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1465 Bakewell's Introduction to Mineralogy, 8vo. bds. 1l 1s 1819 1466 Geology, plts. 8vo. bds. 18s 1815

1467 Brande's Outlines of Geology, 8vo. boards, 7s 6d 1819 1468 Geological Specimens in the Royal Institution,



8vo. boards, 9s 1469 Brieslak. Institutions Geologiques, traduit de l'Italien par Campnas, with a folio vol. of plates, 3 vol. 8vo. sewed, 4/ 4s 1470 Cuvier. Le Regne Animal, plates, 4 vol. 8vo. 21 8s Par. 1817 1471's Essay on the Theory of the Earth, with Notes by Jamieson, 8vo. boards, 10s 6d

1813 1472 Da Costa's Natural History of Fossils, 4to. neat, 1l 1s 1737 1473 Geological Society (Transactions of The) plates, finely colored, 4 vol. 4to. boards, 127 128

1811-15 1474 Jameson on the External Character of Minerals, 8vo. bds.

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1475 System of Mineralogy, 3 vol. 8vo. bds. 2l 16s 1810 1476 Macculloch's Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, with a quarto vol. of plates, 2 vol. 8vo. boards, 31 3s

Edin. 1819


1477 Martin on Extraneous Fossils, 8vo. calf, 9s 1478 Parkinson's Organic Remains of a Former World, numerous

colored plates, 3 vol. 4to. boards, 107 10s


1479 Phillips' Introduction to Mineralogy, 8vo. boards, 12s 1819 1480 Pinkerton's Treatise on Rocks, 2 vol. 8vo. boards, 18s 1811 1481 Sowerby's British Mineralogy, colored plates, with description of British Minerals, 5 vol. 8vo. boards, 171 5s Exotic Mineralogy, colored plates, 8vo. Nos. 1



to 26, 6/ 10s

v. y.

v. .y.

Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, with descriptions of Fossil Shells, Nos. 1 to 43, 107 10s

Natural History-Conchology.

1484 Brooke's Introduction to the Study of Conchology, plates, 4to. boards, 3/ 10s

1486 Brown's Elements of Conchology, plates colored, 8vo. bds.



1486 Burrow's Elements of Conchology, plts. 8vo. bds. 16s 1818 1487 Dilwyn's Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, 2 vol. 8vo.

boards, 1/ 18s


1488 Donovan's Natural History of British Shells, with numerous plates, beautifully colored, 5 vol. 8vo. boards, 7/ 15s 1810 1489 Listeri Historiæ Conchyliorum, folio, fine copy, 8l 8s 1685 1490 Montagu's Natural History of British Shells, plates colored, 3 vol. 4to. boards, 61 6s


1491 Turton's Conchological Dictionary of the British Isles, colored plates, 12mo. boards, 14s


1492 Wood's Catalogue of Shells, with colored plates, 8vo. bds.



Natural History-Entomology.

1493 Dialogues on Entomology, in which the forms and habits of Insects are explained, 25 colored engravings, 12mo. bds.



1494 Donovan's Natural History of British Insects, with numerous plates, beautifully colored, 16 vol. 8vo. bds. 24/ 16s 1809 1495 Harris's English Insects, with Observations and Remarks, plates colored, very neat, 21 10s

1776 1496 Huber. Observations sur les Abeilles, with a quarto vol. of plates, 2 vol. 8vo. sewed, 1l 4s


Paris, 1814

Recherches sur les Mœurs des Fourmis Indigenes, 8vo. sewed, 10s


1498 Kirby and Spence's Introduction to Entomology, plates colored, 2 vol. 8vo. boards, 1/ 16s 1818 1499 Reformed Virginian Silk Worm, or a rare and new Discovery of a speedy way and easie means for the feeding of Silkworms in the Woods, 4to. 9s


1500 Samouelle's Introduction to the Knowledge of Insects, co

lored plates, 8vo. boards, 1l 18s


1501 Wilkes's English Moths and Butterflies, colored plates, 4to. fine copy, red morocco, 87 8s


Interleaved, the author's presentation copy to the late G. Edwards, Esq.

Livres François.

18mo. morocco, 18s

1502 Alcoran de Louis XIV. ou le Testament du Card. Mazarin, Roma, 1695 1503 Alticchiero, par Made. J. W. C. D. R. Description de la Maison de Campagne de M. Quirini a Padove, plates, 4to.

sewed, 7s

1504 Amours de Henry IV. 12mo. 14s

Padoue, 1787

Cologne, 1695

1505 Aretin, Les Vies et faits de Lais et Lamia, Courtisanes de Rome, 12mo. red morocco, 18s

s. d. 1506 L'Art de Verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, des Chartes, des Chroniques, &c. continué jusqu'a nos jours par M. de Saint Allais, 18 vol. 8vo. sewed, 9l 9s Par. 1818 1507 L'Art de Desoppiler la Rate, 12mo. calf, gilt leaves, 10s 6d A Gallipoli de Calobre, 1758-84 1508 Baif (J. A. de) Ses Jeux, 8vo. cf. gilt leaves, 8vo. Par. 1572 Ses Passetems, 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, 7s




Paris, 1573

Paris, 1573

Euvres en Rime, 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, 6s

Mimes, Enseignemens et Proverbes, 12mo.

calf, gilt leaves, 7s

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Tolose, 1612 1512 Balzac, Lettres Choisies, 12mo. fine copy, blue morocco, 10s


Entretiens, 12mo. 4s

Leide, (Elz.) 1652

Amst. (Elz.) 1663

1514 Bandel, Histoires Tragiques, traduites par Boaisteau, 2 vol. 8vo. good copy, 1l 15s


forest, 8 vol. 12mo. good copy, 3l 188

Paris, 1559

et BelleLyon, 1596

1516 Barbazan, Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes François des xi. xii. xiii. xiv. et xv. Siecles, 4 vol. 8vo. sewed, 21 2s Paris, 1808 1517 Baliverneries, ou Contes nouveaux d'Eutrapel autrement dit Leon Ladulfi, 18mo. half bound, uncut, 10s (Paris 1548) Lond. 1815

1518 Bekker, Le Monde Enchanté, avec des remarques par Binet, 5 tom. 18mo. morocco, 21 5s Amst. 1694

1519 Bellay, Les Œuvres, 18mo. bound in 3 vol. morocco, 15s

Rouen, 1592

craignes Dijonnoises, 12mo. 18s

1520 Bigarrures et Touches du Seigneur des Accords, (Est. Tabourot) avec les Apophtegmes du Sieur Gaulard et les EsParis, 1662 1521 Beroalde de Verville. Le Moyen de Parvenir: Contenant la raison de tout ce qui a été, est, et sera, 2 #ol. 12mo. calf,



1522 Boccace, des Dames de Renom, 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, 15s Lyon, 1551


Traité des Mesadventures de Personnages Signaléz, traduit par Cl. Witart, 8vo. yellow mor. 12s Paris, 1578 1524 Boileau. Œuvres Complètes, 3 vol. 8vo. grand pap. vel. fig. calf extra, gilt leaves, 41 4s

Paris, 1813 1525 Œuvres Diverses, avec le Traité du Sublime de Longiu, 12mo. 4s Amst. (Elz.) 1680 1526 Bouchet (Jehan) Les Triumphes de la Noble et Amoureuse Dame, et l'art de honnestement aymer, 8vo. 15s′ Par. 1541 1527 - (Guillaume) Les Serées, 3 vol. 12mo. fine copy, calf,

2/ 15s

Paris, 1608

1528 Les Serées, 8vo. fine copy, 3l 3s Rou. 1635 1529 Bourdaloue (Sermons du P.) 15 vol. 12mo. neat, 3l 18s

Liege, 1784

1530 Brantome, Vies des Dames Galantes, 2 vol. 18mo. calf extra,

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1532 Breviarium Politicorum secundum Rubricas Mazarinicas, 12mo. Francofurti, 1724-L'Europe Esclave si L'Angleterre ne rompt ses fers, 12mo. Cologne (Elz.) 1702, bound in 1 vol. green morocco, 5s

1533 Bruscambille, Les Fantaisies, Les Plaisantes idées de Mistanguet, parent de Bruscambille, 8vo. mor. extra, gilt leaves, 1/ 16s


Paris, 1615 Prologues tant Serieux que Facecieux, avec pluParis, 1610

sieurs Galimatias, 12mo. calf, 1l 1s

1535 Cabinet Satyrique, ou recueil de Vers Piquans et Gaillards, 2

vol. 12mo. fine copy, 1l 15s

Au Mont Parnasse.

1536 Cailleau, Dictionnaire Bibliographique, 4 vol 8vo. calf,

1/ 10s

Paris, 1790

1537 Campagne de la Reyne, ou Lettres Galantes, 12mo. calf, 7s Cologne, (Elz.) 1668

1538 Caquet-Bonbec, la Poule à ma Tante. Poëme badin, 12mo,

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fine copy, morocco, 12s 1763 1539 Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de M. de Boze, with the prices, 8vo. neat, 10s 6d

Paris, 1753

1540 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, 2 vol. 18mo. extra, marble leaves,



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avec figures sur les desseins de Romain de Hooge, 2 vol. 12mo. fine copy, calf, gilt leaves, 2/ 12s 6d Cologne, 1701 1542 Cervantes, Histoire de l'admirable Don Quixote de la Manche, 4 vol. 12mo. fine copy, crimson morocco, by Lewis, 41 4s Paris, (Elz.) 1681 1543 Chambre, Les Characteres des Passions, 5 vol. 12mo. fine copy, bound in 3 vol. crimson morocco, 3l 3s

Amst. (Elz.) 1658-62-63 1544 Chambre des Comptes d'Innocent XI. Dialogue entre St. Pierre et le Pape à la Porte du Paradis, 12mo. blue mor.


Rome, 1690


1545 Chateaubriand, Atala et René, 12mo, sewed, 6s 1546 Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Historique, et Critique, 9 vol. 4to. calf, 3/ 15s

Göttingen, 1750 1547 Clotilde (Poesies de) 12mo. GR. PAP. VEL. blue morocco extra, 1/ 1s

Didot, 1804

1548 Commines (Sr. D'Argenton) ses Memoires, 12mo. fine copy, green morocco, 1/ 11s 6d


Elz. 1648 enrichées de Notes,

&c. par Godefroy, with the suppressed dedication to Marshall Saxe, 4 vol. 4to. neat, 4/ 4s

1747 1550 Confession Reciproque, ou Dialogues du Tems entre Louis XIV. et le Pere de la Chaise son Confesseur, 12mo. very scarce, red morocco, 1l 7s Cologne (Elz.) 1614 (1694)

1551 Corneille (T. et P.) Œuvres Dramatiques, 11 yol. 8vo. LARGE

PAPER, calf, 4l 14s 6d

&c. 12mo. 65

Paris, 1747

1552 Coronelli, Memoires historiques du Royaume de la Morée,

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