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FIG. 2.-Pyrite (P) replaced by sphalerite (S), in turn veined by chalcopyrite (C) and galena (G). P. S. 278. X 54.

FIG. 3.-Veins of galena and bismuthinite (white) in wolfram. P. S.

267. X 54.

FIG. 4.-Ex-solution droplets of bismuth in bismuthinite. P. S. 277.
Oil immersion. X 540.

Dipterocarpoxylon garænse, sp. nov., G. S. I. Type No. 16502.

PLATE 15.-FIG. 1.-Transverse section showing distribution of vessel, rays and vertical gum ducts. Note the arrangement of gum ducts

at the right hand corner (Gd). × 10.

FIG. 2.--Transverse section showing distribution of small (Sv) and large vessels in comparison with that of gum ducts (Gd). × 40. FIG. 3.-Transverse section showing parenchyma and tracheids round the vessels. Note also the distribution of metatracheal parenchyma cells. X 75.

FIG. 4.--Transverse section showing a pair of gum ducts surrounded by rows of parenchyma cells. X 35.

FIG. 5.-Tangential section showing distribution, width and height of rays. Note also the size and shape of the cells forming different types of rays. X 50.

FIG. 6. Tangential section showing tyloses in the vessels.

X 110.

Dipterocaropxylon garænse, sp. nov., G. S. I. Type No. 16502. PLATE 16.—FIG. 1.-A vessel element showing inter-vessel pits. X 90. FIG. 2.--Radial section showing inter-vessel pits (Ivp) and fungal hypha (H). X 440.

FIG. 3.-Radial section showing vessel-ray pits (Vrp). Note their distribution and size. X 440.

Dryoxylon sp., G. S. I. No. K40/485.

FIG. 4.-Transverse section showing general structure of the wood.

X 10.

FIG. 5.--Tangential section showing size and distribution of rays.
Note the shape of individual cells of rays.


FIG. 6. Transverse section showing distribution and arrangement of wood fibres. X 35.

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 4.-A Labyrinthid scale (K32/147) allied to Polyacanthus C. V.
X 7.

FIG. 5.-An impression of a Serranid scale (K29/629). × 3.
FIG. 6.-A fragment of a Cyptinoid scale (K32/149). × 7.
FIG. 7.-A fragment of an Osteoglossid scale (K29/631). X 3.
FIG. 8.--Another fragment of an Osteoglossid scale (K29/631).

X 3.

Inter-trappean Fish Remains.

PLATE 18.--FIG. 1.-Fish roe (K1/319) from the Inter-trappean of Takli.

X 4.

FIG. 2.-Ganoid scale (K1/316), probably of Lepidosteus, from the
Inter-trappean of Paharsingha. X 4.

X 4.

FIG. 3.--Another Ganoid scale from Paharsingha. X 5.
FIG. 4.-A scale of Lepidosteus indicus Woodw. (No. 9366).
FIG. 5.-An Acanthopterygian scale (K40/286), Type A.
FIG. 6. Fragment of an Acanthopterygian scale (K40/283), Type
B. X 4.

X 20.

FIG. 7.-A Nandid scale (K1/318) from the Inter-trappean of Pahar-
singha. X 15.

FIG. 8.-Scale of Clupea sp. (G 152) from the infra-trappean at
Dhamni. X 7.

FIG. 9.-Impression of a scale of Clupea sp. (G 152) from the infra-
trappean at Dhamni.

X 3.

FIG. 10.-Scale of Clupea sp. (K1/317) from the infra-trappean of
Dongargaon. x 7.

PLATE 19.-FIG. 1.-Intergrowth of bismuthinite and galena. Crossed nicols.
P. S. 217. X 54.

FIG. 2.-Bismutosphærite (dark grey) and cerussite (light grey).
Unreplaced ganela (white). P. S. 217. x 54.

PLATE 20-FIG. 1.-Slightly crushed charnockite. Note the linear arrangement of the various minerals.

FIG. 2. The centre shows one of the felspathic patches in Fig. 1 under crossed nicols. The granulation and disconti nuity of the twinning planes is due to crushing and move


FIG. 3.-Charnockite similar to that shown in Fig. 1, but more intensely crushed. Most of the hypersthene is altered to a feathery aggregate of scaly hornblende.

FIG. 4.-Completely crushed charnockite, consisting of narrow bands of hornblende (dark), felspar, etc. (light) and garnet (G). A few crystals of hypersthene (H) always seem to have survived the crushing.

PLATE 21.—FIG. 1.-Typical hypersthene-gneiss.

FIG. 2. Typical soda-granite.

FIG. 3.-Biotite-gneiss with porphyritic crystals of orthoclase (Or).
FIG. 4. Same slide as Fig. 3, with nicols crossed, showing myrmekite
(M) corroding the orthoclase (Or).

PLATE 22.-FIG. 1.-Myrmekite corroding microcline.

FIG. 2.---Dactylites of biotite and a myriackitic intergrowth of

biotite and albite.

FIG. 3.-Dolerite with margins of augite crystals uralitized and in some cases altered to garnet.

FIG. 4.-Pyroxenite with allanite.

PLATE 23. Variation diagram of the charnockite series.

PLATE 24.-Geological map of a part of Southern Jeypore, Orissa.

Seismograms of the Baluchistan (Quetta) Earthquake of May 31, 1935.

PLATE 25.-FIG. 1.-Bombay (Milne-Shaw), N.-S. Component.

FIG. 2.

[ocr errors]

PLATE 26.-Agra (Omori), N.-S. Component.

PLATE 27.-Calcutta (Omori).

E.-W. Component.

PLATE 28.-Kew, N.-S., E.-W. and Z Components.
PLATE 29.-Yunnan and Surrounding Regions.
PLATE 30.-Geological Sketch Map of part of Yunnan.

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