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October 16, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

October 17, 1906. Collection of Americana. Sold in New York

by The Anderson Auction Co.

October 17, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

October 19, 1906. Law Library of Judge John Lathrop, of Massachusetts Supreme Court, Boston, Mass. With Additions. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

October 19, 1906.. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

October 24 and 25, 1906. Library of the late William D. Ely, of Newton, Mass. With a portion of the Library of Fisher Ames. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

October 24, 25 and 26, 1906. Library of the late Richard B. Sinton, of Richmond, Va. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

October 25 and 26, 1906. Library of the late Henry A. Muhlenberg, of Reading, Pa. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

October 29 and 30, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in

New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

October 30 and 31, 1906. Library of the late Dr. S. O. Vanderpoel, of New York City. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

November 1, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

November 2, 1906. Library of a Well-known Philadelphian. Sold

in Philadelphia by Stan. V. Henkels.

November 5, 1906.

York by The

November 7 and 8,

New York by

November 8, 1906.

York by The

November 9, 1906.
York by The

A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

Sold in

Anderson Auction Co.
1906. A Miscellaneous Collection.
The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.
A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New
Anderson Auction Co.
A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New
Anderson Auction Co.

November 9, 1906. Selections from the Correspondence of the late Cyrus W. Field, etc. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

November 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, 1906. Collection of the late George M. Elwood, of Rochester, N. Y. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

November 13, 1906. Library of Edward Henry Kent, of Pocantico Hills, N. Y. With Additions. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

November 15 and 16, 1906. Libraries of the late E. H. Capen, President of Tufts College, Medford, Mass., and Rev. Dr. Schwartz, of Brookline, Mass. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

November 16, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

November 19, 1906. Collection of Lincoln Literature. Sold in

New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

November 20, 21, and 22, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold November 23, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

November 23, 1906. Collection of Art Books, Engravings, Etchings and Drawings. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

November 26 and 27, 1906. Library of Wilberforce Eames. Part III. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

November 26 and 27, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

November 26, 27 and 28, 1906. Library of the late F. Griswold Tefft, of Great Barrington, Mass. With Additions. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

November 28, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection.
York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.
November 28, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection.
York by The Anderson Auction Co.

Sold in New

Sold in New

December 3, 1906. Autograph Collections of the late F. Griswold Tefft and William L. Bryant. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

December 3 and 4, 1906. Library of the late Elliott Coues. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co. December 3, 4 and 5, 1906. Library of the late Gen. Louis Palma Di Cesnola. With Additions. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

December 5, 1906. Collection of Americana, duplicates from the New York Public Library. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

December 5 and 6, 1906. Library of the Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, Governor of Pennsylvania. Part III. Sold in Philadelphia by Stan. V. Henkels.

December 6 and 7, 1906. A Portion of the Library of the late

Arnold E. Hoppock, of New York City.

Sold in New

York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

December 6 and 7, 1906. Collection of Americana, including a portion of the American Library and Manuscripts belonging to James Terry, Esq., of Hartford, Conn. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

December 7, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

December 10 and 11, 1906. Library of George Morgan, of New York City. With Additions. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

December 13, 1906. Collection of Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, and Documents. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

December 13 and 14, 1906. Library of Wilberforce Eames. Part IV. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

December 14, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

December 17, 1906. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

December 18 and 19, 1906. Library of the late Andrew J. Lloyd, Esq., of Boston, Mass. With Additions. Sold in Boston December 21, 1906.

Library of the late Winfield Scott Stern. With Additions. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

December 21, 1906.

Library of a New York Clubman. Sold in

New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

January 3, 1907. Library of the late Leonard Dunkley, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

January 3 and 4, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.


January 7, 1907. Library of James R. Pitcher, of Short Hills, N. J., and a selection from the Library of Dr. Paul Allen, of New York City. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

Sold in New

January 8, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.
York by The Anderson Auction Co.
January 9, 10 and 11, 1907. Library of Major William R. Wet-
more, of Allenhurst, N. J. With Additions. Sold in New
York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

January 14, 1907. Collection of Americana. Sold in New York
by The Anderson Auction Co.
January 14, 1907. Collection of Autograph Letters, Manuscripts,
and Documents. Sold in New York by The Merwin-
Clayton Sales Co.

January 15, 1907. Bibliographical Library of a New York Collector. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

January 15 and 16, 1907. Library of a Well-known New Yorker.
Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.
January 18, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

January 21 and 22, 1907. Books from the Libraries of Gen. Francis Fessenden, William Pitt Fessenden, etc. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

January 21 and 22, 1907. Collection of Americana. Sold in New

York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

January 22 and 23, 1907. Library of William J. Mackay, of Springfield, Mass. With Additions. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

January 24, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.
York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

Sold in New

January 25, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.

Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

January 28, 1907. A Private Library. Sold in New York by

The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

January 28, 1907. The Tennyson Collection formed by Prof. Albert E. Jack, of Lake Forest University, Ill. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

January 29, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.

Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

January 31 and February 1, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.

Sold in Philadelphia by Stan. V. Henkels.

February 4 and 5, 1907. Library of the late Col. William E. Fitch, of Albany, N. Y. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

February_5 and 6, 1907. Libraries of the late William T. Pierce, of Watertown, Mass., and Prof. J. M. Rice, of the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

February 6, 1907. Collection of Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, and Documents. Sold in New York by The MerwinClayton Sales Co.

February 6, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New
York by The Anderson Auction Co.
February 13, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

February 13 and 14, 1907. Library of the late Gen. Garret H. Striker, of New York City. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

February 14, 1907. Choice Books from the Private Library of G. E. Mann, Esq., of Webster, Mass. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

February 15, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.

Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

February 18, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection.

Sold in New

York by The

Anderson Auction Co.

February 19, 1907.

A Miscellaneous Collection.

Sold in New

York by The

Anderson Auction Co.

February 21, 1907. Library of F. A. Skelton.
York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

Sold in New

February 22 and 23, 1907. Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Sold in Philadelphia by Stan. V. Henkels.

February 25, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New

York by The Anderson Auction Co.

February 26, 27 and 28, 1907. Library of Dr. H. S. Fuller, of Hartford, Conn. With Additions. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

March 1, 1907. Collection of Americana. Sold in New York
by The Anderson Auction Co.
March 1, 1907. Autograph Collection of Major William B.
Wetmore, of Allenhurst, N. J. With Additions. Sold in
New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

March 4, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York
by the Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.
March 5, 1907. Library of Rev. S. L. Bowman, S. T. D., of
Newark, N. J. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton
Sales Co.

March 6 and 7, 1907. Library of Thomas Rodney Reynolds, of
Providence, R. I. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.
March 7 and 8, 1907. Library of Dr. Ottocar Kopetschny, of
Jersey City. Part I. Sold in New York by The Merwin-
Clayton Sales Co.

March 7 and 8, 1907. Library of Robert Freeman Pick, of New
York City. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction

March 13, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York
by The Anderson Auction Co.
March 14, 1907. Library of the late John A. Haller. With
Additions. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction

March 15, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York

by The Anderson Auction Co.

March 15, 1907. A Collection of Autograph Letters and Napoleon Portraits, etc. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co. March 15, 1907. Collection of Autograph Letters and Documents, chiefly from the Correspondence and Collection of the late Senator William Pitt Fessenden, of Maine. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co. March 20, 1907. Library of the late Dr. David B. Birney,

Philadelphia. Wit

Stan. V. Henkels.


Additions. Sold in Philadelphia by

March 21, 1907. Library of Louis M. Dillman, of Chicago, Ill. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

March 22, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York

by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co. March 25, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. by The Anderson Auction Co.

Sold in New York

March 25, 26, 27 and 28, 1907. Library of Dr. Ottocar E. Kopetschny, of Jersey City. Part II. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

March 26, 1907. Law Libraries of the late Senator George F. Hoar, and his son, Hon. Rockwood Hoar, of Worcester, Mass. With Additions. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

March 27 and 28, 1907. Library of the late Hon. Samuel Warner. With Additions. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

April 1, 1907. Autograph Collection of the late Dr. Ottocar E. Sold in New York by The

Kopetschny, of Jersey City.
Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

April 2, 3 and 4, 1907. Library of Dr. Ottocar E. Kopetschny, of Jersey City. Part III. Sold in New York by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

April 3 and 4, 1907. Library of the late Judge Charles H. Van Brunt, of New York City. With Additions. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

April 5, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York April 8, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York

by The Anderson Auction Co.

by The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co.

April 8, 1907. Autograph Collection of Hon. John D. Crimmins, of New York City. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

April 10 and 11, 1907. Library of the late Major William H. Hodgkins, of Somerville, Mass. Part II. With Additions. Sold in Boston by C. F. Libbie & Co.

April 11 and 12, 1907. Library of Wilberforce Eames. Part V. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

April 15, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York

by The Anderson Auction Co.

April 16, 1907. Books mainly from the Library of William H. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction


April 19, 1907. A Miscellaneous Collection. Sold in New York by The Anderson Auction Co.

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