AMERICAN PRIMER IMPROVED.—Continued. -American Primer, calculated for the Instruction of Young Bds., Drake, L., May 7, '07. (1626) $4.00. AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR and Literary Gazette. Ν. Υ., 1863, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1-11, in 4 vols., hf. mor., Marseilles, H., May 8, '07. (28) $8.40. AMERICAN REGISTER, or General Repository of History, Politics and Science. Edited by C. B. Brown. Phila., 1806, etc. 8vo. 1806-1810, 7 vols., hf. roan, unc., H., Oct. 12, '06. (681) $7.35. 1806-1810, 7 vols., hf. roan, unc., Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1083) $7.00. AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER. Phila., 1795-96. 3 vols., 8vo. Sheep (in 2 vols.), Hodgkins, L., Apr. 10, '07. (32) $4.10. AMERICAN REVIEW. 1811, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1-3, 3 vols., hf. mor., g.t., unc. (orig. covers bound in), Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1085) $8.25. AMERICAN REVIEW. [Containing contributions by Poe and Whitman]. Ν. Y., 1845. 1845. 8vo. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6, 6 pieces, paper, M., Jan. 3, '07. (622) $3.60. AMERICAN SIGNAL. Boston, 1847, etc. Fol. hf. sheep, Ely, L., Oct. 24, '06. (986) $3.75. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Transac tions, Vols. 35 to 55, with Index I to 45, 1896-1904; Proceedings, Vols. 28 to 29, 1902-03; Catalogue of the Library, 1900-02. Ν. Y., v.d. Together 32 vols., 8vo. Cl. and paper (including 5 vols. of Transactions of the International Engineers Congress), Pierce, L., Feb. 5, '07. (31) $19.20. AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S LIBRARY. Edited by Caspar AMERICAN STATE PAPERS, 1801-15. Bost., 1814-15. vols., 8vo. 4 Sheep, Mackay, L., Jan. 22, '07. (1340) $9.00. etc. Bost., 1817. 10 vols., 8vo. Sheep, Muhlenberg, A., Oct. 25, '06. (37) $5.00. AMERICAN UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. Phila., 1797, etc. 8vo. Jan. 2, 1797, to Mar. 7, 1798, 4 vols. (lacking 2 numbers of Vol. 3), Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1086) $17.00. AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY. Phila., 1898, etc. Fol. Facsimile Reprints. AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY.—Continued. Dec., 1719, to Jan., 1722, cl., unc., Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1205) $10.50. AMERICAN WEEKLY MESSENGER; or, Register of State Papers, History and Politics for 1813-1815. Phila., 1814-15. 2 vols., 8vo. Bds., Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1087) $5.00. AMERICANISCHE STAATBOTHE und Lancaster AnziegsNachrichten. Lancaster, v.d. Fol. Jan., 1805, to Jan., 1809, 2 vols., hf. bd., Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1203) $24.50. AMES (Nathaniel). Astronomical Diary. For 1737 to 1741, 1743 to 1746, 1749, 1755, 1756, 1758, 1759, 1762 to 1771. Bost., v.d. 16mo. 24 vols., stitched (few margins torn), Drake, L., May 7, '07. (529) $12.90. AMHERST COLLEGE. Portraits and Autographs of the AMICIS (Edmond de). Holland and its People. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. Cl., unc. (Whatman paper), A., Jan. 15, '07. (8) $10.00. -Spain and the Spaniards. N. Y., 1885. 2 vols., 8vo. AMORY (Thomas). The Life of John Buncle, Esq. Lond., 1756. 8vo. Cf., y.e., by Larkins, A., Jan. 15, '07. (10) $4.00. -Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain. Lond., 1755. 8vo. Cf., A., Oct. 29, '06. (33) $7.50. ANACREON. Odaria Græce. Parma, 1791. Lev. mor., g.e. (Large paper), M., Jan. 28, '07. -Anacreon. Done into English out of the original Greek. Oxford, 1683. 12mo. Hf. mor., A., Oct. 29, '06. (3 (35) $5.25. Mor., g.e., by Rivière, Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (44) $30.00. -Odes of Anacreon. Translated into English Verse by Thomas Moore. Lond., 1800. 4to. Mor., g.e., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (386) $13.00. -Anacreon. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Lond., 1893. 8vo. Cl., unc., Haller, A., Mar. 14, '07. (36) $6.00. Cl., unc., Van Brunt, A., Apr. 3, '07. (106) $3.75. ANACREON, SAPPHO and BION. lish by the Earl of Winchelsea. Lond., 1713. 12mo. Works. Done in Eng Phila., 1819, etc. 8vo. Old cf., A., Oct. 29, '06. (39) $5.25. ANALECTIC MAGAZINE. Jan., 1813, to Dec., 1819, 14 vols., hf. roan, Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1088) $26.60. Jan. to Dec., 1820, 2 vols., sheep, Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. ANALYST (The). Edited by J. H. Hendricks. Des Moines, 1874, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1-10, 10 vols., hf. mor. and parts, Pierce, L., Feb. 5, '07. (35) $12.50. ANBUREY (Thomas). Travels through the Interior Parts of America. Map and 7 plates. Lond., 1789. 2 vols., 8vo. Old cf., Drake, L., May 7, '07. (623) $16.00. -Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. Map and plates. Old cf. (broken, map M., Feb. 4, '07. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1791. ANCESTOR (The). An Illustrated Quarterly Review of County, Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities. Lond., 1902. Io vols., 8vo. Bds., A., Oct. 2, '06. (35) $10.00. ANCIENT DANISH BALLADS. Trans. by R. C. A. Prior. Orig. cl., unc., M., Jan. 3, '07. (17) $6.00. Yucatan, desde la Epoca más Barcelona, 1889. 4 vols., 8vo. (333) $14.00. ANDERSON (Alexander). A Brief Catalogue of Books, illustrated with Engravings by Dr. Alexander Anderson, with Biographical Sketch of the Artist. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. Cl. (presentation copy from C. C. Moreau), Eames, A., Dec. 13, '06. (3852) $3.50. ANDERSON (John). Anatomical and Zoölogical Researches, comprising an Account of the Zoological Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875. Plates. Lond., 1878. 2 vols., 4to. Cl., Haller, A., Mar. 14, '07. (12) $8.50. ANDERSON (O. P.). A Voice from Harper's Ferry: a Narrative of Events at Harper's Ferry. Bost., 1861. 16mo. Orig. paper, M., Nov. 19, '06. (289) $5.00. ANDERSON (Mr.). History of the Life and Surprising Adventures of Mr. Anderson. Glasgow, 1799. 16mo. Sheep, Jepson, A., June 10, '07. (266) $6.00. ANDRADE (Vincente de P.). Ensayo Bibliografico Mexicano del Siglo XVII. Portrait and facsimiles. Mexico, 1899. 8vo. Sheep, Pierce, L., Feb. 5, '07. (143) $3.00. ANDRE (John). Cow Chace. Cincinnati, 1869. 8vo. Hf. cf., g.t., unc., Kent, A., Nov. 13, '06. (33) $3.50. Sewed, Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (253) $4.50. André. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Paper, unc., Browne, A., Apr. 16, '07. (22) $3.50. -Andréana, containing the Trial of André. Phila., 1865. 4to. ANDREAS (A. T.). History of Chicago, Ill. Chicago, 1884-86. 3 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Green, L., Sept. 12, '06. (230) $4.50. ANDREW (John A.). Valedictory Address to Legislature of Massachusetts, January 4, 1866. Paper, M., May 1, '07. (752) $4.25. Bost., 1866. 8vo. ANDREWS (Henry). Botanist's Repository for New and Rare Plants. 360 colored plates. Lond., 1797. 5 vols., 4to. Cf. (broken), Kopetschny, M., Mar. 25, '07. (844) $6.50. ANDREWS (John). History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, 1775-1783. Lond., 1785-86. 4 vols., 8vo. Cf. (George Grote's copy, with his bookplate in each vol.), Pick, A., Mar. 7, '07. (14) $20.60. ANDREWS (Lorin). Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language. Honolulu, 1865. 8vo. Hf. sheep, A., June 12, '07. (154) $3.15. ANDREWS (W. L.). The Bradford Map. N. Y., 1893. 8vo. Cl., g.t., unc. (presentation copy from the author to Gen. Cesnola, with autograph inscription), Cesnola, M., Dec. 3, '06. (12) $11.50. Lev. mor., g.t., unc., Skelton, M., Feb. 21, '07. (9) $15.50. -English XIX Century Sportsman, Bibliopole and Binder of Angling Books. N. Y., 1906. 8vo. Orig. bds., unc., M., May 9, '07. (22) $15.00. -Essay on the Portraiture of the American Revolutionary War. N. Y., 1896. 8vo. Cl., unc., A., Dec. 17, '06. (17) $16.50. Cl., unc. (Japan paper), A., May 24, '07. (28) $29.00. -Fragments of American History. N. Y., 1898. 12mo. Cesnola), Cesnola, M., Dec. 3, '06. (13) $17.00. Hf. leather, g.t., unc., A., May 24, '07. (32) $16.00. -Index to the Illustrations in the Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1841-70. N. Y., Soc. of Iconophiles, 1906. 8vo. Cl., Matthews, A., May 6, '07. (23) $5.25. Cl., A., May 24, '07. (35) $5.50. Cl., Stebbins, M., June 12, '07. (11) $3.50. -James Lyne's Survey. N. Y., 1900. 8vo. Cl., unc., A., May 24, '07. (33) $4.25. -Journey of the Iconophiles Around New York in Search of the Historical and Picturesque. N. Y., 1897. 8vo. Orig. paper, unc., A., Jan. 15, '07. (12) $42.00. -New York as Washington Knew it after the Revolution. N. Y., 1905. 8νο. Bds., unc., A., Feb. 19, '07. (7) $24.00. Bds., unc., A., May 24, '07. (34) $22.00. -The Old Booksellers of New York. N. Y., 1895. 8vo. Cl., A., Mar. 13, '07. (19) $6.75. ANDREWS (W. L.).—Continued. -Prospect of the Colleges in Cambridge in New England. Ν. Y., 1897. 8vo. Cl., unc., A., May 24, '07. (29) $26.00. -Short Historical Sketch of the Art of Bookbinding. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. Paper, unc., A., May 24, '07. (26) $16.50. -A Stray Leaf from the Correspondence of Washington Irving and Charles Dickens. N. Y., 1894. 12mo. Orig. cl., A., Jan. 25, '07. (11) $40.50. -The Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle. With an Introductory Essay by W. L. Andrews. N. Y., 1903. 16m0. Vel., unc., A., Feb. 19, '07. (6) $15.25. —A Trio of Eighteenth Century French Engravers. N. Y., 1898. 8vo. Paper, Cesnola, M., Dec. 3, '06. (14) $16.50. Bds., unc., A., May 24, '07. (31) $22.00. -Views of Early New York. N. Y., 1904. 8vo. ANDROS (Thomas). The Old Jersey Captive. Bost., 1833. 18mo. Bds. (stained), M., Nov. 7, '06. (12) $3.00. ANGELO (Henry). Reminiscences. Phila., 1904. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (Large paper), Reynolds, L., Mar. 6, '07. (35) $15.50. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Hawks, L., May 27, '07. (2474) $7.00. others. Lond., 1887, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1, 3-6, 5 vols., hf. mor., Pitcher, A., Jan. 7, '07. (4) $15.50. ANNESLEY (James). Trial of James Annesley and Joseph Redding, on the 15th of July, 1742, for the Murder of Thomas Egglestone. Lond., 1742. 4to. Bds., Pennypacker, H., Apr. 24, '07. (135) $4.50. ANNESLEY (James) and ANGELSEY (Richard, Earl of). Sheep (Elias Boudinot's copy, with his autograph and book- Hf. cf., A., Oct. 29, '06. (52) $3.15. ANNIUS (Joannes). Antiquitatum variarum volumina. Paris, Jadocus Badius Ascensius, 1512. Fol. Old cf., g.e. (rebacked, upper margin of title mended), M., Nov. |