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preference to others, and those affections being poffeffed by CHA P. man in common with other animals, he would become a destructive being, if in society he had not an opportunity of giving a social bias to his understanding, which is capable of infinite elevation. But when this latter faculty is matured, it then acquires a right of governing and directing the affections and the will in the way most conformable to focial order.

and civiliza

tion defined

and their relations ex

32. The establishment of this dominion of the understand- Education ing over the will, as influenced by the affections, is the effect of what we call education or civilization-Education with respect to every man in particular, and civilization with respect to mankind in general.

33. Societies may be divided into the civilized and the uncivilized; and the duties of the former to the latter are fimilar to those of parents to children; for uncivilized nations, like children, are governed by their affections, their understanding being uncultivated.

34. If we feel within ourselves a principle which teaches us to feek our own happiness in that of our offspring; afcending from particulars to generals, we fhall also find, that civilized nations ought, for their own advantage, sincerely to promote the happiness of the uncivilized.

35. As the tutelage of children is a state of fubjection; fo it would feem that civilized nations have perhaps fome right to exercise a similar dominion over the uncivilized, provided that this dominion be confidered and exercised as a mild paternal yoke; provided also that it be strictly limited to acts conducive to their happiness, and that it cease when they arrive at maturity. These provifos, it is hoped, will prevent my meaning from being misunderflood: for, by this paternal dominion, I am far from intending any fpe



CHAP. cies of arbitrary power, which cannot be too cautiously guarded against, in any form, especially in a diftant colony. The experience of all ages tells us, that the governors of remote provinces have ever been with difficulty restrained within the limits prescribed to them by the laws.


would be im


36. The active and intellectual principles of the Africans proved by in- have never been completely unfolded, except perhaps in nocent luxu- the case of the Foolahs, the natives of Fernando Po, a great part of the Mandingoes, and one or two other tribes. The Europeans have addressed themselves chiefly to the evil affections of their princes, and have fucceeded to admiration in exciting among them a defire for gunpowder and brandy. The defire which some African nations have for more useful European goods has been accidental, rather than intentional, on the part of the whites. Yet this defire conspires with the reason of the thing, to point out the method of forming them to the habits of civilized life. In order to improve their intellects, we must endeavour to set their active powers in motion. New objects must be prefented to them, which will excite new defires, and call forth those faculties which have hitherto, in a great measure, lain dormant, merely for want of exercise. Thus, to promote their improvement, by ftimulating them to industry, it will be necessary to introduce among them a certain degree of what I beg leave to call luxury; by which I do not mean effeminacy, but that relish for the comforts of civilized life which excites men to action, without enervating them. In other words, by luxury, I understand all innocent enjoyments beyond the neceffaries of mere animal life.

Interesting behaviour

of African


37. The behaviour of the King of Barbesin, on an occafion apparently trivial, may serve to exemplify this doctrine, and to fhew that this beneficial kind of luxury might be in



troduced with lefs difficulty than one would at firft fight CHA P. expect. I gave his majesty a pair of common enamelled Birmingham fleeve-buttons, with which, though ignorant of their use, he was infinitely delighted. On my fhewing him for what purpose they were intended, he appeared much mortified that his fhirt had no button-holes; but observing that that of a mulatto from Goree was furnished with them, he infisted on exchanging shirts with him, in our prefence; a demand with which the man was forced to comply. Transported with his new ornaments, the king held up his hands to display them to the people. His courtiers foon furrounded my hut, entreating me to furnish them alfo with buttons, which I did with pleasure, reflecting that this fondness of the natives for European baubles might one day come to be made fubfervient to the noblest purpofes. Another inftance of innocent luxury in point. The Eaft India fhip, that conveyed out a judge to Bengal, touched at the coaft of Madagascar. The king of that dif trict, being invited on board, became enamoured with the judge's wig, and nothing but the gift in fee fimple, of that venerable ornament, could fatisfy the cupidity of his dufky. coloured majefty. The poor judge, who had but one wig in store, and was refolved not to disgrace the seat of justice in a night cap, refused to part with the wig. What expedient could be thought of in this dilemma ?—The king was promifed the wig the next day.An ingenious failor, in the mean time, wove and frizzled up a handful of oakum in the beft imitation. The hempen ornament was carried ashore the next morning with due folemnity, and his majesty's pate covered, to the glory and delight of himself and all his fubjects, who attended the ceremony. This anecdote was related


CHA P. lated to an intimate friend of mine by the furgeon of the


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ship who was present at the inauguration.

38. The conduct of the king (formerly grand marabou *) of Almammy, while I was in Africa, appeared to me more interefting; as it seemed to evince the manly and fagacious character of the negroes, when enlightened, even by an African education. His understanding having been more cultivated in his youth than that of the other black princes, he foon rendered himself entirely independent on the whites. He not only prohibited the flave-trade throughout his dominions; but, in the year 1787, would not suffer the French to march their flaves from Gallam, through his country, so that they were obliged to change their route. He redeemed his own subjects, when seized by the Moors, and encouraged them to raise cattle, to cultivate the land, and to practise all kinds of industry. As grand marabou, he abstained from strong liquor, which, however, is not an univerfal rule among that order; for fome who travel with the whites are not very fcrupulous in this respect. His fubjects, imitating his example, were more fober than their neighbours.

39. This inftance feems to prove to what a degree of civilization these people might be brought, if this noble enterprize fhould be pursued with prudence and patience; for it will undoubtedly require a great deal of both. But fome degree of luxury (in my restrained sense) appears to me to be abfolutely neceffary to the fuccefs of any plan of this kind. Indeed, I cannot comprehend how the human understanding can be led on, from it's first imperfect dawn

The marabous ere the chief priests among the negroes, and are the only people I have feen who can read and write Arabic.


ings, to that state of improvement which is neceffary to the CHAP. formation of civilized fociety, without a relish for the comforts of life. Mere animal inftinct impels uncivilized tribes to procure mere neceffaries: wifhes for innocent gratifications would ftimulate them to cultivation, which would furnish equivalents for the objects of their new defires. And when they are once brought to beftir themselves, and reconciled to regular, but moderate, labour, the improvement of their understandings will follow of course. For a people who have acquired habits of application, and whose industry, having fecured them from want, affords them leisure for thought, will not be long without a defire for moral and intellectual improvement: or, at least, many individuals will feel, and haften to gratify, this defire, and will gradually impart a degree of knowledge and refinement to the whole community.


colonies re

40. To accomplish this magnificent design, in Africa, let us form agricultural colonies on its coaft, which prefent a commended. variety of fituations, where we fhall be little, or not at all, disturbed in our operations. Let us kindly mix with the inhabitants, and affist them in cultivating their fertile foil, with the view of inviting them to participate with us in it's inexhaustible stores, and in the concomitant bleffings of improving reason and progreffive civilization. Let us give them a manly and generous education, which will make them feel the nobility of their origin, and fhew them of what great things they are capable-an education which will teach them no longer to suffer themselves to be dragged, or to conspire to drag others, from their fimple, but improveable and beloved focieties-which will teach them to avenge themselves on the blind and fordid men who purchase them, only by becoming more ufeful to them as free

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