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We have barely offered a few notices that might serve to invite the attention of our readers to the character and life of this distinguished and venerated man. It was not our design to enter into any remarks upon the sermons composing the volume before us. They are distinguished, as are his numerous other discourses, by their practical tendency. They abound in just and interesting reflections, and are particularly remarkable as illus. trations of scripture. The texts are never employed as mere mottos, but prescribe at once the subject and the divisions of discourse. We may not enter into all the views, which they present; but it is impossible not to admire the rational piety, the exalted virtue, and the enlarged charity, which they inculcate.


Evangelical Missionary Society.-The annual meeting was held on the 2d day of October. The Society met at Concert Hall for the transaction of business, at 3 o'clock, and at 4 attended a religious service in Brattle-Street Church, where an appropriate discourse was delivered by the Rev. James Kendall, of Plymouth, and a collection made for the funds of the Society. The following are extracts from the Report of the trustees.

Satisfied by experience, that the plan originally adopted, of assisting people in new settlements, and small societies in other places which had been diminished by sectarians, was attended with the most beneficial effects, the Select Committee have pursued this course in the employment of Missionaries the past year. They are confirmed in the belief, that the most judicious expenditure of the funds of the Society, and the most good done for those who receive our aid, are by persevering in this system. There is less display, and less to attract the attention of the superficial, in this mode of procedure. But so long as it promises and produces the greatest real benefits, it ought not to be abandoned for any other, however specious or popular.

It is, also, agreeable to our plan and our professions, to provide for the instruction of youth, in new settlements, in the rudiments of human as well as Christian knowledge. And in some instances, this has been practised. But we beg to suggest,

whether more might not be attempted with good hope of success, in this important preliminary to evangelizing our fellow-men. They must be enlightened to a certain extent, before we can reasonably expect to have them understand and value the gospel. A profession of faith, without a knowledge of the great leading doctrines of Christianity, is evidently useless, and often dangerous. It is believed greater good may be done in this way, than has heretofore been effected. Our funds are gradually increasing, and it will probably be in our power to assist teachers of youth, as well as Missionaries, more effectually than we could do in the early period of the Society.

It is due to the Society and to the public, here to state, though it has been observed on a former occasion, that it is not our plan to impose a missionary on any people, or to obtrude our labours into places where our assistance has not been solicited. But where our aid and advice have been requested, and there was a prospect of usefulness, there we have been desirous to employ teachers, and to assist in their support; on condition, however, that those who receive the benefits of these services should contribute, according to their ability, for the maintenance of the gospel.

Rev. Silas Warren, who has been the minister in Jackson, (Maine,) for about ten years, and who was induced to fix there by encouragement given by the Trustees of our Society, has been paid $200. This is agreeable to a former vote of the Society, which is still obligatory upon the Trustees. We have satisfactory evidence, that Mr. Warren is active and zealous in discharging the important duties of his station; and that his services are well received. His lot has fallen among a people of different religious sentiments, for many years unaccustomed to regular religious instruction, and some of whom are now disposed to avail themselves of the laxity in their laws as to the support of clergymen. So long as he is not discouraged, he ought to have our support. And perhaps his usefulness would be increased by employing him at a small additional expense, occasionally to assist in the instruction of youth.

Rev. Freeman Parker of Dresden, had a mission for two months, the last winter, at that place and vicinity, as his own judgment might direct. In the course of the winter and spring, he preached several days at Camden, by request of a respectable portion of the people of that town. He has since been employed for three months, at Union, in consequence of repeated requests from the people of the place, and by the advice of worthy clergymen in the neighbourhood.

Both these Missionaries state, that the tracts forwarded were a welcome present, and express a belief, that they will be useful

especially to the young. The distribution of judicious tracts, is certainly a means of preserving religion in the community, particularly in new settlements where books are scarce, and the people have seldom an opportunity of attending to the instructions of an able and learned minister. There are now in the hands of the Secretary, a considerable number of tracts of different kinds. And the Executive Committee have been careful to furnish those who, it was believed, would make a faithful distribution of them.

Mr. Joshua Barrett of Concord, was sent on a mission to EastAndover, early in the spring, for three months. The inhabitants of this place are very anxious for the stated instructions and ordinances of the gospel; and they are liberally disposed as to making support for a settled minister. They particularly desired that Mr. Barrett might be induced to visit them : and gave assurances, that they would contribute to his support for the remainder of the season. We have had no particular account of the effect of Mr. Barrett's present mission. But from the knowledge we have formerly had of this people, it is believed his labours will be appreciated; and that the encouragement we have afforded them, will subserve the cause of evangelical truth and religious order in that part of the country.

Mr. Reed, who has been employed in Barrington, N. H. for some time the summer past, has received a part of his compensation from our funds. The aid of the Society, was solicited by the people of that place-and by our assistance, religious worship and instruction have been enjoyed there.

Rev. Seth Stetson has been several months in the South parish of Carver, in the county of Plymouth; part of his support having been granted by our Society.

On application from Shirley, we have promised to contribute to the support of a minister in that place. The committee of the town were to employ some suitable person, at their option.

The Committee of the Society in Brooklyn, Connecticut, have continued their applications for a preacher, and for aid towards his support. Several clergymen have visited them, for short periods. And a part of the compensation for their services has been derived from our funds.

The Rev. Dan. Huntington began preaching at Leverett in April, and continued to minister to that people upwards of three months our Society contributing one half of his support.

The following is the list of the donations for the last six months

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From Mrs. Rebecca Clap of Dorchester, to be added to the accumulating fund,


8 36

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The Rev. Mr. Bailey of Pelham, collected by some ladies in his Society,

From the Rev. Dr. Channing, enclosed to him by an unknown benefactor,

Rev. Mr. Willard of Deerfield, collected of subscribers and

members in his society,

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From subscribers and members in the Rev. Mr. Palfrey's parish, being a balance of the sum collected of them by Dea. Grant,

Dividend upon Miss Russel's legacy of shares in the Boston Mar. In. Co.

From the Rev. Dr Channing,

From a lady, by the Rev. Dr. Channing,

From Dea. Humphries, collected in the Rev. Dr. Harris'

Rev. Mr. Ripley of Waltham, from a lady,

Collection at semi annual meeting, Rev. Mr. Walker's

Church in Charlestown,

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And from a lady,

By the Rev. Dr. Foster of Brighton,-from the late Mr.



From the Rev. Mr. Lowell, collected at a meeting of his

86 12

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From Dea. West, collected by subscription and of members in the Rev. Mr. Peirpont's Society,


A Friend, by the Rev. Mr. Shaw of Eastham,


A Lady, by Rev. Mr. Ware,


$2588 58

Theological School in Cambridge.-At the Annual Visitation on the 15th of August, dissertations were read on the following subjects, by the Gentlemen whose names are affixed. The names stand in the order of the Junior, middle, and Senior classes

1. On the early corruptions of Christianity considered as an objection to its divine origin. Calvin Lincoln.

2. On the imperfect influence of Christianity. Benjamin Kent. 3. On the value of the evidence of miracles in proof of a revelation from God. Henry Hearsey.

4. Isaiah ix. 6-"For unto us a child is born," &c. Ezra-Stiles Gannett.


On the neglect with which Christianity was treated by pagan writers in the early ages. Wm. Henry Furness.

On the Genuineness of the book of Jude.

Wm. Farmer.

$7. What is the character of the Camp Meetings, so called, of the Methodists; and how are the remarkable effects witnessed at such Meetings to be accounted for. Charles Robinson.

8. On Regeneration. John Porter.


The book of Revelation-its character, and design, and canoni. cal repute. George R. Noyes.

10. Duration of our Saviour's ministry. I. D. Green.

*11. The importance of Psalmody, with a criticism on the popular collections of sacred poetry for public worship. Jonathan Farr. 12. How are those passages in the New Testament to be understood, where quotations are cited from the Old Testament, in a sense apparently different from their original import, with the phrase ένα πληρωθη Samuel Barrett.


The respective provinces of reason and revelation, and their relation to each other in matters of religious faith. John Flagg. 14. On Redemption. Thomas Russell Sullivan.

15. On the defects of self love as a principle of action. Lot



The principal springs of the Reformation of Luther. John Fessenden. 17. The History of American Foreign Missions. J. D. Farnsworth. 18. The eloquence and learning of St. Paul. Jesse Chickering.

Theological Seminary at Andover.-The annual examination took place on the 26th September. The members of the Junior class were examined in Hebrew and Greek, and read seven dissertations. Thirty dissertations were read by the middle class, and twenty-nine by the Senior.

American Bible Society.-The Fifth Annual meeting was held at New-York, May 10, 1821. The following statements are taken from the Report, and we intend to make further extracts in future numbers.

There have been printed at the Depository of the American Bible Society during the fifth year,



New Testaments,


And received from the British and Foreign Bible Society, for distribution in Louisiana, French Testaments,



*Not read on account of ill health.

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