BOX (M.). Adventures and Explorations in New and Old Mexico. N. Y., 1869. 12mo. Cl., A., Nov. 28, '21. (51) $5.50. BOYCE (Edmund). Second Usurpation of Buonaparte. Maps. Lond., 1816. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., g.e., by Rivière, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (117) $17.00. BOYD (J. T.). History of the Title of the San Francisco Homestead Union to a Tract of Land in the City and County of San Francisco. Folding map. 22 pp. San. Fran., 1864. 12mo. Orig. paper, A., Nov. 28, '21. (158) $47.50. BOYD (Lucinda). The Sorrows of Nancy. Richmond, 1899. 12mo. Orig. cl., B., June 22, '22. (334) $5.25. BOYER DE SAINTE SUZANNE (E. V. C. de). Les Tapisseries Françaises. Paris, 1879. 4to. Paper, unc. (Large paper), G., Mar. 1, '22. (752) $6.00. -Notes d'un Curieux. Monaco, 1878. 8vo. Bds., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (252) $5.00. BOYLE (Sir Robert). Occasional Reflections upon Several Subjects. Lond., 1665. 12mo. Hf. mor., g.t., by Blackwell (Fearing-Heckscher copy), Collins, A., Apr. 24, '22. (112) $5.00. BOYNTON (C. B.) and MASON (T. B.). Journey through Kansas. Map. Cincinnati, 1855. 12mo. Orig. paper, O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (334) $6.00. BOYNTON (P. H.) and Others. 1918. Sq. 8vo. American Poetry. N. Y., Lev. mor., g.e., W., Nov. 4, '21. (22) $7.00. BOZMAN (J. L.). History of Maryland, 1633-60. Balt., 1837. 2 vols., 8vo. BRACKENRIDGE (Henry M.). Early Discoveries by the Spaniards in New Mexico. Pittsburgh, 1857. 8vo. Sewed, A., Nov. 28, '21. (52) $26.00. -Eulogy on the Lives and Characters of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Pensacola, 1826. 8vo. Old paper, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (171) $34.00. -Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, 1794. Phila., 1795. 8vo. Old hf. cf. (name on title), B., Jan. 5, '22. (27) $5.10. -Journal of a Voyage Up the River Missouri, Balt., 1815. 12mo. Orig. bds., unc., Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (61) $57.50. -Views of Louisiana. Pittsburgh, 1814. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., by Stikeman, Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (103) $21.00. -Views of Louisiana. View. Balt., 1817. 12mo. BRACTON (Henricus de). De Legibus, et consuetudinibus Angliæ. Lond., 1569. Fol. Hf. mor. (title repaired), H., June 21, '22. (181) $12.00. BRADBURY (John). Travels in the Interior of America 1809-11. Liverpool, 1817. 8vo. Hf. cf., unc. (some margins soiled), G., Dec. 6, '21. (97) $9.00. 1822-35. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., B., Jan. 5, '22. (28) $5.25. Hf. mor., Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (104) $7.50. Bost., BRADFORD (William). History of the Plimoth Plantation. Edited by John A. Doyle. Facsimile. Lond., 1896. Fol. Cl., unc., Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (91) $12.50. Orig. cl., unc., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (732) $10.50. -History of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-47. BRADFORD Maps. n.p.: CLUB. Soto (F. de). Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (19) $7.00. -Washington (George). Diary, Oct 1, 1789-Mar. 10, 1790. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. Hf. mor. (J. C. Brevoort's copy, with inscription and MS. note), W., Nov. 4, '21. (582) $5.00. BRADLEY (Cuthbert). The Foxhound of the Twentieth Century. 16 plates in color, and 10 maps. Lond., 1914. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., A., Apr. 3, '22. (80) $10.50. -Good Sport seen with some Famous Packs, 1885-1910. Lond., n.d. 8vo. Cl., g.t., unc., A., Apr. 3, '22. (81) $6.50. BRADLEY (Martha). The British Housewife. Plates by B. Cole. Lond., n.d. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf. (name on titles and MS. note), Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (7) $16.00. BRADLEY (Will H.). Bradley, His Book. Vol. I, Nos. I to 4, May-Aug. 1896. 4 parts; Vol. II. Nos. I to 3, Nov., 1896Jan., 1897. 3 parts. Springfield, 1896-97. 7 parts, 8vo. and 4to. Paper, unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (253) $7.00. BRADMAN (Arthur). Narrative of the Extraordinary Sufferings of Robert Forbes, his Wife, and Five Children. 16 pp. Phila., 1794. 8vo. BRADSHAW'S Monthly General Railway and Steam Navigagation Guide. Folding map. Lond., 4th Mo. (April), 1843. Sq. 8vo. Unc., Humphries, H., May 4, '22. (130) $14.50. Orig. paper, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (120) $6.50. BRAGADOCIO (The). Lond., 1691. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t. (J. P. Kemble copy, inlaid), Leo, A., Oct. 26, '21. (17) $5.00. BRAKEMAN (N. L.) A Great Man Fallen. 1865. 8vo. Paper, A., Nov. 1, '21. (381) $39.00. New Orleans, BRAND (John). Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Lond., 1870. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. lev. mor., g.t., unc., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (121) $15.00. BRANDANO (Alessandro). Historia delle Guerre di Portogallo. Venezia, 1689. 4to. Old mor., g.e. (holes and stains, with arms of Christina, Queen of Sweden, belonged also to fifth Earl of Guilford and W. Beckford), G., Jan. 26, '22. (44) $65.00. BRANDES (George). Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. N. Y., 1906. 6 vols. 8vo. Cl., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, 21. (256) $15.00. BRANDT (Sebastian). Stultifera Nauis. 116 numbered leaves. Woodcuts. Argentina, I. Gruninge, 1497. Sm. 4to. Old cf. (stains, some marginal repairs), Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (122) $18.00. -Stultifera Nauis. 148 leaves, 30 lines to page. Woodcuts. Hf. roan (most foliations and some margins trimmed, inkstains on last leaf, writing on 2 leaves, Latham copy), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (65) $45.00. -Aff-ghebbeelde Narren Speel-schuyt. Leyden, 1610. Sm. 4to. Vel. (one marginal repair), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (68) $5.00. -Ship of Fools. Trans. by Barclay. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 vols., sq. 8vo. Lev. mor., g.t., unc., H., Apr. 18, '22. (54) $6.00. -La grad nef des folz du monde. IOI numbered leaves. Bds., g.t. (title and first leaf of Table in facsimile, some edges frayed, some stains and repairs), Minns, $32.50. G., May 2, '22. (67) -La grand nef des folz. Lyons, J. Meunier [1515-1558?]. Sm. 4to. Old mor. (worn, rebacked, torn, shaken, name on title), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (66) $35.00. BRANGWYN (Frank). Modern Woodcuts. Lond., 1920. BRANTEGHEM (Guilhelmus de). Een gheestlijc Boomgaert. Antwerp, W. Vorsterman, 1535. Sm. 8vo. Old cf., Minns, G., May 2, '22. (69) $30.00. -Pomarium mysticu. Woodcuts. Antwerp, G. Vosterman, 1535. 12mo. Lev. mor., by Baum (first and last leaf soiled, some marginal repairs), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (70) $7.00. BRANTÔME (Pierre de). Œuvres Complètes. Paris, 182223. 8 vols., 8vo. Mor., tooled, g.e., by Cecil and Larkins (one back scraped), A., Apr. 10, '22. (63) $17.00. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (E. C.) Histoire du Canada. BRASSINGTON (W. Salt). leian Library. Lond., 1891. (277) $5.50. Historical Bindings in the Bod4to. Bds., unc., Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (144) $12.00. -History of the Art of Bookbinding. N. Y., n.d., 4to. Orig. cl., unc., Lane, A., May 16, '22. (64) $5.00. BRATHWAITE (Richard). Barnabæ Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal. Proof plates before letters. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Lev. mor., tooled, g.e. on rough, in case, by Ruban, A., Nov. 30, '21. (48) $13.00. -Amadis de Gaul. Le Prodezze di Splandian. Venetia, 1559Sm. 8vo. Old cf. (worn, repaired, title shaved and mounted, stained, scribbled upon, Brathwaite's copy, with his autograph), G., Jan. 26, '22. (32) $5.00. BRAUNGART (Richard). München, 1919. 4to. Neue Deutsche Ex Libris Hf. vel., g.t., Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (28) $5.50. BRAY (Mrs. A. E.). Life of Thomas Stothard. Lond., 1851. Sm. 4to. Mor., g.e. (portrait and 135 plates inserted), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (791) $30.00. Held at Anna BRAY (Thomas). Acts of [his] Visitation. BREAZEALE (J. W.). Life as It Is: Historical Swetches of Tennessee. Knoxville, 1842. 12mo. Cf., tooled, g.e., A., Nov. 23, '21. (54) $40.00. BRECK (Robert). Duty of Ministers. Bost., 1748. 12mo. -Letter to the Author of the Pamphlet Called An Answer [sic] to the Hampshire Narrative. Bost., 1737. G., Dec. 6, '21. (312) $9.00. 8vo. BREE (C. R.). History of the Birds of Europe. Lond., 186367. 4 vols., 8vo. Cl., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (44) $15.00. BREHM (A. E.). Cassell's Book of Birds. Trans. by T. R. Jones. Lond., n.d. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf. (4 vols. in 2), Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (582) $8.00. BREVIARY TREASURES. Bost., N. H. Dole [1903-05]. 10. vols., 8vo. Lev. mor., tooled, inlaid, g.e., in cf. wrappers (Japan paper, Hellenic Edition), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (154) $160.00. Lev. mor., tooled, inlaid, g.e. (Japan paper, Athenian Edition, _portrait of Mr. Coles inserted, and his stamp on half-titles), Coles, G., May 16, '22. (147) $90.00. BREVOORT (J. C.). Notes on Verrazano. N. Y., 1874, 8vo. Unc., W., Aug. 11, '22. (239) $5.00. BREWER (Anthony). The Country Girl. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. Hf. mor. (Prompt Copy used by Augustine Daly, worn, lettered in Daly's hand, interleaved, marked and corrected, 2 programmes. pasted in, presented to W. Winter by Ada Rehan), Winter, W., Apr. 28, '22. (104) $10.00. BREWSTER (B. H.). Address on the Overland Railroad. Phila., 1867. 8vo. Orig. paper, A., Nov. 28, '21. (473) $20.00. BREWSTER (C. W.). Rambles about Portsmouth. Portsmouth, 1859-69. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (915) $5.50. BRIDGENS (R.). Furniture with Candelabra and Interior Decoration. 60 color plates. Lond., 1838. Fol. Roan back (rubbed), W., Nov. 4, '21. (101) $9.00. BRIDGES (Robert). Poems. Lond., 1873. 12mo. BRIDGET OF SWEDEN (Saint). Reuelationes celestes. Cf. (rubbed, shaken), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (71) $45.00. BRIEF REVIEW of the Rise and Progress, Services and Sufferings of New England. 32 pp. Lond., 1774. 8vo. Hf. mor., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (870) $10.00. BRIGGS (G. W.). Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. Salem, 1865. 8vo. |