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DALRYMPLE (Campbell). Extracts from a Military Essay..

(6 plates, should be 8.) Phila., 1776. 8vo.

Old bds., B., Aug. 24, '22. (21) $7.00.

DALRYMPLE (Sir John). Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. Lond., 1775. 8vo.

Hf. cf., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (140) $7.00.

D'ALTON (John). Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical,. of King James's Irish Army List, 1689. Lond., 1861. 2 vols., 8vo.

Cl., unc., O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (132) $16.00.

DALY (Augustine). The Shrew's Centenary. "A Reminiscence of the 13th of April, 1887." N. Y., 1887. (Signed by R. Dorney), Winter, W., Apr. 28, '22. (108) $10.00. -Woffington. A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman.

Printed for the Author, 1888. Fol.

Cl., g.t., unc. (Large paper), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (853) $12.50. Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (signed copy, with nearly 150 water-color drawings by Alfred Thompson), Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (146) $60.00.

Cl., g.t., unc. (Large paper, inscribed), Vail, A., May 2, '22. (419) $6.50.

DALZIEL (The Brothers). A Record of Fifty Years' Work, 1840-90. Lond., 1901. 4to.

Cl., g.t., Wilkins, A., Feb. 13, '22. (117) $5.00.

Antwerp, 1556. Sm. 8vo.

Praxis Rerum Criminalium.

Hf. mor., W., Nov. 4, '21. (152) $16.00.

-Praxis Rerum Criminalium. Antverpiæ, 1570. 4to.

Rus. (rebacked), Collins, A., Apr. 24, '22. (612) $6.50.

DAMON (S. C.). A Trip from the Sandwich Islands to
Lower Oregon, and Upper California. Honolulu, 1849. 4to.
Hf. mor. (2 playbills laid in), G., Mar. 17, '22. (42) $60.00.

DAMPIER (William). New Voyage Round the World.
Maps and plates. Lond., 1699-1703. 3 vols., 8vo.

Old cf. (worn, one cover loose), A., Nov. 1, '21. (234) $9.00.

COLLECTION OF VOYAGES. Containing: W. Dampier's Voyages round the World; Voyages of L. Wafer; Voyage Round the World, by W. Funnell; etc. Maps and plates. Lond., 1729. 4 vols., 8vo.

Cf., g.e., by Morrell, Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (209) $31.00.

DANA (C. A.). The United States Illustrated. N. Y., [1850]. 2 vols., 4to.

Mor., g.e. (few stains), Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (234) $5.00.

DANA (J. C.). and KENT (H. W.). Literature of Libraries in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Chic., 1906-07.. 6 vols., 12mo.

Bds., unc. (Large paper), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (540) $8.00.

[blocks in formation]

-Two Years Before the Mast. First edition. N. Y., Harper,.

1840. 16mo.

Orig. cl., A., Nov. 28, '21. (80) $15.00.

Lev. mor., g.e., by Stikeman (A. L. S. inserted), A., May 22, '22. (116) $22.00.

Orig. cl. (worn), W., May 26, '22. (69) $5.00.

DANA (S. W.). Yale-College Subject to the General

Assembly. New-Haven, 1784. 8vo.

Unc. (presentation copy), B., June 22, '22. (89) $16.00.

DANCE OF DEATH. Chorea ab eximio Macabro versibus alemanicis edita. et a Petro Desrey trecacio quoda oratore nuper emendata. Gothic type, 16 leaves. 24 woodcuts. Paris, 1490. 4to.

Mor., g.t., by Thivet, Minns, G., May 2, '22. (140) $10.00.
-Onder Verbeetering. Des laatste Basuyne, of't Verrysen.

der Dooden, [by] J. D. R. 8 etchings, tinted by hand.
1721. Sm. fol.


Sheets, folded, unc., Minns, G., May 2, '22. (466) $6.00.
-La grad danse Macabre des homes & des femes hystoriee
et augmentee de beaulx dictz en Latin. Gothic type, 40 leaves.
Lyon sur le Rosne, Pierre saincte Lucie, [1568]. 4to.

Lev. mor., g.e. (slight marginal repairs), Minns, G., May 2, '22.. (141) $65.00.

-La Grande Dance Macabre des Hommes et des Femmes Histoirée et Renouvellée de vieux Gaulois. 61 woodcuts.. Troyes, 17th century. Sm. 4to.

(142) $8.00. et des Femmes. Sm. 4to.

Old bds. (worn, trimmed), Minns, G., May 2, '22.
-La Grande Danse Macabre des Hommes
60 woodcuts. Troyes, J. A. Garnier, [1728].
Mor., g.e., Minns, G., May 2, '22. (143) $10.00.
-La grant danse Macabre des homes et des fèmes. ReprintTM
of edition of 1486. Paris, 1858. 12mo.

Lev. mor., g.e., unc. (on vel.), W., July 20, '22. (84) $27.00.
-La Danse des Morts. Basel, n.d. 4to.

Hf. cf., unc. (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (463) $5.00.

-Klare, vnd Warhaffte Entwerffung, Menschlicher Gestalt, vnd Wesenheit, Oder Dessen Auffgang, vnd Untergang. Wienn, 1662. Sm. 8vo.

Old paper (some stains, some margins trimmed), Minns, G., May 2,.



-Qvesta si e la Historia della Morte.

1597.] Sm. 4to.

(Firenze, G. Baleni,

Bds. (trimmed), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (506) $15.00.
-Der Todten-Tantz, wie derselbe in der Weitberühmten

Stadt Basel. 41 woodcuts. Basel, 1740. Sm. 8vo.

Old paper (broken at back, stained), Minns, G., May 2, '22. (28) $7.50.

-Der Todten-Tantz. 41 woodcuts. Basel, 1796. 8vo.
Hf. mor., Minns, G., May 2, '22. (32) $7.00.

-See also British Dance of Death, Combe (William),
Massmann (H. F.), Merian (Mathæus), Meyer (Rudolph and

DANGERS OF THE DEEP. 16 colored folding plates. Lond., [1830].

Orig. cl. (3 plates damaged), Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (180) $8.00. DANIEL (Samuel). Civile Wares betweene the Howses of Lancaster and Yorke. Portrait by Cockson. Lond., 1609. Sm. 4to.

Old sheep (rubbed, joints breaking, title trimmed and mounted; Rev. John Milford's copy with his signature and notes), G., Jan. 26, '22. (31) $15.00.

-Poetical Works. Lond., 1718. 2 vols., 12mo.

Lev. mor., g.e., by Club Bindery, Saltus, A., Jan. 18, '22. (68) $19.00.

DANIEL (W. B.). Rural Sports. Lond., [1801]-13. 3 vols., 4to.

Mor., g.e. (presentation copy), Depuy, A., Jan. 18, '22. (147) $7.00. Cf., g.e., by Rivière (3 vols. in 2, with Supplement, together 3 vols.),

Vail, A., May 2, '22. (421) $21.00.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (4 vols., 1807-13), O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (134) $21.00.

DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). The Feast of Bacchus. Oxford, 1889. Sm. 4to.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Morley, Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (267) $11.00.

DANIELL (F. B.). Catalogue Raisonné of the Engraved
Works of Richard Cosway. Lond., 1890. 8vo.
Bds., g.t., unc. (portrait of Mr. Coles inserted), Coles, G., May 16,

'22. (228) $8.00.

DANIELL (Thomas) and DANIELL (William).

Oriental Scenery; or, Views in Hindostan. 144 colored plates. Lond., 1795-1808. 6 vols., el. fol.

Hf. cf. (worn, covers loose), Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (212) $125.00.

-Oriental Scenery. 144 views and plans. Lond., 1812-16. 3 vols., sm. fol.

Hf. roan (rubbed, writing on 2 titles), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (73)

D'ANNUNZIO (Gabriele). Laudi del Cielo, del Mare, della
Terra e degli Eroi. Milan, (1903-04]. 2 vols., sm. 4to.
Vel., unc. and unopened, Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (488) $7.00.
DANTE. Le Terze Rime. Venetiis, in Aedib. Aldi., 1502. 12m0.
Lev. mor., tooled, unc. (last 2 signatures from a smaller copy),

Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (5) $20.00.

- Col Sito et Forma dell' Inferno tratta dalla istessa descrittione del Poeta. Venice, 1515. 12mo.

Old cf. (plate and diagrams trimmed on lower edge), W., Nov. 4,

'21. (7) $16.00.

Cont. oak bds. covered with leath., tooled, with clasps stamped

"A. N.," W., May 18, '22. (202) $50.00. -Comedia, con la spositione di C. Landino.

Venice, 1536. Sm. 4to. Old hf. cf., W., Nov. 4, '21.

-La Divina Commedia.


(160) $13.00.

Roveta, 1820-[23]. 8vo.

Vel., painted, in cl. folder (3

vols. in one), G., Jan. 26, '22. (80)


-La Divina Commedia. Milano, 1878. 2 1/16 x 1 7/16 in.

Lev. mor., g.e., Patterson, A., May 15, '22.

(469A) $12.50.

-The Vision of Hell. Trans. by H. F. Cary. Designs by

G. Doré. Lond., n.d. Sm. fol.

Mor., tooled, g.e., Vail, A., May 2, '22. (422) $5.00.

-The Divine Comedy. (And) The New Life. Trans. by

C. E. Norton. Cambridge, 1892. 4 vols., 8vo.

Mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper), Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (364) $14.00.

Bds., unc. (Large paper), Lane, A., May 16, '22. (115) $7.50. -The Inferno; Purgatorio and Paradiso. Woodcuts, and initials in colors. Chelsea, Ashendem Press, 1902-05. 3 vols., 8vo.

Vel., unc., A., Oct. 17, '21. (13) $100.00.

-The Doré Dante. Trans. by H. F. Cary. Illus. by G. Doré. Frontispieces being in 2 states, one on Japanese paper, the other being a water-color drawing, and 150 initials in gold and colors. Lond., 1904. 5 vols., fol.

Lev. mor., elaborately tooled and inlaid, g.t., unc. (autograph of Henry Irving), G., Jan. 26, '22. (282) $210.00.

Lev. mor., tooled and inlaid, unc., by La Belle Sauvage Bindery (Henry Irving edition, portrait of Mr. Coles inserted), Coles, G., May 16, '22. (242) $17.50.

-Divine Comedy. Trans. by H. W. Longfellow. Illus. by

Flaxman. Bost., 1906. 6 vols., 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper), A., Nov. 14, '21. (236) $16.00. -The Doré Dante. Trans. by H. F. Cary. Lond., n.d. 6 vols., 4to.

Lev. mor., tooled and inlaid, g.t., unc., by La Belle Sauvage Bindery,

Morgan, A., Jan. 17, '22. (36) $120.00.

-The New Life. Trans. by D. G. Rossetti. Illuminated by Evelyn Paul. Coventry, n.d. Sm. 4to.

DANTE. Continued.

-Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Trans. into Greek
Verse. By Musurus Pasha. Lond., 1890. 8vo.
Lev. mor., g.e., by Buffery, MacBean, A., Dec. 13, '21. (415) $10.00.
DARBY (William). Geographical Description of the State

of Louisiana. Phila., 1816. 8vo.

Bds. (name cut from title), Farren, H., Nov. 3, '21. (96) $6.25. -Tour from the City of New York, to Detroit, 1818.

Folding map. N. Y., 1819. 8vo.

Orig. bds., unc. (stains), A., Nov. 1, '21. (235) $6.25. DARLINGTON (William). Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall. Phila., 1849. 8vo.

Cl., Ashmead, H., Oct. 19, '21. (127) $10.00.

DARNELL (Elias). A Journal of Kentucky Volunteers Commanded by General Winchester. Phila., 1854. 12mo.

Bds., Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (123) $5.25.

DARRÉ (G.). En Cabinet particulier Croquis Humoristiques. Paris, G. Samson, n.d. 8vo.

Hf. cl., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (269) $25.00.
DARROW (C. S.). A Persian Pearl and other Essays.
Chic., 1902. 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., in case, Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (239) $17.00. DARWIN (Charles). Descent of Man. First edition. Lond., 1871. 2 vols., 12mo.

Orig. cl. (shaken), Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (240) $6.25.
-Origin of Species. Lond., 1860. 12mo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (presentation copy), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (77) $36.00.

DASENT (Sir G. W.). Story of Burnt Njal. Maps. Edinburgh, 1861. 2 vols., 8vo.

Orig. cl., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (270) $7.50.

DATHUS (Augustinus). Elegantiolæ Latini Sermonis. 26 leaves. Verone, 1483. Sm. 4to.

Old cf. (hinges weak), Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (271) $14.50. DAUDET (Alphonse). Tartarin sur les Alpes. Paris, 1885. 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.e., A., Nov. 14, '21. (239) $6.75.

Lev. mor., g.e., W., June 22, '22. (108) $7.50.

—Œuvres Complètes. New York, 1900-02. 18 vols., 8vo.
Cl., g.t., unc. (Édition Définitive), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (490)



Trans. by H. Frith, and others.

vols., sm. 8vo.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (backs faded), G., Apr. 11, '22. -Writings. Trans. by G. B. Ives, and others. vols., 8vo.

Lond., 1896. 10

(241) $25.00. Bost., 1898. 24

Cl., g.t., unc. (Champrosay edition), A., Oct. 17, '21. (115) $52.50. Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (Edition de Luxe, 1899-1900), Locke, G., Nov.

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