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Society and the Messrs. Loddiges, but not in a thriving state, for want Price of plants, at New York, 15 cents, and of

of moisture and shade.

seeds 1 dollar a quart.

7. E. SARMENTO'SUS Nutt. The trailing-stemmed Euonymus, or Spindle Tree.

Identification. Nutt. Gen. Amer., 1. p. 155.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 5.

Synonymes. E. scándens Hort.; E. americanus var. sarmentosus Dec. Prod., 2. p. 4

Spec. Char., &c. Chiefly distinguished from the last by its having a trailing stem that is prone to emit roots into the soil. It inhabits shady woods in Virginia and Carolina. (Dec. Prod., i. p. 4.)

Introduced in 1824.

8. E. OBOVATUS Nutt. The obovate-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. Identification. Nutt. Gen. Amer., 1. p. 155.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 4. ; Don's Mill., 2. p. 5. Spec. Char., &c. Stem prostrate, rooting. Shoots upright, with 4 blunt angles. Leaves broadly obovate, obtuse, almost sessile, sawed, with acute fine teeth. Flowers 3 upon a peduncle. Calyxes inflated. Anthers sessile. (Dec. Prod., ii. p. 4.) A trailing shrub, a native of Pennsylvania, in marshes, between Franklin and Waterford; introduced in 1820, and flowering in June and July. The plant of this species in the garden of the London Horticultural Society was, in 1834, 1 ft. in height, and covered a circle of 10 ft. in diameter. We have not observed the name in any nurseryman's catalogue.

9. E. ANGUSTIFO`LIUS Ph. The narrow-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree.

Identification. Ph. Fl. Amer. Sept., 1. p. 168;

Dec. Prod., 2. p. 4.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 5.

Spec. Char., &c. Branches smooth. Leaves either oblong-elliptical or linearelliptical, somewhat falcate, almost entire, almost sessile. Flowers mostly 1 on a peduncle, unequally 5-cleft. Capsules echinately warted. Allied to E. americànus. (Dec. Prod., ii. p. 4.) A deciduous shrub, of 6 ft. or 7 ft. in height; a native of North America, in Georgia, in shady woods. Introduced in 1806. Its flowers and fruit resemble those of E. americànus; and, though nearly related to it, Lyon, its discoverer, was informed by Pursh, that, when propagated by seeds, it retains its distinctive character. Plants, in the London nurseries, are 1s. 6d. each; at New York, I dollar.

10. E. HAMILTONIA NUS Wall. Hamilton's Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. Identification. Wall. Fl. Ind., 2. p. 403.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 4. Synonyme. E. atropurpureus Wall. Fl. Ind., 2. p. 402.

Spec. Char., &c." Branches smooth, terete. Leaves lanceolate, finely serrated. Peduncles dichotomous, 6-flowered. Flowers tetrandrous. Petals 4, lanceolate cordate. Ovary 4-lobed, 4-celled, each cell containing 2 ovules. (Don's Mill., ii. p. 4.) A shrub or low tree, a native of Nepal, where it grows to the height of 20 ft., with an erect trunk and spreading branchlets. It was

introduced in 1825; and there are plants of it in the London Horticultural Society's Garden, and in some nurseries. A standard plant of it, in the garden of the London Horticultural Society, in an open situation, was, in 1834, 4 ft. high, after being 4 years planted. Plants against a wall, in the same garden, are 10 ft. high. The species is striking from the whiteness of its stem, and the largeness of its leaves. The plant above mentioned, which is trained to a wall, flowers pretty freely; but the flowers are small, and the cymes of them do not make a show: they are of a yellowish green colour.

11. E. GARCINIÆFO`LIUS Roxb. The Garcinia-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree.

Identification. Roxb. in Fl. Ind., 2. p. 403.; Don's Mill., 1. p. 4. Synonyme. E. lácerus Ham. in D. Don's Prod. Fl. Nep., p. 191.?, Dec. Prod., 2. p. 5., Don's Mill., 2. p. 4. Spec. Char., &c. Branchlets smooth, terete. Leaves lanceolate, entire. l'etals oblong, with incurved edges, much longer than the calyx. Peduncles between the leaves, sometimes solitary, 3-flowered. Flowers pentandrous. (Don's Mill, ii. p. 4.) A shrub or tree, growing to the height of 12 ft.; native of Nepal; introduced in 1820. The flowers are small, pale yellow; the capsule oblong, about the size of a small field bean, 1-celled, 2-valved, opening from the base, containing one oval seed, covered with a thin, succulent, veined, bright scarlet aril. (Ibid.) This appears to be a very remarkable species; but we have not seen plants of it.


The large-flowered Euonymus, or Spindle

Don's Mill., 2. p. 5.

Identification. Wall. in Fl. Ind., 2. p. 404.; Spec. Char., &c. Branches terete, smooth. Leaves obovate-oblong, obtuse, acutely serrate, with a tapering entire base. Peduncles slender, flattened, nearly equalling the length of the leaves, 36-flowered. Flowers tetrandrous; petals orbicular, flat, with curled edges. Capsule globular, pendulous, obscurely 4-cornered, with, usually, geminate pendulous seeds. (Don's Mill., 2. p. 5.) A shrub, growing 10 ft. high, in the forest of Nepal, where it is very ornamental, both when in flower and when loaded with its yellow pendulous capsules, each of which is furnished with as many as 6 black pendulous seeds. The flowers are white, very large, scentless, slightly nodding; capsule very nearly globular, about the size of a cherry, 4-celled, 4.valved. Seeds oval, black, half covered by a brilliant red, minutely lobed, warted aril. (Ibid.) This very desirable species has not yet been introduced.

App. i. Half-hardy Species of Euonymus, or Species which, according to G. Don, "will, no doubt, turn out to be truly hardy."

The following are already in the country, and treated as frame or greenhouse plants:


E. gróssus Wall., a tree of Nepal, growing 12 ft. high, and introduced in

E. micranthus D. Don, a Nepal shrub of 8 ft. high, introduced in 1820.
E. lucidus D. Don, a Nepal shrub of 6 ft. high, introduced in 1820.

E. japonicus Thunb., an elegant Japan tree, growing to the height of 20 ft., introduced in 1804.

E echinatus Wall., a climbing and rooting shrub from Nepal, in 1824. (fig. 170.) Found on mountains, at the height of from 5,000 ft. to 7,000 ft. The following species, marked in Don's Miller as frame plants, are not yet introduced:

E tingens Wall., a tree of Nepal, growing to the height of 16 ft. or 20, the yellow bark of which is employed by the Nepalese for the pur. pose of marking the forehead with their religious symbol, commonly called ticha. This is also found on mountains. In p. 173., under the order Celastràceæ, are enumerated two other Nepal species, which will probably prove hardy; and which will be found described below.

E. glaber Roxb., a tree growing to the height of 15 ft., in Chittagong, in

the East Indies.

E. fimbriatus Wall., a tree from the Sewalfik Mountains, in India, with doubly serrated leaves.

E. indicus Heyne, an East India shrub 8 ft. high.

E. vagans Wall., a most extensive climbing and rambling shrub, in the


mountainous forests of Nepal, resembling E. echinatus, but never throwing out roots at the joints. E. subtriflorus Blume, and E. Thunbergiànus Blume, are Japan shrubs, of which little appears to

be known.

The following species are those above alluded to, as mentioned in Royle's Illustrations, and not included in Don's Miller :

E. pendulus Wall., a Nepal tree, considered by some as identical with E. japonicus, and found on the Himalaya Mountains, at an elevation of about 5,000 ft.

E. frigidus Wall, is also a Nepal tree, which is generally found with E. fimbriàta, at not less than 8,000 ft. of elevation.



Identification. Lin. Gen., 270.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 5.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 6.
Synonymes. Euonymöldes Manch.; Célastre, Fr.; Celaster, Ger.

Derivation. From kelas, the latter season; the fruit remaining on the tree all the winter. The kelastros of the Greeks is supposed to be the Euonymus.

1. C. SCA'NDENS L. The climbing-stemmed Celastrus, or Staff Tree. Identification. Lin. Sp., 285.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 6.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 9.; Bourreau des Arbres, Fr.; Baummörder, Ger.

Engravings. Nouv. Du Ham., 1. t. 95.; Schkuhr Handb., 1. t. 47.; and our fig. 171.

Spec. Char., &c. Thornless, climbing, smooth.

Leaves oval, acuminate, serrate. Flowers dice

cious. (Dec. Prod., ii. p. 6.) A deciduous twining shrub; a native of North America, and introduced, by Peter Collinson, in 1736. The flowers 171



are of a pale yellow, and the capsules of an orange
scarlet colour, 3-cornered and 3-seeded.
stems are woody and flexible, and twist themselves
round trees and shrubs, or round each other, to
the height of 12 ft. or 15 ft. or upwards, girding
trees so closely as, in a few years, to destroy

them; whence the French and German names, which signify "treestrangler." The leaves are about 3 in. long, and nearly 2 in. broad, serrated, of a lively green above, but paler on the under side. We are uncertain whether both of the sexes are extant in British collections or not; but, as seed has been produced in the Botanic Garden at Bury St. Edmunds, it is clear that the female one, at least, is. Miller says the seeds ripen well in England, and that the plant may be propagated by them, or by layers. It prefers a strong loamy soil, rather moist than dry. As a freely growing twiner, with pleasing foliage, and as ligneous twiners are not numerous, it deserves to be more generally cultivated. Plants, in the London nurseries, cost 1s. 6d. each, and American seeds 6d. an ounce ; at Bollwyller, plants 1 franc each; and at New York, plants 20 cents each, and seeds 35 cents a quart.

2. C. BULLA TUS L. The studded-capsuled Celastrus, or Staff Tree. Identification. Lin. Sp., 285.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 6.; Don's Mill, 2. p. 7. Engravings. Pluk. Alm., t. 28. f. 5.

Spec. Char., &c. Thornless, climbing. Leaves ovate, acute, entire. Flowers in terminal panicles. Capsules elegant, studded, scarlet. (Dec. Prod., ii. p. 6.) A low shrub, said to be a native of Virginia, and to have been first discovered by Banister, and afterwards introduced in 1759; but Pursh, after diligent research, in the place of its supposed nativity, and also in the herbariums of Plukenet and Banister, at the British Museum, was not able to satisfy himself that it was a native of America. Miller says that it grows, in its native country, to the height of 8 ft. or 10 ft.; but in England it seldom attains more than half that size. It flowers in July; and, in its native country, the flowers are succeeded by scarlet capsules; but it rarely ripens seeds in England. (Mart. Mill.)

App. i. Half-hardy Species of Celastrus.

There are a number of species of Celastrus from the Cape of Good Hope, and some from the East and West Indies, and South America, which might be tried in the open air against a conservative wall; but the family are not of sufficient beauty or interest to render this desirable to any great




THE NEMOPANTHES. Lin. Syst. Polygàmia

Identification. Rafin. Journ. Phys., 1819, p.96.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 17.; Don's Mill, 2. p. 13.
Synonyme. Iliciöldes Dum. Cours., 1. vol. 4. p. 27.
Derivation. From nemos, a grove, and anthos, a flower; it being generally found in groves.

1. N. CANADE'NSIS Dec. The Canadian Nemopanthes.

Identification. Dec. Mém. Soc. Gen., 1. p. 44.; PL Rar. Hort. Gen., t. 3.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 13. Synonymes. Tlex canadensis Michx. Flor. Bor. Amer., 2. p. 299.; N. fasciculàris Rajin.; I'lex delicatula Bart. Fl. Vir., p. 67. ;? Prinos lucidus Ait. Hort. Kew., 2. p. 478.; Houx du Canade, Fr. Engravings. Dec. Mém. Soc. Gen., 1. t. 3.; Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer., 2. t. 49., as I'lex canadensis; and our fig. 172.

Spec. Char., &c. Leaves ovate, quite entire, or serrated at the apex, smooth. Pedicels usually solitary, 1-flowered, very long. Flowers white. Berries large, beautiful crimson, very ornamental. (Don's Mill., ii. p. 13.) This is said to be a very hardy, ornamental, deciduous shrub, and to be


cultivated at Courset, and in the nursery of M. Cels, at Paris. We have only seen a small plant of it, under the name of Prinos lùcidus, in the garden of the London Horticultural Society, which, in 1834, was 4 ft. high, after having been 8 years planted.


MAYTENUS Feuill. THE MAYTENUS. Lin. Syst. Polygàmia Diœ'cia. Identification. H. B. et Kunth. Nov. Gen. Amer., 7. p. 64.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 9.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 10. 1. M. CHILE'NSIS Dec. The Chili Maytenus.

Identification. Dec. Prod., 2. p. 9.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 11.; Lindl. in Bot. Reg., t. 1702.

Synonymes. Senàcia Maytenus Lam. Ill., No. 2712.; Celastrus Maytenus Willd. Sp., 1. p. 1127.; ? M. boaria Mol. Chil., p. 152.


Engravings. Feuill. Obs., 3. p. 39. t. 27.; Bot. Reg., t. 1702. ; and our fig. 173.
Spec. Char., &c. Leaves lanceolate serrated. A hand-
some evergreen shrub, a native of Chili, at Coquimbo,
and introduced in 1829. In its native country, it is
said to form a small tree, 12 ft. high; in the garden
of the London Horticultural Society, where it has been
planted against a south wall since 1830, it forms a
handsome, evergreen, branchy shrub, with twiggy branch-
lets. It has also been tried there as a standard, and
found to be quite hardy. The flowers are in axillary
clusters, with a corolla of a yellowish green colour, not
showy. (Bot. Reg., t. 1702.) This desirable addition
to our hardy evergreen shrubs will, we trust, soon
come into general cultivation. It affords one of the numerous examples
which are continually occurring of the utility of trying house plants in
the open air, since in published lists it is marked as requiring a green-house.


CASSI NE L. THE CASSINE. Lin. Syst. Pentándria Monogynia. Identification. Lin. Gen., 371.; Lam. Ill., t. 310.; Gært. Fruct., 2. p. 72. t. 92.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 11. ; Don's Mill., 2. p. 12.

Derivation. The word Cassine is of American origin, and unknown meaning.

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1. C. MAUROCENIA L. Mauroceni's Cassine, or the Hottentot Cherry.

Identification. Lin. Sp., 385.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 13.

Synonyme. Maurocènia frangulària Mill. Dict., No. 1.

Derivation. The specific name was given in honour of the Venetian senator, Signor Francisco Mauroceni, who had a fine garden at Padua, a catalogue of the plants in which was published by

Antonio Teta.

Engraving. Dill. Elth., t. 121. f. 147.

Spec. Char., &c. Leaves sessile, obovate, quite entire, convex. Pedicels many, very short. (Don's Mill., ii. p. 13.) A shrub, a native of Ethiopia, introduced in 1690, and commonly kept in greenhouses, but which deserves trial against a conservative wall.

2. C. CAPENSIS L. The Cape Cassine, or Phillyrea. Identification. Lin. Mant., 220.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 13.

Engravings. Burm. Rar. Plant. Afr., t. 85.; Dill. Elth., t. 236.; and our fig. 174.


Spec. Char., &c. Leaves stalked, ovate, retuse, crenate, flat.
solitary, shorter than the leaves. Flowers small, white. (Don's Mill., ii.
p. 13.) A shrub, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, found in woods;
introduced in 1629, and producing its small white flowers in July and

C. excelsa Wall., C. discolor Wall., and C. Colpoón Thun.: the first a native
of Nepal, and introduced in 1820; and the last a native of the Cape of
Good Hope, and introduced in 1791, might be tried against a conservative
wall, with every prospect of success.




HARTO`GIA Dec. THE HARTOGIA. Lin. Syst. Tetra-Pentándria


Identification. Dec. Prod., 2. p. 12.; Don's Mill., 2. p. 13.

Derivation. Named in honour of J. Hartog, a Dutch traveller, and naturalist at the Cape of Good Hope.

1. H. CAPE'NSIS L. The Cape Hartogia.

Identification. Lin. Fil. Suppl., 128.; Don's Mill., 1. p. 13.

Synonymes. Schrébera schinöides Thun. Prod., t. 2.; Elæodéndron schinöldes Spreng. Syst., 1. p. 780. Engraving. Thunb. Prod., t. 2.

Spec. Char., &c. Leaves opposite, oblong, crenated, smooth, hardly stalked. Pedicels few-flowered, axillary, drooping. (Don's Mill., ii. p. 13.) A shrub, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, growing to the height of 10 ft., and introduced in 1800. It is marked in the catalogues as a green-house plant, but has been found to stand the open air as an evergreen shrub. In the London nurseries, a narrow-leaved variety of the Cérasus Laurocérasus used frequently to be sold for it.



Identification. Lindley's Key, p. 63.

Synonymes. Celastrineæ, tribe Aquifoliacea, in part, Dec. Prod., 2. p. 11.; Ilicfneæ, in part, Lindl. Introd. to N. S., p. 178., Don's Mill., 2. p. 14.

Distinctive Characteristics. Calyx and corolla with an imbricate æstivation. Sepals 4-6. Corolla hypogynous, with 4-6 lobes, and as many stamens inserted into it alternately to its lobes. Ovary 2-6-celled; a pendulous ovule in each cell. Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, with from 2-6 stones, each containing a pendulous seed, which has large fleshy albumen. Flowers small, axillary, solitary, or fascicled. (Lindl. Introd, to N. S.) Myginda is described as having a 1-celled fruit. The species of Aquifoliaceae are evergreen and deciduous shrubs or trees, having alternate or opposite leaves, frequently coriaceous, glabrous, and sometimes feather-nerved. The genera containing hardy species are three, and are thus distinguished:

MYGI'NDA Jacq. Sexes hermaphrodite. Calyx 4-5-cleft. Corolla deeply 4-cleft. Stamens 4, inserted into the base of the corolla. Fruit with (very

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