Massachusetts. Continued. Secretary. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Agreeably to the above Proclamation. [Issue by the State of Mass.) John Hancock. By His Excellency's Command, John Avery, Secretary. Unc. [Bost., B. Edes and Sons, 1781.] Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (64) $15.00. exerted their -By His Excellency John Hancock, Governor. A Brief. Whereas the hostile Forces of Great-Britain, the Enemies of America, proceeded to barbarous Extremities, and Powers in the Destruction of the Town of Charlestown. Given at the Council-Chamber in Boston, Nov. 12, 1782. John Hancock. Unc., breaking in folds. [Bost., 1782.] Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (65) $37.50. -Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, July 11, 1783. [Relating to Soldiers' bounties.] John Avery, Secretary. [Bost., Adams and Nourse, 1788.] Fol. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (217) $47.50. -In Senate, June 4, 1796. [Resolves of the General Court for the Choice of Federal Electors.] John Avery, Secr'y. [Bost., 1796.] Fol. B., Aug. 24, '22. (49) $5.00. A Proclamation [Provides for revising the Constitution.] Fol. -By His Excellency John Brooks. a Convention for the purpose of Alden Bradford. [Bost., 1820.] Miller (Daniel C.). 100 Dollars Reward. of Slavery be prohibited. B., June 22, '22. (42) $6.10. Shall the Extension Phila., 1856. Fol. Β., Nov. 26, '21. (35) $5.10. Mississippi. Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union, Jan. 9, 1861. An Ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of Mississippi and other States united with her under the compact of the "Constitution." Worn on margins. 4to. A., Nov. 1, '21. (220) $5.25. Morgan (Thomas). Proposals for publishing a Newspaper in the Borough of Washington, Pa., to be entitled "The Herald of the Cross and Democratic Eagle." Signed by Sam Houston, R. E. W. Earl, and others. Worn in folds. Fol. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (107) $8.00. Morris (Robert). To the Printers of the American Daily Advertiser, Philadelphia, June 10, 1795, in reference to the publication of letters of Jos. Faucet, villifying the character of Robert Morris. Fol. H., July 18, '22. (203) $5.00. Napoleon. Two Official Proclamations: One being the announcement of the decision of the Consuls and Ministers of France to take a plebiscite of the people to decide whether Napoleon Bonaparte should be consul for life. Signed, Chaptal, Minister of the Interior, Paris, 20 florial, An. X. [1802]. Fol. The other announces the election of Napoleon Bonaparte as consul for life. Signed, Chaptal, with Seal. Paris, 14 thermidor, An. X [1802]. 11⁄2 pp., fol. Bnd. in one vol., mor., tooled. New Brunswick, N. S. Whereas it has been thought expedient, for the Information of the Proprietors of Sundry Tracts of Lands, situate in the Province of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, to make known the Tenor of the Several Grants under which the said Lands are held, therefore the following Extracts are printed. I page with attached blank leaf. Accompanied by MS. maps of the whole grant and of the Township of Burton. Quebec, Brown & Gilmore, [1765 or 1766]. B., Apr. 24, '22. (26) $37.00. New Bundling Song. Unc. N. Coverly, [Bost., about 1812]. 4to. G. Dec. 6, '21. (109) $17.50. New Hampshire. In the House of Representatives, Feb. 26th, 1778. [Containing the Resolve of the House of Representatives Calling upon the Inhabitants to Meet at a Convention to be Held for the Purpose of Forming a Government.] Attest, M. Weare, President. In cloth folder, lettered. Exeter, [R. Fowle, 1778]. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (259) $215.00. -1778. An Act to prevent the return to this State of certain Persons therein named, [Relating to Loyalist refugees.] In the House of Representatives, Nov. 11th, 1778. John Langdon, Speaker. Unc. Exeter, Z. Fowle, 1778. Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (53) $65.00. -In the House of Representatives. March 3d, 1786. Resolved that the selectmen be required to make a return of all the inhabitants within their respective districts to the Secretary of this State. One page, hf. mor. Portsmouth, 1786. Fol. B., Sept. 30, '21. (204) $7.00. New Haven. Proceedings of an ecclesiastical Council convened at the house of Rev. Dr. Edwards in New Haven, May 19, 1795. 4to. H., June 21, '22. (128) $12.00. New Jersey. State of New-Jersey. An Act for compleating the New York. Act for paying Five Thousand Pounds, towards assist- Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (350) $300.00. -By James De Lancey. A Proclamation. [Appoints] July 13, 1757, as a Day of solemn publick Prayer, Fasting and Humiliation. Gw. Banyar, Dep. Secry. Framed, tear in old fold at center, some letters destroyed. [N. Y., 1757.] 15/2 in. x 104 in. 1 New York. Continued. -Declaration, or Ordinance, of the Convention of the State of New-York, passed May 10, 1777, offering free pardon to such of the subjects of the said State, as, having committed treasonable acts against the same, shall return to their allegiance. [Signed] Robert Benson. In cl. folder and lev. mor. case. [Fish-Kill, S. Loudon, 1777.] Sm. 4to. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (390) $40.00. -By George Clinton, Governor. A Proclamation. Whereas by the Statute entitled "An Act to prevent bringing in and spreading of Infectious Distempers in this State," it is enacted "That all Vessels of whatever kind they may be having on board any Person or Persons infected with the Yellow Fever.". [Signed] Given at New-York Sept. 13, in the Seventeenth year of the Independence of the said State. Geo. Clinton. [N. Y., 1793.] 13/8 in. x 82 in. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (413) $45.00. -General Conway's Speech for quieting the Troubles in America, and sending a strong reinforcement. Signed, J. Simpson, Sec'y to the commission. 2 letters missing on 2 lines of text. N. Y., May 22nd, 1781, J. Rivington. Fol. Coles, G., May 16, '22. (32) $72.50. -From the New-York Journal, or, the General Advertiser, Aug. 30th, 1770. Mr. Holt, New-York, Aug. 28, 1770. As you published the proceedings of a late meeting at Faneuil Hall, relative to a letter signed by four persons only [Relating to the Non-Importation Agreement.] 2 columns. [Signed by Boston Committee of Merchants.) Unc. [N. Y., J. Holt, 1770. 4to. G., Dec. 6, '21. (24) $15.00. Newburyport Herald. Special issue, Feb. 21, 1815. Text of The Treaty of Peace. Unc. [Newburyport, 1815.] Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. Nicholas (George). To the Freemen of Kentucky. (684) $6.00. [In reference Fol. (609) $32.50. -Another copy. B., Jan. 5, '22. (130) $21.00. Norwich Bulletin. Extra. [Issued, as Extra to issue of April 15, Sunday, April 16. Relating assassination of Lincoln.] 6 columns. Stained, small hole in text. Norwich, Conn., 1865. Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (437) $8.00. Oakeford (James). Printed Proclamation announcing the finding of Parliament in respect to Oakeford's work, "The Doctrine of the Fourth Commandment deformed by Popery." Framed library piece. Lond., 1649. Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (31) $8.00. Oath of Office. Feb. 26, 1778. Printed oath of office taken by James Bryson, as Surveyor of the Post offices of North America. 4to. H., May 18, '22. (48) $20.00. Ohio. Bill providing for the Sale of Land in the Territory of the United States north-west of the River Ohio. [1792.] Fol. Oregon Railroad. The Great West, embracing its Population, Productions, Extent, places and Distances on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers, Panoramic View of the Route to China, &c. By H. Phelps, New York. Illus. chart in colors, with medallion portraits. J. Ward, Bost., [1847]. 28 in. x 21/2 in. G., Dec. 6, '21. (556) $10.00. Paine (Thomas). Life and Character of Mr. Thomas Paine, put in Metre, and inscribed to the Society against Levellers and Republicans. [English Printing, 180-.] Fol. B., Jan. 5, '22. (226) $5.10. -Tom the Bodice Maker. [Poetical broadside on Thomas Paine, with mention of Paul Jones, etc.] [English Printing, 180-.] Fol. B., Jan. 5, '22. (225) $5.10. Pennsylvania. Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania to their Constituents, dated Dec. 12, 1787. 3 pp. [Phila.], E. Oswald, [1787]. Fol. H., June 21, '22. (122A) $10.00. Philadelphia. Articles of Agreement, Made in the City of Philadelphia, Sept. 2, 1745. Between John Cunnyngham, Commander of the Private Man of War, Snow, the Dreadnought, and the said Snow's Company, on the other part, bound from the Port of Philadelphia aforesaid, on a Cruizing Voyage against the Enemies of his most sacred Majesty. In 3 columns, lower left, containing about one-tenth of text, missing. n.d., [Phila., B. Franklin, 1745.] El. fol. B., Jan. 5, '22. (64) $70.00. -Notice of the days and times on which the Southern Stages start from the Baltimore office in Fourth Street near the Old Indian Queen. Woodcut of one of the stages, with four horses. Phila., Eleazer Oswald, at the Coffee-house. H., May 18, '22. (53) $8.50. -Post-Office, Philadelphia, March 30, 1797. Establishment of the mails, commencing April 3, 1797. Robert Patton, P. M. Gives the time of the arriving of mails. Fol. H., June 21, '22. (136) $5.00. -Printed Notice, in German and English, of Lands offered for Sale or on Improving Leases, by Tench Coxe, N. Frazer, and others. Phila., Jan. 8, 1788. Fol. H., July 18, '22. (23) $10.00. -Prospectus of the publication of "The Evening Chronicle, or the Philadelphia Advertiser." Phila., Jan. 5, 1787. Fol. H., Apr. 6, '22. (104) $15.00. -Receipt of Conestoga Wagon Co. for hauling freight from Amelia Co. to Philadelphia, Aug. 15, 1814. Heading of an engraving of one of the Conestoga wagons. Framed. H., Jan. 27, '22. (30A) $5.25. Poor Armourer Boy, A Song. Adapted to the case of John R. Jewitt survivor of the crew of the ship Boston, who with the captain and officers were cruelly massacred by the savages on the North-West coast of America. Five verses of 8 lines each, with colored view at top. Loomis & Richards Print, Middletown, Portsmouth (Ship). Abstract of Cruise of U. S. Sloop of War Post Office Department. 15th Sept., 1829. Circular. The New Potts (Stacy G.). Lecture on the Constitution [of New Jersey]. n.p., n.d., [1844]. Fol. B., June 22, '22. (43) $10.25. Providence, Feb. 20, 1781. This Afternoon an Express arrived here from Philadelphia, by whom we have the following important Intelligence received at Philadelphia from MajorGeneral Green. Camp, South-Carolina on the Pee-Dee, Jan. 24, 1781. Sir. I have the honor to inclose, for the information of Congress, the copy of a letter to . General Washington,. announcing the defeat of a detachment of the British army, under Lieut. Col. Tarleton. Unc. [Providence], J. Carter, [1781]. Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (63) $80.00. Quakers. False News from Gath Rejected. Containing some Reasons of the People called Quakers For their declining to Answer John Talbot's Proposall (at the foot of F. Bugg's Bomb) to their last Yearly Meeting at Burlington. n.p., n.d.,, [Phila., R. Jansen, 1704.] Fol. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (555) $42.50. -The Case of the People Commonly called Quakers, Relating to Oaths. [To House of Commons.] Break in folds; left edge trimmed; breaks reaching into two lines. n.p., n.d. Fol. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (550) $6.00. -The Christianity of the People called Quakers Asserted by George Keith; In Answer to a Sheet called, A Serious Call to the Quakers. Thomas Story's copy, with his note on verso. Recent tear into one side. Lond., T. Sowle, 1700. Fol. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. -Gospel-Truths Held and Briefly declared by the Quakers, for Satisfaction of Moderate Enquirers. folds. Dublin, 14th of 3d Month, 1698. Fol. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (540) $6.00. People called Worn in the (537) $11.00. -For the King and his Councill at White-Hall. [Relation of the Cruel and Inhuman Usage and Great Persecution and Imprisonment of Four Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Quakers. Tear into one side, trimmed, partly backed, and worn in folds. Lond., R. Wilson, [1660]. Fol. Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (533) $6.00. -The Testimony of the People called Quakers, given forth by a Meeting of the Representatives of said People, at Philadelphia the twenty fourth Day of the first Month, 1775. [Text in 4 paragraphs.] James Pemberton, Clerk. In cl. folder. [Phila., 1775.] |