February 27, 1922. Acts and Laws of the Thirteen Original Colonies and States constituting the Extraordinary Collection of Hon. Russell Benedict. The American Art Association. February 28 and March 1, 1922. A Collection of Unusual Americana. Formerly in the Library of the late Charles Eliot Norton with additions. The Anderson Galleries. March 1, 1922. The Library of John Bach McMaster, and from. other Sources much Rare and Scarce Western and General American History; Franklin Indian Treaty, 1744, etc. Stan. V. Henkels. March 1 and 2, 1922. Illustrated Art Publications. Books of Reference and French and English Literature from the Libraries of the late Mr. Cyrus Hitchcock of East Orange, the late Prof. Kirby F. Smith of Baltimore, Md., the late Mr. Charles H. Russell of New York City, Edward Brandus, Esq., of New York City, and Other Collections. The American Art Association. March 3, 1922. A Bibliographical Library. Including many Books relating to American History and Discovery. The Walpole Galleries. March 4, 1922. A Collection of Americana. C. F. Heartman. March 6, 7 and 8, 1922. Collection of Important Consignments from Over-Sea, together with the Remainder of the Library of the late Daniel F. Appleton of New York City. The Anderson Galleries. March 11, 1922. A Collection of Rare Americana. C. F. Heart man. March 14, 1922. The Library of the late J. Herbert Foster of Providence, R. I. The Anderson Galleries. March 15, 1922. English and French Literature Library Sets and First Editions Art and Colored Plate Books, including the extensive collection of Cruikshankiana formed by the late Mr. John P. Woodbury. The American Art Association. March 17, 1922. A Catalogue of Miscellaneous books largely by Modern Authors. The Walpole Galleries. March 17, 1922. Uncommon Americana. Books, Manuscripts, Views, Portraits, including Rare items relating to California and the West. Selections from the Collections of the late Mr. John Mack, of Albany, N. Y., Mr. H. R. Wagner of Berkeley, Cal., and other Sources and including Currier and Ives Lithographs and portraits of Noted Americans. The American Art Association. March 17 and 18, 1922. Civil War Books, Autographs, Views, Correspondence of Confederate Officers, Southern and Northern Publications, Views of American Cities, and other Items of American Interest. Including the Charles B. Reed ColMarch 20, 21 and 22, 1922. Historical Library formed by the late Hon. James Phinney Baxter, Mayor of Portland, Me. The Anderson Galleries. March 21, 1922. Miscellaneous Books. A Reader's Modern Library. A Collection of Uncommon Americana, etc. The Walpole Galleries. March 27 and 28, 1922. Library of Dr. Frank P. O'Brien, Part III. The West and the Wilderness. The Anderson Galleries. March 31, 1922. Collection of Personal Association Books and First Editions of English and American Authors Belonging to the Estate of the late Edward Hornor Coates. Stan. V. Henkels. April 1, 1922. A Collection of Rare Americana. C. F. Heart- man. April 3 and 4, 1922. The Sporting Library of a Well-Known. Collector. The Anderson Galleries. April 6, 1922. Important Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Stan. V. Henkels. April 10 and 11, 1922. An Interesting and Varied Collection of Books. Including works on Chinese, Japanese and Indian Art, Japanese Prints, Colored Plates, etc. The Anderson Galleries. April 10, 1922. Collection of First Editions of Nineteenth Cen-tury English Authors. Collected by Mr. Edward K. Butler of Jamaica Plain, Mass. The American Art Association. April II and 12, 1922. XIXth Century Authors: A Notable Collection. The Private Libraries of the late Mr. Louis Mohr of Chicago, Ill., and the late Mary L. Rogers of Boston, Mass., and other Collections. The American Art Association. April 12, 1922. Private Collection. Part II of a New York State: Collection of Books on Guns and Pistols. The Walpole Galleries. April 14, 1922. An American Library from New England. The Walpole Galleries. April 17 and 18, 1922. First Editions of Modern Authors. Collected by William Macpherson of Vancouver, B. C., and other collectors. The Anderson Galleries. April 18, 1922. Association Books, Autograph Presentation. Copies, from Bayard Taylor, Wm. McKinley and others, and several interesting letters of Bayard Taylor, Early letters re-lating to California, etc. From three private libraries. Stan. ( April 24, 1922. A Collection of Rare Americana. C. F. Heart man. April 24 and 25, 1922. The Typographical Library of the late Alexander W. Collins of Pittsburgh, Pa. Together with a collection of Trials, Early and Curious Medical Works and other Books. The Anderson Galleries. April 26 and 27, 1922. Library of the late Col. Millard F. Bingham, Easton, Maryland. Stan. V. Henkels. April 28, 1922. Library of the late William Winter. The Walpole Galleries. May 1, 1922. Early Printing, Rare Manuscripts, being the famous William C. Van Antwerp Collection. The American Art Association. May 2, 1922. The Dance of Death from the XIIth to the XXth May 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1922. Library of the late Theodore N. Vail of May 4, 1922. Valuable Americana belonging to the late Charles May 4 and 5, 1922. Americana belonging to the late Charles R. May 15, 1922. Library of the Hon. John M. Patterson of Phila- May 16 and 17, 1922. Books and Autographs from the Library of May 16 and 17, 1922. Library of the late I. Remsen Lane of May 17, 1922. Americana from the Library of B. L. Gregg of May 18, 1922. Rare and Fine Books in Early Printing, Bibliog- May 18, 1922. Autograph Letters and Literary Manuscripts. May 22 and 23, 1922. Books collected during the last few years by a Well-known Amateur with some Additions. The Anderson Galleries. May 26, 1922. First Editions of American Authors, Association Copies, Private Presses with some First Editions of English Authors. The Walpole Galleries. May 26, 1922. Historical Pamphlets. Books on General American History and Rare Views and portraits. Stan. V. Henkels. June 2, 1922. The Private Library of a Sportsman and Traveler. Part Two. The Walpole Galleries. June 9, 1922. American Historical Library of the late Maria E.. Van Pelt of Brooklyn, N. Y., with some Additions. The Walpole Galleries. June 16, 1922. A New York Collection of Books on Art (European and Japanese), Literature and History, etc. The Walpole Galleries. June 22, 1922. A Collection of Rare Americana. C. F. Heartman. June 21, 1922. Rare American History. Early American Broadsides, English Sporting Books, Racing, Hunting, The Horse, etc. Stan. V. Henkels. July 6, 1922. A Portion of a Private Library with Additions. The Walpole Galleries. July 18, 1922. Important Letters of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, and the papers of Dr. Thomas Ruston, the personal friend of Washington and Franklin, also Rare and Scarce Books. Stan. V. Henkels. July 20, 1922. Rare and Fine Books in Art, Americana Bibliography, etc. The Walpole Galleries. a July 27, 1922. A Choice Selection of Books from Private Library including Books illustrated by Cruikshank, Rowlandson, and others. The Walpole Galleries. August 3, 1922. Miscellaneous Books including the Drama, Art, Rare Americana, Early English Literature, etc. The Walpole Galleries. August 11, 1922. A Collection of Books on Art, Coins, Early Printing, Rare Americana, etc. The Walpole Galleries. August 18, 1922. A Selection from a Private Library including many Uncommon and Rare Books in Americana, Art, etc. The Walpole Galleries. August 24, 1922. A Collection of Americana. C. F. Heartman. August 24, 1922. A Collection of Acts, Laws, Resolves, Broad sides and Newspapers. C. F. Heartman. August 31, 1922. Books and Autographs including many Interesting and Rare Items covering American History and Travel, English and American Literature, Art, etc. The 1 AUCTIONEERS WHOSE SALES ARE REPORTED IN THIS VOLUME The Anderson Galleries, Park Avenue and 59th Street, New York, N. Y. The American Art Association, Madison Avenue and 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Charles F. Heartman, Metuchen, New Jersey. Stan. V. Henkels, 1304 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Walpole Galleries, 12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. |