DEFOE (Daniel).—Continued. -Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1772. 12mo. Mor., by Grieve (name on titles, 2 vols. in one), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (505) $12.00. -Robinson Crusoe. [With the Life of Defoe, by G. Chal mers.] Lond., 1790. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf. (rubbed, backs worn, margins of several plates stained), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (506) $9.00. -Robinson Crusoe. Engravings after Stothard. Lond., 1804. 2 vols., 8vo. Old cf. (backs repaired), W., Dec. 20, '21. (47) $5.50. -Robinson Crusoe. N. Y., 1819. 12mo. Lev. mor., g.e., in case, by Allo, A., Nov. 30, '21. -Robinson Crusoe. 6 plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. (118) $7.00. Lond., 1823. Sm. Orig. bds., unc. (margins of plates stained), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (240) $11.00. -Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1853. 12mo. Hf. cf., g.t., unc., by Wallis, Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (446) $5.00. -Robinson Crusoe. Illus. by J. D. Watson. Lond., 1864. Sq. 8vo. Cf., g.e., by Rivière, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (281) $14.00. -Robinson Crusoe. Lond., Nimmo, 1883. 2 vols., 8vo. (Large paper), A., Nov. 14, '21. (247) $8.00. -Robinson Crusoe. Phila., 1891. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. leath., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (507) $5.00. -The Storm. Lond., 1704. 8vo. Rus., A., Apr. 10, '22. (129) $9.00. -Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Oxford, T. Tegg, 1840 41. 20 vols., 12mo. Hf. cf., G., Jan. 26, '22. (284) $45.00. Cf., g.e., by Rivière, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (280) $137.50. -Works. With Memoir by W. Hazlitt. Lond., 1841. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (544) $9.00. -Works. Lond., Bohn, 1854-68. 7 vols., 8vo. Orig. cl., W., Nov. 30, '21. (90) $7.50. -Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1867. 7 vols., 12mo. Hf. cf., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (136) $10.00. -Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1882-84. 7 vols., 12mo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., A., Nov. 14, '21. (246) $13.50. -Romances and Narratives. Illus. by J. B. Yeats. Lond., 1895. 16 vols., 12mo. Cl., g.t., unc., Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (508) $12.50. DEFOE (Daniel).—Continued. -Romances and Narratives. Illus. by J. B. Yeats and L. Flameng. N. Y., 1898. 16 vols., 12m0. Cl., g.t., unc., Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (239) $12.50. Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (Edition de Luxe), Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (244) $47.50. -Writings. Singleton edition. Lond., 1899. 16 vols., 12mo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (94) $16.00. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Foster, A., Mar. 14, '22. (52) $45.00. -Works. Introduction by G. H. Maynadier. N. Y., 1905. 16 vols., 12mo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (rubbed), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (545) $22.50. -Works. Edition de Luxe. Phila., n.d. 8 vols., 8vo. DEGAS (Edgar). Catalogue des Tableaux, Pastels et Dessins.. Parts III and IV. Paris, 1919. 2 vols., 4to. Paper, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (282) $5.50. DEGRAND (P. P. F.). Proceedings of the Friends of a Railroad to San Francisco, at their Meeting held in Bost., April 19, 1849. Bost., 1849. 8vo. ancis Orig. paper, B., June 22, '22. (58) $9.00. DE GROOT (C. Hofstede). Beschreibendes und Kritisches. Verzeichnis der Werke der Hervorragendsten Hollandisches Maler, des XVII jahrhunderts. Esslingen, 1907-12. 5 vols., 8vo. Pigskin, g.t., unc., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (284) $13.00. DE HASS (Wills). History of the Early Settlement and. Cl., A., Nov. 28, '21. (228) $15.00. DEHON (Theodore). Discourse, delivered in Newport, R. I., the Sunday following the Death of George Washington. Newport, 1800. Sm. 4to. Sewed, unc., B., Aug. 24, '22. (176) $25.00. -Discourse delivered in Newport, Nov. 27, 1805. Newport,. 1806. Sm. 4to. Old paper, B., Nov. 26, '21. (169) $5.10. DEKKER (Thomas). Dramatic Works. Lond., 1873. 12mo. Bds., unc., W., Jan. 27, '22. (94) $12.00. DE LA MARE (Walter). Flora. A Book of Drawings by Pamela Bianco. With illustrative Poems by W. de la Mare. Bds., unc., Macpherson, A., Apr. 17, '22. (149) $18.00. edition. Lond., 1902. 16mo. Cl., g.t., unc., Macpherson, A., Apr. 17, '22. (145) $47.50. Orig. cl. (with "Motley and other Poems," 1918; "Rupert Brooke and the Intellectual Imagination," 1919. together 3 vols.), DELANO (A.). Life on the Plains and Among the Diggings. Auburn, 1854. 12mo. Hf. mor., A., Nov. 28, '21. (229) $9.00. (151) $6.50. -Old Block's Sketch-Book. Designs by Wahl. 1856. 8vo. Sacramento, DELANY (Mrs. M. G.). Autobiography and Correspondence. First Series, 3 vols., Second Series, 3 vols. Lond., 1861-62. 6 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (138) $35.50. DELAWARE. Laws of the Government of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware. Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1752. Fol. Orig. cf. (writing on title and 2 leaves, stained, worn), Warfield, Α., Νov. 7, '21. (244) $32.00. Orig. sheep (hinges cracked, blank portion of title torn off, signature of Samuel Dickinson and MS. marginal notes), Benedict, G., Feb. 27, '22. (57) $240.00. DELEVAN (James). Notes on California and the Placers. Ν. Υ., 1850. 8vo. Sewed, unc., A., Nov. 28, '21. (230) $7.00. DELILLE (Jacques). L'Homme des Géorgiques Françoises. Strasbourg, 1802. 4to. Cont. cf. (rubbed, some margins stained), G., $6.00. Champs ou les Mar. 1, '22. (295) DELL (William). Doctrine of Baptisms. Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1759. 12mo. Lev. mor., Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (352) $8.00. (233) $17.00. DELOLME (J. L.). Lond., 1777. 4to. Old cf., W., Nov. 4, '21. -History of the Flagellants. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Hf. cf., Vail, A., May 2, '22. (424A) $7.00. DELTEIL (Loys). Edgar Degas. Paris, 1919. 4to. Cl., g.t. (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Herzler, A., Oct. 31, '21. (68) $8.50. DELVAU (Alfred). Les Heures Parisiennes. First edition. 1866; [Also] Appendice aux Heures Parisiennes. 1872. Paris, 1866-72. 12mo. Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Masson-Debonnell, Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. DÉMIDOFF (Anatole). [Album du Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie. Dessiné et lithographié par Raffet.] 100 plates. Paris, [1856]. Atlas fol. Bds. (back damaged), G., Mar. 1, '22. (700) $22.50. DEMMIN (Auguste). Illustrated History of Arms and Armour. Lond., 1894. 8vo. W., June 2, '22. (24) $8.50. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION. Official Pro ceedings, held at Charleston and Baltimore, 1860. Cleveland, 1860. 8vo. H., May 26, '22. (406) $12.00. DEMOLDER (Eugène). Félician Rops. Étude Patronymique. Paris, 1894. 8vo. Hf. cl., unc. (Japan paper), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (1178) $11.00. DEMOPHILUS. Genuine Principles of the Ancient Saxon, or English Constitution. [Contains Declaration of Independence.] Phila., 1776. 8vo. Hf. mor. (hinges weak, inserted are autographs of John Hancock and George III), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (80) $25.00. DENISON (William). Letter of a Forty-Niner. Now first printed from the Original. 11 pp. N. Y., 1919. 8vo. Sewed, unc., W., Apr. 14, '22. (152) $7.50. DENNIS (John). Appius and Virginia. Lond., [1705]. 4to. Hf. cf., g.e., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (287) $6.50. -Select Works (Prose and Poetry). 8vo. Lond., 1718. 2 vols., Old cf. (portrait inserted), W., Jan. 27, '22. (75) $5.00. DENNISTOUN (James). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. Lond., 1851. 3 vols., sq. 8vo. Unc., W., Nov. 4, '21. (165) $6.00. Hf. lev. mor., g.t., unc., W., July 20, '22. (88) $9.50. DENNY (A. A.). Pioneer Days on Puget Sound. Seattle, 1888. 12mo. Orig. cl., O'Brien, A., Mar. 27, '22. (152) $25.00. DENTON (Daniel). A Brief Description of New York: Formerly called New-Netherlands. Lond., J. Hancock, 1670. Sm. 4to. Mor., by Stikeman (lower portion of imprint cut away, Crane copy), Vail, A., May 2, '22. (425) $400.00. DENTON (S. F.). Moths and Butterflies of the United States, East of the Rocky Mountains. Colored plates, and woodcuts. Bost., 1898. 8 vols., 8vo. Paper (accompanying is a collection of 72 specimens preserved between glass and mounted in 69 boxes), Vail, A., May 2, '22. DENYS-MONTFORT. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, des Mollusques. 72 colored plates. Paris, 1804. 6 vols., 8vo. Orig. bds., unc., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (288) $20.00. DEPLORABLE STATE OF NEW ENGLAND. See New England. DE PUY (Henry F.). Bibliography of the English Colonial Treaties with the American Indians. N. Y., 1917. 8vo. Cl., unc., A., Oct. 17, '21. (248) $5.50. Cl., unc., W., Mar. 3, '22. (148) $8.50. DE QUINCEY (Thomas). Confessions of an English Opium Eater. First edition. Lond., 1822. 16mo. Cf., g.e., by Rivière (lacks half-title), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (242) $19.00. -Works. Edinburgh, 1862-71. 16 vols., 12mo. Cf. (1871), W., Nov. 4, '21. (166) $24.00. DERBY (J. C.). Fifty Years Among Authors, Books and Publishers. N. Y., 1884. Sm. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper, DeVinne copy), W., Jan. 27, '22. (76) $5.00. DE RICCI (Seymour). A Census of Caxtons. Bibliographical Society, 1909. 4to. [Oxford:) Orig. paper, unc., Van Antwerp, G., May 1, '22. (40) $7.00. DERNIÈRES PAROLES DE IESVS-CHRIST EN CROIX. Poème Héroique. 5 plates by Weyen. Paris, 1655. Sm. 12mo. Lev. mor., g.e., by Hardy, A., Nov. 30, '21. (486) $6.00. DE ROOS (F. F.). Personal Narrative of Travels in the Hf. roan, Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (127) $7.00. DÉROULÈDE (Paul). Nouveaux Chants du Soldat. Paris, 1879. 12mo. Hf. mor., unc., by V. Champe (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Corder, G., Jan. 26, '22. (285) $10.00. DESCAMPS (J. B.). La Vie des Peintres Flamands, Allemands, et Hollandois. Paris, 1753. 5 vols., 8vo. Old cf. (worn), G., Mar. 1, '22. (561) $15.00. DESCRIPTION EXACTE DE TOUT CE QUI S'EST passé dans les Guerres entre le Roy d'Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies du Pays-bas, et l'Evesque de Munster, commençant 1664, et finissant avec la conclusion de la Paix faite à Breda 1667. 9 engravings. Amsterdam, 1668. Sm. 4to. |