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HUNT (Leigh).—Continued.

The Months. Lond., 1821. 12mo.

Orig. bds., unc., Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (251) $5.50.
-The Palfrey. Lond., 1842. 16mo.

Orig. paper, Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (259) $4.00.

-The Reflector. Edited by Leigh Hunt. Nos. 1-4 [all pub

lished]. Lond., 1811. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., g.t., unc., by Bedford, Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (246) $23.00.

Hf. mor. (rubbed), Kopetschny, M., May 6, '07. -Stories from the Italian Poets. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo.

Orig. cl., L., Oct. 2, '06. (637) $8.25.

(288) $3.00. Lond., 1845.

-The Town. Lond., 1848. 2 vols., 16то.
Hf. cf., Morgan, A., Dec. 10, '06. (348) $3.60.
Orig. cl., unc., Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (269) $3.00.


-Mystical Hymns of Orpheus. Lond., 1787.
Orig. cf. (Leigh Hunt's copy, with his autograph and manu-

script notes), A., Nov. 26, '06. (2993) $29.00.

HUNT (W. L. G.) and WYMAN (T. B.). Genealogy of the Name and Family of Hunt. Bost., 1862-63. 8vo.

Cl., A., Nov. 5, '06. (179) $3.25.

HUNT. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine and Commercial Re

view. N. Y., 1840, etc. 8vo.

Vols. 1-62 (lacking Vol. 61), 61 vols., hf. mor. and hf. sheep (bindings broken), Green, L., Sept. 12, '06. (1416) $18.30.

HUNTINGDON MUSEUM, and Monthly Miscellany. by W. R. Smith and M. Canan. Jan. to Dec., 1810. [all published]. Huntingdon, Pa., 1810. 8vo. Sheep, Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (1126) $4.00. HURD (D. H.). History of Bristol

1883. 8vo.

Roan, g.e., Hawks, L., May 27, '07. - History of Essex County, Mass. Hf. rus., A., Mar. 1, '07. (210) $10.50. -History of Middlesex Co., Mass. 8vo.

Edited Vol. I.

County, Mass. Phila.,

(410) $9.00.

Phila., 1888. 2 vols., 8vo.

Phila., 1890. 3 vols.,

(1477) $3.75.
Phila., 1884. 8vo.

Hf. rus., Thompson, L., Oct. 10, '06.
-History of Norfolk County, Mass.
Hf. roan (binding broken), Warner, L., Mar. 27, '07. (991)

-History of Worcester County, Mass. Phila., 1889. 2 vols., 8vo.

Hf. rus., g.e., Warner, L., Mar. 27, '07. (1448) $7.50.

HUSS (John). De causa Boemica. Paulus Constantins. N.p., [about 1520]. 4to.

Paper, M., May 17, '07. (107) $7.00.

-Historia Ioannis Hussi et Hieronymi Pragensis, fideliter

relata. [Nuremberg, about 1523]. 8vo.


Nos. 31, 33, 34, 37, 43, and 46, 1859-60, orig. paper, unc., O'Shaughnessy, A., Apr. 29, '07. (336) $10.50. HUTCHINSON (J. W.). Hutchinson's Republican Songster

for 1860. N. Y., 1860. 18mo. Paper, M., Nov. 19, '06. (134) $4.50.

HUTCHINSON (Thomas). Copy of Letters sent to Great Britain by T. Hutchinson, A. Oliver, and several other persons. Salem, 1773. 12mo.

Paper, M., May 1, '07. (335) $6.20.

-Letters of Gov. Hutchinson and Lieut.-Gov. Oliver, etc.

Lond., 1774. 8vo.

Hf. cf., Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. (1009) $7.75. -History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Vol. 1, Bost., 1764; Vol. 2, Bost., 1767; Vol. 3, Lond., 1828.

Lond., 1764-67-1828. 3 vols., 8vo.

Hf. rus., sheep and cl., Mackay, L., Jan. 22, '07. (665) $25.50. Old cf. (Vol. I only, name cut from fly-leaf), A.,

Bost. and

Oct. 17, '06.

(99) $5.00.

-History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay.

Lond., 1760

[1765]. 8vo.

Cf., L., Oct. 2, '06. (640) $3.25.

Sheep (soiled), Mackay, L., Jan. 22, '07. (664) $3.75

-History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Vols. I and


Lond., 1760 [1765]-68. 2 vols., 8vo. Sheep, Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (579) $7.00.

HUTH (H.). Catalogue of the Printed Books, etc., collected

by Henry Huth. Lond., 1880. 5 vols., 8vo.

Hf. roan, g.t., unc., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (76) $25.00.
HUTTEN (Ulrich von). Bulla Decimi Leonis, Contra errores
Martini Lutheri, & sequacium. N.p., [1520]. 4to.
Bds. (lacking one leaf), M., May 17, '07. (111) $4.75.
-Ein Clagschrift des Hochberümten vnd Eernueste herrn
Ulrichs võ Hutten gekröneten Poeten vn Orator an alle
stend Deütscher nation. [Strassburg, M. Flach, 1520]. 4to.
Bds., M., May 17, '07. (116) $4.00.

-De unitate ecclesiae conservanda, et schismate, quod fuit inter Heinrichum IIII. imp. & Gregorium VII. cuiusdam eius temporis theologi liber, in eutustiss. Mainz, Joh. Schöffer, 1520. 4to.

Bds., M., May 17, '07. (115) $7.00.

-Hulderichi Hutteni eq. germ. Dialogi. Mainz, Joh. Schöffer, 1520. 4to.

Hf. vel., M., May 17, '07. (110) $5.50.

-Vlrichi de Hutten equitis Germani. Aula. Dialogus. Leipzig.

Valentinus Schumann, [1518]. 4to.

Bds., M., May 17, '07. (108) $4.50.

HUTTICHIUS (Joannes). Imperatorum et Cæsarum Vitæ, cum Imaginibus ad vivam effigiem expressis. [Also] Consulum Romanorum Elenchus. Strassburg, Wolfgang Cæphalius, 1534. In I vol., 4to.

HUXLEY (George). Second Book of Judgments. Lond., 1675. Sm. 4to.

Cf. (broken), Hoar, L., Mar. 26, '07. (773) $11.25.

IBN KHALLIKAN. Biographical Dictionary. Translated by MacGuckin De Slane. Paris, 1843-71. 4 vols., 4to.

Hf. mor., Eames, A., Apr. 11, '07. (5510) $16.00.

ICAZBALCETA (Joaquin G.). Tres dialogos Latinos que Francisco Cervantes Salaza escribió é imprimió en México en dicho año. México, 1875. 8vo.

Hf. roan (title mended), A., June 3, '07. (309) $4.00.

ICONES PLANTARUM sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae et Norvegiae. Edited by G. C. Oeder, O. F. Müller, and others. Copenhagen, 1764, etc.


Vols. 1-12; Vol. 13, parts 1 and 2, 1764-1836, 13 vols., cf., and parts, Kopetschny, M., July 1, '07. (61) $28.60.


ENCYCLOPÆDIA of the Arts and

Sciences. Translated by American Specialists. Phila., 1887.
7 vols., 4to.

Hf. mor., g.e., Dunkly, A., Jan. 3, '07. (19) $21.70.
ILLINOIS. Documents relating to the Organization of the
Illinois Central Railroad. N. Y., 1855. 8vo.

Paper, A., June 24, '07. (44) $7.00.


Vols. 1-91, 1842-87, 91 vols., cl. and hf. cf., M., May 1, '07. (338)


Vols. 1-91, 1842-87, 91 vols., hf. sheep, cl., and hf. roan (Vol. 2 torn in text, 9 bindings worn), Green, L., Sept. 12, '06. (832) $22.75.

Vols. 1-91, 1842-87,91 vols., hf. sheep, cl., and hf. roan (apparently the preceding copy resold), Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. (1496) $38.22.

ILLUSTRATED NEWS of the World. Lond., v.d. Fol. Jan., 1858, to June, 1861, 7 vols., hf. mor., A., Mar. 13, '07. (194) $7.00.

ILLUSTRATED RECORD of Important Events in the Annals

of Europe. First edition. Lond., 1815-16. Fol.

Hf. mor., g.t. (in 2 vols.), Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (396) $17.00. Hf. mor., Bell, L., Apr. 24, '07. (289) $23.00.

Hf. cf., O'Shaughnessy, A., Apr. 29, '07. (112) $10.00.

IMLAY (Gilbert). A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. Lond., 1797.


Orig. cf., Drake, L., May 7, '07. (1195) $11.50.

(564) $16.00.

Hf. mor., g.e., unc., Rowland, H., May 22, '07.
IMPARTIAL and Correct History of the War between the
United States and Great Britain. N. Y., 1816. 12mo.

Cf., A., June 26, '07. (576) $3.05.

IMPARTIAL HISTORY of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies. Lond., 1780. 8vo.

Hf. cf. (lacking map), Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (522) $22.00. IMPARTIAL HISTORY of the War in America. Nos. 1, 3 and 4 only. Bost., 1781. 8vo.

INCHBALD (Mrs.). British Theatre. Lond., 1808. 25 vols.,


Orig. bds., unc., Pick, A., Mar. 7, '07. (462) $9.38.
Orig. cf. (one vol. not uniform), O'Shaughnessy, A., Apr. 29,
'07. (291) $8.13.

Old cf. (with Collection of Farces, Lond., 1809, 7 vols., together
32 vols.), Mann, A., Apr. 22, '07. (737) $16.00.

Mar. 21, 1748, to Aug. 28, 1749 (not consecutive), 33 nos., hf.

sheep, unc., Drake, L., May 7, '07. (446) $16.50.

Nos. 1-52 (lacking Nos. 9 and 38, Nos.
one vol.), hf. mor., A., May 9, '07.
Nos. 11-51 (lacking title, preface, pp.
sheep, Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (595)


Y., 1752, etc.
14 and 39 imperfect, in
(249) $30.00.
1-38, and 143-148), hf

INDEX librorum prohibitorum cum regulis confectis per
patres a Tridentina synodo delectos. Antwerp, 1570. 12mo.
Vel., M., May 17, '07. (270) $5.00.

INDEX MEDICUS: A Monthly Classified Record of the Cur-
rent Medical Literature of the World. N. Y., 1879, etc.

Vols. 1-13, 13 vols., hf. mor., Pitcher, A., Jan. 7, '07. (203)

INDIAN ANECDOTES. Concord, R. Merrill, n.d. 24mo.
Orig. paper, Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (351) $5.00.

INDIAN FAIRY BOOK from the original Legends. N. Y.,
1857. 12mo.

Cl., A., Apr. 5, '07. (189) $4.75.

INDIANA. Laws passed, 1834; Laws passed, 1835; Laws
passed, 1836; Laws passed, 1843; Laws passed, 1845. In-
dianapolis, 1834-45. 5 vols., 8vo.

N. Y. P. L. Duplicates, A., Dec. 5, '06. (129) $10.25.

INGERSOLL (Robert G.). Complete Works. N. Y., 1902.
12 vols., 8vo.

Cl., unc. (few pages soiled), M., Apr. 8, '07. (163) $16.80.
Cl., unc., M., May 9, '07. (295) $19.20.

INGLEBY (C. M.). Was Thomas Lodge an Actor? Lond.,
1868. 4to.

Hf. cf., Mann, A., Apr. 22, '07. (859) $7.00.

INGLIS (Charles). True Interest of America Impartially
Stated in Certain Strictures on a Pamphlet, entitled "Com-
mon Sense." Phila., 1776. 8vo.

Hf. mor., Pennypacker, H., Apr. 24, '07. (869) $7.00.
INGLIS (H. D.). Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote.
6 etchings by Cruikshank. First edition. Lond., 1837. 8vo.

Orig. bds., unc., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (174) $3.00.
Orig. cl., unc., Ertle, A., May 17, '07. (157) $7.00.
Orig. cl., unc., A., May 24, '07. (140) $6.50.

INGRAHAM (J. H.). Lafitte: The Pirate of the Gulf. N. Y.,

1836. 2 vols., 12mo.

Cl., A., May 13, '07. (176) $5.50.

INQUIRER (The). Phila., 1861, etc. Fol.

INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY of Famous Literature. N. Y.,

1898. 2 vols., 8vo.

Cl., Capen, L., Nov. 15, '06. (679) $22.50.

Cl., M., Apr. 8, '07. (164) $13.00.

Cl., g.t., unc. (Edition de Luxe), Swinburne, A., May 10, '07.

(313) $17.00.

INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY of Masterpieces of Literature, Art and Rare Manuscripts. N. Y., 1901. 32 vols., 8vo.

Cl. (Edition de Luxe), M., Oct. 19, '06. (168) $16.00. Cl., unc. (Edition de Luxe), Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. (1025) $49.50.

Leather, g.t., unc. (Edition de Grande Luxe), Swinburne, A.,
May 10, '07. (365) $53.00.

IOWA. Debates of the Constitutional Convention, assembled
at Iowa City, Jan. 19, 1857. Davenport, 1857. 2 vols., 8vo.
Sheep, Thompson, L., Oct. 10, '06. (1131) $4.00.
Sheep, M., May 1, '07. (352) $4.50.

IREDELL (James). Digest of all Reported Cases in the Courts of North Carolina, from 1778 to 1845. Raleigh, N. C., 183946. 3 vols., 8vo.

Old sheep (name on title), A., Jan. 14, '07. (506) $6.30. IRELAN (John R.). The Republic; or, A History of the United States. Chicago, 1887-88. 18 vols., 8vo.

Sheep, A., Oct. 2, '06. (314) $9.90.

IRELAND (Alexander). List of the Writings of Wm. Hazlitt

and Leigh Hunt. Lond., 1868. 12mo.

Cf., g.t., unc., by Bedford (A.L.S. of the author laid in), Dill

man, A., Mar. 21, '07. (49) $8.00.

IRELAND (J. N.). Mrs. Duff. Bost., 1882. 4to.

Hf. mor., g.t. (Large paper, extended to 2 vols. by the insertion of 171 extra illustrations), A., June 3, '07. (6) $82.00. -Records of the New York Stage. N. Y., 1866. 2 vols., 8vo.

Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Kent, A., Nov. 13, '06. (250) $10.50.
Hf. cf., unc., Kopetschny, M., Mar. 25, '07. (289) $10.00.
Cl., unc., A., June 17, '07. (436) $7.50.

Mor., r.t., unc. (Large paper, bindings loose), Mann, A., Apr.

22, '07. (992) $18.00.

IRELAND (Samuel). Picturesque Views on the River Thames.

Lond., 1792. 2 vols., 8vo.

Mor. (few plates stained), A., Feb. 18, '07. (15) $5.00.
Mor. (few plates stained), A., Mar. 25, '07. (24) $3.40.

- Works. Comprising: Picturesque Views on the Medway, 1793; Picturesque Tour through Holland, etc., 1789, 2 vols.; Picturesque Views on the Wye, 1797; Picturesque Views on the Upper, or Warwickshire, Avon, 1795; Picturesque Views of the Inns of Court in London and Westminster, 1800; and Picturesque Views on the Thames, 2 vols., 1801. Lond., v.d. Together 7 vols., 8vo.

Mor., A., May 24, '07. IRELAND (W. H.). 24mo.

(304) $35.70.

The Abbess. Baltimore, 1801. 3 vols.,

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