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deed, have ceased entirely; yet Mr. Croft's business continued gradually increasing, till it had become quite equal to that of any former accoucheur. This clearly proves, not only that he was quite competent, but that he was very well skilled in that department of the profession which he had chosen; and that he was equally successful in practice with his brethren. At length, when the late much-lamented Princess Charlotte was pregnant, he was chosen by her Royal Highness to attend her. This he did with the most unwearied zeal; and, although the issue has been most unfortunate, with the greatest skill. It has been sometimes said that Dr. Sims should have seen the Princess when he first came to Claremont. This was proposed by Sir Richard Croft; but Dr. Baillie and Dr. Sims were both of opinion, that, as the labour was going on naturally, though the progress was slow, it was better that this introduction should be avoided, lest the alarm it might occasion should be injurious. During the whole of this severe trial Sir Richard conducted himself with the utmost fortitude and self possession; but after its fatal and most afflicting termination he exhibited an agonizing despair, which was succeeded by great depression of spirits. This state of mind appeared to be sometimes soothed by the kind and considerate attention of the Royal Family, by the attachment and sympathy strongly shewn for him upon this occasion by many of the most respectable part of his own profession, and by his patients in general, who appeared anxious to convince him, by their conduct, that their confidence in his skill was undiminished. His friends were sometimes flattered with the hope that his spirits were gradually recovering; but his grief continued to return occasionally with great violence; and about three months after his attendance upon the Princess, his former agonizing feelings being renewed by another case of lingering labour, and an opportunity accidentally offering itself, he, in a moment of distraction, unhappily put an end to his own life. But, although this act was performed during a momentary derangement of mind, he had never in his former life shewn any symptoms of insanity; nor can that disease be traced in any of his family.

Thus died, universally beloved and esteemed, a man of the most honourable principles, of great humanity, and of sound practical knowledge in his profession. He unfortunately possessed too much sensibility of character, ill suited to bear the untoward circumstances and the misrepresentations to which every professional man, more especially if he has attained any degree of eminence, is more or less exposed; and to this sensibi

lity he sacrificed his life. He succeeded to the title of Baronet, on the demise of his brother, the Rev. Sir Herbert Croft, in 1816. His wife, three sons, and a daughter, survive him; and he has left them a moderate provision from the profits of his industry.


George Cuit was born at Moulton, not far from Richmond, Yorkshire, in the year 1743; and died Feb. 3, 1818, in the 75th year of his age.

At an early period he showed a strong inclination for drawing, and indulged it in different subjects, but in portraits particularly. These attracted much notice in Richmond; and Sir Lawrence Dundas, of Aske, in the neighbourhood, from the talent which several portraits in crayons displayed, was induced to employ his pencil in taking the likeness of some of his own children. On this occasion young Cuit's performance proved so satisfactory to Sir Lawrence, that he determined to give to the self-taught artist the very best means of professional instruction.

Under the patronage of Sir Lawrence Dundas, he was accordingly sent out to Italy in the year 1769; on his arrival at Rome, he pursued the great object of his improvement with zeal and perseverance, as well at the academy, as amidst the wellknown collections of sculpture and painting open to all students in the peaceful reign of Pope Ganganelli. Amongst the artists then at Rome, were Gavin Hamilton, David Allen, J. Banks, Nathaniel Marchant, Jacob Moore, Dean, Parry, Wright of Derby, &c. &c. To many of those gentlemen he became personally known; and from his unassuming manners and close attention to his studies, he was always respected and beloved.

Mr. Cuit was particularly assisted in his pursuits by the friendly advice of Mr. Nollekens, the celebrated sculptor, who readily furnished him with such casts or drawings of figures as were at his command. The beautiful landscape scenery of Italy, however, for some time divided his attention, and finally engrossed the whole of it. This study indeed was much more congenial to his turn of mind: and he delighted to pass whole days sketching in the woods and environs of Tivoli.

In the latter part of the year 1775, which was the "Holy Year" at Rome, Mr. Cuit returned to England. And, first paying his respects to Sir Lawrence Dundas, who was highly gratified with his improved talents and taste, he visited his native village in the North; but was ere long invited to Moor-park, then the property and residence of his Patron. At that place he was employed to restore a painted ceiling of an historical subject; and

and a liberal reward testified the satis faction of his employer. To try his abilities in landscape, Sir Lawrence commissioned him to paint a view of Moorpark, of the same size with three pictures which Wilson had just finished of that spot and the country around it. In this landscape also, Mr. Cuit was equally fortunate to please Sir Lawrence, who paid him 100 guineas for the picture, the same price which Wilson had received for each of his.

It was his intention after this to follow his profession in London, and he took apartments accordingly. But being compelled by a low fever, which had been for some time hanging on him, to try the benefit of his native air, he re-visited the North; and finding his health restored, he finally settled at Richmond. There he quietly lived, painting with the greatest truth and faithfulness of character "the mouldering ruin, the moss-grown rugged cliff, and the roaring torrent." Nor was he less successful in delineating the polished features of park scenery: and scarcely a Nobleman's or Gentleman's house of any note in that district, but has been carefully transcribed upon canvas by the fidelity of his pencil.

Having for a great number of years se. cluded himself from the world of Art, he contracted a style peculiarly his own, working his pictures, as near as he could, to approach the effect which a camera obscura throws upon paper. It is the every-day effect of Nature, without any poetic licence of composition in form, or forced violence of contrast in colouring. Five of his best pictures are in the possession of S. Crompton, esq. of Wood End, near Thirske: and four of the subjects having been left entirely to his own judgment, he now chose to exercise his talent in composition, and has produced four landscapes, which, for design and colouring, will reflect great credit on the painter, as long as they remain in exist


To show how the publick estimated the productions of his pencil, it may not be irrelevant to add, that, although indefatigable in his professional labours for more than forty years, yet in the course of that period he had not painted as many pictures for sale. The whole of his time having been occupied in executing commissions, his study at the time of his death did not contain one finished painting but what had been previously ordered.

Mr. Cuit, during his long residence at Richmond, was respected by the most respectable. With Archdeacon Blackburne he was a great favourite: and he uniformly experienced kindness and hospitality from the late John Yorke, esq. of the Green. The late Dr. Disney, of the Hyde,

in Essex, employed him professionally on a visit there in the year 1806: and in his Memoirs of Thomas Brand Hollis, p. vi. fixed upon him while living, the wellmerited appellation of "An ingenious artist and very worthy man."

P. S. It ought not to be forgotten, that he was employed by the late Lord Mulgrave to paint a set of views of all the Ports on the Yorkshire Coast, at which Captain Cook had personally been; and views also of the town of Stokestey, and of the ruins of the cottage in which that great Circumnavigator was born. These paintings, with several others of Mulgrave Castle, and the grounds about it, were executed in quazzo. C. & R.


March 6. Died, at Bromley, in Kent, aged 60, John Gifford, esq. a literary character of considerable eminence and great attainments. At a time when the kingdom was so seriously divided with anarchy, republicanism, and treason, he most zealously aided those whose opinions and principles were truly loyal and constitutional, as well as congenial with his own, displaying his talents in developing and counteracting the plans and machinations of traitors and levelers against the Government of his native Isle, which has so long been the envy of the world. He also very ably seconded and approved the views of the Ministry in opposing the principles of the French Revolution, and shewed the necessity of the late protracted war, which was ultimately the downfall of the Tyrant of Europe.He was the only child of John Green, esq. Barrister at Law, who died soon after the birth of this son, which took place in 1758, his name being John Richards Green.He was then taken under the care of his grandfather and grandmother, John Green of the General Post-office, and Tash-street, par. St. Andrew, Holborn, and Susanna (Corbett) his wife, daughter of Peter Corbett, of Bromley in Worfield, co. Salop, by Elizabeth (Richards) his wife--From hisgrandmother's ancestors, the Richards's of this Bromley, he inherited a valuable family estate there, which is copyhold, and had been enjoyed by them from about the period of the Restoration. His grandfather dying in 1772, when he himself was only 14 years of age, appointed his relations, Richard Corbett, of Shiffnall, co. Salop, and Joseph Wilkes, of Over Seile, co. Leicester, gent. and another friend in London, guardians during his minority. Mr. Richards Green (by which name he was yet known) having received a classical education, and become master of several living languages, was destined for the bar, and bad chambers in Lincoln'sinn, where he was resident in 1781. His juvenile

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juvenile years must plead his taste for expence, and the extravagance and pleasures of high life, which so soon took deep root in his mind, that he was obliged during his minority to obtain large sums of money from the Jews. He resided occasionally in town and country, at an amazing expenditure, which at length brought his creditors upon him; the whole of his landed possessions were disposed of, particularly his estate at Bromley, in Shropshire, in August 1781; and the ready money of his long minority being also squandered away, he went over to France, not being able to satisfy the whole of the demands of his creditors. There he obtained an introduction to the British Ambasador's retinue, where he remained several years, to the delight and admiration of all who had the felicity of his acquaintance, till the violence of that Revolution obliged him to return to England, from which period he assumed the surname of Gifford. At that time, and during the administration of the late Mr. Pitt, he obtained the situation of a police-magistrate of the office in Worship-street, and lately of that in Marlborough-street, with an income which furnished him with the necessary comforts of life. Mr. Gifford's great erudition has elevated him to the first rank of modern authors, and several of the productions of his pen are standard works, and very justly considered of sterling worth, being published on a great variety of political subjects. He set out with the History of France from the earliest times to the death

of Lewis XVI. selected from the French of Villaret, Garnier, Mezeray, Daniel, and other eminent historians, with notes critical and explanatory, 5 vols. 4to. 1791 and 1794. This work was executed with great labour and care, and is written in a good style, and deserving of much commendation. The principles of the French Revolution having found their way into this country, he published A Plain Address to the common sense of the people of England, containing an abstract of Paine's life and writings, 8vo, 1792. Next appeared his Narrative of the transactions relating to Lewis XVI. from June 21, 1791, to his death, on 21st January, 1793, 4to, 1793. To this, in the following year, he added the reign of that unfortunate Monarch, and complete History of the French Revolution, 4to. He published his Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale, containing strictures on his Lordship's Letters to the Peers of Scotland, 8vo, 1795, of which he gave a new edition, with additions, in 1800. Soon after appeared his description of a residence in France, during the years 1792 *and 1795, described in a series of letters from a Lady, 2 vols. 8vo, 1796. In the following year he published the Banditti

unmasked, or Historical Memoirs of the present times, from the French of General Danican, 8vo. About this time there appeared a considerable division of opinion as to the propriety of the war. The Hon. Thomas Erskine, afterwards Lord Chancellor, having in a letter expressed his sentiments in direct opposition to the views of the then Ministry, on the causes and consequences of the war, was answered by Mr. Gifford's strictures in a letter addressed to that Hon. Gentleman, 8vo, 1797. In the same year followed his Defence of the French Emigrants, from the French of Lally Tollendal, 8vo; and immediately afterwards his Address to the Members of the Loyal Associations on the then state of public affairs, 8vo, with a fifth edition, 1798. In this last year appeared his Translation from the French of the Address of Camille Jourdan to his Constituents, 8vo. He next ushered into the world his History of the Political life of the Saviour of his Country, the immortal and Right Honourable William Pitt, 3 vols. royal 4to, and six volumes 8vo, 1809. He is said to have furnished a long and interesting Preface to the London edition of W. Cobbett's "Bone to gnaw'for the Democrats;" and has been considered the editor of the Anti-Jacobin Review from its commencement in 1806.

It is a singular incident, that, in the early part of his life, having enjoyed an antient family estate in the romantic township of Bromley in Shropshire, and retired near the close of life to Bromley, a beautiful village in Kent that he should have closed his life there, where his last tenant who occupied his estate at Bromley in Shropshire before had lived several years, and there died about eight years ago a circumstance to which he was a stranger. He was twice married, and by his last lady had several children.


Feb. 13. Died, at his house on Dulwich Common, Percival North, esq. in his 86th year-plenus honoris et ætatis. If to have attained a lengthened life beyond the span usually allotted to human beings with unswerving rectitude, deserves the tribute of veneration and respect, we may join in the holy hope that, at the last day, the solemn sentence, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord," will be pronounced over the rising spirit of our departed friend! Raised to opulence by unrelaxing industry, he became, though not blessed with children, the parent of many, over whose welfare he vigilantly watched with a father's care. Amongst his equals in station his friendship and urbanity were the sincere testimonies of a good and generous heart. To all his numerous dependents his liberality was never-failing; and to the afflicted and the poor, his sympathy and unaffected charity almost united him in the sorrow which he was ever prompt to relieve. In his domestic circle he was surrouuded by affectionate relatives, over whom he extended the beams of parental love; and those who were favoured with his intimate friendship bear testimony to the lively interest which he took in their welfare. His character may be comtemplated in every view without a shade; for in whichsoever way it presented itself, Kits claim to esteem and admiration was readily and universally accorded. His

life, though protracted, was a life of gratitude and duty-as upright as it was active in his vigour-as resigned as it was gradual in his decline. Blessed with a fair prosperity, he used it as a trust rather than for indulgence. Conscious of the uncertain tenor of human life, his mind was in continual preparation for a higher and a better state; and he sunk unruffled to his silent rent, until the last trump shall awaken him to future bliss!

*** Another Correspondent has favoured us with the following character.


"When valuable members of society are removed from this transitory state of existence, their surviving friends are naturally anxious to retain such imperfect memorials of them as memory can recall and description supply: It also becomes a duty to record merits which few can equal, and an example from which all may benefit. The late Mr. North, of Bridge-street, was so dear to his relatives, so beloved by his friends, and so respected by a most extensive acquaintance, that few will be so generally regretted; and none can deserve to be more so. sound understanding, a manly character, a most affectionate, benevolent, and liberal heart, were in him adorned by the kindest, most frank, and most winning manners. His open, animated, and benignant countenance pourtrayed the heart that enlightened it, inspired confidence, and invited to friendship, which his solid worth always confirmed. He spent a long life in active, useful, and profitable industry; upright, honourable, and li beral, in all his dealings. He filled every situation to which he was called with distinguished ability, as well as great zeal and unsullied integrity. His manners were so courteous and engaging, that, whether in the common intercourse of life, the transaction of business, or in the hour of social intercourse, the young and old, the poor and rich, were attracted and delighted with him. In domestic life he was uniformly cheerful, affectionate, and indulgent, the inspirer of every kind feeling; in affairs that concerned the in. GENT. MAG. March, 1818.

terests of his friends or the public welfare, disinterested, zealous, active, and persevering: he was the promoter of every good work. His acts of benevolence aud charity were not the result of occasional application and temporary feelings only, but constant, regular, and extensive; supporting the orphan, supplying the widow, sustaining the helpless, and protecting the distressed. His hospitable mansion was not only ever open to his friends for social enjoyment, but their refuge and abode in sickness or sorrow. He had early imbibed, and zealously cultivated and supported, the genuine principles of civil, religious, and constitutional freedom. Such was the excellence of his character, and so engaging were his manners, that, had he aspired to the highest honours and dignities which the City of London could bestow, there can be little doubt of his having obtained them. Condemning none who differed from him on religious opinions, he was, from early conviction, a firm believer in the unity of the Godhead, a regular attender and supporter of the Unitarian doctrine, and a truly pious and religious man. After having spent a long life in the practice of every virtue, he resigned his mortal existence in his 86th year, in the fullpossession of his mental faculties, with perfect serenity and equanimity. He died in charity with all men, grateful to his Maker for the many blessings he had so long enjoyed, in the joyful hope of being again united with his beloved family and friends in a blissful immortality. S.


Feb. 1. Died at his seat, Ampthill Park, co. Bedford, in his 73d year, the Right Hon. John Fitzpatrick, Earl of Upper Ossory, Baron Gowran in Ireland, Baron Upper Ossory of Ampthill in the Peerage of Great Britain, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Bedford, Keeper of Waltham Forest, co. Lincoln, and of Rockingham Forest, co. Northampton, F. R. S. and F. S. A. The Earl was born May 7, 1745, and was educated at Eton and Oxford. He succeeded to the family honours and estates on the death of his father in 1758; and was elected Knight of the Shire for Bedford in 1767, appointed Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire in 1770, created a Peer of England in 1794, by the title of Baron Upper Ossory of Ampthill, co. Bedford; married March 26, 1769, the Hon. Anne Liddell, only child and heiress of Henry Lord Ravensworth, (whose former marriage with Augustus Henry, third Duke of Grafton, was dissolved by Act of Parliament); and had issue by her, who died in Feb. 1804, Anne, born Feb. 24, 1770: and Gertrude, - The Earl was


the Representative of a very antient and noble family in Ireland, originally styled Princes of Ossory, and elevated to the Peerage by Henry VIII. in 1541, by the title of Baron of Upper Ossory. Barnaby Fitzpatrick, the second Lord Upper Ossory,


was the intimate friend and companion of King Edward VI.; as is fully lly evinced the many letters still preserved which the young Monarch wrote to him in 1551, while he served as a volunteer in France under Henry II. against the Emperor. His descendant, Bryan, the seventh Baron, died in 1696, since which the antient

Barony has not been allowed in consequence of an attainder. The ancestor of this branch was the Hon. John Fitzpatrick, of Castletown, second son of Florence, the third Baron Upper Ossory, living in the reign of James I.; he was great-grandfather of Richard Fitzpatrick, the first Baron Gowran, so created April 27, 1715. This Nobleman was nephew of James, the first Duke of Ormond, and was promoted to the Peerage of Gowran, soon after that title had become extinct by the decease of his first cousin, Lord John Butler, (younger son of the Duke) created Earl of Gowran in 1676. His son John, second Baron Gowran, was in 1751 created Earl of Upper Ossory; he was father of John, second Earl of Upper Ossory, third Baron Gowran, and first Baron Upper Ossory of Ampthill in England, by whose death, without male issue, the honours became extinct. The Earldom of Upper Ossory is the eighteenth Peerage of Ireland that has failed since January 1801, for want of male heirs. The late Earl was elder brother to the late General Fitzpatrick, M. P. who, had he survived, would have inherited the Peerages; and maternal uncle of the Marquis of Lansdowne and of Lord Holland, his two sisters having married the fathers of these two Noblemen respectively. His Lordship was uniformly and highly esteemed; and his loss will long be felt and lamented by a numerous tenantry, both in Great Britain and Ireland. His remains were interred in the family-vault in Bedfordshire, Feb. 12. The Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Lansdowne, and Lord Holland, attended the funeral. His Lordship's valuable estates in Ireland are left to his two daughters.


P. 563. b. At Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, Edward Rushworth, esq. of Farringfordhill, and mayor of Yarmouth. He was seized with apoplexy while sitting on a bench, conversing with a friend, on the Quay at Yarmouth; a medical gentleman was on the spot, who bled him, and caused him to be carried to the George Inn, where he lingered from Monday till • Wednesday, when he expired. The death

of this truly respectable gentleman excited a sensation of the deepest regret in all who had the pleasure of knowing him. Mr. Rushworth was many years representative in Parliament for the Boroughs of Yarmouth and Newport, and was much esteemed for the independence of his charaeter and for his intellectual endowments. He was a gentleman of pure and virtuous principles, steadily and zealously attached to the Establishment in Church and State, and eminently distinguished for a sense of duty in every relation of life. He was an intelligent and useful Magistrate, a good father, an affectionate husband, a kind master, and a firm friend. On the day of his funeral the shops and private houses in the town were closed (a circumstance sufficiently expressive to mark the estimation of his high character). In the immediate neighbourhood of his late residence, his death is an event which will be long and deeply lamented, and by it the community at large have lost the benefit of a valuable example. Mr. Rushworth married the Hon. Catherine Holmes, daughter of the late Lord Holmes, by whom he had a large family. His son and heir is married to a daughter of Sir Everard Home; one of his daughters married to Col. Murray, Deputy-adjutant-general in Ireland, and another to Sir John Pringle Dalrymple, bart.; and he was father of the late gallant Capt. Rushworth, of the Barbadoes frigate.


An essential use of this Obituary is that it teaches our best readers, how many fellow Christians have lived with as unblemished a fame, and as sincere a piety, and how many have died with as resigned and fervent a hope of future mercy, as themselves: and we proceed to state the decease of a gentleman, who, although of a different persuasion from ourselves, well deserves "the due meed of fame" from one who, during 30 years past, well knew much of his character, and witnessed much of his liberality. Isaac Serra, esq. of King's-road, near Bedford-row, died Feb. 9, in his 79th year: he was the surviving son of Gomez Serra, esq. formerly well known in the mercantile world. He derived from his father, and from the extension of his commerce in the Portuguese trade, a handsome fortune, with which he retired some years since, and occupied his leisure in works of charity. In faith, he was a zealous Israelite of the Portuguese Synagogue, which he attended with great punctuality and devotion, until prevented by advancing age and infirmities. He passed through all the offices there usually filled by Laymen; his mind was continually engaged in the promotion of the Institutions there for the education of the children of the

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