Constitution. Resolution Respecting Article XIII of the Amendments Relative to the Abolition of Slavery. One page fol., parchment, signed in the autographs of Schuyler Colfax, and H. Hamlin. In the Senate, March 8th, 1864. In the House of Representatives Jan. 31st, 1865. Approved Feb. 1st, 1865. Signed by 100 Representatives and Senators. G., Dec. 6, '21. (199) $280.00. Cooper (James Fenimore). MS., "Homeward Bound." Nearly 500 pp., fol. In Cooper's and other hands, with numerous additions, in the autograph of the author; also, quotations at the head of each chapter in Cooper's autograph. From the library of Richard Bentley. Bnd. in cl. Saltus, A., Jan. 18, '22. (62) $100.00. Cromwell (Oliver). A. L. S., April 3, 1648, to Col. Richard Norton, regarding the disposal of his property. 2 pp., fol. Signed "O. Cromwell." Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (46) $575.00. Desmoulins (Camille). MS., signed, 3 pp., fol., partly in columns. "Note de Camille Desmoulins sur le rapport de St. Just." To Marat, Danton, Robespierre, David. A., Jan. 9, '22. (74) $60.00. Dickens (Charles). Diary for 1867, with entries in His Autograph covering the period of his "Readings" from Jan. 15th to May 14th, preparations for his second trip to America, and first 2 months of trip, Nov. and Dec., 1867. 32mo, old silk and cl. cover, some leaves loose. In cl. folder and case. Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (327) $330.00. -Book of Memoranda. 28 pp., 8vo. Rough Notes embracing Scenes, Ideas, etc. Bnd., 8vo, cl., in lev. mor. case. Vol. was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Comyns Carr by Dickens' daughter, Mrs. Perugini, with her autograph inscription. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (34) $1800.00. -MS., "Perils of Certain English Prisoners and their Treasures." Chapters I and III are in the handwriting of Dickens and Chapter II in that of Wilkie Collins. The Dickens portion is mounted on 51 leaves, uniform with the Collins Manuscript of 39 leaves, the whole, 90 leaves, with title and table of contents, and A. L. S. of Charles Dickens. A. L. S. from Wilkie Collins to Dickens also inserted. Bnd., 4to, lev. mor., by Rivière. [1857.] Titlepage in Dickens' hand, with note at the foot in the hand of Wilkie Collins; and 7 pp. of Notes by Dickens for the Christmas Number of "Household Words," also bnd. in. With the Borden book-plate. Vail, A., May 2, '22. (475) $850.00. -MS. relating his creation of the character of Pickwick, and refuting claims made on behalf of Robert Seymour. 4 pp., 8vo, on Gad's Hill notepaper, dated Wednesday, Twenty-eighth March, 1866. Addressed to The Editor of the Athenæum. In sunk mounts, and bnd., 4to, lev. mor., g.e., by Sangorski. The present volume contains, in addition to Dickens' MS.: Typewritten tranDickens (Charles). Continued. Bohn's reply; Dickens' account as printed in "The Athenæum"; Corrected Proof of F. G. Kitton's re-issue of Mrs. Seymour's pamphlet, "An Account of the Origin of the 'Pickwick Papers.'" Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (384) $2200.00. -MS., signed, of 2 Verses, 4 lines each, one page 8vo, dated at Liverpool, Twenty Seventh February, no year. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (385) $420.00. -MS., Prologue to "The Patrician's Daughter" by J. Westland Marston. 2 4to sheets, with his manuscript corrections. A copy of the Tragedy accompanies the Manuscript. In cl. case. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (150) $205.00. -A. L. S., one page, 4to (July 4, 1835), written on blank portion of letter by Catharine Hogarth, both horizontally and perpendicularly. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (92) $55.00. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo, [Sept., 1837]. To George Cruikshank. Sending him a box ticket for a play. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (355) $135.00. -A. L. S., 5 pp., 8vo. Doughty Street, [Oct. 26, 1837]. To Mrs. Hogarth, Dickens' Mother-in-law. Relates entirely to the death of Mary Hogarth. Some folds torn, some repaired. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (93) $175.00. -A. L. S., 3 pp., 4to. Lond., Dec. 21, 1837. To William Howison, Edinburgh. Replying to Howison's announcement of the formation of an "Edinburgh Pickwick Club." In cl. case. Worn in folds and last leaf backed. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (261) $155.00. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 4to. 40 Albion Street, Broadstairs, Sept. 21, 1839. To W. C. Macready, with franked address. Asking Macready's permission to dedicate "Nicholas Nickleby" to him. In sunk mount, 4to, lev. mor., g.e., by Sangorski. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (332) $480.00. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo. Devonshire Terrace, Thirteenth Aug., 1840. To Samuel Rogers. Asking permission to dedicate "Master Humphrey's Clock" to him. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (316) $60.00. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo. Devonshire Terrace, Twelfth December, 1840 (I mean the Thirteenth). To George Cattermole. Inviting Cattermole to discuss the end of "Little Nell." Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (348) $90.00. -A. L. S., 3 pp., 8vo. I Devonshire, Terrace, Twenty Eighth December, 1840. To Capt. Basil Hall, with envelope, franked. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (317) $70.00. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo. Devonshire Terrace, Jany. 2, [1841]. Το Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (347) $82.50. Rev. William Harness. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo. Devonshire Terrace, Jan. 28, 1841. Το George Cattermole. About Barnaby Rudge and Grip the Raven. Dickens (Charles). Continued. -A. L. S., 2 pp., 12mo. Devonshire Terrace, Ninth February, [1841]. To George Cattermole. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (90) $60.00. —A. L. S., one page, 8vo. Office of All the Year Round. First March, 1865. To Mrs. Kemble. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (149) $67.50. —A. L. S., with initials. 3 pp., 8vo. Shelburne Hotel, Dublin, Fifteenth March, 1867. To Georgina Hogarth. With envelope. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (158) $55.00. -A. L. S., 4 pp., 8vo. Devonshire Terrace, Fifteenth June, 1841. To Angus Fletcher. Announcing the death of Grip the Raven. In sunken mount, and bnd., with transcript of the letter and account of Grip, together with typewritten extract from "Barnaby Rudge." 8vo, lev. mor., tooled, by Sangorski. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (19) $385.00. -A. L. S., I page, 8vo. Devonshire Terrace, Fifteenth May, 1844. To Bradbury and Evans. In regard to "The Christmas Carol." Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (55) $50.00. —A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo. Tavistock House, Second May, 1853. Tο C. P. Roney. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (86) $52.50. -A. L. S., 6 pp., 8vo. Venice, Twenty Fifth November, 1853. Το Georgina Hogarth. With envelope, franked. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, 22. (125) $55.00. -A. L. S., with initials, one page, 8vo. Office of All the Year Round, Twenty Eighth Oct., 1865. Το "My dear Charley." Regarding the recipient's review of "Our Mutual Friend." Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (371) $55.00. -A. L. S., with initials. One page, 8vo. Fifteenth December, no year. To George Cruikshank. Sending proof to the artist. On the last page are 3 pencil drawings by G. Cruikshank. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (179) $77.50. -Souvenir of "The Frozen Deep," performed at the Gallery of Illustration for the Benefit of the Family of Douglas Jerrold, Aug. 8th, 1857. Collection includes Playbill, 2 A. L. of Dickens, A. L. of Wilkie Collins, several portraits, etc., in all. 14 pieces, mounted. Wilkins, A., Feb. 13, '22. (210) $185.00. -Collection of Autograph Material and Original Drawings, pertaining to "Oliver Twist.” As follows: Orig. Autograph Draft of the Title-Page for the First Illus. Edition of "Oliver Twist," one page, 8vo, about 1846; Autograph Descriptions of the Woodcuts by G. Cruikshank to be placed on the wrapper, one page, 8vo, about 1846; 2 Signed Sketches by G. Cruikshank; A. L. S. from Dickens as to a proposed statue of Oliver Twist, 2 pp., 8vo, Broadstairs, 15 Oct., 1851. Together with one of the original wrappers as frontispiece, and engrossed title-page, bnd., 4to, lev. mor., g.e., by Sangorski. Dickens (Charles). Continued. -Agreement for Lord Lytton's "Strange Story," signed by Lytton, Dickens, Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, and W. H. Wills. 3 pp., fol., Aug. 8, 1861. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (143) $57.50. Dickensiana. Family Letters. Collection of 20 A. L., comprising letters from John Dickens, the father of the novelist; others from Dickens' wife, his brother Frederick, his sons Charles and H. F.; Marie, wife of the latter; and 9 from Georgina Hogarth. Hinged in a sm. 4to vol., hf. roan. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (195) $67.50 Dodd (William). Collection mounted comprising: A. L. S., 2 pp.,, 4to. June 16, 1752. To Samuel Richardson; A. L., in the third person. Newgate, March 23, 1777; A. L. S. of William Butler, one page, 4to, Nov. 21, 1799; A. L. of Herbert Croft, 2 pp., 4to. June 28, 1777. Also portraits, excerpts, cont. clippings, etc. Dodgson (C. L.-"Lewis Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (514) $60.00.. Dongan (Thomas). D. S. fol. June 20, 1698, with seal. License to Capt. Sanders Glenn to purchase a tract of land. H., Dec. 13, '21. (184) $67.50. Doyle (Sir Arthur Conan). MS., Sherlock Holmes Series. "The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist." 40 4to pp., in all 7,900 words with several corrections and cancellations in the Author's Autograph. With title written by the Author. Text is written in 2 note-books. Bnd., 4to, vel. [Lond., 1905.] Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (340) $120.00 -MS., "The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax." Signed in the Author's Autograph. oh. 28 4to pp., about 7,500 words. With several corrections and cancellations, mostly in pencil. Autograph Signature, Arthur Conan Doyle, on front cover. Bnd., 4to, vel. Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (337) $100.00. -MS., "The Adventure of the Priory School." 71 4to pp., about 13,500 words. With corrections and cancellations in the Author's autograph, several in pencil. Nearly all of the leaves have small hole in upper margin. Bnd., sm. 4to., vel. Autograph on front cover, with title. (Lond., 1904.] Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (341) $155.00. -MS., "The Adventure of the Second Stain." 31 sm. fol. leaves, about 9,900 words. 51⁄2 pp. in another hand. Autograph on front cover. With several corrections and cancellations, mostly in the Author's autograph. Bnd., sm. fol., vel. (Lond., 1904.] Edward VI, King of England. D. S. signed "Edward." Westminster, April 1, 1547. Royal Letters Patent creating a Mint and Assay Office at Canterbury, also signed in the autographs of,"E. Somerset, T. Cantburion, W. St. John [William Paulet], J. Russell, J. Warrewyk, Seymour, Cuth. Durehme, Anthone browne, W. Herbert." Document on vellum, 307 by 568 mm. With indorsements on back. With impression of Great Seal, about 127 mm. in diameter, attached by orig. vel. strips. In fitted velvet tray, enclosed in atlas fol. case, lev. mor., metal fasteners. Laid in is facsimile reproduction of the document and seal. Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (22) $700.00. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Royal Letters Patent, granting to Sir Richard Lee, Knight, highway rights "on London Waie from St. Albans to Colney." Signed, "Cordell." Westminster, Feb. 5, 1561. Parchment, 193 to 450 mm. Indorsed on back,-"Ye graunt of fee highwaie for Sir Richard Lee knight in anno grlle(?) Elizabeth iij. London way torwed(?)." With impression of the First Great Seal, about 130 mm. in diameter, attached by orig. parchment strips. Folded, in fitted tray, in sm. 4to case, mor., by Sangorski. Back of case scraped. Laid in is a modern transcription of the document in pen-and-ink. Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (23) $130.00. -Document Signed in the Autograph of Queen Elizabeth,-"Elizabeth R." March 11, 1574. Deed of Exchange in which Sir Thomas Heneage deeds to Her Majesty the Priory of Nun Ormesby and other property, in exchange for certain manors. Signed in the Queen's autograph at beginning, and at end by,"W Burghley," "Wr. Mildmay," "Eyre," and "Th. Bromley." Vel., 635 by 760 mm. With signature of, "M. Henneage," on back, also indorsement, signed, - "Ludley (?) 11 March 16. Eliz." With impression of the First Great Seal, about 135 mm. in diameter, attached by original vel. strips. Folded, in fitted velvet tray, enclosed in 4to case, mor., by Sangorski. Laid in is modern MS. transcript. Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (24) $120.00. Field (Eugene). MS. "A Lyttle Folio of proper Olde Englyshe Ballads; ffor Edmonde Clairaunce Steadmann. By Eugen-AFeld." Chic., 1887. 8 leaves (16 pp.) of vel. Sm. 4to. Bnd., lev. mor., in case, by Bradstreet. -MS., 4 pp., 4to, signed. caption, "Ad Lectorum." Vail, A., May 2, '22. (579) $700.00. Dated, "Chicago, Nov. 8, 1892." With Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (311) $125.00. -MS., Poem, Signed. "In New Orleans." 3 pp., 4to. 7 verses of 6 lines each. Signed, -- "Eugene Field," and dated, "Feby 13, 1894." With pencil memoranda on first page. Illuminated caption, below which is an additional line. Each verse has an illuminated initial. Each leaf hinged and bnd., hf. mor., g.t. |