ALMANACS.-Continued. -Bailey's Pocket Almanack for 1790. Phila., 1789. 48mo. -Banncker's Almanac for 1795. Phila., 1794. 12mo. -Becker (W. G.). geselligen Vergnüngen. For 1796, 1800 to 1807 inclusive, 1812, V. b. (few bindings loose), Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (88) $8.00. -Bowen (Nathan). New England Diary, or, Almanack. 1723, sewed (lacks leaf of calendar for Sept. and Oct.; with fragment of Bowen's Almanac for 1727, together 2 pieces), A., Nov. 1, '21. (34) $21.00. 1731, sewed, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (36) $17.00. 1735, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (38) $6.00. -Brattle (W. "Philomath"). Ephemeris of Cœlestial Motions, Aspects, Eclipses, &c. For 1682. Cambridge, S. Green, 1682. 16mo. Sewed (one corner torn, autographs of Seaborn Cotton and William Williams), A., Dec. 5, '21. (4) $155.00. -Bullard (Samuel). Almanack for the Year 1793. Bost., [1792]. 16mo. Sewed, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (78) $20.00. - Bushnell and Hubbard's Norwich Almanack for 1793. [Norwich, 1792.] 12mo. Β., Nov. 10, '21. (6) $11.00. -Clough (Samuel). New England Almanac. Bost., v.d. 1703, H., May 26, '22. (470) $19.00. 1704, sewed (2 leaves from another copy laid in), A., Nov. 1, '21. (18) $11.00. -Clough (Samuel). N. England Kalendar. By a Lover of Astronomy. Bost., v.d. 16mo. 1703, sewed, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (16) $12.00. 1704 ("Printed by B. Green and J. Allen for Nicholas Buttalph"), H., May 26, '22. (471) $25.00. -Confederate States Almanac for the Year 1864. Mobile, [1863]. 12mo. Sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (108) $5.00. -Davy Crockett's Almanack for 1837, 1839, 1840, 1843 and 1844. Nashville, [1837-1844]. 5 vols., 12mo. Sewed (last 2 defective), A., Nov. 1, '21. (99) $7.00. -Edes and Gill's North American Almanack for 1769. Bost., [1768]. 12mo. Sewed, in cl. folder (2 upper margins trimmed), G., Dec. 6, '21. ALMANACS.-Continued. -J. Weatherwise's Farmers' Almanac for 1800. Norwich, [1799]. 12mo. Old paper, B., Nov. 10, '21. (4) $6.00. -Freebetter's New England Almanack for 1776. New London, [1775]. 12mo. Sewed, unc., in cl. folder (marginal notes), G., Dec. 6, '21. (605) $27.50. V.S. -Goldsmith (John). Almanack. London, R. Hett, v.d. 1725, mor., tooled, in mor, case (4 in. x 2/8 in.), G., Mar. 17, '22. (242) $8.00. 1793, mor., tooled and inlaid, g.e., in tooled mor. case (24mo), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (394) $12.00. -Greenleaf (Benjamin). Cherokee Almanac for 1856. Park Hill, Mission Press, [1856]. 12mo. Sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (107) $5.00. Jersey Almanac for 1796. N. Y., T. Greenleaf. -Hicks (Joel R.). Almanac. -Greenleaf (Thomas). New York, Connecticut and New H., May 26, '22. (482) $5.25. St. Louis, v.d. 8vo. (474) $5.40. (475) $5.40. (476) $5.25. (477) $6.00. 1895, 1896, 1897, H., May 26, '22. 1898, 1899, 1900, H., May 26, '22. 1901, 1902, 1903, H., May 26, '22. 1904, 1905, 1907, H., May 26, '22. 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, H., May 26, '22. (478) $10.00. -Holyoke (Edward). Ephemeris of the Coelestial Motions, for the Year 1709. Sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. Bost., B. Green, 1709. 16mo. Almanac for 1753. N. Y., H. Gaine, 1752. -Leeds (Daniel). Almanack for the Year of Christian -Leeds (Titan). American Almanack for 1733. N. Y., W. Bradford, [1732]. 12mo. Unbnd., in cl. folder (headings of 2 leaves torn), G., Dec. 6, '21. (102) $175.00. -Longworth (D.). American Almanack, New York Regis ter, and City Directory. N. Y., v.d. 12mo. [1799], hf. mor., B., Jan. 5, '22. (129) $7.75. [1808], orig. bds., G., Dec. 6, '21. (542) $8.00. -Low (Nathanael). Astronomical Diary or Almanac. Bost., v.d. 16mo. 1772, sewed, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (50) $14.00. 1772, sewed, unc., Norton, A., Feb. 28, '22. (15) $5.00. -Mormon. Bible Almanac. Salt Lake City, v.d. ALMANACS.-Continued. -McCormick (S. J.). Oregon and Washington Almanac. Portland, S. J. M'Cormick, v.d. 12mo. 1855, sewed, unc., A., Dec. 5, '21. (9) $106.00. 1859, sewed, A., Dec. 5, '21. (11) $27.50. 1860, sewed (corner torn from last leaf), A., Dec. 5, '21. (12) $20.00. 1862, sewed, A., Dec. 5, '21. (13) $20.00. 1864, sewed (Idaho is included), A., Dec. 5, '21. (14) $52.50. 1866, sewed (Idaho and Montana are included), A., Dec. 5, '21. (15) $65.00. 1867, sewed (corners torn from first 12 leaves), A., Dec. 5, '21. (16) $15.00. 1868, paper, A., Dec. 5, '21. (17) $12.00. 1869, sewed, A., Dec. 5, '21. (18) $12.00. -McCulloch (John). Pocket Almanac for 1792-1796 and 1797. Phila., 3 vols., 32mo. Interleaved, H., July 18, '22. (501) $6.15. -Moore (Thomas). New York Pocket Almanac for the Being More's Country Almanack for 1767. N. Y., W. Wyman, [1766]. 12mo. Β., Nov. 10, '21. (5) $16.00. -New Jersey Almanack for 1779, 1785 and 1788, by Timothy Trueman. Trenton, [1778-87]. 3 vols., 12mo. H., Oct. 26, '21. (74) $6.75. -New Jersey Pocket Almanack for 1783. Trenton, [1782]. 24mo. H., Oct. 26, '21. (75) $6.00. -Paine (Thomas). Almanack of the Cœlestial Motions for the Year 1718. Bost., T. Crump, 1718. 16mo. Sewed (copy belonged to Rev. W. Williams of Hatfield, and is interleaved with his MS. diary), A., Dec. 5, '21. (6) $75.00. -Philadelphia Almanack for the year 1778. -Phillip's United States Diary, or an Almanack. R. I., v.d. Warren, 1794 (piece torn from last leaf), B., Jan. 28, '22. (6) $12.10. 1795, B., Jan. 28, '22. (7) $11.00. -Quebec Almanac and British American Kalendar for the Leap Year, 1808. Quebec. 12mo. Orig. paper, H., May 26, '22. (453) $5.50. -Rivington (James). Gentleman and Lady's Pocket Almanack for the Year 1774 By Copernicus, Philo. N. Y., n.d. 18mo. Orig. vel. (ink stains on title and one leaf), Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. ALMANACS.-Continued. -Robie (Thomas). Ephemeris of the Coelestial Motions, for the Year 1710. Bost., 1710. 16mo. Sewed (lacks last leaf, one leaf torn), A., Nov. 1, '21. (20) $50.00. -Sewel (Daniel). Astronomical Diary or Almanack for 1784. Portsmouth, N. H., [1783]. B., Jan. 28, '22. (2) $11.00. -Sheperd (Job) Poor Job. An Almanack for the Year 1754. 13 leaves. Newport, J. Franklin, [1753]. 12mo. Sewed, unc., B., Mar. 4, '22. (6) $91.00. -Sherman (Roger). An Astronomical Diary; or, Almanack for 1755. Bost., [1754]. 16mo. Sewed, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (43) $6.50. -Shoemaker (Abraham). New Town and Country Almanac for 1796. N. Y. H., May 26, '22. (484) $5.25. -Stanhope (Nehemiah). Astronomical Diary, or Almanack,. for 1783. By N. S. Springfield, [1782]. 12mo. Sewed, unc., G., Dec. 6, '21. (11) $6.50. -Stearns (Samuel). North American Almanack for the Year 1777. Worcester, [1776]. 16mo. Sewed, unc., A., Nov. 1, '21. (73) $9.00. -Stover (W. L.). Columbian Almanack of Knowledge and Fun for 1791. Newport, [1790]. B., Jan. 28, '22. (3) $12.10. -Gen. Taylor's Rough and Ready Almanac. Phila., v.d. 12mo. 1848, hf. mor. (orig. wrappers bnd. in), A., Nov. 28, '21. (151) $5.00. 1849, hf. mor. (orig. wrappers bnd. in), A., Nov. 28, '21. (146) $5.50. -The Devil's Texas Comic Oldmanick. 1837. N. Y. [1836]. 12mo. Sewed, unc., in cl. folder, G., Mar. 17, '22. (294) $7.00. -Thornton (E.). Rhode Island Almanack for 1792. Newport, [1791]. B., Jan. 28, '22. (4) $12.10. -Travis (Daniel). Almanack of the Coelestical Motions, Aspects and Eclipses of the Christian Æra. America Printed. [N. Y., W. Bradford.) Sold by N. Boone at the Sign of the Bible, Bost., v.d. 12mo. 1712, unc., H., Oct. 26, '21. (461) $25.00. 1712, sewed, unc., in cl. folder, G., Dec. 6, '21. (99) $130.00. 1712, unc., B., Jan. 5, '22. (2) $103.00. 1713, sewed, in cl. folder (stained), G., Dec. 6, '21. (100) $120.00. 1720, sewed (small hole in last leaf), A., Nov. 1, '21. (32) $50.00.) 1721, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (33) $6.00. -Trueman (Timothy). Burlington, I. Collins. Burlington Almanac, for 1778. : ALMANACS.-Continued. -Tulley (John). Tulley's Farewell, 1702. Almanack for the Year 1702. Bost., B. Green and J. Allen, [1702]. 16mo. Unc., B., Jan. 28, '22. (12-a) $41.00. -Universal American Almanack for 1772, by Andrew Aguecheek. Phila., [1771]. 12mo. H., Oct. 26, '21. (68) $10.50. -West (Benjamin). New-England Almanac for 1764. Providence, [1763]. 12mo. B., Mar. 4, '22. (2) $12.50. -West (Benjamin). North American Calendar or Rhode Island Almanack for 1784. Providence, [1783]. 12m0. Hf. mor., B., Sept. 30, '21. (2) $5.10. -Wheeler (B.). North American Kalendar for 1793. Providence, B. Wheeler, [1792]. B., Jan. 28, '22. (5) $12.10. -Wheten (George). Astronomical Diary, or an Almanack for the Year 1757. Bost., Edes and Gill, [1756]. 16mo. Sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (44) $16.00. -White's Louisiana Almanac for 1862. New Orleans, 1862. 8vo. B., Sept. 1, '21. (2) $8.00. -Whittemore (Nathaniel). Almanac. v.p., v.d. 16mo. 1718, sewed (corner torn from title), A., Nov. 1, '21. (24) $37.50. 1715, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (21) $70.00. 1716, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (22) $47.50. 1717, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (23) $35.00. 1725, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (26) $32.50. 1726, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (27) $31.00. 1727, sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (28) $9.00. -Whittemore (Nathaniel). Whittemore Revived. Almanack for the Year 1738. Bost., T. Fleet, 1738. 16mo. Sewed, A., Nov. 1, '21. (30) $12.00. - Whittemore (Nathaniel). Whittemore Continued. Almanack for the Year 1740. Bost., T. Fleet, 1740. 16mo. Sewed (lacks last leaf), A., Nov. 1, '21. (31) $28.00. Hf. mor., Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (25) $45.00. ALVAREZ (Francisco). Noticia del Establecimiento y Poblacion de Las Colonias Inglesas en la America Septentrional. Old cf. (stained), B., Aug. 24, '22. (10) $17.00. ALVIN (L.). Catalogue Raisonné de l'Euvre des Trois Frères Jean, Jerome et Antoine Wierix. Bruxelles, 1866. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper, title extended at margin), Coles, |