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6 O let us find the ancient way
Our wond'ring foes to move,
And force the heathen world to say,-
See how these Christians love!


The loadstone of His love.

JESUS, united by thy

С. М.

And each to each endear'd, With confidence we seek thy face, And know our prayer is heard. 2 Still let us own our common Lord, And bear thine easy yoke, A band of love, a threefold cord, Which never can be broke. 3 Make us into one spirit drink; Baptize into thy name; And let us always kindly think, And sweetly speak, the same. 4 Touch'd by the loadstone of thy love, Let all our hearts agree, And ever tow'rd each other move, And ever move tow'rd thee. 5 To thee, inseparably join'd, Let all our spirits cleave; O may we all the loving mind That was in thee receive.


5th P. M. 4 lines 7s.

Of one heart and of one mind.

JESUS, Lord, we look to thee;

Let us in thy name agree;
Show thyself the Prince of Peace;
Bid our jars forever cease.
2 By thy reconciling love,
Every stumbling-block remove;
Each to each unite, endear;
Come, and spread thy banner here.

3 Make us of one heart and inind,-
Courteous, pitiful, and kind;
Lowly, meek, in thought and word.-
Altogether like our Lord.

4 Let us for each other care ;
Each the other's burden bear:
To thy Church the pattern give;
Show how true believers live.

5 Free from anger and from pride,
Let us thus in God abide;
All the depths of love express, —
All the heights of holiness.

6 Let us then with joy remove
To the family above;
On the wings of angels fly;
Show how true believers die.


7th P. M. 8 lines 7s.

Many, but one.

CHRIST, from whom all blessings flow,

Perfecting the saints below,
Hear us, who thy nature share, -
Who thy mystic body are.

Join us, in one spirit join;
Let us still receive of thine:
Still for more on thee we call,
Thou who fillest all in all.

2 Move, and actuate, and guide.
Divers gifts to each divide:
Placed according to thy will,
Let us all our work fulfil:
Never from our office move:
Needful to each other prove:
Let us daily growth receive,—
More and more in Jesus live.

3 Sweetly may we all agree,
Touch'd with softest sympathy;
Kindly for each other care;
Every member feel its share.
Many are we now and one,
We who Jesus have put on:
Names, and sects, and parties fall :
Thou, O Christ, art all in all.



Meeting, after absence.

S. M.

ND are we yet alive,
And see each other's face?
Glory and praise to Jesus give,
For his redeeming grace.
Preserved by power divine
To full salvation here,
Again in Jesus' praise we join,
And in his sight appear.

2 What troubles have we seen!
What conflicts have we past!
Fightings without, and fears within,
Since we assembled last!

But out of all the Lord

Hath brought us by his love;
And still he doth his help afford,
And hides our life above.

3 Then let us make our boast
Of his redeeming power,
Which saves us to the uttermost,
Till we can sin no more :
Let us take up the cross,

Till we the crown obtain;
And gladly reckon all things loss,
So we may Jesus gain.



We shall see Him as he is.

С. М.

HE heavenly treasure now we have
In a vile house of clay;

But Christ will to the utmost save,
And keep us to that day.

2 Our souls are in his mighty hand,
And he shall keep them still;
And you and I shall surely stand
With him on Zion's hill.

3 Him eye to eye we there shall see;
Our face like his shall shine:

O what a glorious company,
When saints and angels join!
4 O what a joyful meeting there!
In robes of white array'd,
Palms in our hands we all shall bear,
And crowns upon our head.
5 Then let us lawfully contend,
And fight our passage through ;
Bear in our faithful minds the end,
And keep the prize in view.



Welcome to Church fellowship.

L. M.

RETHREN in Christ, and well beloved, To Jesus and his servants dear, Enter, and show yourselves approved; Enter, and find that God is here. 2 Welcome from earth: lo, the right hand Of fellowship to you we give; With open hearts and hands we stand, And you in Jesus' name receive. 3 Jesus, attend; thyself reveal; Are we not met in thy great name? Thee in the midst we wait to feel; We wait to catch the spreading flame.

4 Truly our fellowship below
With thee and with the Father is:

In thee eternal life we know,

And heaven's unutterable bliss.

5 Though but in part we know thee here,
We wait thy coming from above;
And we shall then behold thee near,
And be forever lost in love.




L. M.

The heavenly Guest invited. AVIOUR of all, to thee we bow, And own thee faithful to thy word; We hear thy voice, and open now

Our hearts to entertain our Lord. 2 Come in, come in, thou heavenly Guest; Delight in what thyself hast given; On thy own gifts and graces feast,

And make the contrite heart thy heaven. 3 Smell the sweet odour of our prayers; Our sacrifice of praise approve; And treasure up our gracious tears, Who rest in thy redeeming love. 4 Beneath thy shadow let us sit; Call us thy friends, and love, and bride; And bid us freely drink and eat Thy dainties, and be satisfied.



С. М.

Perfect harmony and joy unspeakable.
LL praise to our redeeming Lord,
Who joins us by his grace,
And bids us, each to each restored,
Together seek his face.

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