Field (Eugene). -Continued. -MS., Poem, “The Discreet Collector." 2 pp., 4to. 5 verses of 8 lines each. In pencil and signed, also dated in ink,-"In bed, August 18, 1894." Hinged and bnd., hf. mor., g.t. Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (366) $120.00. -7 A. L. S., 1872-84, to Miss Julia S. Comstock, afterwards his wife. 22 pp., in all, 8vo and 4to. Four letters accompanied by their original envelopes. Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (75) $120.00. Fitzgerald (Edward). A. L. S., 4 pp., 8vo. Little Grange, Woolridge, May 13, [1874]. Το [Thomas Constable]. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (226) $70.00. -Scrap Book containing portraits of Musicians, Composers, and Actors in Character, with Autograph annotations in the handwriting of Edward Fitzgerald. Also, 2 Original Tracings by William Makepeace Thackeray. 4to, cont. bds., leather back. This scrap book was presented to Christopher Morley, who has written on the fly leaf the history of the volume. Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (77) $100.00. Flaubert (Gustave). MS., 3 pp., fol., in double column, of the "Errata" for "Madame Bovary." Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (322) $50.00. Forster (John). Collection of over 100 A. L. S. to William Johnson Fox. Inlaid to 4to, with the orig. envelopes, bnd. in 2 vols., hf. mor., g.e., by Rivière. 1836-41. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (232) $65.00. Fox (George). 4to sheet, entirely in his autograph, written on one side only, without blank margins, size over all 8 in. x 6 in., front and lower margins unc. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (566) $60.00. Francis (Sir Philip). A. L. S., 8 pp., fol. n.d. To Mr. Woodfall. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (341) $55.00. Franklin (Benjamin). A. L. S., 2 pp., fol. Lond., Sept. 16, 1758. To Charles Norris. H., Apr. 6, '22. (186) $66.00. -A. L. S., one page, fol. Cravenstreet, [Lond.], May 29, 1765. Το John Canton, sending him a full-page pen-and-ink sketch of A Magical Circle of Circles, with a description of the same. Letter on first page of a 4-page sheet, sketch on the third page, second and fourth pp. are blank. G., Dec. 6, '21. (253) $180.00. -A. L. S., 4 pp., fol. Lond., March 21, 1770. To Joseph Galloway, On the repeal of the Stamp Act. H., Dec. 13, '21. (202) $95.00. -A. L. S., one page, 4to. Passy, Aug. 17, 1782. Το "My dear good Child." A., Jan. 9, '22. (92) $67.50. -A. L. S., 3 pp., 4to. Passy, Sept. 7, 1783. Το Mrs. Hewson. Referring to the Peace Treaty. A., Jan. 9, '22. (93) $145.00. -A. L. S., fol. March 12, 1786. Το Dr. Thos. Ruston, with address. In reference to smoky chimneys. Froissart (Jean). MS., Chronicles, 1326 to 1385. Illuminated MS., of late Fourteenth century, [about 1390] French School. Lettres bâtardes on 363 leaves (including 2 blanks) of vel., 2 columns, 48 and 49 lines; 369 by 275 mm. Illuminations are in gold and colors, many with checkered diaper backgrounds, and there are several hundred capitals in gold, with pen-work scroll fillings and borders. The Pierre de Fontenoy, Sieur de Broyes-Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset-William Cecil, and Lord BurghleyLord Moystyn Copy, with the Arms of the first emblazoned in the manuscript, and presentation inscription from Thomas Sackville to Lord Burghley on fly-leaf. 2 vols. in one, fol., vel., orig. g.e. and stitching preserved. In lev. mor. case, by Rivière. Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (19) $12,900.00. Frontenac (Louis de Buade, Comte de). A. L. S., 3 pp., 4to. May 11, 1646. To his Uncle, M. d'Humières. Announcing successful assaults on two forts. Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (80) $250.00. Fulton (Robert). MS. Series of Memoranda and Notes and.6 -Collection of A. L. S., of which 2 are by Robert Fulton, relating -A. L. S., 3 pp., 4to. Weimar, Oct. 21, 1790. A., Jan. 9, '22. (100) $125.00. Goldsmith (Oliver). D. S., Written Agreement between Oliver Goldsmith and William Griffin, whereby the latter agrees to purchase the entire work, for Eight Hundred and Forty Pounds. One page, large 4to, June 27, 1772. Signed twice by Goldsmith. On the verso is Griffin's Manuscript assignment of the Contract to John Nourse. In cl. covers. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (369) $500.00. Graduale, cum Notis. Anglo Norman MS., Fourteenth century. Gothic characters in red and black, with black notation on red ruled lines, on 14 leaves of vel., averaging 15 by 10/4 in. One large historiated initial extended into lateral border covering full length of inner margin, one smaller historiated initial and 2 illumGraduale, cum Notis. Continued. oak bds., with brass bosses, 3 lacking, brass pins on front and Grant (Ulysses S.). A. N. S., one page, 4to, Head Quarters Armies -MS., Promulgating the 15th Amendment. The first draft, 6 pp., fol., in Grant's hand, in ink (with the exception of the first six lines in pencil) notifying both houses of Congress of the Ratification of the 15th Amendment. [Executive Mansion, March 30, 1870.] W., Jan. 27, '22. (108) $80.00. Gray (Thomas). Modern MS., "Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard." Sm. 4to. Illuminated MS. on vel., containing title-page with a large initial letter, executed in gold and colors, and a miniature of a country church. The following page consists of border, with large initial, and miniature of "the lowing herd"; others at the 18th stanza, and at end. Bnd., lev. mor., tooled, inlaid, g.e., by Sangorski, in cl. case. Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (647) $102.50. Greenaway (Kate). 17 Drawings and Sketches, with 2 A. L. S. and receipts for royalty fees. Pen-and-Ink Title with designs in colors. Sm. 4to, lev. mor., by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Mohr, G., Apr. II, '22. (363) $200.00. Greene (Nathanael). A. L. S., dated Camp before 96, June, 17, paign against Cornwallis. 10 pp., fol., to Gen. Lafayette, 1781. In reference to the camH., Dec. 13, '21. (57) $60.00. Hall (Lyman). L. S., one page, 4to, Savannah, Aug. 25, 1783. Το his Excellency [George Washington]. With four-line endorsement on back in the Autograph of George Washington. G., Dec. 6, '21. (309) $70.00. Hamilton (Alexander). A. L. S., 2 pp., 4to. n.p., Oct. 12, 1780. To W. De Marbois. With portrait. Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (677) $50.00. Hancock (John). D. S. fol. In Congress, Phila., Oct. 1, 1776. Appointment of Franklin and R. Morris to Committee of Secret Correspondence. H., Dec. 13, '21. (222) $105.00. -L. S., one page, fol. Phila., Oct. 30, 1776, "In Marin Committee." To Commodore Esek. Hopkins. Signed also by Robt. Morris, Richard Henry Lee, Frs. Lewis, Wm. Whipple, Will Hooper, and Geo. Walton. With portrait of Hancock. Together, 2 pieces. G., Dec. 6, '21. (314) $220.00. —D. S., one page, fol., In Congress, June 24th, 1776. Signed in the Autograph of John Hancock, President. Resolve of the Continental Congress Relative to Allegiance of the Inhabitants of the Harte (Bret). MS. of Novel, "A Blue Grass Penelope." 112 4to pp., two of the pages being numbered twice. Stitched together in marbled paper wrappers, leath. back. Signed at end: "Bret Harte, May 1884." Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (91) $550.00. -MS., Story, "Left Out on Lone Star Mountain." 50 4to sheets, first 7 note size, stitched together in marbled paper wrappers, leath. back. Signed at end: "Bret Harte, London, Nov. 23d, 1883." Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (92) $425.00. Hastings (Warren). A. L. S., 51⁄2 pp., fol. Bengal, Oct. 26th, 1762. Respecting means which have been taken to injure his character. Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (185) $50.00. Hearn (Lafcadio). A. L. S., 7 pp. 68 Gasquet, [New Orleans], n.d., but date on envelope Oct. 12, 1885. Το H. Edward Krehbiel. Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (189) $75.00. Heath (William). Orderly Book of Brigadier-General Heath, at Head Quarters, New York, March 31st to Aug. 13th, 1776; and Warrants drawn on Deputy Pay-Master Generals Huntington and Hancock, Peekskill, Dec. 25th, 1776, to June 10th, 1779. The larger part of the Orderly Book is in the Autograph of General Heath, with his Autograph Signature in several places. The Warrants are mainly in the handwriting of General Heath's Secretary, Mr. Seth Loring. 183 pp., sm. 4to, old sheep. In cl. folder and case. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (61) $250.00. Henry IV, of France and Ladies of His Court. Collection of D. S., comprising 7 [8?] Autographs and 29 Portraits. As follows: Henry IV; Henriette de Bassompierre; Catherine of Lorraine; Diane d'Andouins ("La Belle Corisande"); Louise, Princesse de Conti; Antoinette de Pons, Comtesse de Guercheville (2 D. S.). Bnd., fol., lev. mor., in cl. case. Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (379) $260.00. Henry (Patrick). A. L. S., 2 pp., fol. Williamsburgh, Aug. 8th, 1777. To the Continental Congress. G., Dec. 6, '21. (330) $85.00. Herrick (Robert). The Apparition of his Mistress calling him to Elysium. MS. in the style of the Fifteenth Century, on 7 leaves of vel., 634 in. by 578 in. Richly illuminated throughout in gold and colors, with historiated or ornamental initials, medallion portrait, miniatures, and borders. Each page initialed or signed, "Geoffrey R. Norman," title dated "1920." Bnd., 12mo, lev. mor., tooled, inlaid, g.e., by Rivière, in cl. case. Hewes (Joseph). A. L. To Samuel Johnson. pieces. Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (428) $190.00. S., 3 pp., 4to. [Phila.], March 27, 1776. With engraved portrait. Together, 2 G., Dec. 6, '21. (331) $250.00. Holmes (Oliver Wendell). MS. of his Article contributed to the "Atlantic Monthly," June, 1859. "The Stereoscope and the Stereograph." 311⁄2 sheets of 4to paper (several on both sides of Holmes (Oliver Wendell).—Continued. appear that are not in the MS., but which may have been cut Hooper (William). A. L. S., 9 pp., 4to. Phila., Oct. 27, 1776. Το Joseph Hewes. With orig. wrapper in which the letter was enclosed, bearing Hooper's red wax seal, and address: "To Joseph Hewes esquire in his absence To Samuel Johnston esqr. at Halifax." "By favor of Mr. Penn." With Mention of Washington,. the Convention of North Carolina, and the Situation of the Army in the North. G., Dec. 6, '21. (340) $480.00. Hours. Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis. Early Fifteenth century MS. Gothic characters, on 213 vel. leaves. 19 miniatures; rich decorations on each page. Bnd., 4to, old velvet, with brass clasps, in brocaded silk bag, with silk cords and tassels. On fly-leaf ancient presentation inscriptions appear; on verso is a sketch of Gutenberg. Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (8) $1275.00.. --Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, cum Calendario. French Fifteenth century MS. in Latin, with additional prayers in French at end. Gothic characters, rubrication throughout; Calendar in red, blue and gold, on 180 leaves (one blank) of vel., 71⁄2 in. by 51⁄2 in. 15 miniatures in gold and colors, each with border, 2 smaller borders, 17 large capitals in gold and colors, hundreds of smaller capitals and ornamentations also in gold and colors. Bnd., sm. 4to, Sixteenth century mor., tooled, by Nicholas Eve. of them blanks, several edges soiled, some erasures; illuminations not finished on 3 pp. Member of House of Valois, with coat-of-arms painted in border on leaf 29, and rebound by Eve for King Henri III of France, or Marguerite of Valois, Queen of Henri IV, bndg. bearing symbols. of both. Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (450) $475.00. Lacks 5 leaves, 2 small repairs and. Illuminated for -Getyden van Onselieve Vrouwe (Book of Hours in Dutch). Late Fifteenth century (1496) MS. in Dutch, in Gothic characters,. with rubrication. Calendar in black and red, on 169 leaves (6. blank) of vel., 73/4 in. by 51⁄2 in. 7 large miniatures, in colors with gold, each with border; 7 large historiated initials, in colors on gold, each with border; 33 smaller initials, each with semiborders. Litany capitals alternately in gold and blue, other capitals in red or blue. Bnd., sm. 4to, Sixteenth century mor., silver corners and clasps; back worn and small tear in center, few leaves soiled or stained. Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (448) $425.00. -Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis. Flemish MS., late Fifteenth century. 214 leaves of vel. 15 miniatures, 2 full-page. Bnd., sq. 18mo, cont. mor., g.e.; one or 2 margins defaced by erasures. |