, 52.

Fout, J. D. B., I, 46; II, 7.

Foute, A. M., I, 10, 52.

Foute, J. A. M., I, 30.

Foute, R. C., I. 9, 47.

Fouts, Andrew J., I, 28.

Fouts, James E., I, 20.

Fouts, John W., Color-Bearer, I, 45.

Fouts, John W., 63d Ohio, I, 17, 24, 38, 39, 44, 47.

Fouts, Thomas D., I, 39.

Fouts, W. D., II, 7.

Fouts, William D., I, 41, 48.

Fowke, J. C., I, 28.

Fowkes, William E., I, 34, 41.

Fowle, Daniel G., I, 9; II, 4; IV, 2.

Fowle, Nathaniel W., I, 32.

Fowle, W. H., I, 2, 51.

Fowle, William H., jr., І, 11+.

Fowler, I, 10, 13, 30.

Fowler, A. S., I, 38.

Fowler, Adam C., I, 46.

Fowler, Alexander, I, 17, 24, 30-32, 38, 39.

Fowler, Allen G., II, 2.

Fowler, Andrew J., I, 28, 40.

Fowler, Andrew L., I, 19.

Fowler, Bernard, I, 18.

Fowler, Charles, Massachusetts, III, 5.

Fowler, Charles, Str. Bell, I, 15; II, 7, 8.

Fowler, Charles H., II, 8.

Fowler, Charles N., I, 16, 30, 47.

Fowler, D. H., Mr., I, 6.

Fowler, D. H., 16th La. Battn., 1, 10.

Fowler, Douglas, I, 25, 27.

Fowler, Edward B., I, 5, 12, 25, 27, 29, 36, 51: III, 5.

Fowler, Edwin S., II, 4, 6.

Fowler, Edwin S., & Co., II, 6.

Fowler, Elbert W., I, 44, 47.

Fowler, F. S., I, 25.

Fowler, Franklin, I, 20.

Fowler, Frederick, I, 10, 23.

Fowler, George, I, 36; II, 6.

Fowler, H. W., I, 6.

Fowler, Henry, I, 11, 19, 21.

Fowler, Henry B., I, 19.

Fowler, J. W., I, 35.

Fowler, James, I, 28.

Fowler, James H., I, 9.

Fowler, John, Teamster, II, 2.

Fowler, John, 26th Ala., I, 25, 27.

Fowler, John, ist Choctaw and Chickasaw Mid.

Rifles, I, 13.

Fowler, John, 15th N. J., I, 25.
Fowler, John P., I, 5.

Fowler, John W., I, 19.

Fowler, Joseph S., I, 16, 49; III, 4.

Fowler, Joseph W., I, 52.

Fowler, L. A., 1,7+.

Fowler, Lycurgus C., I, 42, 46.

Fowler, Manning A., I, 10, 39; II, 7.

Fowler, Matthew C., IV, 2.

Fowler, Munroe, I, 46.

Fowler, Nicholas M., I, 20, 30.
Fowler, Pleasant, I, 17, 26.

Fowler, Samuel, I, 19.
Fowler, Smith W., III, 5.
Fowler, Solomon, II, 5.

Fowler, Thomas, 41st Ala., I, 42.

Fowler, Thomas, 156th N. Y., I, 26,

Fowler, Thomas M., I, 29.

Fowler, Thomas P., II, 2.

Fowler, Thomas R., II, 6.

Fowler, W. M., I, 30.

Fowler, White, I, 4.

Fowler, William, A. A. G., I, 46.

Fowler, William, Pro. Mar. 7th Dist. Mo., III, 5.

Fowler, William, 8th Minn., 1, 45.

Fowler, William, 12th N. Y., I, 11, 12.

Fowler, William, 4th Ohio Cav., I, 30.

Fowler, William, 114th Pa., 1, 51.

Fowler, William H., I, 2, 15, 23, 30-32,52; IV, 3.

Fowler, William I., II, 4.

Fowler, William P., I, 20, 30.

Fowler, William R., I, 30.

Fowler, William T., I, 12.

Fowler, William W., I, 24

Fowler & Co., II, 5.

Fowlkes, Giles A., I, 37.

Fowlkes, J., IV, 2.

Fowlkes, Jeptha, I, 31.

Fowlkes, S., jr., I, 10.

Fowlks, Dr., 1, 4.

Fowl River Narrows, Ala.

Expedition, Mar. 18-22, 1865, I, 49.

Fox, Steamer.

Capture, May 12, 1862, I, 15.

Mentioned, I, 15; III, 2.

Fox, Steamer, I, 35, 48; II, 7; IV, 3.

Fox, U. S. Tug, I, 26; II, 5.

Fox, I, 11, 13, 16, 17, 34, 48, 50, 53; II, 1, 5, 8.

Fox, Steamer, Captain, I, 15.

Fox, Abram H., I, 49.

Fox, Albert, II, 4.

Fox, Amos, II, 4.

Fox, B. I. D., I, 27.

Fox, Bartholomew, I, 12.

Fox, Benjamin F., I, 41, 48, 50.

Fox, Benton D., I, 31, 39, 44.

Fox, C. E., L, 50.

Fox, C. E., et al., I, 50.

Fox, Charles, I, 42.

Fox, Charles B., I, 35, 44, 47.

Fox, Charles E., I, 28.


Fox, Charles H., 101st III., I, 22, 30-32; II, 5.

Fox, Charles H., 15th Pa. Cav., I, 20, 52.

Fox, Charles J., Hon., IV, 1.

Fox, Charles J., 107th N. Y., I, 44.

Fox, Christopher, II, 6.

Fox, Clark D., I, 30.

Fox, Conrad, Schooner, 1, 18.

Fox, D. H., I, 20.

Fox, David W., I, 14, 35

Fox, Dorus M., I, 16, 24, 30, 36, 40, 52.

Fox, Edward C., I, 33.

Fox, Ferdinand, III, 5.

Fox, Francis J., I, 22, 48.

Fox, Francis W., I, 10, 17, 22, 31, 32, 38, 39, 45, 48, 49,


Fox, Frank, I, 38.

Fox, Frank G., I, 33, 37+,43; II, 5.

Fox, G. H., I, 13; II, 4.

Fox, George, Virginia, Iї, 4.

Fox, George, 32d Iowa, I, 22.

Fox, George B., I, 27, 35.

Fox, George L., I, 46.

Fox, George W., West Virginia, II, 2.

Fox, George W., 26th N. Y. Batty., I, 15, 26, 34, 41,

48, 49.

Fox, Gustavus V., I, 1, 4-6+,7-12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 2023,25-29, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 46, 47, 51, 53; II, 1

8; III, 1-4.

Fox, H. W., I, 14.

Fox, Harrison, I, 48.

Fox, Henry, 3d N. Y. Lt. Art., I, 42.

Fox, Henry, 59th U. S. C. Т., 1, 39.

Fox, Henry A., I, 41.

Fox, Henry В., І, 12.

Fox, Henry F., I, 23.

Fox, Henryу М., 1, 43; III, 4.

Fox, Henry О., І, 36, 40.

Fox, Henry P., 1, 37; III, 1.

Fox, Isaac, I, 51.

Fox, Isaiah J., I, 35.

Fox, J. C., Illinois, I, 45.

Fox, J. C., Missouri, I, 41.

Fox, J. D., I, 32.

Fox, J. R. P., I, 27.

Fox, J. S., I, 45

Fox, Jacob, 44th N. Y., I, 11, 36.

Fox, Jacob, 5th Ohio Cav., 1, 24.

Fox, James, I, 11.

Fox, James A., I, 29.

Fox, James M., 6th Ala., I, 11.

Fox, James M., 104th Pa., 1, 37.
Fox, Jared, I, 49.

Fox, John, New York, III, 4.

Fox, John, 5th Ga., I, 30.

Fox, John, 13th Ohio, I, 20.

Fox, John A., I, 39.

Fox, John G., I, 20.

Fox, Jonathan N., I, 13.

Fox, Joseph, I, 23.

Fox, Lester, I, 26.

Fox, Mat., I, 48.

Fox, Ogden W., L, 39.

Fox, P., I, 26.

Fox, Perrin V., L, 30, 31.

Fox, Philip S., I, 41, 48. Fox, Reuben L., I, 37.

Fox, Richard, 1, 19.

Fox, Richard H., I, 51.

Fox, Samuel, I, 45.

Fox, Simeon, I, 48.

Fox, Simon, I, 43.

Fox, Thomas B., jr., I, 27.

Fox, W. R., I, 41.

Fox, Watson A., I, 27, 29; III, 3.

Fox, William, 45th Miss., I, 20.

Fox, William, 127th Pa., I, 21.

Fox, William F., I, 19, 38.

Fox, William R., 12th Pa. Res., I, 5.

Fox, William R., 95th Pa., 1, 46.

Fox Creek, Mo.

Skirmish, Mar. 7, 1862, I, 8.

Foxey, Caleb, II. 4.

Fox-Killer, Indian, I, 22.

Fox's Ford, Va.

Skirmish, Oct. 13, 1863, I, 29.

Fox Springs, Ky.

Skirmish, June 16, 1863, I, 23.

Foxworth, A. E. S., IV, 2.
Foxworth, C. B., I, 30.
Foxworth, Franklin W., IV, 2.

Foxworthy, Philip E., I, 38.

Foy, Private, I, 27.

Foy, Charles D., I, 19.

Foy, Christopher, I, 9.

Foy, Christopher D., I, 29.

Foy, Franklin, I, 18.

Foy, Henry H., IV, 3.

Foy, J. H., 1, 51.

Foy, James C., I, 23, 30-32, 38.

Foy, Jim, I, 29.

Foye, John W., I, 11, 25, 38, 48.

Foyle, James B., I, 43

Foy's Plantation, N. C.

Skirmish, Apr. 7, 1862, 1, 9.

Fraas, James, I, 52.

Fracker, Edward G., I. 38.

Frailey, James Madison, I, 49; II, 2, 8.

Frain, Captain, 1,7.

Frain, John, I, 30.

Frain, Michael, I, 27, 51.

Fraker, Robert M., I, 34, 41.

Frakes, Jesse, I, 15.

Frakes, John, I, 34.

Fraley, F., Canal Barge, III, 4.

Fraley, J. F., II, 8.

Fraley. John W., I, 41; IV, 1.

Fraley, Mary, II, 2.

Fralick, John H., I, 5, 12, 19.


Frambes, Granville A., I, 20, 23, 30, 32, 35, 38, 39;

II, 7.

Frame, Surgeon, I, 22.

Frame, Daniel, II, 2.

Frame, John G., I, 42.

Frame, John H., I, 4.

Frampton, David, II, 2.

Frampton, John, I, 10.

Frampton's Plantation, S. C.

Engagement, Oct. 22, 1862, I, 14, 53; III, 2.

Franc, Captain, I, 41.

France, Benjamin, II, 2,

France, G. W., II, 6.
France, Oliver W., I, 36.

France, S. S., I, 42.

France, III, 2, 4; IV, 1, 2.

Frances L. Steele, Schooner, I, 28.

Franchot, Richard, I, 19+; II, 1+.
Francine, Louis R., I, 11, 21, 25, 27, 29.
Francis, Steamer (Blockade-Runner), I, 48.
Francis, Steamer (U.S. Transport), I, 43.
Francis, I, 9, 26, 33, 38, 48, 50; II, 2.
Francis, Allen, I, 50.

Francis, Ed. M., I, 12, 30+.

Francis, Evan, I, 13, 41.

Francis, George, III, 5.

Francis, George W., I, 11.

Francis, H. В., II, 5.

Francis, Henry W., II, 6.

Francis, J. C., I, 46.

Francis, James, 1st Cal. Mountaineers, I, 50. Francis, James, 2d Mass., I, 12, 19, 38, 44, 47.

Francis, James L., I, 15.

Francis, James N., I, 38.

Francis, John, Schooner, I, 18.

Francis, John, Illinois, I, 45.

Francis, John, Virginia, IV, 3.

Francis, John, 15th Kans. Cav., I, 34, 41.

Francis, John B., I, 45.

Francis, John C., I, 24, 31, 32, 38.

Francis, John W., I, 11.

Francis, Joseph, I, 18.

Francis, Joseph F., 2d U. S. Art., I, 11.

Francis, Joseph F., 17th Va., I, 11.

Francis, Joseph L., I, 26.

Francis, Lyon S., I, 41.

Francis, Mary, Steamer. See Mary Francis.

Francis, Michael, III, 5.

Francis, Morrison, I, 45.

Francis, Nelson G., I, 45.

Francis, Owen, I, 38.

Francis, Philip, I, 42.

Francis, Richard W., I, 26, 34.

Francis, Simeon, I, 50.

Francis, Thomas H., I, 20, 38.

Francis, Thomas W., I, 38.

Francisco, I, 50.

Francisco, Augustus, I, 37.

Francisco, Francis H., I, 42.

Francisco, Janero, I, 15.

Francisco, John, I, 24.

Francisco, Robert L., I, 42.

Francis II, III, 2.

Francis Joseph, II, 2.

Francis King, Steamer, I, 40.

Franck, Charles E., I, 46.

Frane, John, I, 42.

Franey, Patrick, I, 26.

Frank, Otto, I, 51.

Frank, Paul, I, 2, 11, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33+,36+,

40; III, 1.

Frank, Royal T., I, 1, 11, 19, 21; II, 1, 3, 4; III, 2.

Frank, Samuel, I, 42.

Frank, Thomas, I, 26.

Frank, William, 6th Ky., I, 20, 30.

Frank, William, 52d N. Y., I, 11.

Frank, William, 144th Ohio, I, 37.

Franka, F., II, 3.

Franke, Julius, I, 52.

Frankeberger, John C., I, 30.

Frankenberry, Allen D., I, 20+, 52.

Frankenthaul, Mr., IV, 3.

Frankford, S., II, 7.

Frankford Arsenal, Pa., III, 1.

Frankfort, Ky.

Demonstration, June 10-12, 1864, 1. 39.

Frankfort, Mo.

Scout, June 5-7, 1862, I, 13.

Frankfort, W. Va.

Skirmish, June 26, 1861, I, 2.

Frankfort and Louisville Road, Ky.

Skirmish, Oct. 1, 1862, I, 16.

Frankle, Jones, I, 18, 33, 36, 40, 42, 47, 51; II, 5.

Franklin, Bark, I, 36.

Franklin, Schooner, I, 18.

Franklin, U.S. S., I, 26,

Franklin, I, 31, 32, 41, 52; II, 2.

Franklin, Abel A., I, 31.

Franklin, Alexander H., IV, 2,

Franklin, Asahel R., I, 20, 31.

Franklin, B., I, 52.

Franklin, B. H., I, 30.

Franklin, B. J., IV, 1.

Franklin, Ben, Steamer, I, 48.

Franklin, Benjamin, Detective, I, 46; II, 2,

Franklin, Benjamin, Hon., III, 4.

Franklin, Benjamin, 9th Ind., I, 30.

Franklin, Benjamin, 71st N. Y., I, 12.

Franklin, C. L., I, 9.

Franklin, C. M., II, 8.

Franklin, C. S., II, 5.

Franklin, Cyrus, I, 3+, 13, 22; II, 4.

Franklin, David, I, 32.

Franklin, Edward C., I, 3, 17; II, 3.

Franklin, Emlen, I, 21, 25, 27.

Franklin, Eugene, I, 43.

Franklin, Freeman E., I, 12, 19, 27+, 29, 33

Franklin, George M., I, 26, 34.

Franklin, George P., I, 52.

Franklin, H. D., III, 4.

Franklin, Henry L., I, 16.

Franklin, Homer P., I, 43.

Franklin, J. D., I, 28.

Franklin, J. J., I, 34.

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