Page images
[blocks in formation]

Zimmerman, J. V., Blocher's Batty., 1, 34, 41, 48.

Zimmerman, Jasper, I, 22.

Zimmerman, John, 3d Ill. Cav., I, 24.

Zimmerman, John, 5th W. Va., 1, 43

Zimmerman, I., II, 3.

Zimmerman, Melchoir, I, 20.

Zimmerman, R. D., I, 28.

Zimmerman, S. B., II, 2.

Zimmerman, W. C., I, 28.

Zimmerman, William C., I, 27.

Zimmerman, William E., I, 27, 36, 47.

Zimmerman, William H., 81st Ind., I, 30.

Zimmerman, William H., 23d and 177th Ohio, 1,

23, 25, 27,47.

Zimmermann, Bernhard, 1,9.

Zinc, John, II, 7.

Zink, Jacob, I, 52.

Zinke, A. F., I, 26; II, 6, 7.

Zinken, Leon von, I, 10, 16, 23, 24, 30, 31, 38, 39, 44,

47, 49, 53; II, 7.

Zinn, C., I, 12.

Zinn, George, I, 21, 25, 36, 40, 42, 46.

Zinn, Henry I., I, 19, 21.

Zinn, Peter, I, 16, 20; II, 4-6.

Zinn, W. A., I, 21.

Zinnel, Adam, I, 42.

Zoar Church, Va.

Skirmish, Mar. 30, 1863, 1, 25.

Zody, Aaron E., I, 39.

Zoeller, Adolph, I, 34.
Zoellner, Frank, I, 31.

Zoelly, Jacob, I, 15, 41.

Zo-lah (Whistler), Indian, I, 34.

Zoll, John M., 1, 52.

Zoller, Jonas, I, 42.

Zoller, Michael, I, 30, 31.


Zollicoffer, Felix K., I, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 16, 23, 51, 52; II,

1-4; III, 2; IV, 1.

Zollicoffer, Tenn.

Action, Sept. 20-21, 1863, 1, 30.

Skirmishes, Sept. 24, Oct. 19, 1863, I, 30.

Zollicoffer, Tenn., Comdg. Officer, I, 16.

Zollinger, Augustus L., 1, 49.

Zollinger, Charles A., I, 38, 39, 45, 47.

Zollinger, William P., I, 27.

Zook, H. M., III, 5.

Zook, Samuel K., I, 5, 11, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 30, 51;

III, 1.

Zook, Thomas W., I, 38.

Zora Colorado, Schooner, IV, 1.

Zouave, Steamer, 1, 9, 15.

Zouaves, IV, 1.

Zubiran, Juan N., I, 15+,41+,50+.

Zuel, William W., I, 38.

Zug, Jacob T., II, 4.

Zulauf, Christian G., I, 24.

Zulauf, H., I, 15.

Zulavsky, Ladislas L., I, 26, 34, 35, 41, 48, 49; III, 3. Zulich, Samuel M., I, 12, 27, 31, 38, 39, 44, 47.

Zuloaga, I, 34; III, 3.

Zuloago, José Maria, I, 41, 50.

Zuloago, Pedro, I, 15.

Zumalacarreguy, Spaniard, III, 2.

Zumro, Henry I., III, 4.

Zumstein, Jacob, I, 26.

Zuna, Mr., 1, 41.

Zuñi, Governor of, I, 26, 50.

Zuni, Va.

Affair, Oct. 3, 1862, I, 18.


May 30, 1862, I, 11.

Oct. 25, Nov. 14, Dec. 8-12, 1862, I, 18.

Zunker, Rudolph, III, 5.

Zunts, Mr., II, 5.

Zuylen de Nijevelt, J. P. B. de, III, 2.

Zwanziger, L., Atlas.

Zwissler, Charles J., I, 51.

* Unidentified persons.





[For full explanation of these Additions and Corrections see page XXVIII, ante.]




2. Report No. 22, for South Carolina Militia read Marion Artillery.
Report No. 26, for Allston read Alston.

age 30.

Erase foot-note and insert See Plates 121 and 122 of the Atlas.

age 130.

Erase foot-note and insert See Series III, Vol. 1, pp. 27–29.

[blocks in formation]

age 196.

Erase in foot-note the following: They were probably submitted to the

Cabinet March 15, 1861.

age 253. First line, for 5 (?) read 26.

Hayne to Pickens, fifth line, for the Baron read Barron.

'age 272. Walker to Beauregard, fourth line, third paragraph, for to-night read by


'age 291. First line, insert after Executive the words of each, so that it will read

[blocks in formation]

Page 537.

Fourteenth line, top, for Walter read Waller.

Page 564.

Erase foot-note Not found and insert Omitted. Shows 9 officers and 412 men captured at Saluria, Tex.

Page 567. Insert note, Medal of Honor awarded to Sergt. Maj. Joseph K. Wilson,

Eighth Infantry, for bringing colors of the regiment out of Texas.

Page 609. Erase foot-note and insert See General Orders, No. 5, p. 515.


Insert all words and figures in italics and strike out all in [brackets]. An asterisk (*) following a correction indicates that "Additions and Corrections" to the text should be consulted.

Adams, Henry A.

Correspondence with

Brown, Harvey [Fla., Dept. Hdqrs.].

Adjutant-General's Office, U. S. A.
Correspondence with

Brown, Harvey [Fla., Dept. Hdqrs.].
Harney, William S., 658, 669.

Lyon, Nathaniel, 670, 675.

Twiggs, David E. [Tex., Dept. Hdqrs.]. [West, Dept. Hdars., 658, 669, 670, 675.]

Aldrich, N. [Rev. Mr.].

Allison, W. V. [Private].

Alston [Allston], Charles, jr.

Alvarado, Bark.

Destruction of. Report of E. Yulee [Yuell].


Operations in. Communications from

Bronaugh [Brougnah], W. N.

Army Headquarters.

Correspondence with

Brown, Harvey [Fla., Dept. Hdqrs.].

Canby, Ed. R. S., 606.

Emory, William H., 667.

Harney, William S. [West, Dept. Hdqrs.].

Loring, W. W., 599, 602, 604.

[New Mex., Dept. Hdqrs., 599, 602, 604, 606.]
[Tex., Dept. Hdqrs., 579-581, 585-587,589. 590,

Twiggs, David E.,579-581.585.590.

Waite, Carlos A., 586,587.589.598.

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