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personality apart from the Sons of God. The great trouble with the Bible commentators, translators and interpreters has been their failure to use scientific language. Not being able to separate the creation from the evolution they have stood in awe of the very language that would have made their work intelligible. Since God is the Father of Immaterial Mind and nothing else, man must of necessity be a reflection, through intelligence, of that activity. This is the pure Substance which constitutes the man of God's creating and exists independent of materially evolved worlds of sensation. Wherever and whenever men find their true selves either through scientific analysis or revelation they discover this something which is described as "going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it." It begins nowhere and ends nowhere. It was not created, is intangible, non-existent and yet exists. It has been the effort of religions at all times to get rid of this influence and they have failed because of the want of some way of separating the influence from man. In my references to religions and their signal failure I do not mean to be unkind to them for with all of their failures their purpose has been noble and heroic. My object is to aid them in separating the pure Substance from this influence which has been always present to plead its unrighteous cause whenever man has attempted to develop his God-like nature. Nothing but a scientific understanding of man in his pure essence and a correct understanding of the evolution of the felt-out and thought-out minds along with their induced activities will ever enable man to do this. When the dictates of our conscience are controlled by this negative and devil

ish influence we are led astray into the labyrinth of deception and temptation. Ever and in all time has the problem of good and evil absorbed the attention of sage and philosopher; but to distinguish the good from the evil is the problem we must solve.

Unlike the glorified prophets who depended on their direct influence from the Divine Mind and were thereby subject to the temptations and deceptions of the human ego, the inglorious prophets have relied entirely on the vision of the mind, proving each experience by experiment. On account of their policy of never attaching sacredness to the lives of their prophets or their institutions, they have not become terminals of intelligence. Unlike religions, which have constructed creeds and institutions and given them such sacred significance that they could not be questioned, they have refrained from making anything sacred except the ultimate aim of their efforts expressed through an ideal. Their method, as we explained in a previous paragraph, has been to let truth express itself in the first person of principle. As a result teachers and organizations have come into existence and for a period they have been the cause of hotly contested debates and experiments to disappear, except from the minds of students and books. School has succeeded school and experiment has succeeded experiment and limited minds have called them failures, but to the disciple of these prophets therein lay their greatest merit. They have all left their mark on and have contributed to the growth and development of man and his institutions. Only the good has lived and this because they created no sacred institutions to become impotent through enervating influence of the evolved

activities to continue to exist through economic expediency and human hatred. It is their fundamental contention that no humanly contrived device, either material or mental, can long survive. Principle alone has everlasting usefulness and is never tarnished or enfeebled by use. Being composed of the same stuff as the exact sciences whose Substance is Mind and is only seen through the vision of the mind, it has no place in the male or female minds but is born of that external Power wherein men and women are born and which constitutes the new birth-conversion and re-regeneration—when the male and female species break away from the desires of the felt-out and thought-out minds and yield obedience to Truth.



Revelation consists of the realization through our pure Substance-Self, of its relation to the Absolute whereby communication with this Ultimate element is established, independent of the physical senses as such. The efforts of the religious orders to establish this relation through the senses have failed for the reason that to accomplish this the senses must be subordinated to the Spirit before this is possible. The glorified prophets, endued with some as yet unknown faculty, have been blest with this tangent with truth, often as in the case of Saul of Tarsus without any effort on their part and in Saul's case, as in many others, it seems to have been established as a result of opposition rather than prayerful petition. The scientific understanding of this process of communication we can hope for only after we have grown in the capacity necessary to perceive leadings of truth.

It has been the method of those desiring this state of spiritual fervor to prescribe certain methods of living, believing and humiliation as a preparatory training necessary to the receptivity of this Ultimate essence described as the Holy Ghost. Years of investigation of this subject in the past along with daily practice preparing people to receive this essence successfully has revealed the process to be the very opposite of this. In fact the process consists of a total exhaustion of images or beliefs as reality of which our human faith is com

pacted along with an intelligent human despair of any human realization of this hope. The very exercise of human faculties, except for the purpose of self-denial, is the potency which repels it.

Here is a strange contradiction but it must be remembered it is a mysterious activity we are investigating. Moreover, to have merit our conclusions must of necessity be startingly different from the prevailing idea of things. If the subjugation of the senses is necessary to the realization of this Power, what, we might rightly ask, will be the effect on the five physical senses of something which has the power to devitalize them? Furthermore, if devitalization of the senses is possible even in a measure, the possibilty of their ultimate annihilation necessarily follows. Does not this open up a channel through which we may be able to perceive the cause and account for the insufficiency of this revealed species when measured by their power over the minds of the people, their immunity from attack and the deplorable state of affairs existing in spite of their influence, teaching and authority?

That there is something seriously wrong with our institutions and methods no intelligent person longer denies. The present state of affairs in Europe and Asia has at last humbled the most uncompromising defender of faiths, creeds and doctrines. It is the purpose of this work to find the origin of the species which engender wrath as well as those of an ameliorative nature and influence. While we are in this state of humility, let us search out the cause of the insufficiency, for this humility comes seldom in history and should be improved to the fullest. That there is some cause for the failure

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