For whom we now lift up our voice,
And all our strength exert, Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim; Compose into a thankful frame,
And tune thy people's heart. 2 While in the heavenly work we join, Thy glory be our whole design, Thy glory, not our own:- Still let us keep this end in view, And still the pleasing task pursue, To please our God alone.
3 Thee let us praise, our common Lord, And sweetly join, with one accord,
Thy goodness to proclaim : Jesus, thyself in us reveal, And all our faculties shall feel Thy harmonizing name. 4 With calmly reverential joy, O let us all our lives employ In setting forth thy love; And raise in death our triumph higher, And sing, with all the heavenly choir, That endless song above.
Exhortation to praise and thanksgiving. RISE and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice;
Arise, and bless the Lord your God, With heart, and soul, and voice.
2 Though high above all praise,
Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy Name, And laud, and magnify?
3 O for the living flame,
From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our souls inspire, And wing to heaven our thought.
4 God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours; Then be his love in Christ proclaim'd With all our ransom'd powers.
5 Arise, and bless the Lord; The Lord your God adore; Arise, and bless his glorious Name, Henceforth, forever more.
Let all the people praise Him.
HANK and praise Jehovah's Name; For his mercies, firm and sure,
From eternity the same, To eternity endure.
2 Let the ransom'd thus rejoice, Gather'd out of every land; As the people of his choice, Pluck'd from the destroyer's hand.
3 Let the elders praise the Lord, Him let all the people praise, When they meet, with one accord, In his courts on holy days. 4 Praise him, ye who know his love; Praise him from the depths beneath; Praise him in the heights above; Praise your Maker, all that breathe. 5 For his truth and mercy stand, Past, and present, and to be, Like the years of his right hand, Like his own eternity.
EFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sov'reign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men; And when like wand'ring sheep we stray'c He brought us to his fold again. 3 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand, When rolling years shall cease to move.
The prosperity of the saints. RENDER thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal love, Whose mercy firm through ages past Hath stood, and shall forever last. 2 Who can his mighty deeds express, Not only vast, but numberless? What mortal eloquence can raise His tribute of immortal praise ? 3 Extend to me that favour, Lord, Thou to thy chosen dost afford; When thou return'st to set them free, Let thy salvation visit me. 4 O may I worthy prove to see Thy saints in full prosperity, That I the joyful choir may join, And count thy people's triumph mine!
13th P. M. 10 10, 11 11.
Adoration for infinite love.
servants of God, your Master proclaim, And publish abroad his wonderful name; The name all-victorious of Jesus extol; His kingdom is glorious; he rules over all.
2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save; And still he is nigh; his presence we have: The great congregation his triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation to Jesus our King.
3 Salvation to God, who sits on the throne : Let all cry aloud, and honour the Son: The praises of Jesus the angels proclaim, Fall down on their faces, and worship the Lamb.
4 Then let us adore, and give him his right,- All glory and power, and wisdom and might, All honour and blessing, with angels above, And thanks never ceasing, for infinite love.
ET all on earth their voices raise, To sing the great Jehovah's praise, And bless his holy Name: His glory let the heathen know, His wonders to the nations show, His saving grace proclaim.
2 He framed the globe; he built the sky; He made the shining worlds on high,
And reigns in glory there: His beams are majesty and light; His beauties, how divinely bright! His dwelling-place, how fair!
3 Come the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall feel his saving power, All nations fear his name :
Then shall the race of men confess The beauty of his holiness,
His saving grace proclaim.
SERVANTS of God! in joyful lays,
Sing ye the Lord Jehovah's praise;
His glorious Name let all adore, From age to age, forever more. 2 Blest be that Name, supremely blest, From the sun's rising to its rest; Above the heavens his power is known, Through all the earth his goodness shown. 3 Who is like God? so great, so high, He bows himself to view the sky; And yet, with condescending grace, Looks down upon the human race. 4 He hears the uncomplaining moan Of those who sit and weep alone; He lifts the mourner from the dust; In Him the poor may safely trust. 5 0 then, aloud, in joyful lays, Sing to the Lord Jehovah's praise; His saving Name let all adore, From age to age, forever more.
men and maidens, raise
Your tuneful voices high;
Old men and children, praise The Lord of earth and sky: Him three in one, and one in three, Extol to all eternity.
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