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The Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Bar Association was called to order at 10:00 o'clock A. M. by Mr. George Bryan, of Richmond, Va., Chairman, of the Executive Committee, who said:

Ladies and Gentlemen: The proceedings of the morning will be opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Davidson, Rector of the Episcopal Church of Hot Springs, Va.

Mr. Davidson then delivered the invocation.

Mr. Bryan: Ladies and Gentlemen-On behalf of the Executive Committee, it gives me pleasure to bid you, collectively and individually, a hearty welcome to the Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Bar Association. One year ago this Association honored itself by electing to its presidency one who has faithfully served his day and time, and who has adorned his profession in every capacity to which he has been called.

We elected him our head, but, as an individual, he is known and honored and loved by us all. It gives me great pleasure to go through the unnecessary but always formal function of presenting to you the President of the Virginia State Bar Association, Major Samuel Griffin, of Bedford, Va.

President Griffin: Brethren of the Virginia State Bar Association, Ladies and Gentlemen-It is extremely gratifying to me that I am permitted to be with you to-day. It has been my privilege to attend most of the meetings of this Association since its organization, and they have been, whether by the seashore or in the mountains, a source of the greatest pleasure to me. I have always made it a point to attend. I have never been too busy in my office to come, and in fact, never allowed business matters to interfere with my coming. I think these meetings of this Association, these gatherings of the lawyers of the State of Virginia, are not only most attractive, but they are interesting and profitable, and it is to be regretted that not more 'lawyers of the State are members of the Association, and that not more of the lawyers attend. I am told, however, that we have more members at our meetings than is usually the case in the adjoining States. Both President Taft and ex-AttorneyGeneral Miller, who have been visitors at our meetings told me that we not only had a better attendance, but that a better spirit is manifested here than elsewhere; that in their country, the West, the Bar Associations have their meetings in some out of the way hall in some city or town, transact their business and go home; but that here they said it was all bright and attractive, so that the inclination was to linger and not hurry off. We had no difficulty in agreeing on the cause of this. I said to them, "I understand that your lawyers meet leaving their wives and daughters behind them, but we bring our wives and daughters with us, and that is really the cause of the attractiveness of our meetings." We welcome our wives and daughters to this and every meeting. In fact, I think I may say, though perhaps it is not a very discreet admission, that we have found out that we cannot get along very well without them.

I wish now, with the most earnest words I can command, to

express my appreciation of the honor bestowed upon me through the kindness and partiality of my friends in this Association in electing me its President. To have my name added to the long list of presidents who have heretofore presided over these meetings is an undeserved distinction. I cannot expect to reach the high standard of excellence which they have established, but I may hope at least to profit by their example.

I perhaps will depart somewhat from the precedents established by presidents of this Association in confining their addresses to the discussion of some particular subject, sometimes a very full and sometimes a very lengthy discussion. I have thought it proper, at this Twenty-sixth meeting, to make some review of the actions of this body, with a view, perhaps, to suggestions as to what we may be able to do in the future. I regret that I am not allowed to venture upon the reading of this address; I would regret it very much more were it not for the fact that I find as a willing substitute our very ready and very faithful Secretary. I therefore rely upon him to present this brief address, and I am glad to say it will not detain you very long.

Secretary Minor: With the earnest hope that you will not visit upon the paper which I read the imperfections of the reader, because, as you all know, it is a very difficult matter for one who has not himself prepared a paper to put the emphasis in the right place and to always bear in mind what is coming, I will now proceed to read the President's address.

Secretary Minor then read Major Griffin's address. (See Appendix.)

The President: The Secretary will please read the names of the committees appointed by the Chair.

Secretary Minor then read the following list of members of committees:

Committee on Publications-George Bryan, of Richmond; J. Kent Rawley, of Richmond; and J. Gordon Bohannon, of Petersburg.

Committee on Memorials to Deceased Members-A. W. Wallace, of Fredericksburg; W. H. Landes, of Staunton; and Legh R. Watts, of Portsmouth.

Committee to Recommend Officers-L. L. Lewis, of Richmond; R. T. Barton, of Winchester; S. C. Graham, of Tazewell; H. St. George Tucker, of Lexington; and N. C. Manson, Jr., of Lynchburg.

Secretary Minor: In connection with the Committee on Memorials, I will say that I have here a list of those of whose death since the last meeting I have had notice, but that notice was only contained in the public press, and very possibly I have overlooked the names of some members of the Association who have died since the last meeting. I will ask you to pay close attention to the names while I read them, and if I have omitted any, kindly let me know. They are, A. P. Gillespie, Tazewell, August 5, 1913; A. P. Staples, Lexington, September 30, 1913; P. P. Barbour, Gordonsville, January 26, 1914; Chas, P. Jones, Highland county, February 22, 1914; Thos. Lee Moore, Roanoke, March 11, 1914; Allen Caperton Braxton, Richmond, March 22, 1914; Richard C. Marshall, Portsmouth, April 5, 1914; Thos. J. Watkins, Charlotte county, April 1, 1914; Judge T. R. B. Wright, Tappahannock, April 20, 1914; Judge J. Lawrence Campbell, Bedford, May, 1914; Maurice A. Powers, Richmond, May 31, 1914; and Marvin H. Altizer, Roanoke.

The President: The next in order is the report of the Secretary and Treasurer.

Mr. Minor then read his report as Secretary, which, on motion, was received and filed.

(See report at end of minutes.)

Mr. Minor then read his report as Treasurer, which, on motion, was adopted.

(See report at end of minutes.)

The President: The next is the report of the Executive Committee.

Mr. George Bryan, Chairman, then read the report of the Executive Committee, which, on motion, was adopted.

(See report at end of minutes.)

The President: The next committee to report is the Committee on Admissions.

Colonel E. E. Stickley, of Woodstock, then read the first and second reports of the Committee on Admissions, which on motion, were adopted.

(See reports at end of minutes.)

The President: The next in order is the report of the Committee on Legislation and Law Reform; is that Committee ready to report? (No response.)

The next is the report of the Judiciary Committee. (No response.)

The Committee on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar? (No response.)

On Library and Legal Literature? (No response.)
The Committee on Presentments? (No response.)

The Committee on Grievances? (No response.)

The Committee on International Arbitration. (No response.) Are there any members of either of the standing committees who have a report to make? (No response.)

Secretary Minor: I understood that Mr. Bryan was going to offer, at the request of Mr. Hughes, a proposed amendment to the Constitution, giving broader powers to the Executive Committee as to the time of meeting. I will state that it is necessary for that proposed amendment to be offered at this. meeting, in order to be passed on at this session of the Association. I will ask Mr. Bryan if it has the endorsement of five members?

Mr. Bryan: Yes.

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