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PLATE 1.-FIG. 1.-Aravalli schist country, south-west of Kundanpur, Jhabua



FIG. 2.-View of Aravalli quartzite country, N.E. of Virpur, Balasinor PLATE 2.-FIG. 1. Deccan trap country, Samoi, Jhabua.

FIG. 2. General view of Aravalli quartzite ridges, Umria, Bariya

PLATE 3.-FIG. 1.--Aravalli quartzite (dip-slope), Hadaph river-section, Umria,

Bariya State.

FIG. 2.-Low-dipping Aravalli slaty and quartzitic bands, south of

Mekhar, Godhra.

PLATE 4.--FIG. 1. -Much jointed Aravalli quartzite, Edalwara, Bariya State. FIG. 2.-Weathering of granite, Kothamba, Lunavada State.

PLATE 5.-Geological map of Gujarat and Southern Rajputana.

PLATE 6.-FIG. 1. -Cassiterite (C) interstitial to wolfram (W). Quartz (Q).

[blocks in formation]

× 54.

FIG. 2.-Cassiteritic (C) and molybdenite (M) interstitial to wolfram
(W). Bakelite (B). P. S. 251. Crossed nicols.
FIG. 3.--Wolfram (W) partly enclosing a tourmaline crystal (T) in

quartz (Q). P. S. 243. × 54.

FIG. 4. Schcelite (dark grey), replacing wolfram (light grey). P. S.

[blocks in formation]

PLATE 7.-FIG. 1.-Wolfram (W) crystal replaced by scheelite (S). Cassiterite (C) and quartz (Q). Bakelite (B). P. S. 251. × 28. FIG. 2.-Quartz (Q) replacing wolfram (W). A little pyrite (P).

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 3.-Pyrite (white) veinlets in quartz (Q) and wolfram (W). P. S.

232 × 54.

FIG. 4.-Pyrite (P) veining tourmaline (T), and both replaced and

veined by chlorite (C). P. S. 239 B.

× 54.

PLATE 8.-FIG. 1.-Pyrite (P) and chalcopyrite (C), veining arsenopyrite (A). Quartz (Q). P. S. 164. × 28.

FIG. 2.-Arsenopyrite (white) veined by chalcopyrite (grey) and FIG. 3.-Arsenopyrite needles in chlorite (dark grey); the latter replaces quartz (lighter grey) and galena (white). Pyrite (P). P. S. 236. × 54.

carbonate (black). P. S. 164. × 180.

FIG. 4.--Sphalerite (S) veining and replacing arsenopyrite (A). Also chalcopyrite (C) and carbonate (Ca). P. S. 242. × 84.

PLATE 9.-FIG. 1.-Quartz veins in sphalerite. P. S. 173.

× 40.

FIG. 2.-Starnite (S) and galena (G) which veined stannite but is altered in part to cerussite (Ce). Wolfram (W). P. S. 166. Oil immersion. × 420.

FIG. 3.--Molybdenite flake (M) in bismuthinite (B) and quartz (Q), the bismuthinite replacing the quartz along the molybdenite. Note the strong difference in reflectivity between adjacent areas of bismuthinite. P. S. 175. × 54. FIG. 4.-Intergrowth of bismuthinite in galena. Crossed nicols. P. S. PLATE 10.-FIG. 1.-Galena vein (white) in cassiterite (C). Quartz (Q). P. S. FIG. 2. Chalcopyrite (C) partly altered to chalcocite and covellite, and stannite (S) vein along cleavage in galena. P. S. 166. × 235.


× 54.

235. × 180.

FIG. 3.-Zoning in cassiterite (thin section). Mic. slide 24690. × 24. FIG. 4.--Tourmaline (T) replaced by muscovite (M) and chlorite (Ch) in cassiterite (C) and wolfram (W). Mic. slide 24681. PLATE 11.-FIG. 1.-Cassiterite replaced by interstitial felspar.

× 24.

X 24.

× 24.

Mic. slide 24680.

FIG. 2.-Cassiterite replaced and veined by beryl. Mic. slide 24687.
FIG. 3.-Beryl replaced along its cleavage, at walls of scheelite vein.

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 4.-Scheelite replacing platy carbonate. Mic. slide 24683.

× 24.

PLATE 12.-FIG. 1.--Mica veins (M) in cassiterite (C). Note how one of them stops at the border of scheelite (S) after wolfram, and its position in the latter occupied by clear scheelite. Tourmaline (T). Mic. slide 24688. × 24.

× 24.

FIG. 2. Tourmaline (T) and cassiterite (C) veined by lepidolite (M).
Mic. slide 24698.
FIG. 3.-Relic quartz in platy carbonate. Mic. slide 24690.
FIG. 4.-Platy carbonate. Mic. slide 24696.

× 24.

× 24.

PLATE 13.-FIG. 1.-Wolfram veining muscovite (M) which appears also to be

interstitial to coarser wolfram (W). Quartz (Q). P. S. 268.

× 54.

FIG. 2.-Wolfram (light grey) brecciated and veined by quartz × 54.

(dark grey). P. S. 268.

FIG. 3.-Cassiterite (dark grey) replaced by wolfram (grey). Quartz

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FIG. 4. Cassiterite (white) veined and replaced by quartz (grey).

[blocks in formation]

PLATE 14.-FIG. 1.-Fluorite (F) replacing quartz (Q). Wolfram (W) and tungstite (T). Cracks in fluorite, infilled with bakelite, appear like quartz. P. S. 267. × 54.

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