891 Continued.-Confident security. L. M. WHILE thou art intimately nigh, Who, who shall violate my rest? 3 Me for thine own thou lov'st to take, A helpless worm that trusts in thee. 892 Steadfast reliance upon the promises. AWAY, my needless fears, And doubts, no longer mine; A ray of heavenly light appears, A messenger divine. 2 Thrice comfortable hope, S. M. That calms my troubled breast; My Father's hand prepares the cup, And what he wills is best. 3 If what I wish is good, And suits the will divine,- 4 Still let them counsel take 5 Here then I doubt no more, But in his pleasure rest; Whose wisdom, love, and truth, and power, Engage to make me blest. 893 C. M 0 Grateful praise for delivering mercy. Our humble praise and love. 3 Pale death, with all his ghastly train, Anguish, and fear, and dread, and pain, 4 To thee, O Lord of life, we pray'd, O save, in our distress we said, The souls that trust in thee. 5 How good thou art! how large thy grace! How ready to forgive! Thy mercies crown our fleeting days; 6 Our eyes no longer drown'd in tears, Redeem'd from death and guilty fears, 894 S. M. All things in Christ. HOU very-present aid TH In suff'ring and distress; The mind which still on thee is stay'd, Is kept in perfect peace. 2 The soul by faith reclined On the Redeemer's breast, 'Mid raging storms, exults to find An everlasting rest. 3 Sorrow and fear are gone, Whene'er thy face appears; 4 It hallows every cross; 5 Jesus, to whom I fly, Doth all my wishes fill; What though created streams are dry? I have the fountain still. 6 Stripp'd of each earthly friend, I find them all in one; And peace and joy which never end, And heaven, in Christ, begun. 895 H Afflictions blessed. S. M. OW tender is thy hand, 896 L The benefit of affliction. C. M. ORD, when to thee my sinking soul Thy mercy did my griefs control, And all my wants supply. 2 How oft, when dark misfortune's band Around their victim stood, The seeming ill, at thy command, 3 The tempest that obscured the sky And humbly seek, with deep concern, 5 Then rage, ye storms; ye billows, rear; 897 L Delivering grace celebrated. С. М. ORD, thou hast heard thy servants cry, Now shall we live for none can die Whom God delights to save. 2 Thy praise, more constant than before, Shall fill our daily breath; Thy hand, that hath chastised us sore, 3 Here, with the' assembly of thy saints, Our cheerful voice we raise; Here we have told thee our complaints, REJOICING: IN COMMUNION WITH GOD. 898 0 Praises to the incarnate Son. С. М. FOR a thousand seraph tongues O for a thousand thankful songs 2 Come, tune afresh your golden lyres, 899 3d P. M. 4 6s & 2 8s. Rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks. PEJOICE, the Lord is King; Your Lord and King adore; Mortals, give thanks and sing, 2 Jesus, the Saviour, reigns, Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice; 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heaven; Are to our Jesus given; 1 |