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Berry (Duchesse de). Her Album, containing 36 A. L. S., L. S., D. S., etc., of the Kings and Queens of France, from Francis I to Henri, Comte de Chambord, with Certificate of Attestation of N. Charavay. Also 7 prints and 42 portraits. All mounted and bnd., obl. fol., mor., tooled, inlaid, g.e. on rough, by Simier.

Vail, A., May 2, '22. (105) $1250.00.

Bible in English. New Testament; trans. by John Wycliffe. Illuminated MS. of late Fourteenth century, in Gothic characters, on 232 leaves of vel., 2 columns, 35 lines and headlines; 257 by 182 mm. Ruled margins. Borders in gold and colors on versos of first leaf and leaf 92, first including two shields; partial border at beginning of Prologue; large initial letters and smaller capitals in gold and colors. Other capitals in blue with red, pen-work extended into arabesques in margins; page headings and rubrics in red, paragraph marks in blue. Few worm-holes.

Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (20) $1500.00.

Bible in Latin. Biblia Sacra. Thirteenth century MS., on 612 leaves of vel., double columns; Gothic characters; initials and ornamentations in red and blue, and rubricated throughout. Bnd., 12mo, mor., g.e. Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22.(6) $470.00.

-Biblia Sacra. Genesis to Psalms. Illuminated, Fifteenth century, [1468]. French MS. Gothic characters in black, on 417 leaves of vel., 2 columns, 37 lines and headlines; 192 by 140 mm. Quired in twelves with catchwords. Initial strokes and rubrics in red. 3 borders in gold and colors, miniature at beginning of Prologue; 41 large initials in gold and colors, each with partial border; hundreds of smaller capitals illuminated. Bnd., sm. 4to, lev. mor., elaborately tooled, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf.

Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (21) $450.00.

-MS., Gothic characters in red and black, double columns, dated 1458. 522 leaves of vel. 78 initials in gold and colors, first 2 historiated. Hundreds of initials in red and blue. 4to, 9/8 in. x 64 inches. Bnd., mor., inlaid, tooled, g.e. by Edwards of Halifax (?). Leaves of Hebrew names added later.

Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (18) $200.00.

-Biblia Sacra. MS., Thirteenth century probably Spanish. Small Gothic characters, on 395 leaves of 2 columns, 55 lines and headlines, 210 by 140 mm. About 50 large capitals in gold and colors, many containing tiny miniatures, most extending into margins. Many other large capitals illuminated without borders; smaller capitals, page headings and chapter numbers alternately in red and blue. 2 final leaves of Table are lacking, leaves 311 and 312 have lower margins cut away, several other margins have cuts in the vellum and a few leaves are water-stained. Originally in the Salva Library, later property of William Morris, with his bookplates. Bnd., 8vo. Cont. mor. over oak bds., in lev. mor. case, lacks clasps, edges worn.

Boethius (Anicius M. T. S.). [De Consolatione Philosophiæ.] [Page I begins-] Cy commence leliure Intitule boece de consolacion. Translate de latin en francoys pour le Roy de france appelle philippe le quart de ce nom. Par maistre Jehan de meun. Illuminated MS., in French, about 1447. Letters bâtardes, in 2 columns of 43 lines each to the page, on 186 leaves of vel., 15 in. by II in. 7 miniatures, each framed with gold fillet and border in colors and gold, also illuminated initial containing the RohanVisconti coat-of-arms at the beginning of each of the seven treatises. Hundreds of smaller initials and capitals in gold on colored ground, also line-ends illuminated. Bnd., fol., mor., tooled, g.e. by Derome Le Jeune. MS. belonged to Cardinal de Bourbon and Count MacCarthy. Minns, G., May 2, '22. (408) $1025.00.

Boone (Daniel). D. S., one page, fol. Maysville, Kentucky, Dec. 8, 1788. Deeds, Relative to Lands Belonging to the Boone Family, at Maysville. Signed in the autographs of Daniel Boone, Arthur Fox, Thos. Brooks and Jacob Boone, with their seals. With inset portrait of Boone. Framed. G., Dec. 6, '21. (87) $60.00.

Borrow (George). 5 MSS.: "Hindoo Mythology," "Names of Fairies," "Judas Maccabeus," "King Valdemar II," "The Lay of the Chase," in all 21 pp. Bnd. in 4 vols., 3 vols. 4to, one vol. 8vo, lev. mor., g.e., by Rivière; with typed transcripts.

Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (99-102) $120.00. -MS. of part of "The Romany Rye," consisting of the discourse on "Genteel Nonsense." Tipped in sunken mounts, and bnd., with special title and transcript, 4to, lev. mor., by Sangorski, in cl. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (27) $85.00.


Boston. A. L. in the hand of William Cooper, Town Clerk. 7 pp., 4to. Bost., Sept. 27, 1768. Signed by Thomas Cushing. Message from American Delegates to George III. Worn in folds.

Vail, A., May 2, '22. (132) $57.50.

-John Hancock and others. L. S., 7 pp., 4to. Bost., Nov. 12, 1768. To Dennis Deberdt. Signed by John Hancock and 6 others. Endorsed on the back: "Select Men of Boston. Received Decr. 27. Answered Pack't. Jan. 2." The protest of the town of Boston against the sending of his majesty's troops there. Torn in folds, and signature of Henderson Inches damaged.

Vail, A., May 2, '22. (53) $300.00.

-Prout (Timothy). Document. One Page, Dec. 14, 1773. To the Hon. The Moderator of the Town Meeting. Relating to the destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor. Inlaid, 4to.

B., June 22, '22. (29) $51.00.

Bradford (William). D. S., one page, 4to, 7/4 in. by 578 in. Feb. 8, 1710. Relates to an Act for building and repairing Gaols and Courthouses. Smoke-stained, protected by transparent silk.

Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (323) $95.00.

Braxton (Carter). A. L. S., 5 pp., 4to. West Point, Nov. 1, 1777. Of commercial and political interest. With etched portrait. To

Brontë (Charlotte). A. L. S., 2 pp., 12mo. No place, June 16, (18)47. Το Thomas De Quincey, presenting him with a copy of her "Poems." Signed, -"Currer Bell." Upper margin of first leaf yellow and clipped. Whistler, G., Jan. 13, '22. (261) $57.50.

-A. L. S. to W. S. Williams, containing Long Criticism of George
Lewes's Novel, "Rose, Blanche and Violet." Signed "C. Bell." 8
pp. (Haworth), May 1, 1848.
A., Jan. 9, '22. (25) $95.00.

Bronte (Emily). MSS., 11 Poems written, 1837-39, in her minute
handwriting in imitation of print, on scraps of paper of various
sizes. Inlaid or mounted to royal 4to, and bnd. with transcript.,
engrossed title-page and introduction, 4to, lev. mor., g.e., by
Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (25) $270.00.

Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). A. L. S., 2 pp., 12mo. Rome, April 13, n.d. [1861.] To W. M. Thackeray.

A., Jan. 9, '22. (27) $72.50.

Browning (Elizabeth Barrett) and Horne (R. H.). MS., “Carlyle," 29 pp., various sizes, II in the handwriting of Elizabeth Barrett and 18 in that of R. H. Horne. Inlaid to 4to and bnd., lev. mor., by Tout. Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (109) $65.00.

Browning (Robert). 3 A. L. S. to his Son, 29 De Vere Gardens W., 1887-1889. Together, 10 pp. Inlaid to 4to. Special title-page in red and black ink. Accompanied by typewritten transcripts. Bnd. 4to., lev. mor., g.e., by Rivière.

Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (118) $52.50.
Burns (Robert). MS., Poem, "My Soger laddie." 8 lines, one page,
sm. 4to, mounted, with portrait. From the Upcott collection.
Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (38) $200.00.
-MS. Notes from a Commonplace Book, written on 2 pp., 4to.
A., Jan. 9, '22. (34) $65.00.

Burr (Aaron). Collection of A. L., including 10 written by Burr,
and 47 letters addressed mainly to Burr, of which 18 are by mem-
bers of his family; also, the Document on Vel., Appointing Burr
Attorney-General of New York State, signed by Gov. George
Clinton, counter-signed by Lewis A. Scott, Sec'y., New York,
Sept. 29, 1897. With original wax seal attached (partly broken).
Together, 60 pieces.
G., Dec. 6, '21. (116) $460.00.

Buss (R. W.). A. L. S., 4 pp., 8vo, Nov. 19, 1845. To Joseph
Mayer. Tipped on mount, with envelope. On the origin of Pick-
Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (398) $105.00.

Byron (George Gordon, Lord). A. L. S., one page, 4to. Pisa, July 14th, 1822. To Captain Roberts, R. N. Leghorn. With typewritten transcript, portraits, clippings, and views. Bnd., 4to, lev. mor., inlaid, front cover containing panel in which is inset Autograph signature of Shelley. Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (131) $190.00.

-A. L. S., signed "Byron." 3 pp., 4to. Albany, Oct. 5, 1814. Το J. Perry (Editor of the Morning Chronicle) denying his engageByron (George Gordon, Lord).—Continued.

-Collection of Autographs, including:- 2 pp. fol. A. L. S., signed "N. B.", to Lady F. Wedderburn; Autograph Order on his banker, J. Hanson; A. N. S. to J. Murray, signed "N. B."; with other letters from Lady Byron, his daughter Ada, Countess Guiccioli, etc., with 14 portraits. In all 27 pieces, bnd., fol., mor., g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. About 1811-23.

Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (31) $225.00. Cabinets of the Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Roosevelt. Collection of Autograph Letters, together with Autograph Letters of Vice Presidents, excluding those who afterwards became President. In all, 329 Letters, each in separate wrapper. Few Cabinets not quite complete.

A., Jan. 9, '22. (44A) $155.00. California. Fort Sutter Papers. A collection of Letters, Documents, Reports, Proclamations, Bills, Surveys, Maps, Views, Portraits, etc., relating to Fort Sutter and the history of California of the period. Documents are mounted on the numbered leaves of 39 vols., bnd., fol. Mor. Each vol. has printed title-page, and printed historical introduction by Seymour Dunbar. Preliminary vol. contains printed summary and introduction, preface, and descriptive catalogue. The printing and binding done by the De Vinne Press. 23 pp. description in catalogue.

A., Nov. 28, '21. (70) $8450.00. Catherine De' Medici. A. L. S., 2 pp., sm. fol., n.p., n.d. Tο Jacques de Savoie, Duc de Némours. A., Jan. 9, '22. (50) $60.00 Chambers (Robert W.). MS., Novel, "Silver Heels." In pencil on 1561 sheets of foolscap. Bnd. in 3 vols., with special printed title in each vol., sm. fol., hf. lev. mor. [Broadalbin, 1900.]

Coles, G., May 16, '22. (185) $105.00. Chase (Samuel). A. L. S., 2 pp., 4to, Baltimore, June 28, 1798. Το George Washington. Endorsed on back In Washington's Autograph. With engraved portrait of Chase. Together, 2 pieces.

G., Dec. 6, '21. (174) $100.00 Clark (Abraham). A. L. S., one page, 4to, New Brunswick, Feb. 6, 1776. To Elias Dayton, Elizabeth Town, New Jersey. G., Dec. 6, '21. (178) $80.00.

Clemens (S. L.-“Mark Twain"). MS., "More Tramps Abroad." Written in ink on 1764 pp., 8vo., with many additions and corrections. Bnd. in 6 vols., lev. mor., 1897. With a copy of the published work. Also MS. of "Following the Equator"; the printers' copy of the American Edition of "More Tramps Abroad"; typewritten on 781 4to sheets, with additions and corrections, remarks and instructions to the publisher and the compositor, in the handwriting of "Mark Twain," including autograph "Maxims from Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar," inserted as chapterheadings "Mark Twain's" hand; also 58 4to pages of typewritten MS., which was not used. Bnd. 4 4to vols., mor., together with the original cablegram, 3 A. L. S., and other material.

Clemens (S. L.- "Mark Twain").-Continued. -MS. of Autobiographical Sketch. 14 pp., 8vo. About 1800 words. In cl. cover. Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (150) $300.00. -Original Autograph Correspondence with William Dean Howells. 113 A. L. S. from Jan., 1870, to Aug. 12th, 1908. Letters vary from one to 20 pp. each, comprising in all over 400 pp. Accompanying are two A. L. S. from Mr. Howells, Feb. 27 and March. 4, 1918, St. Augustine, Fl., each one page 8vo.

Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (39) $3000.00. -Collection of 19 letters and two messages written on visiting cards, from one to 8 pp. each, in all 56 pp., not counting the cards, to Charlotte Teller. Accompanying is typewritten statement of 3. pp. by Miss Teller, and a presentation copy of her novel, "The Cage." Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (40A) $675.00..

Colden (Cadwallader). A. L. S., 2 pp., fol. Spring Hill, Feb. 20,. 1766. To Sir Wm. Johnson. Torn in folds.

H., Apr. 6, '22. (154) $52.50.
Stowey, March
Written on the

Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). A. L. S., 2 pp., fol.
8, 1798. Το Mr. Cottle, Bookseller, Bristol.
blank portion of a letter by Thomas Poole to Mr. Cottle.

A., Jan. 9, '22. (63) $57.50.

Collins (Wilkie). MS., "The Devil's Spectacles." 22 4to leaves,. the first 2 leaves in another hand, remaining 20 leaves in Collins' handwriting, comprising about 6600 words with numerous pass-ages crossed out and new ones inserted. Portrait inserted.. Hinged, 3 leaves cut across center. Bnd., 4to, hf. mor., g.t. Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (160) $55.00..

Congress. Resolution on the War Profiteers. In Congress, 2d. Oct., 1778. "Whereas the scantiness of crops of wheat and other grain in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, etc. 4 pp., fol. Signed by Charles Thomson.

B., Feb. 18, '22. (12) $56.00.. -The same. B., June 22, '22. (6) $105.00.. -Circular, To the Governor of Georgia. 2 pp., fol. Phila., Oct. 9th, 1779. Signed by Samuel Huntington, President. B., Feb. 18, '22. (4) $52.00. -Document, 2 pp., fol., signed in autograph of Charles Thomson. "Done in Congress this 10th day of October, 1780." Official Proclamation Issued on the Discovery of Arnold's Treason.

Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (13) $50.00.

Conrad (Joseph). MS., Résumé of Novel, "The Rescuer." Unsigned. 2 pp., 4to; A. N. S., one page, 12mo, n.p., "Wednesday," [Nov. 27, 1919]. Το Mr. W. Heinemann; A. L. S., 4 pp., 12mo,. Oswalds, Bishopsbourne, Kent, Aug. 4, 1920. Το Mr. W. Heine-mann. A. L. S., 3 pp., 12mo, Oswalds, Bishopsbourne, Kent, "Monday." To Mr. Heinemann. Together, 4 pieces.

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