BROADSIDES Abel (H. I.). Traveller's and Emigrant's Guide to Wisconsin and Iowa. n.p., 1838. Folded into 16mo. Orig. cl. A., Nov. 28, '21. (1) $26.00. -The same, cl. O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (1) $35.00. Acrostic, On the Crucifixion of Our Savior and the Two Thieves. Stamford, N. Y., D. Lawrence, [1804]. Fol. B., Aug. 24, '22. (168) $6.50. Ain sowol seer notwendige, alls auch stundtlich zubedencken. nützliche erinnerung des zeitlichen Todes. Engraving, signed, "HF," 738 by 125/8 inches. Text in 3 columns. Matted; small repairs. Germany, 17th century. Fol. Minns, G., May 2, '22. (85) $5.00. Altzenbach (Gerhard). Ein Trapp der vornembsten Ständt der Welt vom Höchsten bisz zum Niedrigsten. Engraving of the Dance of Death. 11 by 15/4 in. Text in 5 columns. Backed, lower margin and fold reinforced. Matted. Cöln, 17th century. Minns, G., May 2, '22. (83) $7.00. American Revolution. Printed letter, 3 pp., fol., Phila., Feb. 14, 1795, bearing names of Gen. Washington and members of Congress, containing a description of a monument proposed to be erected to the American Revolution. Addressed to Thomas Willing. Written autograph signatures of Edmund Randolph, Wm. Bradford, and others. H., Apr. 6, '22. (110) $135.00. André (John). Ballads headed: "Major André: Written while he was a Prisoner in the American Camp." [Two Poems: "Ah! Delia, see the Fatal Hour," and "The Rose."] 2 columns, with woodcut vignette. Bost., N. Coverly, Jr., [1780]. Fol. Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (76) $16.00. Bank of the United States. A Table for Receiving and Paying the Gold Coins of France, Spain and the Dominions of Spain of their Present Standard. Mounted; another broadside mounted on verso; ink-stained. Bost., Thomas and Andrews, [1793]. Fol. B., Aug. 24, '22. (230) $5.25. Barber (E. D.). Extra-Judicial Oaths, Mr. Barber from the Committee of Vermont Legislature, made the following report. Daily Advertiser's Office, Jan. 17, 1833. Double fol. B., Jan. 5, '22. (172) $10.25. Barclay (Robert). Theses Theologicæ. One page. Backed, worn in folds. Amstelodami, 1674. Fol. Battle of the Boyne. Journal of the paign of His Majesty in Ireland. Limerick and another of the Battle. 1690. Fol. Three Months Royal CamWoodcut of the Siege of Folded, bnd. in bds. Lond., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (518) $6.50. Battle of Lake Erie. Perry's Victory. II verses, 8 lines each. I page. Bost., L. Deming, [1813]. Sm. 4to. Peters, A., Dec. 8, '21. (128) $27.50. Battle of New Orleans. Hunters of Kentucky or the Battle of New-Orleans. Framed. H., Jan. 27, '22. (21) $17.00. Battle of the Nile. Official Account of a Glorious Victory. Baltimore, November 20. By the Schooner America. [Salem, Mass.], 1798? 4to. B., Aug. 24, '22. (29) $10.10. Battle of Trenton. Providence, January 5, 1777. Fresh Advices from the Westward, Extracted from a New-London Paper of Friday last, New-London, Jan. 3, 1777. Yesterday, about I o'clock, the flag of truce, etc. Mounted. Providence, J. Carter, [1777]. 7 in. x 9 in. G., Dec. 6, '21. (50) $60.00. Bechstein (Ludwig). Trumpf aus! gedichtet von Ludwig Bechstein; erfunden und radirt von Franz von Pocci. Engraving surrounded by 7 9-line stanzas. Hinged to blank leaf and bnd. in old bds., trimmed to marginal rules. n.p., 1838. Sm. 4to. Bold Lads of Canada. Bost., [1813]. Sm. 4to. Minns, G., May 2, '22. (39) $5.00. Boston. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Governor. A Brief. G., Dec. 6, '21. (91) $25.00. -Massachusetts, 1799. Act to empower the town of Boston to choose a Board of Health. Unc. Russell & Cutler, [1799]. Fol. B., Aug. 24, '22. (34) $5.00. Brown University. Catalogus Eorum qui in Collegio Rhod. Ins. et Prov. Plant. 1769, 1789. Providentiæ, Typis Bennett Wheeler, [1789]. Fol. G., Dec. 6, '21. (110) $5.00. California. Commandments to California Wives. By Forty-Nine. Printed on blue note-paper, surrounded by pictorial border, framed. San Fran., 1855. 4to. A., Nov. 28, '21. (105) $67.50. -The Miner's Ten Commandments. By a Forty-Niner. [J. Hutchings.] Border of humorous illustrations. Placerville, 1853. 4to. B., Jan. 28, '22. (44) $26.00. -Another copy, with letter written in ink on verso. Coles, G., May 16, '22. (173) $12.00. -The Miner's Ten Commandments. By a Forty-Niner. Framed. San Fran., 1854. 4to. A., Nov. 28, '21. (104) $42.00. -A Public Ball Will be given in honor of the Arrival of the First Overland Mail from California, Oct. 14, 1858. Signed by 22 names. Printed on folding sheet of note-paper, with cut of the Overland Mail Coach at top. Fort Smith, 1858. 12mo. Camillus (pseud). Dec. 13, 1776. To the Public. Considerations on the Present Revolted State of America. M'Donald & Cameron in Water St., bet. the Coffee House and the Old Slip. 173/4 in. x 132 in. Humphries, H., May 4, '22. (136) $18.00. Cantique sur une Religieuse damnée. 2 woodcuts at head, 334 by 3/8 in. each, 2 columns of verse below. Tipped to cardboard. [Lyons, 17th Century?] Sm. fol. Minns, G., May 2, '22. (84) $5.00. Charleston Mercury Extra. Passed unanimously at 1:15 o'clock, P. M., Dec. 20, 1860. An Ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her. Mounted. [Charleston, 1860.] 12 in. x 2234 in. B., June 22, '22. (33) $105.00. Confederate. Address to the People of the Free State. By the President of the Southern Confederacy, Richmond, Jan. 5th, 1863. [Denouncing enlistment of Negroes in Union Army.] Fol. H., July 18, '22. (195) $34.00. -Epitaph. Here Lies the Mutilated and Disjointed Remains of the Noblest Form of Government Long narrow fol., backed. [Charleston, S. C., 1860.] A., Nov. 1, '21. (219) $6.50. Congress. Schedule of Requisitions on the several States by Congress assembled; 10th Sept. 1782-30th Oct. 1781 and 27th and 28th April, 1784, 27th Sept. 1785-and 2d Aug., 1786. N. Y., about 1785-87. Obl. 4to. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (63) $12.50. Connecticut. At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of his Majesty's Colony, holden at New-Haven, on the second Thursday of Oct., 1758. [Relative to the complaint made against soldiers who refuse to join troops.] [New Haven, James Parker and Company, 1758.] Sm. 4to. G., Dec. 6, '21. (280) $13.00. -[Hartford Convention.] Sir: a large number of respectable characters from all parts of the Commonwealth have become impressed with a persuasion, that the most alarming exertions have been made to effect a change in the administration of this Commonwealth. [Maine Printing, 181-]. Obl. 4to. B., Jan. 5, '22. (235) $7.50. Connecticut Claims. Connecticut Claim, Part I. Jurisdiction and State Rights of Soil. W. Hamilton. Fol. H., July 18, '22. (26) $10.00. -Connecticut Claims Association. The Subscribers, proprietors of lands in the State of Pennsylvania have agreed to form themselves into an association on the following Terms and Principles, June 7, 1796. Signed by J. Thomas and J. M. Taylor. In German and English. Fol. H., July 18, '22. (22) $20.00. Constitution. We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, do ordain and establish this Consti tution. 4 pp. Phila., Dunlop-Claypoole. [1787]. Fol. Constitution. -Continued. -Whereas the Legislature of Connecticut and Massachusetts have proposed the following amendments to the Constitution of the United States: [Text, containing 7 Resolves. Signed] Jacob Holgate, John Todd. [Phila., 1815.] 93/4 in. x 71⁄2 in. Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (70) $7.50. Craigie, Wainwright, and Co., Druggists. No. 37, Wall-Street, corner of Hanover-Square, and opposite the Coffee-House Bridge, Have imported by the last ship from Europe, a very large Assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Groceries and Paints, etc. I page, Ν. Υ. [1774-1776]. Fol. B., June 22, '22. (30) $9.10. Cromwell (Oliver). By His Highness: A Proclamation prohibiting the Disturbing of Ministers and Christians in their Assemblies and Meetings. Repaired. Lond., H. Hills and J. Field, 1654. Fol. Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (252) $7.50. -By the Protector. Declaration of His Highness with the Advice of the Council, in order to the Securing the Peace of this Commonwealth. Lond., H. Hills and J. Field, 1655. Fol. Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (253) $7.50. Cronan (Jeremiah). Lines written on the most dreadful fire that broke out in Chicago in America. Dunlin, P. Brereton, n.d. Fol. B., Jan. 28, '22. (57) $12.00. Declaration of Independence. In Congress, July 4, 1776. Declaration, By the Representatives of the United States of America, In General Congress Assembled. [2 columns.] Backed with gauze, 3 or 4 letters damaged. [Bost., Gill, and Powers and G., Dec. 6, '21. (45) $300.00. Willis, 1776.] Fol. Delaware. By His Excellency Cæsar Rodney, Proclamation, prohibiting the exportation of provisions from the State. Dover, May 3, 1779. Wilmington, J. Adams. Fol. Another copy, H., Jan. 27, '22. (25) $10.00. B., Apr. 1, '22. (6) $51.00. -By His Excellency Cæsar Rodney, Esq. Proclamation, appointing a Day for Thanksgiving, Dover, Dec. 7, 1778. Wilmington, J. Adams. Fol. H., Jan. 27, '22. (26) $7.00. H., Apr. 6, '22. (112) $11.00. Another copy. Dickens (Charles). Great International Walking Match of February 29, 1868. Articles of agreement between George Dolby, alias "The Man of Ross," and James R. Osgood, alias "The Boston Bantam," with "The Sporting Narrative" of the match written by Charles Dickens. Signed by Dolby, Osgood, Charles Dickens and James T. Field, with signature of A. V. S. Anthony as witWith gilt border, in gilt frame, glazed. Slight stain on lower margin. Bost., 1868. 193/4 in. x 172 in. ness. Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (58) $500.00. -Mr. Nightingale's Diary. Tavistock House. Play Bills of Performances June 18, 1855 and Jan. 6, 1857. 2 pieces, fol. Dickens (Charles). Continued. G., May. 17, '22. (188) $5.00. -Play Bill. St. James' Theatre. Nov. 5, 1836. Artaxerxes, after which, an entirely new Burletta (written by Boz) called The Strange Gentleman. Folio, folded 4to size, in cl. portfolio. Accompanying is a copy of the Burletta (reprint). Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (300) $6.00. -Theatre Royal, Haymarket. Play Bill of the Amateur Performance in Aid of the Fund for the Endowment of a Perpetual Curatorship of Shakespeare's House. May 17, 1848. Ben Jonson's Comedy of "Every Man in his Humour," and Kenney's Farce of "Love, Law, and Physic," Dickens acting in both. 4to. Jupp, A., Feb. 1, '22. (186) $57.50. Ellwood (Thomas). Deceit Discovered and Malice Manifested in Enlistment Oath. April 2, 1776. Printed oath taken by Thomas Shanks to serve until Jan. 1, 1778, in the troops ordered to be raised by the Assembly of Penna. 4to. H., May 18, '22. (49) $15.00. -May 31, 1782. Oath of enlistment of Richard Allison as a private in the service of the United States in the Pennsylvania line during the present war. Fol. H., May 18, '22. (50) $7.00. Fairbanks (Jason). Biography of Mr. Jason Fairbanks and Miss G., Dec. 6, '21. (238) $25.00. Forrest (Edwin). Play Bill, on satin, of Forrest's Benefit at the Broadway Theatre, April 30, 1852. H., Apr. 6, '22. (183) $7.00. Franklin (Benjamin). Directions to the Deputy Post-Masters, for keeping their Accounts. Worn in folds. Signed (printed) B. Franklin. [Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1753.] 13 in. x 182 in. B., June 22, '22. (104-A) $114.00. -The Way to Wealth: As Clearly shewn in the Preface of an old Pennsylvania Almanack, intitled, Poor Richard, Improved. Folded and bound in hf. mor. [Lond., 1779]. Fol. B., Sept. 30, '21. (84) $17.00. Gordon (Thomas). Legal opinions of Wm. Bradford, Jared Ingersoll and James Wilson, on the subject of the power of the Council of Penna. to direct the Attorney-General to take such action as will test the validity of the attainder of Thos. Gordon. Nov. |