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PATER (Walter). Continued.

-Gaston de Latour. N. Y., 1896. 8vo.

Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (243) $5.50.

-Greek Studies. Lond., 1895. 8vo.

Cl., Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (1151) $6.00.

-An Imaginary Portrait.

[Oxford, 1894.]

Sq. 12mo.

Orig. paper, unc., Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (103) $35.00.
-Imaginary Portraits. N. Y., 1887. 8vo.
Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (238) $7.50.

-Marius, the Epicurean. Lond., 1885. 2 vols., 8vo.
Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (237) $15.00.
Cl., unc., H., June 21, '22. (329) $5.00.

-Miscellaneous Studies. Lond., 1895. 8vo.
Cl., Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (1152) $6.00.

-Miscellaneous Studies. N. Y., 1895. 8vo.
Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (240) $6.50.
-Plato and Platonism. Lond., 1893. 8vo.
Cl., W., Dec. 20, '21. (165) $5.50.
Orig. cl., unc., W., May 18, '22. (265) $7.00.
-Plato and Platonism. N. Y., 1893. 8vo.
Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (241) $5.50.

-Studies in the History of the Renaissance. Lond., 1873. 8vo.
Cl. (frayed), Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (1146) $5.50.

Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (236) $8.00.

-Works. All first editions. Lond., 1873-96. 9 vols., 8vo.

Cf., g.t., unc., by Rivière (orig. covers bnd. in; Maurice HewlettE. F. Leo copy, with Hewlett's autograph and notes in "Marius the Epicurean"), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (590) $175.00.

-Works. 9 vols. Lond., 1900. 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Rivière, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (740) $115.00.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Birdsall, Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (156) $160.00.

Silk, g.t., unc. (backs faded), Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (639) $57.50. -Works. Lond., 1910-13. 10 vols., 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (portrait of Mr. Coles inserted), Coles, G., May

16, '22. (534) $32.50.

PATERSON (W.). Charge to the Jury in the case of Vanhorne's Lessee against Dorrance, 1795. Phila., 1796. 8vo.

Unc., H., May 26, '22. (136) $9.00.


Lond., 1630. Sm. 4to.

Old hf. cf. (rubbed, margin of title trimmed), Leo, A., Oct. 26, '21. (198) $12.00.

PATINI (C.). Lyceum Patavinum. Patavii, 1682. 4to.

Old mor., g.e. (Syston Park copy), A., Nov. 30, '21. (303) $5.25.

PATTERSON (A. J.). Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered

in Portsmouth. Portsmouth, 1865. 8vo.

PATTERSON (A. W.). map. Pittsburgh, 1843. Cl., A., Nov. 28, '21. (512)


History of the Backwoods. Folding

Memorial Address on the Life and

Character of Abraham Lincoln. Concord, 1865. 8vo. Paper, B., June 22, '22. (290) $8.00.

PATTERSON (L.). Twelve Years in the Mines of California.

[blocks in formation]

PATTIE (J. O.). Personal Narrative, during an Expedition from St. Louis Through the Vast Regions between that place and the Pacific Ocean. 5 plates. Cincinnati, 1833. 8vo.

Orig. sheep, A., Nov. 28, '21. (514) $57.50.
Lev. mor., g.e., O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (535) $85.00.

PAU (Augusto). Abramo Lincolne la Guerra i Federali ed i
Confederati negli Stati-Uniti. Livorno, 1866. 2 vols., 8vo.

Hf. mor., unc., G., Dec. 6, '21. (440) $47.50.
Bds., G., Mar. 17, '22. (582) $5.00.

PAUL (Henry H.). Dashes of American Humour. Lond., 1852. 8vo.

Hf. lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Rivière (illus. colored by hand), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (849) $6.00.

PAUL (Herbert). Queen Anne. Paris, and N. Y., 1906. 4to. Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15,

'22. (819) $7.00.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (Japan paper), H., Apr. 18, '22. (153) $15.00. PAULDING (Hiram). Journal of a Cruise of the U. S. Schooner Dolphin. Map. N. Y., 1831. 12mo.

Orig. cl., unc. (label rubbed), A., Dec. 5, '21. (216) $5.50.

Orig. cl., unc. (some leaves stained

stained), W., Apr. 14, '22. (373) $11.50.

PAUQUET FRÈRES. Modes et Costumes Historiques. 96

colored plates. Paris, n.d. 4to.

Cl., g.e., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (116) $12.50.

Mor., g.e., MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (310) $20.00.

-Illustrations of English and Foreign Costume from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Day. 96 colored plates. Lond., 1875. 4to.

Hf. lev. mor., g.t., MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (277) $20.00.

PAXTON (Sir J.). Flower Garden. Colored plates. Lond., 1850-51. 3 vols., 8vo.

Hf. mor., g.e., W., June 22, '22. (172) $15.00.

-Magazine of Botany, and Register of Flowering Plants.

Lond., 1834-49. 16 vols., 8vo.

Hf. roan, g.e., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (1099) $20.00.

Hí. mor., g.e., Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (187) $100.00.


PAYNE (John). Flowers of France. Lond., 1906. 2 vols., 8vo. Vel., g.t., unc. (Large paper, slightly soiled), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21.

(583) $5.00.

-Poetical Works. Lond., 1902. 2 vols., 8vo.
Vel., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (1100) $10.00.

Vel., g.t., unc. (one vol. worn), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (932) $5.00.

PEACOCK (T. L.). Works. Lond., 1875. 3 vols., sm. 8vo. Cf., by Cecil and Larkins (stamp in each vol., portrait of Mr. Coles inserted), Coles, G., May 16, '22. (540) $7.00.

PEARSON (Edwin). Banbury Chap Books and Nursery Toy

Book Literature. Lond., 1890. 4to.

Bds., unc. and unopened, Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (143) $9.00.
Bds., unc., Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (426) $5.00.

PEARSON (John). Notes made during a Journey in 1821 from Philadelphia to the Neighborhood of Lake Erie. Lond., 1822. 8vo.

Mor., g.t., unc., A., Nov. 28, '21. (515) $69.00.

PEARSON (J. W.). Brief Description of the Great San Joaquin Valley. San Fran., 1868. 8vo.

Orig. paper, A., Nov. 28, '21. (116) $7.00.

PEARSONS (Hiram). Ohio City Property, in the State of Missouri at the Junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. 2 maps. N. Y., 1849.

(Title damaged), B., Jan. 5 '22. (140) $21.00.

PECK (Francis). Desiderata Curiosa. Lond., 1732-35. 2 vols., fol.

Cf. (Large paper, hinges weak, rubbed), Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22.

(1157) $10.00.

-Desiderata Curiosa. Lond., 1779. 2 vols., 4to.

Cf. (rebacked, upper margin trimmed), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (586) $7.00.

PECK (J. M.). The Death of Eminent Men a Public Calamity.

Rock-Spring, Ill., 1834. 8vo.

Sewed, A., Dec. 5, '21. (117) $11.50.

-New Guide for Emigrants to the West. Bost., 1836. 12mo.
Orig. cl. (worn), B., Mar. 11, '22. (58) $6.00.

-Gazetteer of Illinois. Jacksonville, Ill., 1834. 12mo.
Orig. cl. (stained, loose), B., Mar. 11, '22. (59) $17.00.
Orig. cl., O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (234) $5.50.

Orig. cl. (loose, stained), B., Apr. 24, '22. (105) $52.50.

PECK (John). Facts and Calculations Respecting the Population and Territory of the United States. 7 pp. (Bost., 1799.] 4to.

Unbnd. (one page trimmed), G., Dec. 6, '21. (170) $6.00.

PEELE (George). Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Lond., 1888. 2 vols., 8vo.

PELHAM (Camden).

Chronicles of Crime. 52 plates, by

"Phiz." Lond., 1841. 8vo. 21 orig. parts, unc., in 2 folders and cl. cases (few wrappers repaired, one plate in duplicate), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (591) $125.00.

Hf. mor., g.t., by Rivière, Vail, A., May 2, '22. (939) $14.00.

PEMBERTON (Ebenezer). Divine Original and Dignity of
Government Asserted. Bost., 1710. 16mo.

Orig. sheep (worn), G., Dec. 6, '21. (590) $5.00.
-Sermon preached at the Ordination of Walter Wilmot.
Bost., 1738. 12mo.

B., Sept. 30, '21. (172) $6.00.

-Sermon Preached at the Presbyterian Church on Occasion of the Death of John Nicoll. N. Y., 1743. 8vo.

Hf. mor., B., Sept. 30, '21. (171) $21.00.

-Sermon Preached in New-Ark, June 12, 1744, At the Ordination of Mr. David Brainerd. Bost., 1744. 8vo.

Unbnd., B., Nov. 10, '21. (105-A) $51.00.

PENN (William). A Brief Account of the Province of Pennsilvania in America, lately granted under the Great Seal of England to William Penn, 2 pp. Fol.

Humphries, H., May 4, '22. (134) $60.00.

-The Excellent Priviledge of Liberty and Property. Printed in 1687 under the Direction of William Penn by W. Bradford. Phila., 1897. 4to.

Vel., unc., B., Dec. 3, '21. (145) $7.00.

--Missive, Geschreven aan de Commissarissen vande Vrye Societeyt der Handelaars op de selve Provintie binnen London residerende. Folding plan. Lond., 1684. Sm. 4to.

Orig. paper, H., May 26, '22. (558) $16.00.

-The Holy Bible. Lond., 1703. 4to.

Mor., g.e., by Clarke and Bedford (W. Penn's copy, with his signed inscription on fly-leaf), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (505) $575.00.

PENN (W.) and MEAD (W.). The People's Ancient and Just Liberties Asserted, in the Tryal of William Penn, and William Mead. [Also] The Second Part of the People's Ancient and Just liberties Asserted. [Lond.], 1670. 2 vols., sm. 4to.

Hf. mor., B., Sept. 30, '21. (173) $82.50.

PENNELL (E. R.). The Feasts of Autolycus. Lond., 1896.


Cl., g.t., unc., Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (66) $23.00.

-My Cookery Books. Bost., 1903. 4to.

Bds., unc., Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (67) $10.00.

Hf. cl., W., Jan. 27, '22. (201) $5.50.

-Nights: Rome, Venice in the Aesthetic Eighties. London, Paris in the Fighting Nineties. Phila., 1916. 8vo.

PENNELL (J. and E. R.). A Canterbury Pilgrimage. Lond.,

1885. 8vo.

Paper, unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (596) $8.50.

-Life of James McNeill Whistler. Lond., 1908. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (Japan paper), Whistler, G., Jan. 13, '22. (29) $95.00.

[blocks in formation]

-Lithography and Lithographers. Lond., 1898. Fol.


Bds., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (605) $17.00.

-Lithography and Lithographers. N. Y., 1898. Fol.

Bds., g.t., unc. (shaken), G., Mar. 1, '22. (498) $18.00.

-The Stream of Pleasure. Lond., 1891. 4to.

Bds., unc. (Japan paper, signed), Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (598)


PENNELL (Joseph). Etchers and Etchings. Lond., [1920]. 4to.

Cl., unc., Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (165) $15.25.

-Modern Illustration. Lond., 1895. 8vo.
Cl., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (602) $10.00.

-Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen. Lond., 1889. Fol.

Bds., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (597) $8.00.

-The Work of Charles Keene. Lond., 1897. Fol.

C1., W., May 18, '22. (II) $8.00.

PENNELL (Joseph) and DILLAYE (Blanche).

the Old Germantown Road.
Pennsylvania Historical Society.

Views on

16 etchings. Proof impressions.

In portfolio, H., Dec. 20, '21. (218) $5.50.


Geometry and Optics of Ancient
Atlas fol.

Architecture. Lond., 1878.
Hf. mor., g.t., unc., A., Nov. 30, '21. (305) $5.00.

PENNSYLVANIA. Charters of the Province of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia. Also, Collection of all the Laws Of the Province of Pennsylvania. Phila., B. Franklin, 1742. Sm. fol.

Orig. sheep (rehinged, old name in 2 places), Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (437) $32.50. Orig. sheep (hinges cracked, old name on title), Vail, A., May 2, '22. (595) $40.00.

Orig. cf. (rebacked, name cut from margin of first 2 leaves, some pp. stained), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (346) $27.00.

Another copy (worn, some pp. stained), Patterson, A., May 15, '22.

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