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GOWER (John).—Continued.

-De Confessione Amantis.

Gothic characters. Lond., 1554

Mor., Leo, A., Oct. 26, '21. (91) $45.00.

Cf., g.e., by Rivière, W., May 18, '22. (167) $70.00.

-Confessio Amantis. Edited by Dr. R. Pauli. Lond., 1857. 3 vols., 8vo.

Hf. cf., g.t., unc., W., July 6, '22. (115) $8.00.

-Complete Works. Edited by G. C. Macaulay. Oxford, 18991902. 4 vols., 8vo.

Cl., W., Jan. 27, '22. (106) $7.00.

GOWER (Lord Ronald). Sir Thomas Lawrence. Paris, Goupil, 1900. 4to.

Hf. mor., unc., MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (463) $17.00.

-Three Hundred French Portraits, by Clouet. Plates autolithographed. Lond., 1875. 2 vols., 4to.

Hf. mor., W., Aug. 18, '22. (123) $26.00.
GOWNSMAN (The). See Thackeray.
Goya. 80 etched plates. n.p., n.d. 8vo.

Cl., G., Mar. 1, '22. (339) $20.00.

Aguas Fuertes de

-Los Caprichos. 80 etchings. n.p., n.d. 4to. Bds., MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (465) $26.00.

-Los Proverbios. 18 etched plates. Madrid, 1902. Obl. fol. Paper (additional etching laid in), Minns, G., May 2, '22.



-Los Proverbios. 18 etchings. Madrid, 1916. Obl. 4to

Paper, Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (87) $7.50.

GOZZI (Carlo). Memoirs. Trans. by J. A. Symonds. by Lalauze and M. Sand. Lond., 1890. 2 vols., 8vo.


Cl., unc. (2 sets of plates, one colored by hand), Locke, G, Nov. 9, '21. (399) $13.00.


Graduale secundum Morem Sancte Romane Ecclesie Abbreuiatum. [Edited by] Pietro Cinciarino. Venetiis, 1560. Fol.

Old mor. over oak bds. (worn, holes, one hinge breaking, pp soiled, some marginal repairs, 25 additional leaves of music inserted at end), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (200) $20.00.

GRADUS AD CANTABRIGIAM; or, New University Guide. By a Brace of Cantabs. Portrait and 6 colored plates Lond, 1824. 8vo.

Cf., g.t., unc., by Ramage, Vail, A., May 2, '22. (274) $27.50. GRAFFIGNY (Mme. De). Lettres d'une Péruvienne. Paris, 1797. 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper), W., July 20, '22. (108) $8.00 GRAFTON, (Richard). Chronicle. Lond., 1809. 2 vols., 4to.

GRAHAM (J. A.). Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. Illus. by Bewick. Lond., 1797. 8vo.

Hf. mor., g.t., B., Apr. 24, '22. (101) $14.00.

GRAHAME (James). History of the United States. Lond., 1836. 4 vols., 8vo.

Hf. cf., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (51) $10.50.

GRAHAME (Kenneth). Dream Days. Illus. by M. Parrish. N. Y., [1902]. Sq. 8vo.

-Mor., g.t., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22.

(415) $11.00.

-The Golden Age. Illus. by M. Parrish. Lond., 1900. Sq. 8vo. Cl., g.t., unc. (A. L. S. of Maxfield Parrish laid in), Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (414) $8.50.

GRANADA (Luis de). Memoriale Granatæ.

[Münich, 1588.] Sm. 8vo.


Cont. cf. (Vol. III of his works, few slight defects), Minns, G.. May 2, '22. (51) $14.00.

GRAND GRIMOIRE (Le). Avec la Grande Clavicule de Salomon, et la Magie Noire. n.p., n.d. 16m0.

Paper, unc. (some leaves stained), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (358) $7.50.

GRAND MASTER (The), OR ADVENTURES OF QUI HI in Hindostan. 28 colored plates by T. Rowlandson. First edition. Lond., 1816. 8vo.

Cont. hf. cf. (rubbed, hinge repaired, plates bnd. between preface and text; H. W. Poor copy), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (661) $22.50.

Lev. mor., g.e., by Rivière (orig. drawing by Rowlandson inserted), A., Apr. 3, '22. (309) $140.00.

Lev. mor., g.e., in bd. case (lacks slip of Errata; 2 plates retouched), Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (705) $40.00.

Cf., g.e., by Tout (hinges weak, frontispiece backed), Vail, A., May 2, '22. (1024) $16.00.


en France. Paris, 1888. 8vo.

Les Mœurs et la Caricature

Hf. mor., unc. (China paper, orig. wrappers bnd. in), Libby, G., Nov.

21, '21. (673) $5.00.


1894. 4to.

Hf. mor., g.t., A., Nov. 14, '21.

ou Les Tribulations de la

La Céramique Chinoise. Paris,

(373) $11.00.

GRANDVILLE (J. I. I.). Le Dimanche d'un bon Bourgeois Petite Propriété. 12 colored plates; [Inconvénient]. 12 colored plates; Voyage pour l'Eternité. colored plates. Paris, n.d. Obl. 4to.


Hf. roan (rubbed; orig. front wrapper of "Les Tribulations" bnd. in), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (179) $47.50.

-Voyage pour l'Eternité.

Title and 9 colored lithographs

touched up by hand. [Paris, about 1840-50.] Fol.

Hf. roan (light stains, corners rubbed), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (201)

GRANGER (William). New Wonderful Museum, and Extraordinary Magazine. Lond., 1804-06. 6 vols., 8vo.

Hf. cf. (several leaves, 4 plates, and Index and title of Vol. 5 lacking, stains), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (683) $10.00.

GRANT (Mrs. Anne). Memoirs of an American Lady. N. Y., 1901. 2 vols., 8vo.

Hf. vel., g.t., unc. (Large paper), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (27) $11.00.

GRANT (James). Sketches in London. 24 illus. by "Phiz” and others. Lond., 1838. 8vo.

Cf., g.t., by Morrell (several plates repaired), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (1105) $11.00.

12 orig. parts, unc., in cl. folder and cl. case (few marginal stains, name on 4 covers), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (384) $37.50. GRANT (U. S.). Personal Memoirs. First edition. N. Y., 1885. 2 vols., 8vo.

Orig. sheep (presentation copy from Mrs. J. Dent Grant), O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (211) $8.00.

-Report of the Armies of the United States, 1864-65. Wash., 1865. 8vo.

Hf. roan (presentation copy to Gen. G. G. Meade), H., Jan. 27, '22. (243) $18.00.

GRATIANUS. Decretum. [With Commentary by Bartholomæus Brixiensis.] 459 leaves. With illuminated miniature and painted initials. Rubricated. Strassburg, Eggestein, 1471. Fol. (Hain, 7883.)

Orig. oak bds. and orig. leath. sides in new mor. border, orig. stitching, unc. (rebacked, Hon. Thomas Grenville's copy, with his arms newly stamped on cover), Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (9) $700.00.

-Decreta Patrum, sive Cocordia discordantiū
Nurnberg, Koberger, 1493. Fol. (Hain, 7913.)


Orig. oak bds. covered with leath., brass bosses (lacks back), W., Nov. 4, 21. (187) $7.00.

GRATIUS FALISCUS. Cynegeticon, or A Poem of Hunting. First edition. Englished by Christopher Wase. Lond., 1654.


Lev. mor., g.c., by Rivière, A., Apr. 3, '22. (370) $35.00.

GRATZ (Simon). A Book about Autographs. Phila., 1920. 8vo.

Cl., unc., W., Mar. 3, '22. (180) $5.50.

GRAVES (R. S.). Oklahoma Outlaws. Portraits. Oklahoma City, n.d. 12mo.

Paper, O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, 22. (524) $22.00.

GRAY (A. B.). Report on the Survey of a route to California, for the Southern Pacific Railway. colored plates. Cincinnati, 1856. 8vo.

Orig. paper (second issue), A., Nov. 28, '21.

-Ferro-Carril Occidental de Tejas.
Guridi.] N. Y., 1856. 8vo.

Folding map and 32

(92) $40.00.

[Trans. by A. A.

GRAY (Harrison). Few Remarks upon some of the Votes and Resolutions of the Continental Congress, 1774. [Bost.], 1775. 8vo.

Paper, unc. (edges stained), Gregg, G., May 17, '22. (12) $5.00.

GRAY (John W.). Life of Joseph Bishop.


Orig. cl., O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (192) $40.00.

Nashville, 1858.

GRAY (Thomas). Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Illus. by the Etching Club. Lond., 1847. 4to.

Mor., g.e., Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (88) $5.00.

-Elegy. Edited by Sir William Fraser. Lond., n.d. 4to.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Rivière (facsimile of the orig. MS. laid in). Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (648) $5.50.

-Poems. Lond., 1768. 12mo.

Lev. mor., tooled, g.t., unc., by Sangorski (leaf from Gray's diary, 1763, laid in), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (371) $27.50.

-Poems. York, 1778. 4 vols., 8vo.

Mor., tooled, g.e. (Stourhead copy), Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (446) $16.00.

-Poems. Engravings after R. Westall. Lond., 1821. Sm. 12mo. Cont. mor., g.e., (rubbed; fore-edge painting of Eton College), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (371A) $55.00.

-Works. Lond., 1814. 2 vols., 4to.

Rus. (rebacked), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (647) $7.00.

-Works. Lond., 1836. 5 vols., 12mo.

Hf. lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Birdsall (Aldine edition), Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (355) $30.00.

-Works. Edited by E. Gosse. Lond., 1884. 4 vols., 12mo. (Eversley edition), W., Nov. 4, '21. (256) $7.00.

GREARD (V. C. O.). Meissonier, His Life and his Art.

Trans. N. Y., 1897. Fol.

Orig. cl., A., Oct. 17, 21. (215) $6.50.

-Meissonier-Ses Souvenirs-Ses Entretiens.


Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (edges rubbed), G., Mar. 1, '22.

GREAT BRITAIN. Anno Regni Georgii II.

Paris, 1897.

(520) $15.00.

[Act for giving

a public reward to such person or persons, as shall discover a North-west Passage through Hudson's Straights, to the Western and Southern Oceans of America.] Lond., 1745. Fol. B., Jan. 5, '22. (131) $31.00.

-Anno Regni Georgii II. [Act to Encourage the Importation of Pig and Bar Iron from His Majesty's Colonies in America, and to prevent the erection of any Mill or other Engine or any Forge or Furnace for Making Steel in any of the said Colonies.] Lond., 1750. Fol.


-Expresse Commands from both the Honourable Houses of Parliaments containing these particular heads following.. I. To all Justices, etc. II. That those abuses, etc. III. That the abuses of Printing be likewise Reformed. 8 pp. Lond., 1641.. Sm. 4to. Bds., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (761) $6.00. -Humble Address of the presented to his Majesty 2d

B., Mar. 11, '22. (36) $6.10.

Lords in Parliament assembled,.
Feb., 1738. 4 pp. Lond., 1738. Fol..

-Humble Address of The Lords in Parliament assembled,. presented 18th Dec., 1765. Lond., 1765. Fol.

B., Mar. 11, '22. (147) $6.10.

-Report of Cases Argued, Debated, and Adjudged in B. R. in the Time of the Late Queen Anne. Lond., 1737. Sm. fol. Old cf. (worn, Elias Boudinot's copy with his autograph), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (29) $7.00.

-Fifth and Last Part of Modern Reports. Continuation of Several Special Cases argued and adjudged at Westminster. Lond., 1738.

Old sheep (worn, some corners damaged; copy belonged to Richard and Samuel Chase and S. W. Pennypacker), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (56) $9.00.

-His Majestie's Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, Jan. 24, 1673-4. Lond., 1673-74. Fol.

Sewed (corner of title repaired), Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (472) $10.00.

GREAT EVENTS, BY FAMOUS HISTORIANS. Complete : set. N. Y., 1905-14. 23 vols., 8vo.

Mor., g.t., unc., Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (385) $65.00.

-Great Events of the Great War.

[N. Y., 1920.] 7 vols., 8vo..

Leath., Tomlinson, A., Dec. 6, '21. (141) $20.00.

GREAT OPERAS (The). Introduced by Giuseppe Verdi. Edited by J. W. Buel. Illus. Verdi edition. Lond., etc., Société Universelle Lyrique, [1899]. 10 vols., 4to.

Hf. lev. mor., silk sides, some embroidered, g.e., in silk cases (edges. rubbed, with duplicate set of plates in 2 states), Mohr, G., Apr. II, '22. (357) $85.00.

Mor., g.e. in cases, Vail, A., May 2, '22. (928) $32.50..

Plate and

GREAT REPUBLIC. Description of the Largest Ship in the World, the Great Republic. Written by a Sailor. designs. Bost., 1853. 8vo.

Paper, Peters, A., Dec. 8, '21. (28) $9.00.

GREAT WAR (The). Edited by G. H. Allen, and others. Introduction by W. H. Taft. Phila., 1915-21. 5 vols., 8vo. Hf. leath., g.t., unc., Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (858) $20.00. GRECOURT (J. B. J. W. de). Euvres complètes. Frontispieces after Eisen and Fossier. Luxembourg, 1764. 4 vols.,


Mor., by Derome (bndg. design "à la lyre"), Appleton, A., Mar. 6,

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