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BROTHER JONATHAN. Christmas and New Year's, 184950. 8 pp. N. Y., 1849. El. fol.

(Slightly worn), B., June 22, '22. (55A) $18.00.

BROUGH (Robert). Life of Sir John Falstaff. 20 etchings

and a woodcut by George Cruikshank. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Orig. cl., g.t. (few plates stained), Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (220) $13.00.

Orig. cl., unc., Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (401) $32.50.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc. (orig. covers bnd, in), A., Apr. 3, '22. (140) $75.00.

10 orig. parts, unc., in cl. case (rebacked, few slight repairs, wrappers of Parts I and IX renumbered), G., Jan. 26, '22. (115) $110.00.

-Series of 21 etchings by G. Cruikshank, illustrating "Life of Sir John Falstaff." proofs. Lond., 1852 [1857?]. 4to.

Lev. mor., Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (225) $20.00.

BROUGHAM (Lord). Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the Time of George III. 3 vols.; 1839-43; Lives of Men of Letters and Science, in the Time of George III. 2 vols., 1845-7.. Portraits. Lond., 1839-47. 5 vols., 8vo.

Cf., by Rivière, O'Fallon, A., Nov. 21, '21. (51) $10.00.

BROUGHTON (Hugh). Tralatio Epistolæ Hebrææ. Map. Amstelodami, 1606. Sm. 4to.

Cf. (few marginal repairs, map repaired in fold, British MuseumHoe copy), Coles, G., May 16, '22. (156) $6.00.

BROUNER (W. B.). Chinese Made Easy. N. Y., 1904. 8vo. Orig. cl., A., Apr. 10, '22. (71) $5.00.

BROWN (Alexander). First Republic in America. Bost.,, 1898. 8vo.

Cl., Baxter, A., Mar. 20, '22. (24) $5.00.

-The Genesis of the United States. Bost., 1890. 8vo.
Mor., g.t., unc., Lane, A., May 16, '22. (68) $13.00.

BROWN (C. B.). Novels. Phila., 1887. 6 vols., 8vo.

Hf. vel., g.t., unc. (Large paper), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (161) $15.00.

BROWN (Edward). Brief Account of Some Travels in Hungary, etc. Lond., 1673. Sm. 4to.

Old cf., Appleton, A., Mar. 6, '22. (130) $8.50.

BROWN (Henry). History of Illinois. Folding map. N. Y.,

1844. 8vo.

Cl., Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (69) $7.00.

BROWN (H. F.). The Venetian Printing Press. Lond., 1891. 4to.

Cl., unc., Manigault, H., Nov. 22, '21. (280) $7.00.

-Venetian Printing Press. N. Y., 1891. Sm. 4to.
Orig. cl., unc., Collins, A., Apr. 24, '22. (115) $5.50.

BROWN (L. H.). A Pipe of Tobacco. Lond., 1736. 8vo.

BROWN (John). Letters. Edited by his son and D. W. Forest,

D.D. Lond., A. and C. Black, 1907. 8vo.

Cl., g.t., Van Duzer, A., Feb. 6, '22. (23) $9.50.

BROWN (J. H.). History of Texas, 1685 to 1892. St. Louis

[1892]. 2 vols., 8vo.

Cf., Farren, H., Nov. 3, '21. (53) $7.50.

BROWN (S. R.). Western Gazetteer. Folding map. Auburn,

Ν. Υ., 1817. 8vo.

Cf., Barnwell, H., Nov. 15, '21. (70) $16.00.

Sheep, A., Nov. 28, '21. (60) $20.00.

-Views of the Campaigns of the North-Western Army.

Phila., 1815.


Bds. (broken), McMaster, H., Mar. 1, '22. (402) $9.50.

BROWN (T. A.). History of the New York Stage. N. Y. 1903.

3 vols., 8vo.

Cl., g.t., unc., Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (311) $16.00.

BROWN (W.). America. Four Years' Residence in the United States. Leeds, 1849. 8vo.

Cl., A., Nov. 28, '21. (458) $5.00.

BROWNE (Arthur). Remarks on Dr. Mayhew's Incidental Reflections. Portsmouth, 1763. Sm. 4to.

Hf. cf., G., Dec. 6, '21. (III) $7.00.

BROWNE (Edgar). Phiz and Dickens. Lond., 1913. 4to.
Cl., g.t., unc. (Large paper), Wilkins, A., Feb. 13, '22. (59) $11.00.
BROWNE (H. K.). Dame Perkins and Her Grey Mare.

8 colored plates. Lond., [1866]. Fol.

Bds., in bd. portfolio, G., Jan. 26, '22. (598) $25.00.

-A Dozen Pair of Wedding Gloves. 8 plates. Lond., 1855. 16mo.

Cf., g.t., by Zaehnsdorf (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Libby, G., Nov. 21, '21. (1116) $5.00.

-Racing and Chasing. 50 colored lithographs. Lond., n.d. Obl. 4to.

Mor., g.e. (title mounted, orig. wrappers bnd. in), G., Jan. 26, '22. (599) $30.00.

BROWNE (James). History of the Highlands. Glasgow, 1838. 4 vols., 8vo.

Cf., g.t., unc., by Rivière, A., May 22, '22. (44) $19.00.

BROWNE (John). Complete Treatise of the Muscles.

Lond., 1681. Fol.

Old cf. (Large paper),

W., Nov. 4, '21. (27) $16.00.

BROWNE (J. R.). Crusoe's Island. N. Y., 1867. 12mo.
Orig. cl. (presentation copy), B., June 22, '22. (57) $9.00.

-Etchings of a Whaling Cruise. N. Y., 1846. 8vo.
Cl. (rubbed, several margins foxed), G., Mar. 17, 22. (358) $5.50.

BROWNE (P. A.). Lecture on Oregon Territory.

1843. 8vo.


BROWNE (R. H.). Abraham Lincoln and the Men of his
Time. 2 vols. [1901;) The Same. Second edition. 2 vols.
Chicago, 1907.
Cincinnati and Chic., [1901]-1907. 4 vols.,


Cl., G., Mar. 17, '22. (409) $6.00.
BROWNE (Sir Thomas).

Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall. First

edition. Lond., 1658. Sm. 8vo. Lev. mor., g.e., by Club Bindery (Hoe copy), Leo, A., Oct. 26, '21. (18) $52.50.

Mor., g.e., by Stikeman (hinges worn, lacks frontispiece), A., Nov.

30, '21. (53) $12.50.

-Hydriotaphia; or, Urne-Buriall. Bost., 1907. 8vo.
Leath., W., June 16, '22. (245) $8.50.

-Pseudoxia Epidemica. Lond., 1658. Sm. 4to.
Old hf. cf. (worn), Vail, A., May 2, '22. (148) $7.00.
-Pseudodoxia Epidemica. Lond., 1669. 4to.

Cf., g.e. (lower margin of portrait trimmed, shaving caption, some margins spotted), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (163) $21.00.

-Religio Medici. N. Y., 1903. 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (316) $5.50. -Religio Medici. Trans. by John Merryweather. Leyden, 1644.


Vel. (A. Jacobi copy), Collins, A., Apr. 24, '22. (460) $10.50.
-Works. Portrait by White. Lond., 1686. Fol.

Old cf. (rebacked), Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (313) $11.00.

—Works. Lond., 1836. 4 vols., 8vo.

Mor., Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (102) $21.00.

Cf., by Hayday, Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (133) $18.00.

BROWNING (C. H.). Americans of Royal Descent. Phila.,

1894. 8vo.

Cl., unc., Warfield, A., Nov. 7, '21. (104) $5.00.

-Americans of Royal Descent. Phila., 1897. 2 vols., 8vo. Cl., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (307) $9.50.

BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett). Aurora Leigh. First edi

tion. Lond., 1857. 12mo.

Orig. cl. (shaken, Holden copy), A., Oct. 17, '21. (53) $6.25.
-Aurora Leigh. N. Y., 1857. 12mo.

Lev. mor., g.t., by Stikeman (back and edges faded; inserted are 3
A. L. S. of Robert Browning, and A. N. S. of Mrs. Browning),
Mohr, G., Apr. 11, '22. (110) $40.00.

-Aurora Leigh. Lond., 1859. 12mo. Vel. (page proof of fourth edition, with

many corrections by Mrs.

Page pro Browning, inscription in her hand and note by Robert Browning), Patterson, A., May 15, '22. (34) $120.00.

-Casa Guidi Windows. First edition. Lond., 1851. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cl., unc., W., June 16, '22. (35) $6.00.

-Essay on Mind. First edition. Lond., 1826. 12mo.

Orig. bds., unc., in cl. folder and lev. mor. case by Rose Bindery (presentation copy to Mrs. Browning's mother), Butler, G., Apr.

BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett).-Continued. -The Greek Christian Poets and the English Poets. Lond., 1863. 12mo.

Lev. mor.,, g.t., unc., by Rivière, Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (320) $7.50.

-Only a Curl. [Balt., 1861.] 73/4 x 93/4 in., broadside.

In cl. folder and lev. mor. case, by Rose Bindery, Butler, G., Apr.

10, '22. (24) $280.00.

-Poems. Lond., 1844. 2 vols., 12m0.

Cf., g.t., unc., by Rivière (orig. covers bnd. in), G., Jan. 26, '22.

(116) $17.50.

Orig. cl., Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (317) $17.00.

Orig. cl. (with "Casa Guidi Windows," 1851, and "The Greek Christian Poets," 1863, together 4 vols.), Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (20) $25.00.

-Poems before Congress. Lond., 1860. 12mo.

Cf., g.t., by Wood (W. H. Arnold copy), Coutant, A., Feb. 20, '22. (318) $6.50.

-Poetical Works. Lond., 1877-83. 5 vols., 12mo.

Mor., g.e., by Bayntun, Woodbury, G., Mar. 15, '22. (134) $18.00.
-Prometheus Bound. First edition. Lond., 1833. 12mo.
Orig. cl., in cl. folder and lev. mor. case, by Rose Bindery (R. H.
Horne's copy, another signature erased), Butler, G., Apr. 10,
'22. (18) $32.50.

-The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point. First edition.
Lond., 1849. 8vo.

Orig. paper, Saltus, A., Jan. 18, '22. (19) $12.00.

Orig. paper, in cl. folder and lev. mor. case, tooled, by Rose Bindery (with the orig. MS. of 12 8vo leaves; on blank page at end is note in hand of Robert Browning), Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (22) $190.00.

-The Seraphim, and other Poems. 1838. [Also] Aurora Leigh. 1857. Lond., 1838-57. 2 vols., sm. 8vo.

Orig. cl., unc. (first work recased, orig. end-papers used, second work has back faded, stamps in both), Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (19) $17.50.

-Sonnets. Reading, 1847. 16mo.

Lev. mor., g.t., unc., by Rivière, Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (21) $630.00.

-Sonnets from the Portuguese. New Rochelle, 1900. Sm. fol. Vel., unc. (Japan paper), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (322) $7.00.

BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett and Robert). Collection of Privately Printed Poems and Letters. Lond., printed for private circulation, 1912-13. 4 vols.

Orig. paper, unc., G., Jan. 26, '22. (117) $10.00.

-Two Poems. First edition. Lond., 1854. 8vo.

Lev. mor., g.t., by Club Bindery (orig. wrappers bnd. in), Coutant,

A., Feb. 20, '22. (321) $20.00.

BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett and Robert). Continued. -Complete Works of Robert Browning. 12 vols. 1899; [Also] Complete Works of Mrs. E. B. Browning. 6 vols. 1901. N. Y., 1899-1901. 18 vols., 8vo.

Lev. mor., tooled, g.t., unc., by Trautz-Bauzonnet (Autograph edition), Locke, G., Nov. 9, '21. (165) $110.00. -Fantozzi (Federico). Nuova Guida della Città e Contorni di Firenze. Maps. Firenze, 1852. 12mo.

Orig. bds., in lev. mor. case, by Rivière (hinges broken, copy belonging to the Brownings, with Robert Browning's notes, and a photograph of Mrs. Browning inserted), G., Jan. 26, '22. (29) $65.00.

-Italian Classics: Dante, Tasso, Alfieri. Parigi, 1820-2210 vols., 32m0.

Orig. hf. cf., in hf. lev. mor. covers and the set in lev. mor. box (copies belonging to the Brownings; 7 vols. inscribed by Mrs. Browning), Leo, A., Oct. 26, '21. (19) $85.00.

BROWNING (Robert). Bells and Pomegranates. Parts 1-8. Lond., 1841-46. 8vo.

8 orig. parts, unc., in cl. folder, and lev. mor. case, tooled, by Rose Bindery (2 wrappers slightly soiled, name in ink on first wrapper, 5 nos. are unopened), Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (30) $340.00. -Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day. First edition. Lond., 1850


Lev. mor., elaborately tooled and inlaid, g.t., unc., in cl. case, by Rivière (orig. covers bnd. in), Appleton, A.,, Mar. 6, '22. (132) $50.00.

-Cleon. 23 pp. First edition. Lond., 1855. 12mo.
Sheets, unc., Saltus, A., Jan. 18, '22. (20) $9.50.

Sheets, folded, unc., in cl. folder and lev. mor. case, by Bradstreet,

Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (34) $17.50.

-Correspondence of Robert Browning and J. O. Halliwell

Phillips. 7 pp. Lond., 1881. Fol.

Sewed, W., May 26, '22. (38) $11.00.

-Dramatic Idyls (First Series].

1879. [Also] Dramatic

Idyls. Second Series. 1880. First editions. Lond., 1879-80. 2 vols., 12mo.

Orig. cl., unc., in lev. mor. case, by Rose Bindery (First Series is presentation copy), Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (40) $47.50.

Cl., unc., Coates, H., Mar. 31, '22. (309) $6.00.

-Dramatis Personæ. 1864. [Also] Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. With an Introductory Essay by Robert Browning. 1852. Lond., 1852-64. 2 vols., sm. 8vo.

Orig. cl., unc. ("Letters of Shelley" has inscription by E. Moxon: and autograph of James Fields), Butler, G., Apr. 10, '22. (32) $35.00.

-Fifine at the Fair. Lond., 1872. 12mo.

(With autographs of W. M. Rossetti and J. D. Campbell), W., Nov. 4, '21. (108) $5.00.

-Gold Hair. First edition. 15 pp. (Lond.), 1864. 12mo.

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