Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 91, Parts 1-2The Survey, 1962 - Geology Includes the Annual report of the Geological Survey of India, 1867- |
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43rd Indian Sci Andhra B. C. Roy B.Sc Banaras bands Banerjee Baripada Bhaluk Khad Bihar Bombay borehole Bose cent charnockite Chaterji Circle clay coal coalfield Congr Coralline limestone Cretaceous Delhi deposits depth district Dolerite drilling Dutt Dutta East Economic Geology Economic Geology Section examined feet felspar formations fossils Geol geological mapping Geological Survey Geophysical Geophysicist Ghosh gneiss gold Gondwana grains granite gravel Groundwater Groundwater Exploration Headquarters Calcutta Hons hornblende Hyderabad India industry investigated Kashmir laterite lignite lode Lucknow M.Sc Madhya Pradesh Madras magnetic miles minerals Mining Murthy Mysore nala occur Orissa Petrological Section phyllites pitchstone Proc Punjab quartz quartzites Rajasthan Raniganj region reported river rocks Sahni samples sand sandstone Sarvashri Sastry schists shales Shri soil spore Srivastava Superintending Geologist Surv Survey of India taluk thickness trap Upper veins village Vindhyan West Bengal zone