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Guild of Literature and Art. Play Bill of the Amateur Performance at Knebworth, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1850. I page, fol. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (254) $8.00

-Another copy, in cl. covers.

Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (191) $19.00. -Play Bill of the Performance at Devonshire House, May 27, 1851. Mounted. Fol. Wilkins, A., Feb. 13, '22. (224) $11.00. Harrison (William Henry). Life and Public Services. With & woodcut scenes from his life. H., July 18, '22. (33) $6.00. Harvard College. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Harvard University, Cambridge, October, 1809. [Cambridge, 1809.] G., Dec. 6, '21. (324) $11.00..


Hobart (Nehemiah). Martij 27, 1712. [Latin poem of 33 lines followed by 2 lines signed S. S.-Samuel Sewall.] Torn, not injuring text. [Bost., B. Green, 1712?] Sm. fol.

B., Sept. 30, '21. (44) $16.00.

Huggins (William) and Mansfield (John). Last Words of William Huggins and John Mansfield, Who are to be Executed June 19th, 1783, at Worcester, for Burglary. Worcester, [1783]. Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (349) $7.00.

Idaho. Ho! for the Idaho Gold Regions. I will despatch on or about April 1st, a large mule train from Nebraska City, N. T., for Bannock and Virginia Cities, Idaho, going through in about 45 days. . . D. D. White. Worn at fold. [Chic.], n.d. 4to. G., Dec. 6, '21. (356) $12.00.

Indians. Jan. 16th, 1792. Sir, As the circumstances which have engaged the United States in the Present Indian War may some of them be out of Public Recollection G. Washington. [Letter to General Knox.] Bnd. in mor. Phila., D. C. Claypoole, [1792]. Fol. B., Sept. 30, '21. (217) $31.00. Ivanhoe. Programme de la Marche des Costumes d'Ivanhoe, au Bal donné par LL. AA. R. et T. le Prince et la Princesse d'Orange, à Bruxelles; Mercredi, le 5 Fevrier 1823. Fol. foldeď to sm. 4to, reinforced in margins. Bnd. with "Costumes d'Ivanhoe," 10 colored plates, cf., g.t., by Rivière. [Brussels, 1823.] Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (669) $25.00. Jackson (Andrew). N. Y., May 17, 1815. Sir: The Persevering zeal, the generous patriotism and the undaunted courage displayed in the defence of New Orleans claim universal admiration and gratitude. . . Daniel D. Tompkins. N. Y., 1815.

B., Mar. 4, '22. (106) $8.10.

-To the Free Voters of the State of Maryland. Signed Independence. n.p., n.d. 4to. B., June 22, '22. (38) $5.10. Jim Crow. Broadside. 100 Verses Jim Crow. Printed in 5 columns, with 2 large woodcuts. Sold at 257 Hudson-street, and 134 Division-street, [N. Y., about 1850]. Fol.

John Street Theatre. Playbill. March 17, 1787. By the Old
American Company. On Monday Evening, 19th of March,
(Never performed in America,) A Comedy, (by Shakespeare,)
Called, Much Ado about Nothing. Stained, backed. [N. Y.,
H. Gaine, 1787.] Fol.
G., Dec. 6, '21. (214) $85.00.
Judd (Philu E.). Proposal for a Map and Gazetteer of the Terri-
tory of Michigan, with a History from its Earliest Settlement.
Detroit, 1824. Fol.
A., Nov. 28, '21. (395) $7.00.
Kemp (A.). To Californians! With an Experience of 15 years in
preparing Stores for Ships and Passengers, the Subscriber con-
fidently offers his Services to persons intending to make the
Voyage to California. (Follows list of articles.) N. Y., [1849].
A., Nov. 28, '21. (75) $25.00.
Kentucky. Resolutions proposing an Article of Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States. Jan. 17th, 1817. John J.
Crittenden. [Frankfort, 1817.] Sm. 4to.

B., Jan. 5, '22. (239) $10.10. [In reference to the

-To the People of Kentucky, by Junius.
Constitution of the United States.] Fol.

Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (610) $17.50. Kilian (Wolf). Ewig Fröliches, oder Trawriges Newes Jahr. Engraving, text in three columns. Matted. Augspurg, 1646. Fol. Minns, G., May 2, 22. (78) $9.00.

King Glumpus. Theatre Royal, Melville Island. [Play-bill announcing the performance of “ 'Raising the Wind,' and the laughable extravaganza of 'King Glumpus' (by John Barrow, Esq., F.R.S.)" on Feb. 1st, 1853, by the ship's company of H.M.S. Resolute.] Melville Island Press, [1853].

Van Duzer, A., Feb. 6, '22. (150) $40.00.

Levy (Aaron). Prospectus of a lottery for the sale
town of Aaronsburgh, Pa., newly laid out by him.
H., Apr. 6, '22.
Lincoln (Abraham). Abraham Lincoln. A Poem.
while we are drinking," etc. n.p., n.d. 8vo.

of lots in the May 23, 1786.

(105) $6.00.

"Now Boys,

B., Aug. 24, '22. (111) $5.00. -Brief Account of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. n.p., n.d. Fol. B., Jan. 28, '22. (115-G) $10.50. -In Memory of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America. His Farewell Address to his Old Neighbors, Springfield, February 12, 1861. 8vo.

G., Mar. 17, '22. (404) $9.00. -Lincoln's Triumphal Death March. A Glowing Faithful Transcript of all the Scenes and Incidents connected with the Recent Appalling Calamity of the Assassination of the President. The work of twelve talented Artists. Bost., [1865]. El. fol. B., Jan. 5, '22. (98) $31.00. -President Lincoln's Proclamation of April 15, 1861, calling out seventy-five thousand of the militia of the several States for the purpose of suppressing the Rebellion.

Lincoln (Abraham).—Continued.

-Radical Union Ticket. For President, Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. For Vice President, Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee. (Electors; State, and County nominations); The same, with added heading: “Fifth Ward." [St. Louis, Mo., 1864.] 2 pieces, sm. fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (428) $5.00. Little-Compton Scourge; Or, The Anti-Courant. The Acute Descartes very wittily observes, that there is no Bequest of Heaven to Men, which is so equally and happily distributed among the Species, as the Intellectual Talent. 2 columns. [Signed] Zechariah Touchstone. Little-Compton, Aug. 10, 1721. Unc., slightly chipped, backed with gauze, tiny holes in blank portion, stains. Bost., J. Franklin, [1721]. Sm. fol.

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G., Dec. 6, '21. (245) $170.00.

London. In double column. The Address, Petition, and Remonstrance, of the City of London, to the King, in Favour of the Americans, and their Resolves, presented to his Majesty, July 5, 1775. Lond., July 6. Unc., small hole in center fold, shaves 3 letters on one line. Watertown, [1775]. Sm. fol.

G., Dec. 6, '21. (36) $65.00.

Louisbourg Expedition. Instructions For Masters of Transports, Captains and commanding Officers of military-Companies and Commissaries, that are or shall be employed in His Majesty's Service in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. [Signed] Attest. J. Willard, March 13, 1744. [Bost., 1744.] Sm. fol.

G., Dec. 6, '21. (480) $17.50.

Loyalist Property. In the House of Representatives, April 19, 1776. [Resolution, authorizing the Committee of Correspondence, Safety and Inspection of each town and plantation to lease for the benefit of the Colony the estates of the refugee Loyalists.] Sent up for Concurrence. J. Warren, Speaker. April 23, 1776. Read and concurr'd. Perez Morton, Dep. Sec'y. Unc., small hole, creased. [Watertown, B. Edes, 1776.] Sm. fol.

McKinstry (G.). Thrilling and
by a Suffering Emigrant.
C. Reining, n.d. Nar. fol.

G., Dec. 6, '21. (43) $12.50.

Tragic Narrative. Journal Kept On red paper. West Hoboken, A., Nov. 28, '21. (386) $5.50.

Maryland. By the House of Delegates, Jan. 26, 1848. Whereas the construction of a Rail Road across the continent of North America, would make the United States the great highway between Europe and the populous and wealthy Empires of Asia, etc. [Maryland Printing, 1848.] B., June 22, '22. (49) $41.00.

Massachusetts. Anno Regni Regis Georgii II. Vicessimo. An Act more effectually to prevent profane Cursing and Swearing. Unc. Bost., S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1746. Fol.


-By His Excellency William Shirley, Captain-General and Gov-
ernour in Chief. A Proclamation. Whereas His Majesty has
[ordered various troops] . . to Louisburg to attempt the
immediate Reduction of Canada. . . [Relative to the expedition
under General St. Clair] June 2, 1746. Unc. Bost., John Draper,
[1746]. Fol.
G., Dec. 6. '21. (266) $47.50.

-By William Shirley. Proclamation for a publick Fast. [Ap-
points] Thursday, April 4, [1754]. Mar. 16, 1754. Bost., John
Draper, 1754. Fol.
G., Dec. 6, '21. (271) $22.50.

-By Spencer Phips. Proclamation for a general Fast. [Appoints]
Thursday, Aug. 28, [1755]. Aug. 13, 1755. Bost., J. Draper, 1755.
G., Dec. 6, '22. (274) $32.50.
-By Thomas Pownall. Proclamation. For a Public Fast. As it
hath pleased Almighty God, after the Time that He hath
humbled us in the Sight of our Enemies, to return again, and give
very signal Success to His Majesty's Arms. Appointing
Thursday, June 28, 1759, to be a Day of general Humiliation and'
Prayer throughout this Province. Unc. Bost., J. Draper, 1759.
G., Dec. 6, '21. (284) $17.00..

-By Francis Bernard. Proclamation For a Day of public Thanks--
giving. . . I have thought fit to appoint,
24, [Relative to the Repeal of the Stamp Act.]
R. Draper, 1766. Fol.

G., Dec. 6, '21.

Thursday, July Unc. Bost., (642) $27.50.

-By His Excellency Francis Bernard. A Brief. Whereas on the Eleventh Day of April last past a dreadful Fire happened at the City of Montreal [Calls upon the people of Massachusetts to contribute to the relief of the distressed inhabitants of Montreal.] July 9, 1768. Bost., R. Draper, 1768. Fol.

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-By Thomas Hutchinson. Proclamation For a General Fast. [Appoints] April 5. Bost., R. Draper, 1770. Fol.

G., Dec. 6, '21. (23) $17.50.

-In Provincial Congress, Cambridge, Oct. 22, 1774. It is Resolved, that a Day of Public Thanksgiving should be observed throughout this Province; and it is accordingly recommended. [Appointing Dec. 15, 1774.] By Order of the Provincial Congress, John Hancock, President. Unc. [Bost., Edes and Gill, 1774.] Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (31) $105.00.

-In Provincial Congress, Concord, April 15, 1775. Whereas it has pleased the righteous Sovereign of the Universe to suffer the Plots of wicked Men on both Sides of the Atlantik [sic], who for many Years have incessantly laboured to sap the Foundation of our public Liberties, so far to succeed; . . . [Appoints May 11, 1775, as a fast day.] By order of the Provincial Congress, John: Hancock, President. Unc. [Bost., Edes and Gill, 1775.] Fol.


-By the Great and General Court of the Colony of Massachusetts-
Bay. A Proclamation. The Frailty of human Nature, the
Wants of Individuals, and the numerous Dangers which surround
them, through the Course of Life, have in all Ages, and in every
Country, impell'd them to form Societies, and establish Govern-
[Declare intention of prosecuting the war.] In the
House of Representatives, Jan. 23, 1776. William Cooper,
Speaker pro Tem. Unc. [Watertown, B. Edes, 1776.] Fol.
G., Dec. 6, '21. (42) $75.00.


-State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives. June 9, 1779. Whereas a Requisition has been made to this Court for a Reinforcement for the Continental Army, that the same may be filled up, and not only make a respectable appearance, but be able to act vigorously in our defence through the ensuing campaign, . . . Therefore, Resolved, [Then follow two columns of Resolves, relative to the raising of 2000 men.] Sent up for Concurrence, John Hancock, Speaker. In Council, June 9, 1779. Unc. [Bost., 1779.] Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (57) $25.00.

[ocr errors]

-State of Massachusetts-Bay. In Council, June 11, 1779. Resolved, That the following Address be printed in Hand-Bills and sent to the several Ministers . Town-Clerks Committee of Correspondence within this State.. John Avery, Dep. Secr. To the Inhabitants of the United States of America. [Refers to the depreciation of the Currency, and calls for loan of forty-five million dollars.] May 26, 1779. John Jay, President. Unc., worn in fold. [Bost., B. Edes, 1779.] Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (58) $45.00.

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Resolved, That it be recommended to the
several States to appoint Thursday, Dec. 9, to be a Day of public
and solemn Thanksgiving.
Done in Congress Oct. 20, 1779.
Samuel Huntington, President. State of Massachusetts-Bay.
Council-Chamber in Boston, Nov. 3, 1779. [Official issue by
State of Mass.] Unc. [Bost., 1779.]

G., Dec. 6, '21. (56) $13.00.

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it appears that have expressed

-In Convention, June 16, 1780. Whereas more than Two-Thirds of the Inhabitants their Approbation of the form of Government agreed upon by this convention . . . James Bowdoin, President. Fol. [Bost., Edes, 1780.] Fol. B., Jan. 28, '22. (37-b) $17.50.

-Another copy.

B., Apr. 24, '22. (12) $21.00.

-By the United States in Congress assembled. Proclamation. At all Times it is our Duty to acknowledge the over-ruling Provi dence of the Great Governor of the Universe, and devoutly to emplore his divine Favor and Protection. . . The United States in Congress assembled, [Appoints May 3 as fast-day]. Mar. 20,

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