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CHAP. that in Europe, the two courts having a combined interest with each other. That these two courts, or divisions of the company, thus acting in perfect harmony or union, one in Europe, and the other in the colony, fhould be fo arranged, that the former may have the general administration of every thing that regards the deliberation upon, and regulation of, the general affairs; and that the latter may have the fuperintendance or direction of fuch local administration of the affairs as may regard the active, practical or executive province in the colony. That only half the directors, both in Europe, and in the colony, should go out at every new election, in order that the court may always be provided with perfons properly acquainted with the affairs of the colony.


184. That after the first election of directors, or after two years, none should be elected but those who have at least once vifited the colony, in order that the directors may be properly qualified, by their knowledge of the local fituation and practical state of the colony, to manage the direction in Europe*.


185. All kinds of oaths to be abolished, from the very be

Those who object to the fhare the colonists will, on this plan, have in the direction, will do well to confider, that the present British colonies in the West Indies lay their own taxes, and make their own internal laws, which can be r verfed by no authority inferior to that of the King in Council, and that only when they are repugnant to the laws and conftitution of Great Britain.-The late British colonies in North America enjoyed the fame privileges.-Abfentees from the British fugar islands have no vote in the colonial legislatures, and those from Jamaica are additionally obliged, by a law of that ifland, to pay their "attornies," or factors, fix per cent. of the value of the produce of their eftates, which operates as a heavy tax on them for deferting their civil and military duties in the Ifland. See Long's Hiftory of Jamaica, Vol. I. p. 387, &c.



ginning of the colony, as they do not feem to be necessary, CHA P. when matters are arranged and managed in such an equilibrium, that there are checks upon every action and proceeding, both of the court of directors, and of the inhabitants of the colony *.


186. That commerce may be free, as well that of the company, carried on by the court of directors, as that of the colonists; fo that, on either fide, there may be an equal right of trade. Any person who should be found to deal in slaves, to be expelled immediately from the colony.


187. That new subscriptions to the Bulama undertaking may be opened upon the fame plan as the former, viz. at £60 per 500 acres, in order to avoid unequal shares, and that another expedition may be undertaken, as soon as the advanced state of their fubfcriptions, and of the neceffary preliminaries, confpire with the season to render the fame advifeable.

* I have been credibly informed, that there are, in London and Westminster above 30,000 lawyers, attornies, and pettifoggers. And I have been led, by my enquiries, to full conviction, that a great proportion of them is maintained in confequence of abused oaths. But this is not all: moft people muft have heard of the practice of Jew-bail and the trade of affidavit-men; and the farce of custom-house oaths is not lefs ridiculous than it is fhocking. Mr. Locke and other great men, here and elsewhere, have lamented the multiplicity of oaths required by the laws of moft nations; but hitherto, it would seem, too much in vain. Sure I am, that, among honeft men, they are unneceffary; and that rogues regard them as an empty form. Why then introduce into an infant community, a practice which long experience has proved to be unneceffary or futile ?-But, if oaths are to be administered, none but men of known integrity fhould be allowed to make that facred appeal.

188. It


188. It should be proposed that such persons as are willing to subscribe, may do it either in commodities or money, at their option; for I have met with many persons who would gladly have fubfcribed in goods; but who could not spare the money from their business. Subscriptions should therefore be opened in fuch commodities as are likely to be hereafter the produce of the new colony; fuch as fugar, cotton, coffee, indigo, tobacco, rice &c. and the court of directors immediately to take charge of the fale of these articles, at the most advantageous price for the company. And in order that those who subscribe in commodities may not obtain more favourable conditions than others, the price of the commodities may be fixed at a par between the buying and felling price, to which ten per cent. should be added, as a compensation for the risk and trouble of the court in the disposal of them; the company to receive all the benefit, or sustain all the lofs, that may arise from the sale of them. Suppofe that 2400lb. of muscovado fugar is purchased at 5d. a pound, and fold at 7d.—then 6d. a pound would be the average price, and would make out exactly £60. which is the price of a fhare of 500 acres; but as it would be an additional trouble to the court to convert these 2400lb. of muscovado fugar into ready money, there fhould be added 10 per cent. confequently to pay a fhare of 500 acres of land, according to £60 per share, with fugar instead of money, it would be first and 10 per cent. additional




of fugar to be paid into the company's ftorehouse for a share of 500 acres ;-the fame plan to be followed, with respect to all other goods.




189. That every affociation for forming colonies in Africa, ought to act connectedly and in harmony with the Sierra Leona company, and every fimilar establishment; fo combining their interefts, that every refolution, taken in the general court of directors of any one company, should be generously communicated to the others; and, when a general election is held, and new refolutions taken into confideration, that two of the Directors of every fuch company should be invited to be present.


190. That no other currency be introduced, from the commencement of the colony, but that recommended in the judicious plan of that friend of mankind, Granville Sharp, Efq. founded on labour*, which will tend to create and encourage an activity for raifing useful productions, better than any other method. This plan, it is evident, may be adapted, or made applicable, to all the pecuniary transactions that can take place in the largest community.-If gold and filver fhould be ever introduced, they should never appear in the form of any coin; but should circulate according to their weight and intrinsic standard.—See § 142. Query LI.


191. In order compleatly to secure focial virtue and order in the colony, the ancient and venerable English system

* See "Sketch of temporary regulations for Sierra Leona," where the worthy author recommends day-labour; but I prefer piece-work which in all, or in most, cafes, may be as eafily accommodated to the intended purpose as day-labour.

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CHA P. of frankpledge should also be introduced; but with some al teration to adapt it to the present state of things *.


192. The company ought to keep a compleat store-house in the colony, containing a proper affortment of articles. suited to that part of the coast: and, in order to give spirit and support to every active and ufeful colonist, there should be a discounting account in articles kept for the general use of the colony, that those colonists who have abilities, but no means, may obtain fuch articles, to a certain limited extent, under the direction of the company.


193. When in process of time, taxes come to be raised in the colony, partly for the maintenance of public order, (fee § 170,) and partly for raising such revenue to the subscribers as may afford them a liberal, but fpecific, indemnification for risking and lying out of their property, it is proposed that the following ground for taxing may be observed, by which the overbearing influence of commerce, to the prejudice of more useful and necessary occupations in the colony, may be prevented, viz.

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194. That the inhabitants of the colony may be divided into three distinct claffes: the firft, producers, or cultivators of raw materials, such as fugar, coffee, cotton, indigo, fpices, cattle, corn or any other kind of productions in their first ftate. The second, the tradefmen or manufacturers in the co

* Society is alfo indebted to Mr. Sharp for illuftrating and recommending the adoption of that excellent fyftem. See his Treatife on Congregational Courts. -Alfo 167.


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