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by order of the French


CHA P. tal concealment of deeds, of which the witnesses are neceffarily numerous, cannot be effected, even by an arbitrary miniftry; and, to their machinations, the destruction of the brave Benyowsky, was univerfally attributed, when I was at Paris, in 1787. But this did not fatisfy my curiosity, refpecting the fate of so distinguished a friend to Africa. I made particular enquiry, and was affured that the ministry ordered out a frigate to fecure the Count, alive or dead; but the particular minifler who issued the order was not mentioned. This information I received from Monf. Hall, one of Europe's first artists, a near relation of the commander of the frigate, who, of course, was obliged to execute, and, I have not a doubt, did execute his orders. This was what I chiefly wished to know; and it would have been indelicate to trouble a gentleman, fo connected, with minute queftions. He said, however, that the Count aimed at the fovereignty of Madagascar, independent of the French; but he was far from impeaching him, in other respects, and candidly admitted, that he poffeffed confummate bravery and ability.

Circumftances defcriptive of his character.

298. These qualities fhine confpicuous in every page of the Count's history; which also exhibits marks of other virtues, more to be regarded, than the vague affertions of perfons, who have obvious reafons for wishing him to be thought the tyrant and the robber. But a very different character appeared, in his earnest and fuccefsful endeavours to induce fome tribes of the natives, to abandon their criminal practice of facrificing deformed children, and those born on unlucky days-a reform, however, of which Mme. de Benyowsky ought to share the praise. The deteftation with which he speaks (p. 352) of the "avidity, injustice and oppreffion of the ufurpers and tyrants," who conducted


former attempts in (or rather on) Madagascar, and his re-
figning, rather than violate a treaty, by attacking the li-
berties of the natives-if these circumftances account, as
they partly do, for the number of his enemies, his
friends may also insist on them, as marks of a noble, hu-
mane, and generous difpofition. They may infift, ftill
more ftrongly, on the attachment of his officers and men
("my poor fellows," p. 201) in the most trying conjunctures,
and even when he appeared to be dying of a tedious illness
(p. 283) and when nothing but an ardent affection to their
leader, not to say an admiration of his virtues, could have
kept them within the limits of discipline.-In fhort, Mr.
Nicholson, who had all the letters and documents before
him, declares, that he has "not yet seen any thing against
the Count, which will not bear two interpretations, or which
has not been written by men who contradict each other, and
had an intereft in traducing him."-I must add, that, for
aught I ever heard to the contrary, the Count de Ben-
yowsky, deferved a better fate. Nay, I am clearly of opi
nion, that his conduct in Madagascar, deserves no small por-
tion of admiration, and even of respect and, all things duly
confidered, I fee no reason, why a monument might not be
erected to his memory, inscribed MAGNIS TAMEN EX-
CIDIT AUSIS.-But, after all, I wish my readers to perufe
the "Memoirs," and to judge for themfelves, of the character
there exhibited; especially as I have only examined that
of the work which relates to Madagascar. In order to
affist persons, in forming their conclusions, who may not
have time to read this inftructive piece of biography, I have
inferted the dates in this epitome.


299. Some may think, that I have commented rather too freely on the conduct of the French ministry. Far, far be

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The conduct

of the French

feems unjuftifiable.




CHA P. it from me, to imitate the immediate destroyers of Benyowsky, whoever they were, by infulting the mighty fallen (See § 296 at the end). But it was abfolutely neceffary that the failure of this colonial enterprize fhould be traced to its true source, and not attributed as usual, to the climate, the constant excufe for European perfidy and violence, within the tropics, especially in Africa. The benevolent profeffions of the miniftry towards the natives of Madagascar, may have once been finceret; but minifterial benevolence is evanefcent, and, in modern practice, must always give way to expediency. It was expedient for the French ministry, to change their fyftem, respecting Madagascar. It is also expedient, or convenient (see Johnson's Dict.) that, if poffible, a diftinction should be established between the minifter and the man. Accordingly it is allowed, by fome, that certain minifters, whose plans have been pernicious to mankind, were yet very good fort of men; and my opinion of M. de S. though as good as it should be, upon the whole, would be much improved, were it poffible for me to conceive, that an arbitrary minister could deviate into evidently crooked paths, without carrying the man along with him. Benyowsky showed the minister what he should have done, rather than violate a facred principle.-The Count dared to be confiftent, and refigned: but he was a foldier, not a mi nifter. Yet I fincerely wish it were credible, that the French ministry were not concerned in the foul treatment of Benyowsky. But truth and Africa are more dear to me

+ I am forry that I happened to omit, in its proper place, that M. de S. in his dispatch to the Count, of April 6th 1777 (and which the Count could not have received in Madagascar) expreffes much concern that he fhould have loft fo many men in filling up a marsh, a circumftance which the Count alfo mentions in his journal.


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than the reputation, either of the Count or the Miniftry: CHA P. and I fear that their conduct to him cannot be even politically juftified, without impeaching their wifdom.----The American troubles were coeval with the Madagascar colony. The ministry dropped the fubftance, and fnatched at the fhadow. Neglecting Madagascar, with her valuable and increafing productions and her three millions of docile and ingenious people, † they lurked behind the mask of profeffions, for, what they thought, an opportunity of humbling Great Britain. The confequences to France have been already hinted at. But Britain, difencumbered of her financial burden, and having her strength concentrated, rose superior to the blow, and has fince resumed, and, if undisturbed by war, was long likely to maintain, her respectability among the nations. Her astonishing restoration, I think, ought, in candour, to be partly ascribed to the diftinguished ability and industry of the ftatefman who has



* Having, under the preceding articles, enumerated the most valuable productions of the continent of Africa, it did not feem neceffary to dwell on those of Madagascar, which are very much the fame. But, as the natives are far lefs har far-lefs raffed by the flave-trade, and upon the whole, more civilized; the produce of their labour is proportionably more abundant. This is evident from the great quantities and value of provifions, &c. exported and fupplied to fhipping, by the Count. See the ftatement of charge and discharge above inferted.

A refpectable merchant in London, of great experience in the French Eaft India commerce, affures me, that the cotton of the eaft coaft of Madagascar is fully equal to that of Bourbon; and that a great part of the cotton which comes to Europe, under the name of Bourbon cotton, is either fmuggled from the East Indies or brought regularly from Madagascar into Bourbon, where it is ftored and repacked for exportation to Europe. For an account of the Bourbon cotton fee § 271.


+ See Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 397. This, however, can be but a vague conjecture refpecting the population.




CHA P. fince conducted her finances.-What fhould I fay more of ftatesmen and of their abilities or infirmities, but " Alas! poor human nature?"


propofes a

colony there.

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300. The Dutch East India fhips began to frequent the Cape, about the year 1600; but it was not till 1650, that Van Riebeck Van Riebeck, a furgeon, firft difcovered the advantages that would refult from forming a regular colony there. On returning to Holland, he presented a memorial on the fubject, to the directors of the Dutch Eaft India company, who approved of his proposal, and ordered four ships to be equipped for the Cape, with fome artificers, a few colonists, and the neceffary tools and ftores. Van Riebeck was appointed admiral of this fleet, and governor of the new colony; trusts which he fulfilled with fuch fidelity and fuccefs, that he well deserves to be recorded, as founder of that important establishment.

Liberality of

India co.

301. In executing this defign, the directors acted with a the Dutch E. degree of wisdom and disinterestedness, too seldom found in the representatives of joint ftock companies, and for which, in many other inftances, the conduct of their predeceffors and fucceffors have not been very remarkable. They authorized Van Riebeck, to purchase territory from the natives, which he did, with goods to the amount of

* This sketch of the colony at the Cape is compiled from Mortimer's Dict. of Trade and Comm. 1776.-Menzel's Befchreibung von Cap de Bonne Esper. 1785. -Das merkwurdigste aus den beften Beschreibungen von Cap 1787.-Tableau de Commerce, 1787.-Forfter's Voy. round the World, 1777, and Sparrman's Voy. to the Cape of Good Hope, Perth edition.

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