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DEFOE (Daniel).—Continued.

-Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1772. 12mo.

Mor., by Grieve (name on titles, 2 vols. in one), Libby, G., Nov.

21, '21. (505) $12.00.

-Robinson Crusoe. [With the Life of Defoe, by G. Chal

mers.] Lond., 1790. 2 vols., 8vo.

Cf. (rubbed, backs worn, margins of several plates stained), Libby,

G., Nov. 21, '21. (506) $9.00.

-Robinson Crusoe. Engravings after Stothard. Lond., 1804. 2 vols., 8vo.

Old cf. (backs repaired), W., Dec. 20, '21. (47) $5.50.

-Robinson Crusoe. N. Y., 1819. 12mo.

Lev. mor., g.e., in case, by Allo, A., Nov. 30, '21.

-Robinson Crusoe. 6 plates by Cruikshank.


(118) $7.00.

Lond., 1823. Sm.

Orig. bds., unc. (margins of plates stained), Woodbury, G., Mar.

15, '22. (240) $11.00.

-Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1853. 12mo.

Hf. cf., g.t., unc., by Wallis, Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (446) $5.00. -Robinson Crusoe. Illus. by J. D. Watson. Lond., 1864. Sq. 8vo.

Cf., g.e., by Rivière, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (281) $14.00.
-Robinson Crusoe. Lond., Nimmo, 1882. 2 vols., 8vo.
Hí. mor., g.t., unc., by Zaehnsdorf, Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (66)

-Robinson Crusoe. Lond., Nimmo, 1883. 2 vols., 8vo.

(Large paper), A., Nov. 14, '21. (247) $8.00.

-Robinson Crusoe. Phila., 1891. 2 vols., 8vo.

Hf. leath., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (507) $5.00.

-The Storm. Lond., 1704. 8vo.

Rus., A., Apr. 10, '22. (129) $9.00.

-Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Oxford, T. Tegg, 1840

41. 20 vols., 12mo.

Hf. cf., G., Jan. 26, '22. (284) $45.00.

Cf., g.e., by Rivière, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (280) $137.50.

-Works. With Memoir by W. Hazlitt. Lond., 1841. 3 vols., 8vo.

Cf., Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (544) $9.00.

-Works. Lond., Bohn, 1854-68. 7 vols., 8vo.

Orig. cl., W., Nov. 30, '21. (90) $7.50.

-Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1867. 7 vols.,


Hf. cf., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (136) $10.00.

-Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1882-84. 7 vols.,


Hf. mor., g.t., unc., A., Nov. 14, '21. (246) $13.50.

-Romances and Narratives. Illus. by J. B. Yeats. Lond.,

1895. 16 vols., 12mo.

Cl., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21.

(508) $12.50.

DEFOE (Daniel).—Continued.

-Romances and Narratives. Illus. by J. B. Yeats and

L. Flameng. N. Y., 1898. 16 vols., 12m0.

Cl., g.t., unc., Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (239) $12.50.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (Edition de Luxe), Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (244)


-Writings. Singleton edition. Lond., 1899. 16 vols., 12mo.
Hf. mor., g.t., unc., A., Oct. 17, '21. (121) $23.00.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc., MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (94) $16.00.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (52) $45.00.

-Works. Introduction by G. H. Maynadier. N. Y., 1905. 16

vols., 12mo.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (rubbed), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (545) $22.50.

-Works. Edition de Luxe. Phila., n.d. 8 vols., 8vo.
Hf. leath., g.t., unc., A., Nov. 14, '21. (248) $11.00.

DEGAS (Edgar). Catalogue des Tableaux, Pastels et Dessins..

Parts III and IV. Paris, 1919. 2 vols., 4to.

Paper, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (282) $5.50.

DEGRAND (P. P. F.). Proceedings of the Friends of a Railroad to San Francisco, at their Meeting held in Bost., April 19, 1849. Bost., 1849. 8vo.


Orig. paper, B., June 22, '22. (58) $9.00.

DE GROOT (C. Hofstede). Beschreibendes und Kritisches. Verzeichnis der Werke der Hervorragendsten Hollandisches Maler, des XVII jahrhunderts. Esslingen, 1907-12. 5 vols., 8vo.

Pigskin, g.t., unc., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (284) $13.00.

DE HASS (Wills). History of the Early Settlement and.
Indian Wars of Western Virginia. Wheeling, 1851. 8νο.

Cl., A., Nov. 28, '21. (228) $15.00.
Cl., H., May 26, '22. (521) $16.00.

DEHON (Theodore). Discourse, delivered in Newport, R. I., the Sunday following the Death of George Washington. Newport, 1800. Sm. 4to.

Sewed, unc., B., Aug. 24, '22. (176) $25.00. -Discourse delivered in Newport, Nov. 27, 1805. Newport,. 1806. Sm. 4to.

Old paper, B., Nov. 26, '21. (169) $5.10.

DEKKER (Thomas). Dramatic Works. Lond., 1873. 12mo. Bds., unc., W., Jan. 27, '22. (94) $12.00.

DE LA MARE (Walter).

Flora. A Book of Drawings by

Pamela Bianco. With illustrative Poems by W. de la Mare.
Lond., n.d. 4to.

Bds., unc., Macpherson, A., Apr. 17, '22. (149) $18.00.
-Songs of Childhood. By Walter Ramal. Frontispiece. First

edition. Lond., 1902. 16mo.

Cl., g.t., unc., Macpherson, A., Apr. 17, '22. (145) $47.50.
-The Three Mulla Mulgars. First edition. Lond., 1910. 12mo.
Orig. cl., Macpherson, A., Apr. 17, '22. (146) $10.00.

Orig. cl. (with "Motley and other Poems," 1918; "Rupert Brooke and the Intellectual Imagination," 1919. together 3 vols.), DELANO (A.). Life on the Plains and Among the Diggings.

Auburn, 1854. 12mo.

Hf. mor., A., Nov. 28, '21. (229) $9.00.
Orig. cl. ("Auburn and Buffalo" imprint), O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22.

(151) $6.50.

-Old Block's Sketch-Book. Designs by Wahl.

1856. 8vo.


[blocks in formation]

DELANY (Mrs. M. G.). Autobiography and Correspondence. First Series, 3 vols., Second Series, 3 vols. Lond., 1861-62. 6 vols., 8vo.

Hf. cf., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (138) $35.50.

DELAWARE. Laws of the Government of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware. Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1752. Fol.

Orig. cf. (writing on title and 2 leaves, stained, worn), Warfield, Α., Νov. 7, '21. (244) $32.00.

Orig. sheep (hinges cracked, blank portion of title torn off, signature of Samuel Dickinson and MS. marginal notes), Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (57) $240.00.

DELEVAN (James). Notes on California and the Placers. Ν. Υ., 1850. 8vo.

Sewed, unc., A., Nov. 28, '21. (230) $7.00.

DELILLE (Jacques). L'Homme des

Géorgiques Françoises. Strasbourg, 1802. 4to.

Cont. cf. (rubbed, some margins stained), G., $6.00.

Champs ou les

Mar. 1, '22. (295)

DELL (William). Doctrine of Baptisms. Phila., B. Franklin

and D. Hall, 1759. 12mo.

Lev. mor., Patterson, A., May 15, '22.

(352) $8.00.

[blocks in formation]

(233) $17.00.


Lond., 1777. 4to.

Old cf., W., Nov. 4, '21.
Mor., Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (240) $10.00.

-History of the Flagellants. Lond., 1783. 8vo.

Hf. cf., Vail, A., May 2, '22. (424A) $7.00.

DELTEIL (Loys). Edgar Degas. Paris, 1919. 4to.

Cl., g.t. (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (68) $8.50.

DELVAU (Alfred). Les Heures Parisiennes. First edition. 1866; [Also] Appendice aux Heures Parisiennes. 1872. Paris, 1866-72. 12mo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Masson-Debonnell, Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21.

DÉMIDOFF (Anatole). [Album du Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie. Dessiné et lithographié par Raffet.] 100 plates. Paris, [1856]. Atlas fol.

Bds. (back damaged), G., Mar. 1, '22. (700) $22.50.

DEMMIN (Auguste).

Illustrated History of Arms and

Armour. Lond., 1894. 8vo.

W., June 2, '22. (24) $8.50.


ceedings, held at Charleston and Baltimore, 1860. Cleveland, 1860. 8vo.

H., May 26, '22. (406) $12.00.

DEMOLDER (Eugène). Félician Rops. Étude Patronymique. Paris, 1894. 8vo.

Hf. cl., unc. (Japan paper), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (1178) $11.00. DEMOPHILUS. Genuine Principles of the Ancient Saxon, or English Constitution. [Contains Declaration of Independence.] Phila., 1776. 8vo.

Hf. mor. (hinges weak, inserted are autographs of John Hancock and George III), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (80) $25.00.

DENISON (William). Letter of a Forty-Niner. Now first printed from the Original. 11 pp. N. Y., 1919. 8vo. Sewed, unc., W., Apr. 14, '22. (152) $7.50.

DENNIS (John). Appius and Virginia. Lond., [1705]. 4to. Hf. cf., g.e., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (287) $6.50.

-Select Works (Prose and Poetry).


Lond., 1718. 2 vols.,

Old cf. (portrait inserted), W., Jan. 27, '22. (75) $5.00.

DENNISTOUN (James). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino.

Lond., 1851. 3 vols., sq. 8vo.

Unc., W., Nov. 4, '21. (165) $6.00.

Hf. lev. mor., g.t., unc., W., July 20, '22. (88) $9.50.

DENNY (A. A.). Pioneer Days on Puget Sound. Seattle, 1888. 12mo.

Orig. cl., O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (152) $25.00.

DENTON (Daniel). A Brief Description of New York: Formerly called New-Netherlands. Lond., J. Hancock, 1670. Sm. 4to.

Mor., by Stikeman (lower portion of imprint cut away, Crane copy), Vail, A., May 2, '22. (425) $400.00.

DENTON (S. F.). Moths and Butterflies of the United States, East of the Rocky Mountains. Colored plates, and woodcuts. Bost., 1898. 8 vols., 8vo.

Paper (accompanying is a collection of 72 specimens preserved between glass and mounted in 69 boxes), Vail, A., May 2, '22.


Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, des Mollusques. 72 colored plates. Paris, 1804. 6 vols., 8vo.

Orig. bds., unc., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (288) $20.00.


DE PUY (Henry F.). Bibliography of the English Colonial Treaties with the American Indians. N. Y., 1917. 8vo.

Cl., unc., A., Oct. 17, '21. (248) $5.50.

Cl., unc., W., Mar. 3, '22. (148) $8.50.

DE QUINCEY (Thomas). Confessions of an English Opium

Eater. First edition. Lond., 1822. 16mo.

Cf., g.e., by Rivière (lacks half-title), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (242) $19.00.

-Works. Edinburgh, 1862-71. 16 vols., 12mo.
Cf. (2 hinges worn), A., May 22, '22. (124) $20.00.

Cf. (1871), W., Nov. 4, '21. (166) $24.00.

DERBY (J. C.). Fifty Years Among Authors, Books and

Publishers. N. Y., 1884. Sm. 4to.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper, DeVinne copy), W., Jan. 27, '22. (76) $5.00.

DE RICCI (Seymour). A Census of Caxtons.

Bibliographical Society, 1909. 4to.


Orig. paper, unc., Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (40) $7.00.

DERNIÈRES PAROLES DE IESVS-CHRIST EN CROIX. Poème Héroique. 5 plates by Weyen. Paris, 1655. Sm. 12mo. Lev. mor., g.e., by Hardy, A., Nov. 30, '21. (486) $6.00.

DE ROOS (F. F.). Personal Narrative of Travels in the
United States and Canada in 1826. Lond., 1827. 8vo.

Hf. roan, Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (127) $7.00.
Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (214) $15.00.

DÉROULÈDE (Paul). Nouveaux Chants du Soldat. Paris, 1879. 12mo.

Hf. mor., unc., by V. Champe (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (285) $10.00.

DESCAMPS (J. B.). La Vie des Peintres Flamands, Allemands, et Hollandois. Paris, 1753. 5 vols., 8vo.

Old cf. (worn), G., Mar. 1, '22. (561) $15.00.

DESCRIPTION EXACTE DE TOUT CE QUI S'EST passé dans les Guerres entre le Roy d'Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies du Pays-bas, et l'Evesque de Munster, commençant 1664, et finissant avec la conclusion de la Paix faite à Breda 1667. 9 engravings. Amsterdam, 1668. Sm. 4to.

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