ARMSTRONG (Sir Walter). Gainsborough and his Place in English Art. Lond. and N. Y., 1898. Fol. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., by Stikeman, A., Jan. 15, '07. (184) $31.00. Cl., A., Apr. 30, '07. (143) $9.00. -Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lond., 1900. Fol. Orig. cl., g.t., Haller, A., Mar. 14, '07. (225) $13.00. Cl., unc., and unopened, Stebbins, M., June 12, '07. (270) $10.75. -J. M. W. Turner. Lond., 1902. Fol. Orig. cl., unc., Haller, A., Mar. 14, '07. (258) $14.50. Cl., unc. and unopened, M., May 9, '07. (578) $8.25. ARMY AND NAVY PRAYER BOOK. With Hymns. Rich mond, 1865. 32mo. Paper, M., Nov. 19, '06. (312) $5.00. ARNAULT (A. V.). Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon. 120 plates. Paris, 1822-26. 2 vols., fol. Hf. mor., Cesnola, M., Dec. 3, '06. (634) $14.50. ARNOLD (I. N.). The Life of Benedict Arnold. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (in 2 vols. with about 70 extra portraits and special title pages inserted), Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. ( $31.00. (738) -Life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, 1885. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (in 3 vols., with numerous extra portraits inserted), Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (814) $41.25. ARNOLD (Matthew). Cromwell: A Prize Poem. First edi tion. Oxford, 1843. 12mo. Paper, in mor. case, Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (2) $25.00. -Empedocles on Etna, and other Poems. First edition. Lond., 1852. 12mo. Orig. cl., unc., Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (4) $19.00. Orig. cl., unc., A., May 24, '07. (39) $19.00. Orig. cl., A., May 24, '07. (40) $14.50. -Essays in Criticism. Both series. First editions. Lond., 1865-88. 2 vols., 12m0. Cl., unc., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (58) $6.20. -Friendship's Garland. First edition. Lond., 1871. Orig. cl., unc., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (57) $3.50. -Last Words on Translating Homer. 12mo. Lond., 1862. 12mo. (9) $3.25. 12mo. -Merope. First edition. Lond., 1858. -Poems. Lond., 1853. 12mo. ARNOLD (Matthew). Continued. -Saint Brandan. First Edition. Lond., 1867. 12mo. Paper, Dillman, A, Mar. 21, '07. (11) $12.00. -The Strayed Reveller, and Other Poems. First Edition. Lond., 1849. 12mo. Orig. cl., unc., Dillman, A., Mar. 21, '07. (3) $11.00. Orig. cl., unc., A., May 24, '07. -Works. Edition de Luxe. (38) $12.00. Lond., 1903. 15 vols., 8vo. Cl., unc., Reynolds, L., Mar. 6, '07. (49) $30.75. ARNOLD (Samuel G.). History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1790. Map. Providence, Cl. (name on title), Mackay, L., Jan. 22, '07. (169) $4.25. Cl. (presentation copy from the author to G. T. Hammond, with autograph inscription), A., June 28, '07. (23) $6.00. ARNOLD (W. H.). First Report of a Book Collector. Ja maica, 1897-8. 8vo. Vel., unc., M. May 1, '07. (66) $4.75. -A Record of Books and Letters Collected by Arnold. N. Y., 1901. 4to. Unbd. (name on title), Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. Soc., 1881. 4to. First edition. (405) $5.50. Lond., Holbein Cl., unc., Eames, A., Dec. 13, '06. (3853) $4.50. N. Y., v. d. 4to. 1888-89, 8 vols., hf. mor., g.t., unc., Marseilles, H., (1141) $48.00. 1888, 4 vols., hf. mor., Skelton, M., ART DE VERIFIER LES DATES. 19 vols., 8vo. 44. Orig. paper covers, unc. (some pages ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. May 8, '07. Feb. 21, '07. (11) $8.00. Paris, 1621 foxed), A., Nov. 5, '06. Hf. cf., unc., L., Oct. 2, '06. (125) $15.50. Translated by John ARTISTIC COUNTRY-SEATS. N. Y., 1886. 5 vols., fol. Hf. mor., portfolios, Van Brunt, A., Apr. 3, '07. (31) $15.00. ARTISTIC HOUSES. N. Y., 1883. Io parts, fol. Sheets, unc., Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. Parts, A., June 12, '07. (21) $10.00. (67) $3.50. ART JOURNAL. Lond., 1849, etc. 4to. 1849-78, 30 vols., orig. cl., g. e., M., Nov. 20, '06. (47) $12.00. 1849-78, 30 vols., cl., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (739) $22.50. ART OF THE WORLD. Illustrated in the Paintings, Statuary, and Architecture of the World's Columbian Exposition. N. Y., Appleton, 1893. Io vols., fol. Cl., A., Nov. 16, '06. (21) $8.00. ASCHAM (Roger), The Scholemaster. Lond., Iohn Daye, 1571 [1573]. Sm. 4to. Cf. (worm-holes in some margins and p. 19 torn in lower corner), Mann, A., Feb. 14, '07. (38) $5.25. Cf. (apparently the preceding copy resold), A., May 24, '07. (44) $5.10. ASHBEE (H. S.). Iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. ASHE (Thomas). The Spirit of "The Book;" or, Memoirs of 12mo. Hf. cf., A., May 24, '07. (151) $5.40. -Travels in America, in 1806, for the Purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi. Pittsburg, 1808. 16m0. Sheep, Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (264) $3.25. -Travels in America, in 1806, for exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi. Lond., 1809 8vo. Hf. roan, Mackay, L., Jan. 22, '07. (174) $3.65. ASHER (G. M.) Bibliographical Essay on Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New Netherlands. Amsterdam, 185467. Sm. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., Pennypacker, H., Dec. 5, '06. (14) $5.00. ASHLEY (J. M.). Address at Fourth Annual Banquet of the Ohio Republican League, Toledo, Ohio, February 12, 1891. [N. Y., 1891.] 8vo. Paper, M., Nov. 19, '06. (13) $5.10. ASHTON (John). English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. First Edition. Lond., 1884. 2 vols., 8vo. A., Dec. 21, '06. (9) $4.20. Cl., Kopetschny, M., Mar. 25, '07. (362) $3.00. ASIATICK RESEARCHES; or, transactions of the society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history, etc. of Asia. Lond., 1806, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1-12, 12 vols., hf. rus. (bindings cracked), Capen, L., Nov. 15, '06. (85) $6.00. ASPLUND (John). Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America, to the first of November, 1790. N.p., [1791]. Sm., 4to. Paper, unc., Terry, L., Dec. 6, '06. (265) $4.50. ASTEXANUS DE AST. Summa de casibus conscientiae. Venice, Johann of Koln and Johann Manthen, 1478. Fol. Old vel., M., Nov. 26, '06. (515) $12.00. ASTOR LIBRARY. Catalogue. N. Y., 1857-61. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor. (in 2 vols.) Eames, A., Dec. 13, '06. (3931) $8.20. ATKINSON (J. A.) and WALKER (J.). A Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians. Lond., 1803. 3 vols., fol. Old cf. (joints cracked, in I vol.), Browne, A., Apr. 16, '07. (67) $9.50. ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Bost. and N. Y., 1857, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1-92 (Lacking 14 vols. and 15 nos.), 81 vols. hf. mor. and parts, Green, L., Sept. 12, '06. (1348) $5.04. Vols. 1-74, 74 vols., hf roan, A., May 31, '07. (13) $18.50. ATLANTIC SOUVENIR. [Containing contributions by Longfellow and others.) Phila., v. d. 18mo. For 1827, cf., Tefft, L., Nov. 26, 'об. ATWATER (Caleb). Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City in 1829. Columbus, O., 1831. 12mo. Hf. bd., Pennypacker, H., Apr. 24, '07. (150) $4.50. AUDSLEY (G. A.). Ornamental Arts of Japan. N. Y., 1883-84. 4 vols., fol. In portfolios (Artists' Proof Copy), A., Oct. 4, '06. (231) $56.00. In Portfolios, Cesnola, M., Dec. 3, '06. (500) $31.00. AUDSLEY (G. A.) and BOWES (J. L.). Ceramic Art of Japan. Lond., 1875. 2 vols., fol. Paper, A., Oct. 4, '06. (92) $10.50. Mor., g.e., Fuller, M., Feb. 26, '07. (135) $25.00. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., by Matthews, A., Apr. 15, '07. (72) $35.00. -Keramic Art in Japan. Lond., 1881. 8vo. Cl., A., Oct. 4, '06. (232) $5.50. Cl. Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. (1641) $3.50. -La Céramique Japonaise. Paris, 1881. 8vo. AUDUBON (John James). Birds of America. plates. N. Y., 1840-44. 7 vols., 8vo. 500 colored Mor., g.e. (lacking plate No. 276), Muhlenberg, A., Oct. 25, '06. (48) $234.50. Hf. mor., H., Nov. 2, '06. (12) $140.00. Hf. mor., Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. (83) $287.00. Hf. cf, A., Dec. 17, '06. (23) $308.00. Mor. ex. g.e., Lloyd, L., Dec. 18, '06. (79) $259.00. Parts, unc., Striker, M., Feb. 13, '07. (20) $427.00. Mor. g.e., (vol. I slightly stained), Reynolds, L., Mar. 6, '07. (57) $350.00. Hf. mor., g.t., Jepson, A., June 10, '07. (39) $476.00. -The Birds of America. 500 colored plates. N. Y., G. E. Lockwood, n. d. 8 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t. (with A.L.S. by the author and his wife inserted), AUDUBON (John James).—Continued. Ornithological Biography. Edinburgh, 1831-39. 5 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor. (presentation copy from the author to J. P. Hall), Jepson, A., June 10, '07. (40) $60.00. AUDUBON (J. J.) and BACHMAN (J.). Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. 155 colored plates. N. Y., J. J. Audubon, 1846-51-54. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc., Reynolds, L., Mar. 6, '07. (58) $66.00. -Quadrupeds of North America. 155 colored plates. N. Y., V. G. Audubon, 1849-1854. 3 vols., 8vo. Lloyd, L., Dec. 18, '06. (79*) $75.00. Mor., Robert A., May 21, ’07. Hf. mor., g.t., Jepson, A., June 10, '07. (42) $72.00. (35) $47.25. 155 colored plates. N. Y., -Quadrupeds of North America. Lockwood, [n. d.]. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., M., May 9, '07. (54) $42.75. Hf. mor., g.t., Rowland, H., May 22, '07. (334) $48.00. -Works. N. Y., 1854-56. Io vols., 8vo. Mor., g.e. (binding not uniform), Tefft, L., Nov. 26, '06. (84) $250.00. AUDUBON (Maria R.). Audubon and his Journals. N. Y., 1897. 2 vols., 8vo. L., Oct. 2, '06. (104) $5.75. Cl., unc., A., Nov. 1, '06. (37) $5.40. Cl., g.t., Pennypacker, H., Apr. 24, '07. (151) $4.00. AUGHEY (John H.). The Iron Furnace: or, Slavery and Secession. Phila., 1863. 12mo. Cl., M., Nov. 28, '06. (186) $3.00. AUK (The); a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. Bost. and Vols. 1-22; Vol. 23, part 3, 22 vols., hf. mor. and parts, Lloyd, Camb., 1884, etc. 8vo. L., Dec. 18, '06. (85) $44.00. AUSTIN (Alfred). The Season: A Satire. First edition. Lond., 1861. 12mo. Providence, [1893]. 4to. AUSTIN (J. O.). One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families. Cl. (with A. L. S. of author inserted), Warner, L., Mar. 27, '07. (72) $6.00. AUTOGRAPHIC MIRROR. 4 vols., 4to and fol. A., Apr. 19, '07. (38) $3.40. Both Series. Lond., n. d. AYRES (Philip). Cupid's Address to the Ladies, Emblems of Love. Lond., 1683. 12mo. Mor. A., May 15, '07. (28) $4.60. AYTOUN (W. E.). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. Edin burgh and Lond., 1863. 4to. Cl., g.e., Jepson, A., June 10, '07. (46) $3.10. BABYLONIAN AND ORIENTAL RECORD. Vols. 1-8, Vol. 9, Nos. 1-3, (all published). Lond., 1886-1901. 8νο. |