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For Temperance.

O ALMIGHTY God, and gracious Father of men and Angels, who openest thy hand and fillest all things with plenty, and hast provided for thy servant sufficient to satisfy all my needs; teach me to use thy creatures soberly and temperately, that I may not occasion the temptations of my enemy to prevail over me, or make my spirit unapt for the performance of my duty, or my body unhealthy, or my affections sensual and unholy. O my God, never suffer that the blessings which Thou givest me, may either minister to sin or sickness, but to health, and holiness, and thanksgiving, that, in the strength of thy provisions, I may, cheerfully, and actively, and diligently serve Thee; that I may, worthily, feast at thy Table here, and be accounted worthy, through thy Grace, to be admitted to thy Table hereafter, at the eternal supper of the Lamb, to sing Alleluja to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen.

A Prayer against Excess.

O ALMIGHTY Father of men and Angels, who hast of thy great bounty provided plentifully for all mankind, to support his state, to relieve his necessities, to refresh his sorrows, to recreate his labors,

labors, that he may praise thee, and rejoice in thy mercies and bounty; be thou gracious unto thy servant yet more, and suffer me not, by my folly, to change thy bounty into sin, thy Grace into wantonness. Give me the spirit of temperance and sobriety, that I may use thy creatures in the same measures, and to the same purposes which thou hast designed, so as may best enable me to serve Thee, but not to make provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Let me not, as Esau, prefer meat before a blessing; but subdue my appetite, subjecting it to reason, and the Grace of God, being content with what is moderate and useful, and easy to be obtained, taking it in due time, receiving it thankfully, making it to minister to my body, that my body may be a good instrument of the soul, and the soul a servant of thy divine Majesty for ever and ever.

Pardon, O God, in whatsoever I have offended Thee, by meat and drink, and pleasures; and never let my body any more be oppressed with loads of sloth and delicacies, or my soul drowned in seas of wine or strong drink: but let my appetites be changed into spiritual desires, that I may hunger after the food of Angels, and thirst for the wine of elect souls, and may account it meat, and drink, and pleasure, to do thy will, O God. Lord let me eat and drink so, that my food may not become a temptation, or a sin, or a disease; but grant that, with so much caution and prudence, I may, watch over my appetite, that I may, in

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the strength of thy mercies and refreshments, in the light of thy countenance, and in the paths of thy commandments, walk before thee all the days of my life, acceptable to thee in Jesus Christ, ever advancing his honor, and being filled with his Spirit, that I may at last partake of his glory, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Against inordinate Desires.

O ETERNAL Purity in whose sight the heavens are not clean; with mercy behold thy servant apt to be tempted with every object, and to be overcome by every enemy. I cannot, O God, stand in the day of battle and danger, unless thou coverest me with thy shield, and hidest me under thy wings. The fiery darts of the devil are ready to consume me, unless the dew of thy Grace for ever descends upon me. Thou didst make me after thine image; be pleased to preserve me so pure and spotless, chaste and clean, that my body may be a holy temple, and my soul a sanctuary to entertain thy divinest Spirit, the Spirit of love and holiness, the Prince of purities.

Reprove in me the spirit of uncleanness, and fill my soul with holy fires, that no strange fire may come into the temple of my body, where Thou hast chosen to dwell. O cast out those unclean spirits

which have unhallowed the place where thy holy feet have trod; pardon all my hurtful thoughts, all my impurities, that I, who am a member of Christ, may not become the member of an harlot, nor the slave of the devil, nor a servant of lust and unworthy desires; but do thou purify my love, and let me seek the things that are above, hating the garments spotted with the flesh, never any more grieving thy holy Spirit by filthy inclinations, with impure and fantastic thoughts; but let my thoughts be holy, my soul pure, my body chaste, and healthful, my spirit severe, devout and religious, every day more and more; that at the day of our appearing, I may be presented to Thee washed and spotless, through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Against Temptation to private Sins.

O ALMIGHTY God, infinite and eternal, thou fillest all things with thy presence; thou art every where by thy essence, and by thy power, in Heaven by glory, in holy places by thy Grace and favor, in the hearts of thy servants by thy Spirit, in the consciences of all men by thy testimony and observance of us. Teach me to walk always as in thy presence; to fear thy Majesty, to reverence thy wisdom and omniscience, that I may never dare to commit any indecency in the eye of my Lord and my Judge; but that I may with so much care

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and reverence demean myself, that my Judge may not be my accuser, but my advocate; that I, expressing the belief of thy presence here by careful walking, may feel the effects of it in the participation of eternal glory, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Meditations and Prayers for Prisoners.

I WILL cry unto God with my voice: even unto God will I cry with my voice, and he shall hearken unto me.

In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: in the night my sore ceased not; my soul refused to be comforted.

When I am in heaviness, I will think upon God: when my heart is vexed, I will complain.

O remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men for nought?

I go hence like the shadow that departeth, and am driven away as the grashopper: but the Lord shall endure for ever, he hath also prepared his seat for Judgment.

For he shall judge the world in righteousness, and minister true judgment unto his people.

The Lord also will be a defence for the oppressed, even a refuge in due time of trouble.

And they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee for thou, Lord, hast never failed them that seek thee.


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